Chapter 1482 The Inescapable Man in the Cocoon

Lei Gong descends to earth?

Corpse Immortal Manggu?

At this moment, the black-robed man's heart skipped a beat.

Looking at Qin Kun again, his expression was even more horrified.

What surprised him was how the other party came to him silently. With his current practice, it was impossible for someone to approach him, and he didn't notice it at all!

The back of the head of the man in black was held.

That hand is huge.

Qin Kun smiled naturally.

Then he took off his hood.

An old man.

do not know.

But that doesn't matter.

Qin Kun knew that the other party was from Ten Towers.

There were five of the ten elders.

Qin Kun didn't know where that place was, and who those people were. At this moment, they had only one identity—the enemy.

The palms began to strain.

The big hand seemed to be holding a piece of pineapple, but the old man in black robe had no intention of running away.

"Let me go, I promise not to make a move until the end."

Qin Kun was surprised, it didn't seem like begging for mercy, but negotiating conditions with himself.

Miao Shan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, wanted to speak, but held back.

He felt that with Qin Kun's current advantage, letting the other party go would be to let the tiger go back to the mountain, and there would be future troubles. Qin Kun could seriously injure the other party!

But Miao Shan also discovered that the other party was abnormal.

That face was so calm.

He didn't look like someone who was manipulated at all, as if he had the right to speak this way.

"Xu Daozi...Qin Kun won't really want to let this guy go, will he?"

Xu Facheng stood side by side with Miaoshan, helped him, and said in a low voice: "There are too many causes and effects in this world, and some fates are messy. It is beyond our control. Qin Kun is the party involved. How to deal with that guy is up to Qin Kun. Kun's own business."

Xu Facheng expressed his attitude directly, and he would support Qin Kun in whatever he did.

Miaoshan clasped his hands together, uttered the Buddha's name, and stood quietly beside him.

Qin Kun smiled and let go of the old man.

"You said, don't break your word."

The big hand patted the old man's head. Although Qin Kun wanted to kill him very much, for some reason, he felt that he might not be able to kill him.

This feeling is very strange.

This is the subconscious feeling!

With Qin Kun's current cultivation base, his subconscious mind is already extremely mysterious. Since he has this feeling, at least it means that the old man does have certain abilities, and it is impossible for him to succeed.

And... it didn't even necessarily hurt him badly.

The old man in black robe put on his hood and took a deep look at Miao Shan.

"Purple Clothes Shura, you are very lucky... If Lei Gong and Corpse Immortal hadn't come over, you would have died without a doubt."

The words were addressed to Miao Shan, but the address was somewhat secondary.

Miao Shan smiled lightly.

Xu Facheng didn't show any expression.

Qin Kun put on a gesture of asking to go.

After the old man finished speaking, he leaned back and lay in the air. The next moment, he disappeared.

The old man left, and the three demon hosts left the injured companion to leave, but they were suddenly stopped.

"Hey, I never said I would let you go!"

The three suddenly became tense.

In the previous competition, they already knew Qin Kun's identity.

This guy is the teacher of the Fox God, the best friend of the Blood God and the Worm Queen, who once killed the White God, and not long ago even killed the Twilight God!

This person already has the strength to enter the ten towers!

The hosts they catalyzed to grow in a short period of time are definitely not this person's opponent!

"Kunlun Demon! Although your name is famous, you can't do whatever you want!"

As soon as the leader's voice fell, he disappeared, "Run separately! I don't believe he can catch up with us!"

The three disappeared at the same time, diverging in three directions.

In just an instant, he broke through this mirage world and came to another mirage world.

The three found out that they really ran out, but they didn't dare to stay, and continued to pass through the mirage world and came to other places.

Not far away, Xu Facheng and Miao Shan came over, and Miao Shan looked suspiciously at the thread under Qin Kun's hand: "What is this?"

Xu Facheng next to him said, "Da Luo Wuliang Dao Cocoon."

Miao Shan was startled: "Zhuang Zhou's unique skill? Isn't that a legend?"

Xu Facheng looked at Qin Kun complicatedly: "Yeah, but I can't help but a certain master who knows nothing without a teacher, unexpectedly comprehended such skills."

Feeling Xu Facheng's jealousy, Qin Kun smiled, looked down at the silk thread in his palm, the thread was constantly entangled, just now the three hosts were wrapped in layers of worlds wrapped in cocoons without knowing it, Qin Kun flipped his palm, and said The cocoon disappeared.

"Is there a seriously injured guy left?"

"He was saved by Miaoshan's kick."

"Hey...Master, you are so cruel." Qin Kun frowned, squinting at Miao Shan.

Miao Shan snorted coldly: "You two stop pretending to be good people, where are you going next?"

Qin Kun said: "I'm going to the depths, Xu Daozi was injured before, you two go together."

"Are you going alone? Don't need a punch?"

"Of course you need it, so if you're in good shape, come here in time. Don't make me mess up with your current state."

Miao Shan was squeezed by Qin Kun, and was speechless, while Qin Kun waved his hand and disappeared in place.


Mo Wuji didn't know how he managed to kill him.

My mind was muddled, and my whole body was riddled with holes.

That corpse-eating titan is so strong...

He has also been to Ten Dead City, and even made a name for himself in Xunfeng Prison, but he swears that he has never seen such a strong host, and the host is not even a god in the ten towers...

The starving ghost supported Mo Wuji, because he couldn't carry his back, and the master's yang energy was too heavy for the ghost.

But it's just to make up for it.

"Master, the ghost is here..."

"No... too many distracting thoughts and demonic barriers, the will will collapse..."

"It's okay, I will try my best to restrain myself!"

"But I can't restrain myself... I'm too injured, my body is too filthy, I'm afraid your will will collapse..."


The starving ghost was speechless.

When the Moulin Rouge came out, I didn't know where it was. There seemed to be people fighting around, but they had already left.

The starving ghost helped Mo Wuji walk through another forest, and the scenery changed again.

This time it was better, it was near a river.

Beside the river, Mo Wuji soaked his head in the water. The bitingly cold water stimulated his consciousness. Mo Wuji shook off the water stains on his head and soaked his head again.

Not far away, a hungry wolf seemed to smell the smell here, and came over.

As soon as he got to the side, Hungry Wolf saw someone there.

The hungry wolf's eyes were shining with hunger, and he approached drooling.

So does the starving ghost.

The next moment, the hungry wolf sensed something was wrong, and suddenly saw that there was a ghost beside him, and it was already too late to escape.

Mo Wuji soaked his whole body in the water, he glanced at the ghost guard, the starving ghost was drinking wolf blood right now.

"I usually give you a lot of offerings...why drink these dirty things..."

The starving ghost's mouth was covered with blood, and he said embarrassedly, "I'm so hungry."

It seems that the whole body is soaked in water, which makes it much more comfortable.

Below the river, Mo Wuji was like a block of ink, with black water constantly being washed downstream from his body, a steady stream.Compared to the black water, the impurities on Mo Wuji's body were more like black grease, floating on the water.

After an unknown amount of time, suddenly, the black water on the river split into two.

The starving ghost who was chewing wolf meat suddenly took a look, and a blond woman came wading through the water.

Dressed in white, her figure is uneven, and after being wet with water, her curves are exposed.

The starving ghost turned his eyes away, and walked away with the wolf carcass.

When Mo Wuji saw two white legs and a blond woman who was almost naked coming in front of him, he raised his eyelids slightly, and he didn't even have the energy to say hello.

But after hesitating for a while, he smiled reluctantly.

"What a coincidence..."

"It's not a coincidence at all."

The blonde woman is none other than Lisa.

She knelt down and looked indifferently at the wound on Mo Wuji's chest: "I came here specially to find you."

As he spoke, he stretched out his five fingers, blood flowed out from the tips of the five fingers, and a ball of light appeared in the palm of his hand. Mo Lisa stroked her hand on Mo Wuji's wound.

"Did you kill that guy?"

"No...he is very strong."

The two asked and answered, and seemed to have nothing more to say.

Chapter 1483 Ridiculous Ten Elders

Never thought of meeting this woman again.

Mo Wuji pursed his lips.

Although Qin Kun enlightened him before, Mo Wuji knew that it was useless for him to see through this matter. The root cause was that this matter caused harm to the other party.


Mo Wuji wanted to call the other party's name, but the words changed when he spoke.

"Don't bother, I'm seriously injured..."

Mo Wuji opened his mouth, but Mo Lisa ignored his dissuasion.

On his hand, the light ball slowly turned golden yellow, and Mo Wuji felt that the injury still couldn't get better, because this was not an injury in the traditional sense at all, but a state between 'pollution' and 'trauma'.

Filthy worms have independent consciousness, but they are all pollutants of instinctive consciousness. They will bring strength to the host, but they will also try to 'invade' when the host is seriously injured.

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