"No, the twilight of sunset."

"Thank you, master, for your name."

"Don't thank me, but you can't show up now."

"Then when should I appear? My existence must be meaningful, otherwise it will collapse and continue to return to their bodies."

"You can only appear after this mountain, this fortress, and this city start a shocking battle. Before that, you can sleep in the golden glow here."


That ideology disappears.

At this moment, Qin Kun discovered something was wrong with the urn.

Why was the Dusk God born at this moment?

Let’s look at the Ten Dead City, including the causal lines that I originally obtained in the Ten Dead City, the causal lines of the defeated gods such as the White God and Fox God, the causal lines left over from the war, the causal lines of the Ghost King’s army, and the seven days before the twilight of the gods. Those causal lines, and the branches in their causal lines, are too numerous to count.

Among these people, Qin Kun searched with extreme eyes and found three figures!

High Priest, Prophet, Paladin.

Are they not dead?

Not only did they not die, they were not taken in by themselves during this period of cause and effect, but were taken in by others!The breath on their bodies felt very similar to the one brought by Mu Twilight just now.

how come……

Qin Kun was caught off guard by this scene and began to look for the two men in black robes.


Without Ma Shubo and another black-robed man frozen by Queen Hull!

Perceiving again, I found that there is an extremely hidden cause and effect line, which happened to be received here in an unexplainable dimension.

That feeling can only be felt by him, but cannot be changed!

Is it a coincidence?

Is this the causal line that accompanies Tengu?Is it the causal line of the Ten Dead Cities?Why is it elusive?

If now is the beginning of the ten dead city, doesn't it mean that these people...


still alive? ? ?

When Qin Kun was in a daze, the ten dead cities had begun to have their rules.

People from the intricate plane world gather here, making the style here nondescript.

Not Chinese, not Western.

Those people started to take advantage of the situation and were the first to find a way to save their own lives!

They found Yin Cao plasma in the cause and effect of the blood god.

And some people have hoarded it, which has become the hard currency and legal reward here!

Then, in order to strengthen himself and plunder the cause and effect of others, he started PK.

They built the PK station themselves.It seems to be subconsciously influenced by the ultimate battle, the PK platform is very similar to the life and death platform of the last battle!

Then one figure appeared one after another, and at the same time, many forces condensed in secret, and the ten dead cities began to develop freely.

They competed for territory in the neighborhood, gathered forces, used laws, built levels, and communicated and spread secret techniques at the same time. From a causal line that fell from someone who didn't know who it was, they turned into the golden queen, the untouchable causality they sensed before. The line is clear again.

Qin Kun shivered.

This line is connected to the young golden king.A blond boy appeared in this disobedient city of demons.

Connected to Sha Zong, a weak zombie named Wasib was resurrected and appeared here.

Connected to a half-scorpion boy, a cannibal, and so on...

The chaotic time and space converged here. Qin Kun saw the most secret place in the ten dead cities. The prophet, the paladin, and the high priest were brought into the ground by a black-robed man and disappeared.

He wanted to pull the causal line of that person, but he couldn't.

Qin Kun's consciousness was pulled out of the city of ten dead.

Only then did he understand... What reincarnation is Ma Shubo talking about.

After sitting in the air for a long time, Qin Kun, who had not smoked for a long time, lit a cigarette and slowly burned with the smoke.

Then, for some reason, the emotions slowly subsided.

Even if this is reincarnation and a new beginning... so what.There will still be a me who will continue to overcome obstacles and solve this trouble.

Qin Kun chuckled and slowly raised his head.

In front of him, the river willows swayed, and in the lantern area, water lanterns were put into the lake and flowed down the water.

In the seventh month and a half of Shi Gu, there are three festivals of ancestor worship.

On the [-]th day of the seventh lunar month, when giving alms to the lonely and wild ghosts, tourists sacrificed to those they missed, their ancestors, and the lonely and wild ghosts that no one cared about. In addition to their mourning, they also imagined the future.

"Ancestors bless—all things are auspicious—"

"All evils retreat -- children and grandchildren are self-improving --"

"After the water lanterns are put out, let go of the sky lanterns!~"

"Three, two, one..."

The sky lanterns swayed and gathered in the sky above the White Lake, like a long river with bright stars.


【End of this book】

Finish this testimonial

'It's all the beginning, so it doesn't matter if you don't worship Sanqing'

'Everything ends, it ends in human affairs, and human beings must make peace'

'Throughout the whole, there is only the harmony of yin and yang and the harmony of yin and yang for thousands of years'

I am a web author who writes about ghosts, but I am not one who writes about ghosts.



On June 2016, 6, I liked to read brain-hole novels with a modern background.But there are not many such books, so I wrote the first word by myself.

For the first 1W words, I wrote 4 chapters in one breath, and I was very excited at the time.

After finishing writing, I found out the next day that I was exhausted and had nothing to write.

Log in to the writer's background again, it is already August 8.

I was just looking around casually that day, and accidentally found out that the manuscript was overdue, and there was a signing site short.

And then I'm with this story of ups and downs, until today.

Among the first group of old book friends, I still remember "Once upon a time of bitterness and joy". At that time, I would encourage and give rewards every day. At that time, the title of the book was still called "Ghost Shelter". Favorites, there were already 40 words before it was put on the shelves, and there were more than 300 favorites by the time it was put on the shelves. I don’t know how it survived at that time...

I've never been good at popular web novels, and I really don't have much talent for pretending to slap Depot's face, unlike other big guys, who write a simple plot that catches people's hearts.Readers who have seen it now should have discovered that some pretense and slaps rarely appear, and they only come out when the plot is pushed there.

But I think my brain is okay, because I used to draw and have a good imagination.

At that time, it relied on setting, logic, and novel scenes as selling points.It is also thanks to the book friends who liked this mouthful at that time. Without these food and clothing parents, I really couldn't stick to it.

It’s almost 80 words, and my manuscript fee is less than 2000, but a new editor, Ziliang, seems to be very optimistic about the book. Although the update is still not available, it still gives me a chance to recommend it.

At that time, I ushered in the golden period. At that time, the plot had passed through the first time travel to 30 years ago. Book friends may have discovered at this time that I was laying out a world, and I also fell in love with this world. .

The second half of 2017 and the first half of 18 were two very moist years.

As the plot unfolds, book friends gather, and when you push friends’ books, some pirated websites that can post comments will show our mountain worship incision: "The Kunlun Gang casts the Kunlun bone, Fuyu Mountain drunk Tusu" "The Kunlun Gang came to worship the mountain '

I was so happy at that time.

Then some book friends mentioned that audiobooks appeared, and Bai Xiaosheng of Himalaya was broadcasting. I felt that except for some words that I didn’t read correctly, the rest of the mood was good, and I was listening to it.

Bai Xiaosheng also joined the group and asked me if the copyright can be sold. This is a matter for the copyright department of Qidian. I made it clear to him that some audiences may not understand the rights of novel authors. (The copyright signing website is not under the author's control, I can't decide the copyright sale)

Until the second half of 18, after the Internet cleanup, the chapters were blocked every now and then, and could not be published, and individual words caused the entire chapter to be blocked.

The writers of the ghost channel have a miserable life, and so do I.

At that time, the update was actually because the chapters could not be published. After all, no one would interrupt the update when the novel was selling well, and the number of words in a day was worth a day's money.

The general environment lasted until 19, and it became stricter and more uncomfortable.In the second half of the year, there were accidents at home. Until 2020, my old father also passed away due to illness, and there were some more bloody things, which made my time very difficult.

In 2020, the novel was completely blocked once. This is the most serious thing. It can’t be found, the bookshelf can’t be opened, and it completely disappeared. At that time, the word count was almost 300W, and the plot of 300W, in fact, readers have lost a lot after several times of cleaning the Internet. Seriously,

I have only one thought, and that is to finish the story.

Because I really want to finish telling this story, otherwise, when it was released, it would have 40 words, more than 300 favorites, and the first order is 5, why should I stick to it all the way... because it is lack of heart?

On and off, through difficult days, as well as depression and moderate anxiety, relying on medication to relieve neurological disorders.

That's really hard...

For the past two years, I don't know how I got here.

Fortunately, everything is over.

Not to mention the difficult things, this fucking book has not gone through several times since the beginning.

Say something awesome.

In the early stage, I was supported by a book friend. I used to be bitter and happy. I am sincerely grateful. At that time, the collection was 100. It was both a reward and an encouragement. Because of the clean net, many chapter reviews disappeared, so many interesting chapter reviews in the early days Being buried, there are less highlights.

For example, Gang Jing said that Master Kuang’s car is still afraid of soot, and the author doesn’t understand cars. I remember more than 300 swearing replies below, saying that it’s a paper car, and putting this 2B on top makes him ashamed

In the early and mid-term, some book friends, Black Star, Xianxian, Tingfeng, Goose Goose, Sky, Big Bear, etc. also appeared later and gave a lot of support. Of course, there are some that haven't been mentioned~~~ It's a pity that many book reviews are not available. up.

Cang Qiong was very interesting at that time. I remember that when I joined the group, I was a stunned young man who was a fan and a disciple.

The first thing I said to me was that he liked the book and wanted to be a manager.

At that time, the fan value of the management was the helmsman. I don't know where the self-confidence of this guy comes from. I can't laugh or cry.

Later, this guy became my operation officer, the leader of the two books, what a... accidental fate.

There are also leaders and bosses. The first leader was the windy boy. At that time, I received such a large reward and couldn't sleep because of the excitement. I also wondered, is my book valuable?

Then sister Xiaoyu, Yemeng, Keming, Timeline and other previous leaders came out one after another, and I realized that I was no longer the rookie who ordered 5 first.

My books are valuable, and the words I write are liked by others.

At that time, all kinds of rewards broke out, and the rudder owners really sprung up. I remember the ancient rudder owners Red Devil Q, Xiang Beibei, Li Qiqi, I Love Daliang Mountain, Dusk Despair, Wild Grass, Huashang, Ba Tianhu, Gongziwu, etc. started to help control the reviews, DISS was the best, and it was quite lively at that time, and there were some brothers who didn’t mention it, because the chapters and reviews were all gone when they went online, and I can’t remember too many.

A female book friend also appeared in the group, remember Jiu Baoer?

At that time, the atmosphere was very lively and harmonious, and the code word chat was very happy.

It was indeed memorable at that time.

There is a saying that all times come and go.

That's how it felt at the time.

Then in the middle and later stages, starting with more than 100 and 200 million words, the starting point began to take care of me, a rising supernatural author, recommending various posts such as best-selling, blocked and tweeted.

Tongtang, the leader of the mid-term leader, An Tafeiming, the leader of the middle and late stage, Dong Xueshui, and the fan value of Huashang also began to skyrocket, helping me achieve the ten alliances.

Then there was a geek, Jiang Xuanjing, my ally, appeared. Every time he appeared on the stage, the poem titles he added to himself were tiger and wolf words. I really like the weirdness and stalking of this guy.

Then I was hit on the head by a silver league. That was the most depressed period for me after the clean net.

There was also an accident at home. In fact, a large part of the motivation in the later period was also derived from Lao Jiang's approval during the trough period.

Nima's 1 yuan top brother really made me drift for several days.

Give you a special advertising space.I promised him to give him a trick before, and I wanted to put Jiangmeng's trick on the god who suppressed Qin Kun's karma under the Kunlun tomb, but there was no suitable space for the plot to develop due to accidents, and I will help him in the future. You change the plot and add it.Let Taoist Qingtian's name stay with Qin Kun in this novel world~

In fact, to be honest, I hardly asked for any rewards from book friends, because I didn’t have the idea of ​​competing for the list at the beginning, and I was very happy to subscribe to the genuine version. But also very contented.

Then you keep giving rewards, and some book friends keep voting, which really motivates me to persist until now.

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