Desperate emotions surged up for a while, and Xu Yang regretted a little. At first, he should not have provoke Qin Kun, and later he should not have agreed to Qin Kun to come here.

It's over, my life is over...

Xu Yang closed his eyes.


Just when the bone was less than 10 centimeters away from the temple, Xu Yang was already desperate, and one hand firmly grasped the bone.

"Oh? Do I have to die?"

Qin Kun woke up at an unknown time, raised his head weakly, and stared at Ma Kai with indifferent eyes without any emotion, "How are you going to kill me?"

Chapter 0077 The Psychiatrist

At the end of November, Linjiang City ushered in this year's big cold wave.

In this unheated city, the funeral home office building with poor heating equipment is as cold as an ice cellar. Qin Kun wrapped in a down jacket and kept going back and forth between the ice coffin hall and the cremation hall.

"Xiao Qin, can you stop walking around, it makes me dizzy."

The old man Zhou of the cremation hall belongs to the veteran of the funeral home. He has worked with Director Wang for more than 30 years. He doesn't talk much on weekdays.

"Uncle Zhou, I'm cold. The whole funeral home is as warm as you. Don't be so stingy."

After working for two years, almost every winter, Qin Kun would give up his office and come to the cremation hall to help him out. Existence is simply not for human beings.

In the cremation hall, in addition to Qin Kun, some temporary workers are also gathered here. This group of people are playing cards and chatting. The most hope is that the deceased will be sent for cremation, so that the 1000-degree cremation furnace can be opened. Everyone Good homeopathic heating.

For this reason, this kind of bad atmosphere has been criticized by Director Wang.These people have never been allowed to become regulars.

"Xiao Qin, I heard Director Wang said that you didn't make a lot of money during this time? Why are you still staying in the funeral home? Young people have to go outside and learn some skills. Don't be like us who are immortal and can only guard. Mixing meals in the unit."

Uncle Zhou lit a cigarette and felt a little emotional.

Qin Kun smiled bitterly, earning a lot of money?Earn a fart.Not earning enough to spend...

Qin Kun's body was a little warmer, he took out a tickle, scratched his back hard, and scratched his cheeks and neck at the same time, acting strangely.


At 6 pm, Qin Kun received a call from Xu Yang. Xu Yang told Qin Kun that Qin Kun's request for him had been communicated, and that person was free at night.

Qin Kun and Xu Yang made an appointment, and just after hanging up, Chu Qianxun called.

"Qin Kun, where is it?" Chu Qianxun's voice was as sweet as ever. After greeting, he felt that his greeting was particularly playful, so he made himself laugh first.

Qin Kun silently listened to Chu Qianxun's lewd bell-like voice ringing on the phone, and he didn't know why this beautiful girl who was in the oxygen and high-cold series for the first time was getting more and more vulgar.

After a long time, Qin Kun said, "I said eldest lady, you have a big male dog at home, and you are so happy to be served?"

Chu Qianxun scolded: "Qin Heigou! I have raised you! You are very happy to be served by you!"

Qin Kun was choked and speechless.

Chu Qianxun was stunned for a moment, and felt that there were some problems in his response. Wouldn't this be in Qin Kun's arms?

"If you really think so, it's not impossible for me. It's been too cold recently, and it's a bit cold to sleep alone in bed at night." Qin Kun smelled Chu Qianxun's anger, and hurriedly changed the subject, "Cough, let's talk, looking for me."

Chu Qianxun said, "My grandfather said that you helped a real estate company hunt ghosts two days ago. You were plotted and you were seriously injured?"

What Chu Qianxun said was naturally the haunting incident of Xingyu Property. Qin Kun asked, "Your grandfather? How did Senior Chu know about it?"

"According to Dean Xu, he is quite familiar with Dean Xu."

Qin Kun squinted his eyes: "Hey, that's not right! If Lao Xu wants to get to know your grandfather, why don't you just ask your grandfather to hunt ghosts? You're bluffing me."

Chu Qianxun said, "Oh, President Xu and my grandfather knew each other from fishing, but I didn't know my grandfather was a ghost hunter."

Qin Kun is helpless... Well, Senior Chu Laoxian is really versatile.

"Are you seriously injured?" Chu Qianxun and Qin Kun chatted for a while, then went straight to the topic.

"It's normal, but there are some sequelae. The sorcery in Southeast Asia is really a bit weird."

Chu Qianxun said, "Then I'll go look for you later and wait for me for 20 minutes."

"Are you looking for me?" Qin Kun was stunned, "Why?"

"Just take care of you from the perspective of a friend. Can't you?" Chu Qianxun asked.

"I'll make an appointment soon! If you have other things, I don't have time to accompany you, so let's make an appointment in advance." Qin Kun urged.

"Understood, let's go together, let's not talk about it, I'm driving!"

Chu Qianxun hung up the phone, Qin Kun was inexplicable.

Twenty minutes later, Chu Qianxun's sports car stopped at the entrance of the funeral home.

I have to say that taking a special car back in the winter is much more comfortable than riding a bicycle. Qin Kun was blowing the air conditioner, took out the scratcher, and scratched his back with enjoyment. Chu Qianxun looked at Qin Kun as if he was crazy.

"I said Qin Kun, what's wrong with you... I went on a business trip to Sangyu City, how could you be so wretched?" Chu Qianxun looked at the tickling in Qin Kun's hand and felt a chill.

"You think I think?" Qin Kun smiled bitterly: "I'm so mad at me!"


At 8:3 p.m., a low-key and luxurious clinic with decoration has a 2-storey layout, and the [-]nd floor is a private clinic area.

In front of Qin Kun was a 40-year-old foreigner with a kind face, wearing a European-style aristocratic vest, with a bald head, and he looked a bit like Jobs.

Xu Yang introduced: "Qin Kun, this is Mr. Li, a London Royal Psychological Consultant with an S-level qualification. Mr. Li, this is my friend Qin Kun, this lady..." Xu Yang didn't know. Chu Qianxun's name.

I have never seen a girl like Chu Qianxun. She is young, energetic, and has a temperament. She drives a sports car. She has the feeling of a girl, but also looks like a strong woman in the workplace, an elf with an elusive style.

Is this Qin Kun's horse?I'm stupid, it's ok.Xu Yang thought about it.

"Hello Mr. Li, my surname is Chu." Chu Qianxun introduced himself generously.

Mr. Li greeted Qin Kun and several others and invited Qin Kun to come in.

In such a huge clinic, there is almost nothing related to the hospital. It seems that everyone in the dark room is not a clinic, and everyone has no symptoms. They come here just to drink coffee and chat.

Qin Kun was invited to the most comfortable chair.

"Hello, Mr. Qin, Mr. Xu told me about you. It turns out that you are the mysterious oriental exorcist. I am honored to meet. In Europe, I am also fortunate to serve exorcists, so please trust my professionalism. , can you tell me more carefully about how you feel?"

Mr. Li's Chinese is very standard, with a sense of relaxation and ridicule unique to Westerners, just like friends chatting before, he did not let Xu Yang and Chu Qianxun leave during the period, and even poured a glass of red wine while talking, as if everyone It's like telling stories in the winter.

"Yeah." Qin Kun nodded and told his story.

It turned out that two days ago, Qin Kun and Hassan Tuo were fighting in the mirage world, and Hassan Tuo poured corpse oil on him and set him on fire.At that moment, Qin Kun had a very clear memory of experiencing a fire.

The scorching smell of the skin scorched by the flames, the tingling sensation of the bite of the black snake on the body, the constant festering into holes in the back, the itching sensation of snakes burrowing out, and the shrinking sensation of the five senses and hair being roasted by the flames, and the occlusion of the skin sacs.

It's like dying again!

Once in Longhuai Ghost City, when the headless ghost was still hostile to him, Qin Kun experienced a death by the head-pulling technique. His neck was cut off by big iron scissors. Fortunately, the last black dog grabbed his head. came back.

But not so lucky this time.

Qin Kun was burned to death and was awakened violently by Xu Yang. After waking up and dealing with Ma Kai, Qin Kun even found a place to extract Hassanto's soul and make it into a black candle.And smashed his dead baby's body to a pulp.

However, ever since Qin Kun killed Hassanto, he felt an inexplicable itching all over his body, and he couldn't help it.

Especially the back is the most itchy, almost the same as those black snakes when they hatched.

And from time to time, I would feel the scorching pain on my face and head.

For two days, Qin Kun couldn't even sleep well. For two nights, he woke up in pain from nightmares. When he woke up, he found that nothing happened.

Qin Kun's spirit was lethargic for the past two days. After seeing several psychiatrists, he was helpless. In the end, he could only ask Xu Yang to help him hire a master.

Xu Yang asked about Mr. Li's residence.

However, Qin Kun was stunned when he heard that Mr. Li had actually seen the exorcist.

He didn't expect that this bald doctor would actually come into contact with someone like him.


Qin Kun avoided the main points of the story and said it lightly. Naturally, some magical processes will not be said too carefully, but ghosts hitting the wall, dead babies, sorcery, etc., are still casually said.

Mr. Li listened to Qin Kun's description with great interest, then he forgot about it and started to tell Qin Kun and the others the story of the European exorcist. Mr. Li's eloquence was very good, and the story he described made Qin Kun even Forget what you are here for.

When Mr. Li was telling the story, he asked Qin Kun a few more questions, either intentionally or unintentionally, and almost no one noticed.

1 hour later, Mr. Li suddenly stopped everyone from talking and smiled gently at Qin Kun: "Mr. Qin, I'm sure. You have too much anxiety and a deep impression of pain that interferes with neural induction. 'Zhongxie' is called 'Somatoform Disorder' in the West."

Mr. Lee paused: "You need to feel something beautiful and exciting to forget these painful impressions. Override the original neural induction."

Qin Kun was stunned and didn't quite understand: "Beautiful, exciting, covering? Mr. Li, what do you mean?"

"Makelove." Mr. Li Wen smiled and showed off his Chinese again, "commonly known as 'playing guns'."

Qin Kun darkened his face and looked at Xu Yang.

"Why are you looking at me?! I'm such a straight man! Look at her!" Xu Yang pointed at Chu Qianxun, covering his chest.

"Vulgar! Rogue!" Chu Qianxun spat, his face flushed.



Chapter 0078

"Mom, Xu Yang, what kind of psychiatrist are you looking for!!! One-hour consultation fee is 20 yuan, why don't you grab it! In the end, I gave Lao Tzu a solution like this, I rely on it! Money is still black!!!"

On the balcony on the third floor of the psychological clinic, Mr. Li touched his blue eyes, looked at Qin Kun's cursing back, and shook his head helplessly.

What a rude oriental!Chat is chat, why beat people?

If this fellow paid the money, he would definitely take Qin Kun to court.

"Dear Du Xiu, what are you doing? This country in the East is really amazing. I saw another exorcist with somatoform disorder. The symptoms are the same as the missionaries of Tiatis." Mr. Li rubbed the boiled egg in his eyes up, made a phone call.

On the other end of the phone, a helpless London accent came: "Li, everyone said that this is soul damage. Don't use your professional terms to describe the field of exorcists, okay?"

Mr. Li smiled and said, "How is Missionary Tiatis doing recently? Do you need me to fly back again?"

"It's still the same, I always feel like my head has been pierced, the back of my head hurts, and my mouth hurts." Du Xiu said, "Your fee is too dark, Lord Tiatis knows your fee has passed out once, so don't do it. To make a mess."

Du Xiu chatted with Mr. Li for a while, and remembered something: "By the way, Lord Tiatis said that he was injured by Lucifer who was an oriental person in a dream. Since you are in the east, pay attention. Some of the exorcists over there. See if anyone is special, and keep an eye out for me."

Mr. Li was helpless: "Dongfang is so big, my hypnotism is ineffective against exorcists, how could I happen to meet the person you said? Du Xiu, why don't you come and play for a while, I can I haven't seen you for a long time." Mr. Li suddenly smiled warmly, no one could see.

Du Xiu seemed to shudder: "Forget it, you are a more dangerous person. As a believer in the Holy Light, it is better for me to avoid staying with you less."


The cool breeze is blowing, and the streets are not deserted. At 9 o'clock in the evening, this bustling street is extremely lively.

A western restaurant.

Qin Kun was eating a medium-rare steak, and knocked the knife on the table: "20...Xu Sanshao, are you really trusting me? This is a psychological counselor with an S-level qualification certificate, give me a suggestion Just go... to have a shot? I'll fuck him up! Why didn't he just say masturbation?"

Xu Yang looked at Qin Kun's angry eyes and was so frightened that he didn't know what to say. Mr. Li can't be invited by ordinary people, okay?Damn, I asked for several layers of relationships to invite me.

Xu Yang looked at Qin Kun's expression of wanting to eat people, and now he knows, this person probably thinks money is more important than life.

"Waiter, grill me another well-done steak and serve up a pair of chopsticks!" Qin Kun shouted, staring at Xu Yang dissatisfiedly, "This meal, please!"

Seeing Qin Kun's righteous appearance, Xu Yang rubbed his nose, "If I please, I will..."

Xu Yang coughed and looked at Chu Qianxun: "Brother and sister, you don't care about this temper?"

Chu Qianxun glared at Xu Yang: "Who are your younger siblings? Stop talking nonsense."

Chu Qianxun was cold for only three seconds. Seeing Qin Kun's angry expression, he burst out laughing.Today I accompanied Qin Kun to see a psychiatrist, but I didn't expect to see a good show.

Qin Kun is now scratching his back while eating, scratching his ears and cheeks at the same time, which is extremely funny. The eyes of a few steak-eating foreigners around him lit up with envy.

"Oh, Ilikeit!!! Waiter, will you provide such a tool here?"

Seeing a few foreigners using broken Chinese, tickling, and seeming eager to try, the waiter said no.

The foreigner also shook his head regretfully and gave Qin Kun a thumbs up.

Qin Kun was eating a very cooked steak and said with a stinky face: "Miss, what are they babbling about? Are you scolding me?"

Qin Kun held the steak between chopsticks and ate it with a big mouth. Of course, at this time, he didn't want to hear someone say that he was a turtle, otherwise he would show some color to those people.

Chu Qianxun said speechlessly, "They say you are someone who can enjoy."

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