'Mission Reward: Awakening of the Infinite Sutra'


White Dragon Temple? !

Qin Kun frowned, as if he had a bad premonition.

Chapter 0472

Sangyu City, Qin Kun came for the second time.

In Sangyu City in the 80s, there were not so many ghost buildings. The outskirts of the city were cemeteries and farmland.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Qin Kun got off the train.

Yesterday, Qin Kun finally escaped from the ghost town, rested for a day, ate deliciously all day, woke up this afternoon, and drove to Sangyu by car.Feng Qiang was malnourished and depressed, so he went back to Yanjing, but Gu Ye and shopkeeper Wen didn't come with him. It seems that the experience of being trapped in the ghost town traumatized the three of them mentally, and it took time for them to recover.

In a third-tier city like Sangyu City, the law and order at that time was extremely poor. When Qin Kun came out of the train station, he saw a group of car ruffians who were 'robbing' people.

"Come here, brother, take the car, hurry up!"

"You, come here and take the car, do you understand?"

"Brother, from out of town? It costs 5 yuan to take my brother's car."

The car is a three-wheeled manpower, and a young man with his shirt open asks for 5 yuan, which is tantamount to slaughtering people aboveboard.

Seeing that the man was talking to him, Qin Kun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It seems that people who are around the station should dress brightly.

"Couldn't it be cheaper? That's not how business works." Qin Kun replied.

The young man with his shirt open and his belly exposed gave a 'yo ha' and rubbed his shoulders: "Boy, do you need to teach me how to do business?"

The people around avoided him, and the young man took out a gleaming knife and pressed it against Qin Kun's waist.

Yes, Qin Kun gave 5 yuan and sat in the car: "Bailong Temple."

"Bailong Temple? Add 5 yuan!"

The man had just finished speaking when he felt a pain in his back, and he flew out and fell to the ground next to him.


The man in the shirt rubbed his waist and gasped.

"Brother Guan!"

"Big pipe!"

"Brother Guan, are you okay?"

The man in the shirt was bleeding from his chin, glared away, and was suddenly dumbfounded.

I saw Qin Kun pedaling on three wheels and had already run away.

"my car--!!!"

The man in the shirt shouted heart-piercingly: "Catch him!"

"Brother Guan, the brothers still have to do business..."

The man in the shirt ignored what he said, and was furious. He snatched a car and chased after him: "Boy, don't go if you have the guts!"

"Don't chase after me, I will give you 5 yuan as a rental fee, I will drive myself! Remember to pick up the car outside Bailong Temple."

Qin Kun stretched out his hand and waved: "Bye bye~"

Under the dim light, the man in the shirt was able to ride the tricycle without a hitch, and he was in a mess on the spot. How could he feel that the other party was the one who robbed him?

Sangyu City is located on a plain, and the streets are also horizontal and vertical, extending in all directions. The eyes of the sky are opened again, overlooking Sangyu City under the night.

Bailong Temple is located next to Taichang Street in the city. Taichang Street is the Baishi Street of Sangyu City, close to Sangyu People's Hospital. At night, the doors of the shops are not closed. There are several funeral shops with white flags floating above the street. no one.

White paper was hung on the white banner, and there was a rattling sound as the breeze blew by. Qin Kun was riding a tricycle, feeling as if he had entered a ghost, and his whole body was chilling.

Such a strong cloudy atmosphere...

Qin Kun frowned. The yin of this generation is particularly heavy, maybe it has something to do with Baishi Street, or maybe it has something to do with Bailong Temple. In short, it made him feel uncomfortable, as if someone was watching him somewhere.


Qin Kun turned his head, and saw a funeral shop with a half-open door. The white flag was shaking at the door, half of his body leaned out of the door, and shrank in again.

After a while, a young man with clothes on came out.

"It's you?" Qin Kun was surprised.

With a patched coat, dry smoke, and army green shoes, the man came out, and when he saw Qin Kun, he was also a little dazed.

"It's you?!"

Qin Kun stopped the car, looked at the other party, and the other party was also looking at himself, and then Qin Kun walked towards Bailong Temple.

"Hey, don't go there at night! Unknown!"

The young man persuaded Qin Kun. Five or six heads poked out from behind him, and the water-filled paper figurines were all rustling: "Don't go, don't go, it's unknown!"

"I would rather not do it, where did Zuo Jinchen go?" Qin Kun ignored the dissuasion, but asked instead.

The young man in front of him is the head of the Ji family, so he would rather not do it!

The current Ning Buwei is only a few years older than Qin Kun. He is around 30 years old and looks a little old. His temperament looks a bit wretched, which is very similar to that of Wu Xiong.

Ning Buwei frowned, the young man in front of him, he had met, nearly two months ago, in Luliang, he and Master Zuo had a relationship with him once.

But I would rather not think that the other party knows me!

"Uncle Zuo's whereabouts are uncertain, I don't know. I want to find him to go to the Yinyang Temple in the west of the city, but there is no one here."

Qin Kun and Ning Buwei didn't know each other very well, they just knew that he was a senior in Mount Fuyu, but Lao Wang once commented on the masters of the Southern Sect and Northern Sect, and he had the highest evaluation of Ning Buwei.

The strength of the Ji family has always been the second in Mount Fuyu, no matter who is the first.That is to say, the Jijia has been keeping a low profile and never fights. In the war to the north of the Yellow River, the whereabouts of Qiao Shanliang, the Patriarch of the Jijia, is unknown. It is said that he was locked up by Ge Zhan, and Ning Buwei also squatted for three years prison.

He has a criminal record, which is a criticism of this era. Ning Buwei has no skills, and his relatives all know that he has been in prison, so he didn't contact anyone in the family after he came out.

A Yang man, five or six paper figurines, stood at the door to dissuade Qin Kun, who also knew the evil nature of Bailong Temple.

But this is the task enacted by the system, how can we stop there.

"Okay, I see, let's go."

Qin Kun bid farewell to Ning Buwei, Ning Buwei said: "Don't go there, no one can die anymore!!!"


Qin Kun said to himself: "I will not die."

Ning Buwei gritted his teeth and said with difficulty: "There used to be a very powerful senior who died inside, leaving only one soul and three souls dragging his body out. I saw it with my own eyes!"

"I'm also very good, maybe even better than him."

Ning Buwei said: "He is the first Heavenly Master in the Republic of China!"

Qin Kun's footsteps paused, his body stiffened, and he shook his head after a long time: "It's just a pile of bones and ashes, how can you be called a celestial master. His era has passed."

Ning Buwei wanted to persuade him, but found that Qin Kun had gone far.

In the funeral shop, a refined old man came out.

"It's kind of good."

The elegant old man looked at Qin Kun's back, as if talking to himself.

Ning Buwei looked at the old man worriedly: "Uncle Zuo, stop killing people..."

The elegant old man narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled: "Patriarch Ning, I never kill people, and the ones I kill are not human beings. In terms of rules, I am the strictest judge of the family. Isn't this old man not abiding by the rules?"

"But some people can always be persuaded before they become demons! You just watched him go in! That senior back then, you also watched him go in!"

Ning Buwei was arguing with a blushing face, and the elegant old man's sleeves flicked: "One thought becomes a Buddha, and one thought becomes a demon. People want to become demons. It's fate, and you can't be persuaded. Don't you want to see, there are people in this world who have gone through countless tests. , people who can’t transform into demons?”

"That's a legend! Impossible! Yin Qi enters the soul, disturbs the mind, disturbs the mind, kills everywhere, and breeds evil thoughts. No one will maintain humanity in such a place!!! Uncle Zuo..."

The elegant old man held his head up, stopped him, and said indifferently: "Who knows. Maybe there is such a person in this world. Even if there is no such person, at worst, after he becomes demon, killing him is..."

Chapter 0473 White Dragon Temple, ghost worship Buddha

Bailong Temple, the temple is dense, silent and chilling.

Serenity is a coldness, and the coldness comes from Qin Kun's eyes when he entered the door. Although Qin Kun was full of yang, he shivered involuntarily for a moment.

The door of the White Dragon Temple was slightly closed, and when Qin Kun pushed the door to enter, the door hinge made a particularly loud creaking sound.

Qin Kun was slightly taken aback. Who would have thought that the temple would be so lively at night?

The ghosts wandering in the temple have white light on their bodies. Except for the smiling ghost and the water monk, the other ghosts in Qin Kun's ghost messenger do not emit light. The white light source of the smiling ghost comes from the moon, and the water monk has his own light source. Buddha light.

Qin Kun thought of a question. Both Smiley and Ah Shui have a close relationship with Buddhism. Smiley is a born Buddha child, and Ah Shui is a monk. Compared with the glowing ghosts in the temple, Qin Kun is suspicious: Do ghosts who fail to cultivate Buddha have this kind of skill?

Curious, Qin Kun walked into the temple. These ghosts ranged from wandering spirits to fierce ghosts. None of the evil ghosts had been seen so far. Their eyes were not very friendly, as if an uninvited visitor had broken into the Pure Buddha Court.

"The benefactor is majestic, why bother us after dark?"

"Dare to ask the benefactor, what is the purpose of coming here?"

"If your vision is not bad, the benefactor must possess thaumaturgy. Could it be that he came to arrest me?"

"I'm waiting, there's nothing wrong with it, right?"

Qin Kun felt that the ghosts in front of him could not be counted in hundreds. These buddhist guys were quite sharp-tongued. Before Qin Kun could say anything, the other party was like a machine gun, occupying the moral high ground within a few breaths.

"Since we haven't violated any taboos, what is the benefactor doing here?!"

Qin Kun's blood surged from being stunned, and as expected, a broken thought would turn a person into a demon!

"What are you doing again?" Qin Kun asked.

"Naturally, it is to comprehend the supreme principle of Buddhism!"

"Every painting, every scene, every tree and every rock in Bailong Temple has prajna!"

The group of ghosts who cultivated Buddhism spoke plausibly, and Qin Kun was convinced: "Okay, let me tell you the truth, I am also here to understand the truth!"


"The sky is full of evil spirits, the body of the Buddha is invisible, it is not the body of a boy, it is not the appearance of a Bodhisattva, and it is not like a person who has rubbed the top and received precepts. How can he understand the truth?"

"Ridiculous, nonsense!"

"This is a clean place. The benefactor's body is vulgar. I don't like it. Please retreat quickly!"

It was another round of talking, guns and sticks in the words, and the angry Qin Kun doubted life, let alone the ghosts who could feel the spiritual power in him before, all of them knelt down and begged for mercy, and shouted to the master for mercy.

Nima... Aren't monks and ghosts afraid of death? !

I'm a ghost hunter, is it appropriate for you to hate me like this?

Among the ghosts, a monk walked out. As soon as the monk came out, the surrounding Yin Qi trembled violently. Qin Kun noticed the vision behind the monk and widened his eyes.

Growing lotuses every step of the way? !

Every time the monk took a step, he stepped out of a blooming lotus. The lotus was gloomy, but it carried a peaceful Buddha spirit.

Qin Kun rubbed his eyes and made sure again that he read it correctly.

"See host!"

The old monk smiled slightly, and proclaimed the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, all the ghosts have neither appearance nor appearance, but they are all Buddhist appearances. Tanyue's body is full of evil spirits, and my Buddhist ghosts naturally don't like it. Tanyue must not stir the real fire."

The voice of the old monk really felt like a spring breeze. If it weren't for the overcast qi all over his body, Qin Kun felt that this person might be a generation of eminent monks!

Don't quit!

Qin Kun remembered this person, the leader of the blood-cutting sect—the monk of non-discipline!

This is the blood-cutting Taoist soldier created by the Zhong family, the Ji family, and the Pan family!

The current refusal to quit is not at all as restrained as it will be decades later. Instead, he uses the Buddha's aura to cover up his negative aura, in order to show that he is a ghost of righteousness.

As soon as the monk appeared, Qin Kun's hair exploded.

A few years ago, Yang Shen was seriously injured by this person and died in the end. He was the number one celestial master in the Republic of China, and his current strength is still far from Yang Shen.

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