"I said, you're an idiot." Qin Kun said lightly, with a scalpel stuck in his throat. Although Qin Kun's words were laborious, they were exceptionally clear.

"You! How can you still talk?!" Di Xiu couldn't believe it.

This level of environment not only destroys people's spirits, but also completely destroys people's will!

It was absolutely impossible for Di Xiu to imagine that someone would persevere on his death operating table!

"Purgatory fire! I want purgatory fire!!!"

The nurse poured the flammable liquid into the needle and injected it into Qin Kun's body.

Qin Kun felt a scorching liquid mixed with blood flowing in the blood vessels, and began to twitch like a spasm.

Two large tubes of flammable liquid were injected, and the nurse lit a match and threw it into Qin Kun's open abdomen.

The operating table was on fire, the surrounding nurses had retreated far away, and Qin Kun had become a burning man.

"Qin Kun, if you want to die now, I will fulfill you!" Di Xiu said loudly.

Qin Kun's skin began to burn, and the blood vessels all over his body began to burn.

Qin Kun has already reacted to a physical collapse, but his consciousness is still unexpectedly sober!

"Brother, did you just stick a knife in my throat?" Qin Kun held a nurse tightly. The nurse seemed to be extremely afraid of fire and screamed to run away. Qin Kun's strength was surprisingly strong, and he pushed her hard Pulled, pressed beside him.

"Ah—" The nurse couldn't speak, and let out a shrill scream. The flames spread to her body, and after a while, it burned into a mummified corpse.

Qin Kun touched the scissors in the surgical tray and cut off the restraints on his body.

"Di Xiu, look, I'm already burnt, why haven't I died yet? It's not as easy as you think if you want me to give up the idea of ​​​​survival."

Qin Kun's whole body was on fire, as if he had come out of hell. There was a scalpel in his throat, his intestines were flowing outside, and a section had already fallen to the ground.

Compared to those nurses, Qin Kun was like a walking corpse.

Di Xiu was speechless in shock. This illusion is the strongest among his illusions, and no one can handle it, he swears!

But what is the origin of the young man in front of him, why is he clearly dying, and his consciousness is clear, and there is the possibility of breaking his illusion!

"Look, Di Xiu, you opened your chest, your belly broke, and you lit the fire. I have to give you something in return."

Half of Qin Kun's body has become coke.

However, the other side of his body can still move.

With his last strength, Qin Kun pulled out the scalpel in his throat and stabbed it hard into Di Xiu's heart.

"Have you ever tried to be killed in your own mirage?"

Qin Kun patted Di Xiu's face: "If you say you're an idiot, you still don't believe it."

Di Xiu's heart throbbed, it was painful, and the pain caused by each heartbeat was heart-wrenching!

Qin Kun clicked his tongue and sighed: "Next time you want to kill me, you must be quick. I'm not mentally strong, but a little injury can't kill me."

After Qin Kun finished speaking, he stepped on Di Xiu's crotch, crushed the contents, opened the door of the operating room, and walked out.

The white light was dazzling, the flashing finished, and the moment he walked out of the operating room, Qin Kun found himself back in his body.

Opposite Di Xiu, clutching his chest and crotch, fell to the ground, his body bent into a shrimp, at the same time, he looked at Qin Kun in horror.

Niu Meng was entangled by a ghost like a charred corpse, apparently struggling to resist.

"Brother Kun!" Niu Meng was very excited when he saw that Qin Kun had broken Di Xiu's illusion. He had just tried to wake Qin Kun several times, but was disturbed by the scorched corpse.

Qin Kun walked towards Di Xiu, the scorched corpse was stunned for a moment, trying to stop it, but was entangled by Niu Meng.

"Impossible!!! This kind of illusion can be broken? And there is no mental trauma?" Under the stage, the contract owner of the goddess roared in a low voice.

Rubiqiu's contract master was also amazed, and looked at Cao Guan with a sarcastic look: "I said, Senior Cao Guan, you boast that your eyes are vicious, and your ability to look at people is too bad now, is it because you are old? "

Cao Guan's face was ashen, seeing that Di Xiu was actually broken by Qin Kun's illusion, and he was seriously injured.

He snorted heavily, stretched out his robes with his withered arms, and pinched Rubichu's contract master: "Are you saying I'm old?"

Rubiqiu's contract owner was strangled, his face flushed, but he still smiled: "Old-eyed, isn't it? The Golden King's fighter, his mental strength and physique are mediocre, but he seems to be the fighter you chose."

Cao Guan kicked Lubyqiu's contract owner in the stomach and kicked him away.

The Golden King also said lightly at the moment: "Senior Cao Guan, it seems that you are indeed old."

Cao Guan couldn't bear to say it: "Robert, when your contract master and I used you as a chess piece to play, you were still very young. Now, are your wings hard?"

The Golden King was referred to the unbearable past, his face was cold, and seemed to be covered with a layer of frost: "Senior Cao Guan, I don't know how long my incompetent master has been dead, when I killed him, I really It's a bit unbearable. However, Senior Cao Guan, I regret it. I could have killed you together, but I didn't expect you to sell your soul in order to escape, and escaped to the [Hell Realm Trial] by virtue of your merits. Out of fame. It made me look up."


Cao Guan shouted angrily, his face ashen.

In front of him, a kid with a hatchet appeared grinning, the back of the knife slid across his teeth, making a harsh sound.

After the hatchet kid appeared, in front of the Golden King, the armored blue knight also appeared, and faintly confronted the hatchet kid.

The Golden King and Cao Guan were obviously in a state of tearing their faces, but they were interrupted by a voice next to them: "Qin Kun is going to kill someone."

Cao Guan's heart moved, and he looked at PK station angrily.

I saw Qin Kun dragged Di Xiu up by the collar.

In Qin Kun's hand, a green fire burst out, wrapping Di Xiu's head.

"You want to kill me? Do you know who my father is? In the city of ten dead, there is a family you can't mess with!" Di Xiu said fiercely.

Qin Kun pouted: "Who is your father? That's a secret your mother can't tell, maybe it's me. As for whether I can provoke your family, I think it's better to provoke it first. I can't... let me be you Is this kind of stupidity going to kill you?"

Di Xiu saw that Qin Kun was very calm, and only then did he realize that he was really about to die.

"No! Impossible! It's not right! I won't die! On PK, our family has never lost!" Di Xiu's snot came out, tears gurgled, his emotions were out of control, "You can't kill me !"

Qin Kun looked at Di Xiu as if he was looking at a pitiful worm: "This is a life-and-death battle, not a family game. If you don't have the skills, don't come here. Afraid of death? Afraid of death, what are you doing here."

After all, Qin Kun's green fire completely wrapped Di Xiu's head.

A completely frozen head appeared, Qin Kun kicked Di Xiu's head with a flying kick, and the ice was scattered all over the ground.


Afterwards, enthusiastic cheers erupted from the surroundings.

Only then did Qin Kun realize that although this PK station is a special space, the audience outside the arena can see it.

Qin Kun laughed, watching Sanmianhua pull Di Xiu's body over, the rhizome pierced, and a fourth face grew out of the stamen.

"The winner, Qin Kun!"

'Ding!Get a reward of 200 merits, 2 drops of Yin Cao plasma, contract owner Naland Robert, get a reward of 200 merits, 1 drop of Yin Cao plasma! '

"Damn, 4 drops of plasma are still not enough to exchange things, it's really boring." Qin Kun found that there was still nothing in the exchange of the Ten Dead City, and he was scolded in his heart.

Qin Kun walked off the PK stage, and Cao Guan came to him. Qin Kun was a little wary. When he found out that Cao Guan's expression was wrong, it was too late. A wooden sharp knife appeared out of thin air in Cao Guan's hand and pierced Qin Kun's heart directly.

The sudden change made everyone not react.

"You!" Qin Kun took two steps back, unbelievable. He didn't expect that a Styx-level host would be able to take action against these rookies here!

This Nima is against the rules!Robert said that the sorceress-level host is protected by the law of ten dead cities! ! !

Covering his chest, Qin Kun thought he was going to die, but after a while, he found that the wooden sword had penetrated into his heart, and he, except for the stinging pain in his chest, had no adverse reactions.


what happened?

Qin Kun saw that a little scar on his chest was useless, and he was a little unclear.

Cao Guan said coldly: "You have provoked the Di family. You will die very miserably. Junior, I hope you will win with your destiny next time."

After Cao Guan finished speaking, he left the PK stage, and the Golden King appeared beside Qin Kun, looked at Cao Guan's back, and said expressionlessly: "Dear Qin, that is the Soul Chasing Wood, nailed into your heart, next time When you come to the Ten Dead City, you will be sensed by another piece of Soul Chasing Wood in the hands of Cao Guan. It is estimated that in the next PK, he will lead someone to snipe you."

Chasing Soul Wood?Perceive?

Qin Kun took a deep breath: "I didn't expect this old man to have such a small mind."

The Golden King shook his head: "I guess you're in trouble. I'm afraid Guan Cao didn't come here for merit and blood... He's cultivating new people, this Di Xiu may be the one he values ​​very much, and this new person seems to have a lot of background. , It is related to several major forces in the [Hell Realm Trial]. However, I was killed by you."

How can that be?I don't kill him, let him kill me?

Since the weak eat the strong, you have to follow the rules.

And that [Hell Realm Trial], I just don’t want to go.

"Stop talking nonsense, Robert, promise me Chapter 2 of the Ghost Presence, I'm leaving." Qin Kun was too lazy to think so much.

The Golden King wanted to say something, but looking at Qin Kun's impatient expression, he finally didn't say anything and gave Qin Kun the Chapter 2 he had prepared.He didn't know why he had to prepare this thing at the time. It stands to reason that Qin Kun had no potential to be tapped except for the ghosts.

But the King of Gold felt that Qin Kun would win.

Moreover, Qin Kun really won.

Qin Kun disappeared, and the Golden King looked at the place where Qin Kun had just stood, and smiled bitterly: "It's a little less pressed today. Damn it."



Chapter 0085 A note of yin legs, the world is so beautiful

The next day, the sky was bright.

Chu Qianxun, wearing slippers and hot pants, got up early with her bare white legs.

It has to be said that Qin Heigou's house is comfortable to sleep, with sufficient heating and no nightmares. It seems that the whole house has a sleep aid effect and sleeps until dawn.

Thinking about how many ghosts there are in Qin Kun's family, Chu Qianxun knew that it must be the reason for the ghosts.

After washing, he poured himself a glass of warm water, and after Chu Qianxun drank it, the whole person seemed to come alive.

She saw that the guest room was closed, and she calculated the time. Normally, Qin Kun went to work in the afternoon. This time was changed to noon, and he would not get up early in the morning.This bad habit must be changed.

So Chu Qianxun went into the kitchen, playing with bottles and jars, and frying eggs.

20 minutes later, Qin Kun was in a daze, suddenly felt itchy nose, scratched, realized something, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Ah—ghost!!!" Qin Kun was so frightened that he knocked his head against the wall. Looking at the ghost again, his face was pale, his facial features were flat, and his appearance was very strange.She was actually wearing a little sheep pajamas, her hair was black and straight, and her two big white legs were exposed, causing her eyes to hurt.

Qin Kun said angrily, "Chu Qianxun! Who made the mask early in the morning! You are so sick!"

Chu Qianxun had a mask on her face, which was extremely pale. She couldn't speak clearly, "You are sick. Stop talking nonsense, get up and eat!"

"I can't afford it! I'll sleep again." Qin Kun is obviously the kind of person who has the urge to get up. If this kind of person doesn't wake up in a gentle way between the sexes, it is very likely that he will become irritable.

Qin Kun covered his head with the quilt and put his hands on the quilt: "I warn you, don't call me, I have never been very pity for Xiangxiyu."

"Huh?" Chu Qianxun ignored Qin Kun's threat, saw Qin Kun's wrist, and took a look.

How could this be?

Chu Qianxun was shocked.

On May [-]th, the anti-leader, the toughest character is to wear a filial piety.

Among them, Dai Xiaoshou said about the bones.

In the past dynasties, Tiangou has been wearing filial piety for the sky, and the wrist bones are much thicker than ordinary people, also known as 'filial piety bones'.

The bone support skin is white, the wrist is thick, and it looks more powerful.

When he first met Qin Kun in Yuetanshan Park, Chu Qianxun noticed that Qin Kun was different.

But today she saw Qin Kun's wrists seem to be much thicker!

"Qin Kun, you've been hitting ghosts a lot lately?"

Chu Qianxun asked in confusion. She heard her grandfather Chu Dao said that filial piety represents karma, and only ghost hunters who frequently hit ghosts and kill ghosts to gain karma will increase filial piety.

Qin Kun's voice came from under the quilt: "I fart frequently, I would like to see it more often, but few kiddies in Linjiang City dare to come out and hang out."

"Then why did your wrist bone thicken?"

"Fuck it, no way."

Chu Qianxun was furious, raised his feet and kicked Qin Kun's quilt.

Qin Kun suddenly sat up, clutching his crotch, and said in disbelief, "Where are you kicking, I almost lost my descendants! My Qin family is a one-man generation!"

"Stop talking nonsense and eat!"

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