Since they were forced to work in Baihu Spiritual Town, they had the opportunity to challenge Qin Kun every week, but every time they were beaten, they lost their temper, which was a great blow to their self-confidence.

Katsutake Oda said that to make progress, one needs to challenge opponents who are stronger than oneself, not opponents with disparity in strength, because the former is called experience, and the latter is called asking for trouble.

"Shimomura, something is wrong today."

"Not right?"

"Well, suddenly there is a terrifying monster around..."

Miki Ruyi swept around, he couldn't be sure where the evil spirit came from, but he could feel it was around him.

Goliu Yuko, Ashiya Genta, Genno Chi, and Oda Katsutake quickly surrounded them.

The six people came from the secret door of Mt. Fuji—Genma. In terms of perception, Miki Ruyi was the highest. When they heard that there was a monster coming, they dared not be sloppy and immediately formed a strange formation.

Shimomura Ishioka and Oda Katsutake are in front, Gennochi is behind, Ashiya Genta and Goliu Yuko are on the left and right, and Miki Ruyi is in the middle.

Sure enough, a looming aura enveloped the surroundings. The aura seemed to be fluctuations of spiritual power, like a monster, more like a gust of wind, and seemed to be surrounded by traces of moonlight, forming strange faces one after another!

Fox face!

The fox's face was divided into two, two into four, four into eight, and then more and more, Miki Ruyi said: "Yuan, use the magic sealing arrow!"

With a whoosh, the bowstring stretched out, and an arrow turned into dozens of arrows in flight, as if they could track them, and shot those fox faces at the same time!


The fox's face was broken, and the evil spirit dissipated.

With a rustle, they gathered into a woman on the ground.

The woman wagged her tail and stepped out gracefully. With her as the center of the circle, billions of crystal silk threads spread around the earth, and the fox fire ignited, turning into purgatory.

"Why haven't I seen you in Ten Dead City..."

A woman is pure and lovely, charming, vicious and ruthless, as if her face changes from person to person.

A curious question turned out to be... Huaxia language?

Miki Ruyi narrowed her eyes... What a terrifying mirage!It's like hell!

But what is even more frightening is that in this foxfire purgatory...why does it seem that there is a reed chicken?

What kind of monster is this?

Chapter 1455 All parties dispatched

The fox fire burned the street, for a moment Miki Ruyi felt that a hole had been burned through her soul!

That feeling was very strange and very awkward. My soul seemed to be burning, and my whole body was hot, like a fever. I touched my forehead, but there was no abnormal temperature.

The same is true for several people, with sweat dripping from their foreheads.

On the street in front of you, the fox fire is like the roots of an old tree, and the flame patterns on it are like cracks and spider webs, and there are crystal mist streaks above the flames...

"Who are you? Don't play tricks here!"

After Miki Ruyi finished speaking, she suddenly found that the people around her had disappeared.

A mountain stood in front of him under the night, and in front of him was a figure from the back.

With a smooth back, wearing Buddhist beads, long hair fluttering, and a gentle profile, you can vaguely see the delicate outline.Streamers wrapped around her body, and under the skirt, her slender and elastic thighs were exposed, and her bare feet kicked a head away from her feet.

"who are you?"

The man asked in a soft voice.

Miki Ruyi was slightly taken aback.

Clavicle Bodhisattva? !

Miki Ruyi saw the Clavicle Bodhisattva, Shimomura Ishioka saw Mahakara Mahakara, Goliu Yuko and Ashiya Genta each saw an onmyoji with a five-star folding fan, and Genochi saw a nobleman with a long gown with gentian flowers , Oda Katsutake saw a set of bloody armor.

The armor appeared abruptly, and Oda Katsutake's eyes were dazed.

"He turned into a free heaven!"

The armor is simple, with wear marks, but there are abundant spiritual power fluctuations all over the body. In the ghost face above, the spiritual power fluctuations turn into bloody light, and the waves of blood echo with Oda Katsutake's breathing, as if calling.

The change of the Honnoji Temple, the demon armor inherited from the ancestors, the set of "extremely evil armor" worn by the sixth day demon king Oda Nobunaga when he died, the armor that is said to give people supreme will, is in front of us?

"Come on... put on me..."

Oda Katsutake drew his sword.

"Don't you want to be strong?"

The samurai sword is held high.

"Oda Nobunaga is not the 'Demon King of the Sixth Heaven' at all, I am."

The katana froze.

"Have you been trapped in such a small place? Wear me, and you can cut it open at will!"

The ghost mask smiled, "Otherwise you won't be able to save your partner."



In front of Menoetius stood a Batwoman.

Behind him, Hazlitt, the wise believer, Lancelot, the Knight of the Round Table, Noyes the Templar, Raisha of the Purification Society, George William of the Ghost Council, etc., looked at this bold vampire in puzzlement.

Inside Notre Dame de Paris, the glazed windows reflect the candlelight, which is beautiful and beautiful, adding another layer of mystery to this place.

A Batwoman hangs upside down on a cross, and in front of the tall windows around it, there is a Batman squatting in each window.

"Are you the monsters that came out of the cemetery?"

Menotius combed his curly hair with his fingers, took a deep breath, and began to move his shoulders.

I just received the news that a group of monsters ran out of the Père Lachaise Cemetery. When passing through the Japanese Onmyoji defense line along the way, they came directly to the urban area without any obstruction.

Menotius felt that those Japanese Onmyoji were really unreliable.

Batgirl spoke, and the squeaky bat sound was ear-piercing. After a while, the pitch of her voice suddenly changed, and then, the familiar language was combined in the piercing sound waves.

"Monster? Maybe. If monsters are scary people, then I'm a monster."

"Hahahahaha... it's just blood races. Over the years, we have dealt with ten times more blood races than you combined. Do you think we will fear you?"

George William belongs to Demon Hunt Villa, and he has seen countless monsters with Van Helsing.

The Demon Hunter King likes to make friends with these unjust guys, and he has always sneered at them, but there are also many monsters who don't show Van Helsing's face, and they are all killed by them in the end.

Batgirl smiled softly: "That's because they are too weak. The blood god's people...will not die."


The task of the few people is to guard the city. Now that Van Helsing is not here, they are headed by Menotius. They only listened to the violent titan yelling, and then said to the surroundings.

"Olympus, Temple!"

The church is like shards of glass, replaced by temples inch by inch, and in the blink of an eye, it becomes the ruins of an ancient city.

With the starry sky above his head and his feet on history, the pupils of Menoitius' eyes disappeared, turning into the light of stars, and his body swelled accordingly.

"For the glory of the Pantheon!"

Menotius turned into a nine-meter-tall monster, and as he grew bigger, the entire temple looked even more majestic and majestic.

With a violent punch, he punched Batgirl in front of him, and Batgirl raised her hand to block the punch.


The fluctuation of spiritual power caused ripples, destroying the two nearest stone pillars, distorting the air.

"The strength is not bad."

Batgirl shook her hand, "Bathed in the night and the light of blood, let the enemy use it, and use it for me! Blood God!"

Menotius raged again and fought with Batgirl. Batgirl dealt with the violent titan and changed the appearance of Mirage Realm at the same time.

The gravel remains on the ground turned into pools of blood.

Underfoot, a bloody abyss appeared.

Under the abyss, a blood-soaked monster stood at the bottom. He was bound by countless chains, and the blood on the chains kept pouring on him as if alive, wrapping him.

The half of the monster was almost a hundred meters high, but it was far away from them, so it could only raise its head and growl unwillingly.

Batwoman and Menotius fought together, and several people around them also moved, but the Batman next to him quickly entangled.

"Damn it, can't you kill it?"

Lancelot raised his sword and kept slashing. Every sword of the Lake Knight must be rewarding, but when the batman was cut in half, he would turn into several bats and scatter.

"The sea of ​​boiling souls!"

Hazlitt stretched out his arms, and when he gathered again, there was a vortex in front of him. He inserted his hands and stirred, and those things that seemed to be water but not water were constantly stirred. in the water.

"Paladin Shield!"

Templar Noyce pulled off the cross around his neck, crushed it, and scattered it in the air. When those tricky batmen attacked, they would be blocked by shields that appeared in front of them, quite annoyed.

George William was a little stunned in the crowd.

These blood races... are different from the ones we usually meet!

Whether it is speed, lethality, or endurance, it is several times stronger than those dirty flying insects!

George William found that Menotius and Batwoman were inextricably fighting, but he could see that this should be Menotius' strongest state.

If it's not addressed sooner... it could be worse!

"The pendulum of death!"

The pocket watch was pulled out and shaken from side to side, this image was burned into the minds of dozens of batmen around at the same time.

Their vision was disturbed, and they felt drowsy, half-frozen by a woman playing with ice and snow. They hated this feeling very much.

Outside the mirage world, there are many batmen pouring in.

George William was a little powerless, and was suddenly attacked. Even with the protection of the cross shield, his center of gravity was still unstable, and he fell directly into the pool of blood next to him.


Lancelot cut away the Batman who was in the way in front of him, and jumped directly!


The whole person entered the water and grabbed George William in the thick blood. The two were wrapped in a clear lake and slowly floated up.


In front of him was a monster with a half-length height of [-] meters, bowing his head and roaring at the two of them. George William was still in shock. When he just fell into the pool of blood, he felt countless desperate thoughts eroding his willpower, and wanted to stop here. Fortunately, Lancelot Special saved him.

"This blood is terrifying! There are countless negative emotions, be careful!"

George William reminded.

Lancelot said: "It's okay, I have the blessing of infinity."

Lancelot stepped on the pool of blood with both feet, standing out of nowhere, no matter how the blood was engulfing him, he couldn't get a trace of it.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the huge monster in front of him, and said in a low voice: "The spiritual power of this person who can conjure up her god in the geographical advantage is too terrifying! Maintaining such a large geographical advantage, he is evenly matched with Menoitius , we are in danger this time."

Several partners looked down and were relieved to find that the two of them were fine. Laisha clasped her hands together.

"Ice Field Stairs!"

From top to bottom, layers of ice crystal steps appeared, and Lancelot climbed up again with George William.

"No, there are more and more batmen. We have to find a way to kill a large number of them at once and help Menoitius!"

Hazlitt said loudly.

"How could it be possible to kill a large number of them? After those batmen were slashed, one became two, and two became four. I counted them. They would die after being slashed six times, and after falling into the blood pool below, it seemed It can be resurrected! We have to ensure that we can cut his body every time for a while, it is impossible, it is too confusing!"

Noyce kept defending, and also waved his sword to help, but he really didn't have the sword skills like Lancelot.

Lancelot said: "Noyce, let's join forces and use the Holy See mirage! Since we can't kill it, we should suppress it first, and it is important to help Menoitius!"

"Then... alright! Pay attention to your defenses, I'm going to withdraw the cross shield!"

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