"might have."

Yu Wenping nodded, it seems that the fox fairy's ability to control the field is not strong.

"Mr. Qin, why did that fox fairy enter Huaize Ghost City? Tell me what you can."

Qin Kun thought for a while before replying, "Maybe it's because...the city above Paris."

It was originally a mediocre report and record, but suddenly because of this sentence, the air became quiet.

Lu Xiu, who was drinking tea next to him, narrowed his eyes.Investigator Yu Wenping frowned.

The city above Paris...

They are capable generals of the General Administration, how could they not know the meaning of that city?

Because of the appearance of that city, Europa's ghost council has held countless meetings. The speaker, Du Xiu, is in a state of desperation, and calls Feng Qiang every now and then. But the A+ level event of the Ghost Council!It is a major research accident.

The last time Heim's Underworld and Wuwangguo took a photo together, the degree of severity was only rated as A.

"Mr. Qin, I don't understand how the Fox Immortal is in charge of the ghost city of Huaize, how is it connected with the city above Paris?"

Qin Kun didn't answer directly, but said tactfully: "So if there is any news from Paris, please let me know."

"Mr. Qin, can I continue to ask?"

Yu Wenping was relentless.

Qin Kun thought for a while: "You ask first, and then I will keep silent about some things that are inconvenient to answer."

"That fox fairy... came from the city above Paris?"

This question was very tricky, and Qin Kun could only nod if he didn't ask anything that he couldn't say.


"She...does she want to let someone else out?"

Yu Wenping's eyes became sharp.

Qin Kun thought he was old in the world, just by a few actions, he could guess the truth.

Qin Kun was silent.

Yu Wenping shuddered, and recorded it: "Mr. Qin thinks, if the people in that city are released, how much disaster will be caused in Paris. Level 1-5, the highest level is 5."

Qin Kun stretched out five fingers.

When Yu Wenping was recording, Lu Xiu suddenly reminded: "Old Yu, it has changed."

Yu Wenping looked again, Qin Kun made a six with his fingers, then it turned into a seven, hesitated for a while and turned it into an eight, and finally considered between eight and nine, unable to make a decision for a long time.

Yu Wenping's back felt cold at this moment.

Didn't he never deal with these abnormal human beings? What Qin Kun meant was obvious. The people in that city were three or four levels more terrifying than they thought. !

Are you kidding me? ? ?

"Cough, Qin, Mr. Qin..."

"Don't ask this question, I can't answer it. But I can guarantee that today's super class can barely rank in that place. The top-notch old monsters in that city will be more capable... than the secret door. The technique is weird!"

It's time to answer, it's over.

All that can be said has been said.

Yu Wenping was silent and then silent again, what Qin Kun said couldn't be more obvious.

Mr. Qin has also been to that city! ! !


This has exceeded Yu Wenping's cognition.

The city above Paris is just a phantom, without materialization, just like the mirage in the mirror, it does not exist in this world.

How did Mr. Qin get in?

Yu Wenping was thinking hard, and when he was about to ask something, suddenly, Dou Lin who was waiting in the hall broke in!

"Brother Qin! It's not good! Something happened to Xiao Qi!"

Qin Kun was taken aback: "What's going on?"

"Xiao Qi called me just now and said that the last photo was developed. Then...he suddenly burst into tears and told me that there were many people around him, he was so scared, and then the phone was disconnected. I called again, but he was not there. Service area..."

Dou Lin was sweating profusely.

If the matter wasn't too hasty and a bit weird, he wouldn't be rude and barge in.

I rely on.so many people?

What's happening here?Wash a photo to wash people away?Was it taken away by someone?


Qin Kun made a decisive decision and took Dou Lin out quickly. Lu Xiu and Yu Wenping were stunned and followed.

Two cars parked one after another downstairs of the photo studio.

Dou Lin hurried in: "Where's Xiao Qi?"

The person at the front desk said respectfully, "Mr. Dou, Boss Qi is still in the dark room."

Dou Lin went upstairs quickly. At the door of the darkroom, when he was about to open the door, Qin Kun suddenly pressed his shoulder.

Something is wrong in the room!

Behind him, Lu Xiu and Yu Wenping also followed, and suddenly found a lot of black air seeping out from the crack in the darkroom door.

"Old Yu, what a ghostly aura..."

With a cold face, Lu Xiu took out a stick from his body and shook it away forcefully.

Yes, it's very ghostly!

Something is wrong in this room... No, something is wrong even with the corridor.

Now is the hot time in Guangling, the corridor doesn't even have air conditioner, it's a bit too cold.

Lu Xiu stretched out his five fingers and pressed them against the door, as if he was feeling something.

Next to it, Dou Lin felt his eyes blur. When Lu Xiu used the stick just now, it seemed that a strong light from a camera flashed over the stick. The strong light seemed to be an illusion. Engraved with tadpole-sized text.Didn't even recognize any of them!

"Mr. Qin, help me hold the line. I'll come first!" Lu Xiu whispered, then took a few steps back, moving his shoulders and ankles.

Seeing that Lu Xiu was about to kick the door, a voice exclaimed, "My photo!"

Dou Lin suddenly remembered those photos of himself, and hastily turned off the corridor lights. The next moment, Lu Xiu broke in, and his eyes suddenly went dark.

I'm so stupid...

Who the hell turned off the lights!

As soon as he entered the room, Lu Xiu's face went black, and he felt his head was slapped by an iron pot. Lu Xiu cursed in pain, "Who is it! Turn off the fucking light!"

While talking, another simple knife brought a cold wind and hit the door directly!

This time, Lu Xiu reacted very quickly. He saw a black shadow approaching clearly by the light of the darkroom. He swung his stick up in his hand, opened the simple knife, and at the same time hit the black shadow head-on.

A scream appeared, as if accompanied by the sound of bone cracking, the black shadow's brain exploded, and blood splashed on Lu Xiu's face.

Lu Xiu wiped his face, and the blood turned into a dark wind, and he saw a room of dark shadows standing in place against the light, surrounded by an unconscious Yang man.

"Evil creature with no eyes, do you want to die?"

Lu Xiu found that the group of black shadows were holding knives and gesticulating next to the Yang man's head. He became furious, but he was a bit cautious and didn't move.

"Jiejiejiejie... Well done, I won't force you guys, if you cooperate with shaving your hair and changing clothes today, you won't die!"

The words shaved and easy to wear completely angered Lu Xiu.

When the Southern Ming Dynasty was weak and the Manchus went southward, the locals resisted because of this incident, and the city was massacred.

Some sufferings have been wiped out with the passage of time, but the hatred passed down in the blood cannot be quelled at all.

Looking back at history, regardless of Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, regardless of Han people or ethnic minorities, whoever did such a thing will be reviled for thousands of years.

Bai Qi has been regarded as the God of War since ancient times, and he has been scolded for thousands of years for murdering soldiers.

Cao Mengde I was a hero, and most of his infamy came from massacring big clans. Compared with Liu Bei who had never slaughtered cities and clans, Cao Cao's literary and military strategy was amazing, and his reputation was not half as good as Liu Bei.

This is the case going back to the future, and the same is true in the future history. When Guangling City was broken, the sword was not sealed for ten days. This is not the tragedy of the war, but the catharsis of hatred.

As a descendant of Guangling, Lu Xiu looked at the dark shadow in front of him, his sanity faded, and his eyes turned red.

"I...killed you!"

Qin Kun held down Lu Xiu.

He knows the tragedy here, but the cause and effect dissipate, even if the matter has not passed, don't arouse new hatred. He can't erase the wounds of history, he can only kill these provocative ghosts.

Things have a beginning and an end, since they don't follow the rules and dare to break the taboo to harass the world, then it should be done.

The razor knife was sacrificed, and Qin Kun was filled with yin energy, and the karma-robbing knife was wrapped in karmic fire, which was fierce and majestic.

Qin Kun smiled and said: "Everyone, everyone is dead, why not enjoy the peace of the underworld?"

The opponent's knife was gesticulating next to Xiao Qi's head, Qin Kun was not afraid at all, he was sure to finish the opponent before the opponent made a move.

But the next moment, a black figure with a bad mind took Qin Kun's arm and dragged him over.

"Shaved head? Why are you standing over there, come here!"

Qin Kun was about to pretend to be aggressive, and then went on a killing spree, but was dragged to the opposite side inexplicably, and several fierce ghosts even protected Qin Kun, and shouted at Lu Xiu: "The Yang people over there, I tell you, they are both Han My son, shaving your hair and changing clothes is the trend of the times, don't make mistakes! Otherwise, the bannermen will enter the city and blood will flow like rivers, we are doing it for your own good!"

Qin Kun was stunned: "You... are Han people?"

The ghost glared at Qin Kun: "Shave your head, don't interrupt me! I'm trying to persuade them."

Qin Kun's mouth twitched and he closed his mouth.

Lu Xiu was furious: "Since you are a Han, why did you join the Qing army back then!"

The Han man smiled with tears in his eyes: "Then tell me, can Daming be saved?!"

Another Han with a shaved head was also roaring: "As long as Daming can be saved, why are we traitors!"

"Tell me!!! I'm a vulgar person, I don't understand state affairs, but I can also know that Ming Dynasty is about to end. I don't want to die for the country. I still have young and old wives and children in my family. Those corrupt officials enjoy their lives, and they will die when they die. My mother My dear is seventy-two this year, and I haven't even eaten white flour steamed buns, I want her to live a good life, but Daming doesn't have the ability!"

With one question, most of Lu Xiu's anger was eliminated.

For such a big matter as treason, how can you blame these big soldiers... They are just chess pieces that have eaten the last meal but not the next meal.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, corruption and party struggle became chronic diseases. After Wei Zhongxian died, the balance was broken, and then wars broke out everywhere, and the people were in dire straits.

Lu Xiu didn't know how to answer.

He said awkwardly: "Can you live a good life by taking refuge in the Qing army? Do you know that Guangling City is broken, and the sword is not sealed for ten days, and the city is like purgatory. Have you experienced these days?"

"How not!"

Another Han man burst into tears: "My parents died long ago in the war! My uncle survived by eating his own children, and finally went crazy. I have seen the worst things! It's all the fault of those dog officials and dog emperors! !!"

Qin Kun heard two groups of people arguing loudly. He, who was surrounded by fierce ghosts, could have shot and killed all these evil mourners, but for some reason, the razor in his hand loosened again and again.

Another Manchu said in a low voice: "I am a warrior, and I obey orders. Your Excellency thinks that we are wrong. It is because you think that there will always be bloodshed when the dynasty changes. If you don't accept it, you can kill me. As long as you are in Taiping Shengshi, who wants to live a life of licking blood. Do you think I like to kill people when I wait?"

Yu Wenping saw that Lu Xiu's mind was shaken, and stood up: "In the past, each had his own position, let alone, if you disturb the world today, isn't it a provocation?"

"Trouble the world? Fart, we're not dead yet!"

"That's right, listen to my advice, shave your hair and make it easier to wear, otherwise you will be in great trouble..."

"Shave your head, don't stand there stupidly, shave your hair for that fainted man, we are doing it for his own good..."

There was chattering in his ears, and Qin Kun finally understood.

This group of evil mourners didn't realize that they were already dead.

Their remnants told them that if they hadn't shaved their hair and changed their clothes, they would be in danger of being destroyed and massacred.

Lu Xiu was silent, Yu Wenping was silent, Dou Lin boldly walked in, and found that Xiao Qi, who was unconscious, was holding a photo in his hand.

In the black and white photos, there were only Qin Kun, Wu Senran, Huo Qi, Tu Xuanxuan, Mi Taizi, and Yuan Xinghan, but after they were washed out, they were followed by a group of evil spirits with tragic deaths.

There is still a sign at the entrance of the alley - screw top.The corpses of the massacre in that year were "stacked and topped" in this alley, hence the name.

Passing the photo to Qin Kun, Dou Lin saw many ghosts and ghosts along the way, and he was no stranger to them.

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