Qin Kun blinked and gave a 'you know' look.

Xu Yang was fooled, and instinctively felt that Qin Kun was cheating on him. After thinking about it, he felt very exciting. If he could have another experience like this, wouldn't he have a little more bragging rights in front of friends?

At the beginning of Qingquanguan, the Taoist Liu was touted by a few of his friends!How can Qin Kun be more powerful than that Liu Daochang!

Think about if those girls knew they had caught a ghost, damn it!Then my crotch subduing stick has really been turned on... If my sister's house is haunted in the future, can I justifiably...hehehe...

"The surname is Qin! I respect you as a man, I'll go with you tonight!" Xu Yang said boldly.

Qin Kun smiled at Jiang Zhengsheng: "Dong Jiang, please give me the key to the haunted floor, and let the security department know."

Jiang Zhengsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw Xu Yang being fooled by Qin Kun with a few words. I hope nothing goes wrong.

"Brother Qin, please keep an eye on Xu Yang, otherwise my brother-in-law won't be able to explain it." Jiang Zhengsheng said politely.

Qin Kun blinked and smiled and said, "Don't worry, I can't die. If I'm scared, there's nothing I can do."

Jiang Zhengsheng and Xu Yi: "..."



10:[-] PM, Xixiang Street.

As a bar street, Xixiang Street is full of feasting and feasting, and the paper is intoxicating. The night culture area is full of monsters and monsters.

"Yo, handsome guy? Why do you drink stuffy alone~" A curly figure sat beside Xu Yang, with heavy makeup.

In one of the booths in the bar, Xu Yang sat in a depressed mood, drinking in a sullen mood. In fact, after he agreed to Qin Kun's fever, he calmed down. Xu Yang was still a little scared. what!

Although I don't believe in this thing, but... but I'm so scared!

Hearing that there was a girl beside her, Xu Yang pretended to be calm, stretched her waist skillfully, hugged the beauty, and said, "Of course it's lonely~ Why is the beauty alone?"

"Empty~" The hot woman covered her mouth and replied with a tender smile.

"Empty-empty-ah." Xu Yang clicked his tongue and sighed, "It's a pity that I have something to do tonight, so I can't accompany you~ Otherwise, we can discuss the philosophy of life and fill the emptiness of the soul."

"Hate! How bad are you~" The woman let out a coquettish cry, beating Xu Yang.

Qin Kun went to the bathroom, and when he came back, he found that there was a girl in the booth, and Xu Sanshao was flirting with that girl at the moment.

"Okay, boy, it's no wonder that the yang qi is so weak, it's all consumed here, old driver!"

Qin Kun took a few steps closer and found that something was wrong. Under the feasting and feasting, a group of demons danced wildly, and several lights flashed, but the woman had no shadow.


This fellow is too embarrassed to say that he is afraid of ghosts... He almost stretched his hands into that girl's clothes.

Qin Kun saw that the woman was leaning against Xu Yang weakly and looked a little overwhelmed with alcohol. The yang energy on Xu Yang's body was secretly sucked by the woman.

Fortunately, it's a little devil, peck some yang, it's not a big problem.

Qin Kun walked over, holding a cup of Lanjina, Erlang's legs raised: "Xu Sanshao, the speed is fast enough! Admire!"

Qin Kun gave a thumbs up, Xu Yang was a little proud, and said shamelessly: "Qin Kun, in terms of catching ghosts, you can do it, pick girls, you have to look at me, we are equally good in our respective fields in terms of level!"

After Xu Yang finished speaking, the two laughed.

The woman next to her suddenly changed her face, her smile was a little stiff, and she found that Qin Kun was staring at her playfully.

The woman laughed dryly and said, "Handsome guy, your friend...what is this for? You don't catch ghosts, are you a Taoist priest?"

Xu Yang has been in social circles for a long time, and he knows a theorem that the more awesome the people around you, the more awesome you will appear, so he complimented Qin Kun, but of course, his tone was quite disdainful.

"You said the surname is Qin? Hey, ghost hunter, you don't believe it. Tianhushan Gu Daoist, Qingquan Guanfang layman, etc., and my friend are on the same level, but that's all. Hanging around outside. , you have to call me third brother."

After Xu Yang finished speaking, he wondered: "Beauty, what's the matter? Why are you shaking? Is it cold? Or are you wearing some toys?"

The woman pretended to be coquettish: "Humph! Satyr! Don't play with you stinky men!"

The woman pretended to be angry and got up.

Qin Kun smiled when she saw that she was going to make an excuse to run away.

"Wait!" Qin Kun stared at the woman intently, like a falcon, "Beauty, did I let you go?"

The woman found that in the center of Qin Kun's forehead, a vertical eye slowly opened.

Heaven's eye!

He is a priest!

"What are you trying to do... I'm going to call the police!" The woman panicked.

"Don't be afraid, come and talk, I'll pay." Qin Kun took out a stack of Ming coins and shook it.

The woman wanted to run, but she found that the blue light in the young man's vertical eyes made her very afraid, and the ghostly fluctuations all over his body were extremely unstable under the light of the blue light.

Xu Yang sneered: "The surname is Qin, you are too spoofed, you use ghost coins to pick up girls?"

Xu Yang pouted, this person is used to fooling people, and it is the first time Nima has seen him with this method to pick up girls.

But the next moment, Xu Yang was stunned, but the woman walked over to Qin Kun and sat honestly next to Qin Kun.

Qin Kun pinched her chin: "Well, it's not bad. I don't have any odor on my body. I'm not a corpse eater. I'm in a good mood today. I won't accept you. How about helping me with something?"

The woman was trembling and didn't dare to speak. She saw a green flame rise from Qin Kun's hand, and her jaw was about to freeze when she pinched it.

"Master, please say... The little girl can do what she can... Please put away your mana..." The woman begged, and she couldn't hold it anymore.

Qin Kun put away the ghost fire in his hand, hehe said with a smile: "Open a mirage, show a dead face, and scare the guy on the opposite side, oh, the mirage is a ghost hitting the wall, you should know?"

Dayan wrapped his hands away, and the woman felt much more comfortable, as if she was freed from the vortex of frost all at once.Just hearing Qin Kun's request, the woman's eyes were puzzled.

She found that Qin Kun was not joking, and that the stack of coins was very strong when observed closely, and it was very tempting to her.

The woman hesitated for a while, then gritted her teeth: "Okay!"

Xu Yang heard Qin Kun chatting inexplicably, and was about to ask something, when he found that the beauty suddenly turned her head, half of her face seemed to be worn away by something, revealing her bones, white maggots and yellow water gurgling out.

The woman's face was blue and black, her hair was haggard and messy, and half of her broken pepper milk was exposed. She smiled at him and licked her lips.

"Damn it! Ghost--yah--"

Xu Yang shouted, got up and ran, but his body seemed to be imprisoned by something, unable to move at all.

The woman in front of him disappeared. Behind Xu Yang's neck, a long tongue licked his earlobe: "Handsome guy! I'm empty~"

Xu Yang turned his head, the terrifying face was almost close to him, and the crystal saliva was drawn into silk threads. It was not charming at all, but extremely terrifying.The woman's desperate and miserable eyes made Xu Yang's adrenaline rise sharply, and then he twitched a few times, foaming at the mouth and fainting.

So intimidating?

Qin Kun waved his hand helplessly, and the mirage of female ghosts was easily destroyed.

On the deck, the female ghost was still sitting honestly next to Qin Kun, Qin Kun said: "Okay, let's go. Remember not to come out and harm others. You can ask your family and friends to help you burn more paper money for ghost practice. Just fine."

The female ghost saw the coin handed over by Qin Kun, and said with gratitude: "Thank you, Daoist... The little girl actually died tragically. The little girl was originally..."

"Don't report grievances, don't talk about dissatisfaction, this is the cause and effect, I just care about the excess, and when I don't miss the world, I will go to the funeral home of Linjiang City to find me. My name is Qin Kun."

After Qin Kun finished speaking, he waved at her, and then snapped his fingers at the creamy Xiaosheng next to him: "Waiter, come with a basin of ice water, my brother is guilty of horny wind!"



Chapter 0070

Xingyu Real Estate is located in the High-tech Zone.

At 1 o'clock in the evening, there were few pedestrians on the streets of the High-tech Zone.

The shadows of the trees swirled, the cold wind was blowing, and the whole building was bright, and it seemed that there were still people who worked overtime and did not return.

Xu Yang was wrapped in his coat, goosebumps all over his body. After seeing the female ghost in the bar just now, he was already a little overly sensitive, and the grass and trees were gone.

"Qin, Qin Kun! Slow down, I don't know why my legs are numb, help me to see if I'm a jerk!"

Xu Yang was walking on a quiet and uninhabited street, with dense green belts on both sides, and wild cats whining, making Xu Yang stiff and screaming.

This atmosphere, Nima was originally normal, but what's so special... there's a ghost! ! !

They are ghost hunters!

In the past, if someone told Xu Yang about ghosts and ghosts, Xu Yang would definitely listen to it, and he could even use it to scare the little girl.

But now, Xu Yang is not willing to touch this thing at all.

Just after being woken up by Qin Kun with ice water in the bar, Xu Yang's crotch was wet and incontinent.That broken face, that tragic state, that female ghost made Xu Yang dispel all thoughts of playfulness and curiosity.

He had never encountered such a horrific scene.Not fun at all!

Qin Kun ignored Xu Yang, frowning along the way, and even more frowning when he looked up to see that there were still a few brightly lit offices in the building.

What's going on... Today's eyelids are twitching so fast, you won't encounter hard stubble, right?

A gust of cold wind blew through, and Qin Kun also felt chilled all over.

Qin Kun looked at the hint of the ghost mission in his mind.

'Hint: On the 18th floor of Xingyu Property Group, there is a ghost mirage, find the root cause'

The tasks are divided into 9 levels from low to high. The blue task is already a fourth-level task, which can barely be done by a level 4 host. Although it is dangerous, it is not fatal. This is also the reason why Qin Kun took the task.

It just seems that something is wrong today.

"Skinned, headless, smiling!"

Qin Kun called out 3 ghosts from the City God Order.

"Brother Kun, what are your orders?"

The skinned and headless two were soldiers, and the Laughing Ghost was a child. The three of them did not show their dead faces, but suddenly appeared in front of them. Xu Yang shouted 'ah' and fell into the green belt.

"Qin Kun! Ghosts! There are ghosts around you!!!" Xu Yang made a terrifying voice.

The three ghosts also looked at Xu Yang curiously, but didn't pay much attention.

Qin Kun said: "You three, go to the 18th floor and have a look. I have a bad premonition. Remember to take care of each other. This task is to find the source of the ghost mirage. If you encounter a hard stubble, you can escape."

Skinning his fists, he giggled and said, "Brother Kun, don't worry, we used to be scouts under Wang Shang's hands!"

After the three of them left, Qin Kun lit a cigarette and looked at Xu Yang: "I said San Shao, can you do it?"

Xu Yang crawled out of the green belt in embarrassment, snatched Qin Kun's cigarette, and shivered and took one: "The surname is Qin! I'm not going to accept anyone right now, so I'll accept you! Are you really a ghost hunter? What are the three dark shadows just now, they are too human-like?"

Xu Yang had inquired about Qin Kun. Qin Kun was a funeral director who worked part-time for cremation and carrying corpses. He never expected that young people in this funeral business would be so evil!

He just saw 3 figures. Although they were vague, he could guarantee that they were definitely ghosts, and one of them was still a child!

Qin Kun shook his head helplessly: "Xu Sanshao, I admire you too! How thin is your yang qi, you can see ghosts without opening your eyes. No one has the ability."

Xu Yang was very embarrassed, is Nima strange brother with thin yang energy?There are so many brothers and sisters, no rain or dew.

Qin Kun pursed his lips after smoking: "Let's go. End it early, I have to go to work tomorrow."

Qin Kun and Xu Yang entered the building back and forth.

On the first floor of the building, a tall night security guard came over. This man was about 1 meters tall and had a strong build. When he saw Qin Kun and the two of them, he politely said, "Is it Master Qin? I am Li Songquan, the security captain. Manager Xu asked me to This is waiting for you."

Li Songquan looked like a simple man with a northern accent, Qin Kun nodded: "I'm Qin Kun, hello Captain Li."

Li Songquan didn't expect Qin Kun to be so young, but he didn't have a strange reaction, so he smiled politely: "Master Qin is here, these days, the brothers in the security department are a little nervous, so scared that they resigned 4 in a row, if this goes on, I will It is estimated that the Ministry of Security should be abolished."

It can be seen that Li Songquan's mental state is not good, and the dark circles around his eyes may have been suffering for a while.

Qin Kun said: "Captain Li, this is my first time here. Tell me what happened these days."

Li Songquan nodded without ambiguity, took the cigarette from Qin Kun, lit it, and spoke directly.

"Let's start with Halloween. A few weeks ago on Halloween, the company held a masquerade party. In fact, it is held every year. As you know, the real estate industry is highly competitive and everyone is under a lot of pressure. It is rare to find an opportunity to relax. I don't know this year. Who came up with an idea, saying that the wizards in Southeast Asia can make human skin magic tools, the ghosts are the most realistic, and the atmosphere has a sense of substitution, and then I don't know what channel I found, and I ordered a batch of props from Southeast Asia."

"It's not me, these props are especially evil. When they arrived at night, they were placed in the duty room of our security department. That night, if there were any brothers, I could hear the baby crying."

When Li Songquan said this, he shivered first, looked around mysteriously, and then whispered: "The next day and the third day, there were also crying, and when my brother went to the toilet at night, he heard a girl Someone in the toilet is talking to himself!"

"The things were kept in the duty room of the security department for 3 days, and then it was Halloween. It was quite lively that night, and nothing went wrong. But the next day, the company's front desk Xiao Liu disappeared!"

Qin Kun was surprised: "Gone?!"

Li Songquan nodded seriously: "Yes, it's gone! Xiao Liu was in a bad mood in those days, and his boyfriend seems to have cheated on him."

"The next thing happened one after another. Ma Kai of the planning department, when he was working overtime at night, the power was cut off. When he came across a woman in red who was playing with her mobile phone, her face seemed to have been cut by something. Ma Kai was a little insane, but He is sure that what he saw is Xiao Liu!"

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