This armor seems to have been splashed with chemicals. It is severely corroded. The corroded places reveal bloody bones, and near the corroded parts of the armor, there is a blue metallic luster. No wonder he is called 'Blue Knight' '.

The blond man with glasses said: "This is my ghost slave, the blue knight, who doesn't like to talk."

The Blue Knight gave the two of them a standard greeting.

Evelyn snapped a dozen fingers, and an ugly woman with eight eyes, eight arms, and no feet appeared. The woman was covered in green fluid and had abscesses. She lay on Evelyn's back and stared at Qin Kun. drooling.

"This is the nerubian, my ghost slave," Evelyn said.

As soon as the voice fell, the nerubian seemed to be unable to resist the temptation of Qin Kun's scent. Fresh humans were too deadly to her. The nerubian flew over, its eight compound eyes turned, and its eight hands scratched at Qin Kun's face. go.

"Flying Soul Legs!" Just as the spider demon immediately jumped on Qin Kun, a violent shout appeared.

With a bang, the spider demon was kicked away!

A huge figure stood upright and hazy, a 1-meter monster condensed in the gray ghostly aura, with the head of a cow, wrapped in chains, and a simple sign hanging from his waist.

It is Niu Meng!

As soon as Niu Meng appeared, his hoof stamped on the face of the nerubian demon, and the nerubian demon screamed in pain and was kicked and flew to the wall.

As soon as Niu Meng appeared, the Blue Knight trembled slightly. He looked at the waist card on Niu Meng's waist, his ghostly eyes showed a suspicious look, and then the Blue Knight nodded towards Niu Meng to express his greetings.

"Brother Kun, what was that monster just now?" Niu Meng looked at Qin Kun inquiringly, and seemed to mean, do you want to destroy it?While talking, Niu Meng suddenly discovered the existence of the Blue Knight and Evelyn, a ghost and a monster. Niu Meng was very displeased with the smell of the two guys, and he stood vigilantly in front of Qin Kun.

The blond man with glasses was startled, he looked at Niu Meng, this ghost was not full of ghosts, but with a natural evil spirit, it sounded like thunder when he spoke.He didn't know the origin of Niu Meng, but he just thought that this ghost didn't seem so simple.And the blue knight, who has always been arrogant, is actually greeting him.

The Blue Knight is a level 44 ghost general!The bull-headed ghost in front of him was obviously not even level 30, and the blond man with glasses had never seen the blue knight looking directly at the kid.

Evelyn was so angry that she wanted to go crazy now. She saw the spider demon being kicked away, almost dying. The ugly look of being humiliated instead of being a yin person made her particularly humiliated.

"Trash!" Evelynn's eyes flashed with blood, and a dagger appeared in her hand. She wanted to destroy the spider demon very much now.

The nerubian looked at the angry Evelyn in horror, lying on the ground as if begging for mercy, trembling all over.

Evelyn took a deep breath, and when she saw the fearful expression on the Nerubian's face, she suddenly couldn't bear it. After all, the Nerubian had followed her for a long time, she resisted the urge to kill the Nerubian, and turned her eyes to Qin Kun: "Very good! You made me embarrassed."

Qin Kun never liked to listen to this kind of arrogant rhetoric. He curled his lips: "You asked for it, what can I do? This ugly guy actually wants to embarrass me? Why don't I kill it for you?"

Qin Kun clamped the spider demon's head with five fingers and lifted her up. The spider demon was horrified to find that ice began to form on his head, as if his entire body was about to freeze.

"Stop it." The blond man with glasses, who had never spoken, gave a wry smile and stopped Qin Kun. Qin Kun seemed to be controlled by an invisible force, his fingers loosened, and the spider demon fell to the ground.

The blond man with glasses snorted, and the ice slug on the Nerubian body was shattered. After a while, the ugly Nerubian shivered and recovered, having already walked from hell.She looked at the blond glasses man gratefully, but the blond glasses man didn't bother to look at her.

"Since you are my fighters now, then you are my own. There is no need to tear your face like this."

After the blond man with glasses finished speaking, he looked at the nerubian with a stern look: "My territory, without my permission, if you dare to do anything casually, you will die very ugly, understand?"

Now, the spider demon already knows that this person is definitely not to be messed with, and it seems that he is still a kind of person who is not easy to be messed with. She met the gaze of the blond man with glasses in horror, and suddenly her whole body was shaking like a sieve, and the shaking became more and more violent, with eight compound eyes. Start to spin over and over again.

Then, with a 'wow' sound, green liquid spit out from his mouth, and he fainted on the ground.

Evelynn kept her face dark and didn't speak, and silently took the nerubian back.

Qin Kun smiled slightly, and then introduced: "This is my ghost, Niu Meng! Please take care of me."



Chapter 0058

Qin Kun stayed in the 'Ten Dead City' for 10 days.

The ghost containment system clearly states that 'you have entered a special area, and you need to go through 1 PK before you can leave'

The 10 days can be regarded as the most eye-opening period in Qin Kun's life.

The American-style apartment of the Golden King is located in a block. On this street, there are buildings of all styles, wooden buildings, classical stone carvings, modern buildings, and even tribal huts.

The King of Gold said that the building of this street is subject to changes according to the number of individual PK wins.For example, the person with the most PK wins on this street will occupy the most expansive building. Most of these people are over 40 levels, represented by the Golden King.

Therefore, the American-style apartment is as high as seven floors, with red walls and iron windows, covering a vast area, surrounded by low-rise buildings of one vote, and the highest is only three floors.

On the opposite street is a large tribal thatched hut, occupying a huge area like an enclosure. It is far away from the American-style apartment of the Golden King. Presumably the owner there is also a powerful ghost hunter.

Of course, Ten Dead Cities has its own style after all.

Whether it's the American-style apartment or the thatched hut on the opposite street, it's all shrouded in a layer of suppressed horror.The red walls outside the apartment are uneven in color and stained with blood, which is said to have been soaked in the blood of the deceased for many years.Minced meat was still sticking to the walls, and organs such as intestines were hung outside the bars.On the roof, crows flocked, pecking at the corpses of unknown creatures.

A black mist shrouded the hut on the opposite street. Two braziers rose from the gate of the tribe. The stumps and skeletons were faintly visible on the grill inside. From time to time, there was a disgusting stench in the air.

"The Ten Dead City is almost a federation of terrifying buildings, with a gloomy and gray atmosphere. It's really not a place for normal people to stay for a long time."

Qin Kun sat at the window on the sixth floor, took a cigarette, and sighed a little.

I have never traveled since I was a child, and this time I went out, I was able to come to such an unimaginable place. The thing of fate is really magical.

Outside the window, Qin Kun sighed, a slender figure appeared.

"Qin Kun, Lord Golden King is going to summon us."

Qin Kun's window, a hot bat-winged girl flew down from the seventh floor and hovered in front of Qin Kun, with slender and elastic legs, a slender figure, and a beautiful face of Western beauty, I have to say, Evelyn The appearance is quite attractive.

It was just that face and expression that seemed to owe her money, Qin Kun took a breath and flicked the butt out of the window.

"Evelyn, did I say that you can go through the front door if you have something to do? Your habit of flying through other people's windows when you have nothing to do will be regarded as a pervert."

Evelyn's sharp fingernails pinched Qin Kun's neck: "If it weren't for the fact that you were useful to Lord Golden King, with the tone of your voice, I would have killed you long ago!"

A short distance away, Evelyn said coldly.

Qin Kun hugged Evelyn's waist as if nothing had happened: "Stop talking nonsense, let's go. It's really boring for a woman like you who can't make jokes."


Outside the wall, there is an elevator shaft-like passage that goes straight to the ground like an iron pipe.Evelyn was a little disgusted by Qin Kun's small gesture of wiping her oil, but she didn't say anything, and flew down from the elevator shaft with Qin Kun.


In the basement, in the magnificent stone room like a palace, the blond man with glasses and his ghost slave, the Blue Knight, sat quietly with their eyes closed.

In the passage, Qin Kun and Evelyn came one after another, and the blond man with glasses opened his eyes: "The battle will start in a while, is there any problem?"

For ten days, the Golden King gave Qin Kun and Evelyn special training.

The rules of the PK station are the skills of the host to fuse the ghosts, and for the time being to achieve the degree of soul coordination, commonly known as 'the ghost is on the scene'

After 'the ghost is coming', the host can use the skills of the ghost, but the pain of insanity will cause mental trauma to the host and the ghost. Qin Kun also went through 10 days of special training before he was able to reluctantly. Make it a ghost.

"No problem, I hope you don't run into a tough opponent." Qin Kun shrugged.

The Golden King nodded: "Let's go!"

The Yin Cao-level PK platform is located in a gladiatorial arena, where there is a sea of ​​people, and a stone platform like a beast platform stands in the middle of the gladiatorial arena.

Such arena, ten dead cities abound.

The referee was a ghostly old man with a white beard and could not see through his age. He rubbed his index finger on his temple, and the names of the people flashed across his mind.

"Today, there will be 44 PK games. For each victory, you will get 3 drops of Yin Cao plasma, 100 merits; if you lose a game, you will lose 100 merits. The Yin Cao plasma can be exchanged for rewards in the Ten Dead Cities, including the hosts' favorite. Oh! Of course, the dead host can also be resurrected in the blood pool, which costs 100 drops of plasma!"

"Now, let's draw!"

There are nearly a hundred people in the arena, with different looks, who take turns to draw numbers.

When he arrived at Qin Kun, the old man stopped him: "Little boy, you have a designated PK target."

When Qin Kun was about to say something, he suddenly found himself on the duel stage.

He stood side by side with Evelyn, with the Golden King behind him.

Opposite them, there are five teams of people, all of whom seem to be led by a strong person, looking at each other.

"It seems really unlucky. There are so many Styx-level contract masters in this arena, tsk tsk tsk tsk."

"The Spirit Eater and the Golden King are here, the masters of the last 'Yin Cao Wang Bang'!"

"I don't know if the fighter they picked is strong."

The Yin Cao Wang Ranking is the strength ranking of the Yin Cao PK station. Among the hosts of level 10 to 30, as long as they rank the top 100, they will be on the list.

According to the records in Qin Kun's mind, the person who currently ranks No. 29 on the Yin Cao King Ranking is called 'Hai Quinn', with a [-]th grade. The letter writing is definitely not any kind of script on the earth, and it seems that he is not a human being.

Among the top 100, the lowest is the strength of level 26.

Qin Kun found that the hosts here are not ordinary, and he is only level 21 now.

"Golden King, you will wait until 10 days to come here. It seems that these two rookies have been specially trained by you."

The person who spoke was wearing a blindfold, tall and frankly showing chest hair. Qin Kun recognized that this was the one-eyed man 10 days ago, nicknamed 'Spirit Eater'!

The blond man with glasses pushed his glasses: "Spirit Eater, I heard that you have already lost 30000 merits during this period of time. Even a god who is so weak can't save you. Why don't you leave the city of ten dead?"

The one-eyed man was furious: "Four-eyed boy, today, none of your fighters want to win!"

The blond man with glasses said lightly: "Are you going to snipe me? Unfortunately, my contract fighter has won 13 games in a row. Although these two are newcomers, I believe they will surprise me."

Qin Kun was stunned. He didn't expect the Golden King to have other contract fighters. After thinking about it, it became clear that after all, he was the boss of the gladiator, and there must be other people under his command. It's not surprising.

He looked at the 'fighter' under the one-eyed man. It was a thin man in black robe, with a skeleton embroidered on his chest, and his face was pale. Next to the thin man was a missionary carrying a wooden vine. In tune.

The one-eyed man solemnly said: "Golden King, you are crazy! Do you dare to add 10 times your bet with me!"

10 times the bet is 1000 merits!In Qin Kun's normal days, he couldn't save so much in a month, and he spent a little of his merits. He never thought that the one-eyed man would bet 1000 merits when he opened his mouth!

The blond man with glasses said: "I'm not crazy, but it's just 10 times the bet. I can still add it up. I bet with you!"

The one-eyed man laughed: "Nie Luo Ye, come on stage!"

The black-robed thin man smiled, jumped onto the PK stage, and looked at Qin Kun and Evelyn contemptuously.

The blond man with glasses also said lightly, "Evelyn, play with him."

Evelyn stuck out her scarlet tongue and licked her lips, impatiently.



Chapter 0059 Evelyn, die!

Evelyn is on the PK stage for the first time. As a blood family, she has grown up in battle since she was a child!Now that she has learned to be a ghost, her combat power has taken a qualitative leap!

"The nerubian is here!" Evelynn shouted coldly.

The ugly female nerubian appeared in front of her, and immediately, the female nerubian turned into a mass of black mist, wrapping around Evelyn, as if the black mist was arming her, and seemed to be merging with Evelyn.

The black mist dissipated, and Evelyn opened her eyes slightly.

Eight compound eyes, eight arms, exuberant vigor, and deformed body add a touch of seductiveness to this hot beauty.

Evelyn looked at her eight hands frantically, and she felt her strength multiply. It was a wonderful feeling!

The black-robed thin man frowned. Evelynn's aura had been restrained very well just now, but she didn't feel anything. After the ghost appeared, her mental instability caused her aura to spread.

The black robe thin man was secretly shocked: What a powerful blood! !

Not only the thin black robe, but the one-eyed man on the sidelines and other Styx-level hosts were also shocked: This newcomer doesn't seem to be easy!

They all looked at the man with blond hair and glasses, and found that he looked indifferent. They thought to themselves: As expected of the King of Gold, the former host of the Yin Cao Wangbang, he does have his own uniqueness in discovering the potential of newcomers!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, it turned out to be a monster with strong qi and blood!" The black-robed thin man took off his robe, his body was thin, and his bones were painted with white lines, which made him even more gloomy.


Qin Kun narrowed his eyes. He wasn't sure what the identity of this thin black-robed man named Nie Luoye was, but the rotten aura that appeared on his body was overwhelming, as if he hadn't taken a bath for decades. Absorb on skin.

In front of the black-robed thin man, a highly decomposed corpse emerged from the ground. The corpse was tall and had a cracked skull. The black-robed thin man dipped his index finger in the corpse's brain and put it into his mouth to taste: "Hehe Ye, your brain is still like this. What a disgusting yellow water."

The corpse grinned and roared provocatively at Evelyn.

The stench spread, and the skin bag on his body released a stinky yellow gas from the rotten place like a balloon being squeezed. Afterwards, the yellow gas figure merged with the thin black-robed Neroye.

"To be able to get out of the PK stage, it seems to be an iron-boned ghost."

"Well, strength versus agility?"

"This game is a bit interesting..."

The eight-handed blood clan, Evelyn said coldly: "I don't know where the zombies got out of, dare to provoke the majesty of the blood clan."

While speaking, Evelyn had already rushed over.

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