The experimental body is the carrier of energy drainage, equal to the experimental hardware.

In terms of software, they are not far behind, but the hardware is really not good.

3A masterpieces run in ordinary game books, the first thing is to burn the graphics card, and then shut down.

Without a suitable carrier, the idea of ​​the dream experiment proposed by Dr. Huang is completely dreaming!

A suitable carrier... Huang Kecheng smiled wryly, where could he find a suitable carrier.Qi Xiuyuan used Qin Kun as an experiment back then, and even opened the 'Gate of Hell' for energy drainage. He couldn't even imagine what happened afterwards.

"Where is the Gushan Experimental Base?"

"Dr. Shen He also encountered the same difficulty."

Huang Kecheng lay on the chair, rubbing his temples, no matter what, this is fate.

Quantum physics = God's restricted area, this is not unreasonable, if you want to break into God's restricted area, you have to pay a price, this price, Huang Kecheng can't afford it.

"Change direction! We can't walk fast on one foot, we need to walk on two feet, approve the biological experiment department, launch a new human project, and optimize the current experimental body genes."

"Doctor, that road... is more difficult."

Optimizing genes sounds easy, but gene optimization is not as simple as recombining gene chains. Gene chains are not stable, and only deformed new humans will appear.

It’s not that they haven’t considered walking on two feet, but conservatively estimate that it will take 30 years to develop a second foot, if physics and biology go hand in hand.

30 years, how many 30 years can life have...

Huang Kecheng didn't reply, but took out an old and yellowed photo from the desk drawer, which was Qi Xiuyuan.

"Mr. Qi, I can't bear your banner anymore. The superstring project has reached the last step, and I can't move forward. It's my incompetence. Rest in peace, we will break through the shackles of contemporary physics one day, but, Now we have to take it easy..."

The conversation in another life made Huang Kecheng feel dejected, but at the same time relieved.

With a brush and a piece of rice paper, Huang Kecheng splashed ink.

After decades of struggle, brush calligraphy is one of his few hobbies.

'Put the green rice seedlings in the fields'

'Look down and see the sky in the water'

'The six clean roots are the way'

'Regression turns out to be forward'

Dozens of experimenters stood outside the office. Huang Kecheng smiled self-deprecatingly, hung this poem on the wall, and officially announced: "The superstring project is aborted today. Thank you for your hard work these years, we have not failed, we We just left the success to future generations. From now on, this base will be led by the biological experiment department.”

Huang Kecheng bowed to everyone, then left silently.

Coming from the ground to the ground, Huang Kecheng covered his eyes. Although he had been blind for a long time, he could still see that the vegetation outside Sanfen Mountain had turned green and shaded at some point.

The fragrance of flowers drifts by, and the birds chirp.

How many years have you not noticed the beauty of nature?Six years?

He has forgotten.

He has no family, experiments are all he has.

Now, he has nothing.

Outside the military management area, a middle-aged man with iron legs and gloves was standing there smoking a cigarette. When he saw Huang Kecheng coming, he rarely smiled.

The middle-aged man had a lot of chipped teeth, but he still smiled brilliantly.

Dr. Huang also showed a weary smile when he saw the visitor: "Feng Qiang, did you see my joke?"

The middle-aged man lit a cigarette and exhaled the smoke: "Six pure ones are the way...Regressing turns out to be moving forward...Dr. Huang, Qi Xiuyuan had half the state of mind you had back then, so he wouldn't die here."

Huang Kecheng narrowed his eyes, this poem was written by him just now, Feng Qiang knew it immediately, it seems that there are still many of his people hidden in Sanfen Mountain.

"You know, I don't like dealing with you."

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "I know, so I'm not here to deal with you, but to congratulate you."

"Why is there joy?"

"The experiment in Soul Fort... is out of control!"

For a moment, Feng Qiang felt a prickly cold wind blowing over his face, his hair was blown tousled, and he admired Huang Kecheng's current expression very much.

"Out of control?!" Huang Kecheng's voice rose an octave.

No kidding!Don't you know how many professors from Oxford and Cambridge gathered there?

During the Xianfeng period, even before the Taiping Rebellion subsided, the Ghost Research Society in Cambridge was established, which strongly advocated the use of scientific methods to study spirituality.Most of the participants were bishops and professors at the time.

Soon, the Spiritual Society was established in Oxford, and the Dialectical Society was established in London.In 1882, a physicist proposed the merger of the three groups into the 'Society for the Study of Psychology', a society that was the predecessor of the contemporary Psychological Council and the Religion of Science.

Some no-name churches are also involved.

One of the churches originated in Northern Europe, called the Holy Soul Church, advocates asceticism to get close to God, and exchanges tenacious beliefs for the power of God, but because the spiritual practice method is too bloody and cruel, and has no research value, the Holy Soul will be expelled Spiritual Council.

After removing this uninvited guest, the Spiritual Council developed rapidly and was finally formally established under the name of 'Soul Castle'.

This kind of old-fashioned experimental institution recruited many first-class experts in spirituality and science at that time, and it has always been the goal of Sanfenshan to surpass it. Today you suddenly told me that Soul Fort is out of control? !

"Don't get excited, I don't have to lie to a blind man."

Feng Qiang said it playfully, but Huang Kecheng picked up his collar: "Feng Qiang, tell me what happened!!!"

Huang Kecheng was almost roaring.

To do any boring and long-term thing, you need an imaginary enemy, otherwise the human will can't stand the long suffering.

Soul Fort is the imaginary enemy of Sanfen Mountain.

But today, Huang Kecheng had just given up chasing the imaginary enemy, and suddenly heard the news that the imaginary enemy had 'collapsed', and his mood was complicated beyond description.

Feng Qiang scratched his head: "Actually, I just received the news. The specific details will be passed on from Europa later, so I can't tell you for the time being. But since you have already resigned, then go out with me for a walk." Let's go to the Gushan Experimental Base for a while, and visit Linjiang to see Qin Kun."

Huang Kecheng didn't object, got into Feng Qiang's car and drove away.

Gushan Experimental Base is located in Baishigou, Yinchuan County.

The experimental projects here are very diverse, and most of them are for the Xishan Experimental Base.

Shen He had already received Huang Kecheng's suspension of the experimental project, and he was not touched much after sighing.

The superstring experiment cannot be carried out, but the biological experiment department still needs their assistance, and the Gushan Experimental Base is still busy.

When Dr. Huang and Feng Qiang arrived, Shen He greeted them with a smile.

"Teacher, it's hard to imagine, it's your decision."

Shen He knew how much Huang Kecheng had put in the experiment, and it was almost against his belief to give up.

Huang Kecheng cut to the chase and said, "Shen He, the experiment in Soul Fort is out of control."

Shen He's smile froze.

Huang Kecheng continued: "A ghastly giant city appeared above Paris, and they opened a passage to hell."

The brief news was that Feng Qiang told Huang Kecheng on the road that it was not possible to take pictures in that city, but the investigators of the Ling Detective drew a picture.

When Huang Kecheng saw the realistic picture, he thought it was absurd, but he couldn't believe it.

Feng Qiang is very annoying, but he never jokes about it.

Shen He said in a difficult tone, "What the hell did they..."

Feng Qiang shook his head: "I don't know, I don't even know about the Ghost Council. It is said that the Priory of Mount Xion in France is facing an enemy, and the Holy See has sent people to help. Fortunately, that city is still floating in the sky. Nothing out of the ordinary in the air."

Feng Qiang's expression was a little gloating, something happened over there, but he was in a very good mood.

At first, I heard that the progress of the Soul Fort experiment has made another breakthrough. The laboratory was even moved from Great Britain to France. The addition of several experimental subjects has increased the strength of the Ghost Council. For this reason, the speaker Du Xiu also showed off.

Now, continue to show off, why is there no sound?

Shen He also smiled and praised Huang Kecheng for his wisdom.

Only Huang Kecheng was smiling wryly. He couldn't tell what he was feeling, maybe he was more sad than happy.

However, Huang Kecheng quickly adjusted his mentality.

At least not moving forward on the wrong path is the right move.

Huang Kecheng has delegated power, and Shen He has also delegated power. With Shen He's qualifications, it is more than enough to be in charge of the biological experiment project, but Shen He decided to give himself a few years off. His behavior is now becoming more and more zombified. This is the disadvantage of the experimental body, not good It is a sign that he needs to feel the happiness in the world.

"Hey, I'm leaving, you stay here well, and come out by yourself whenever you want to come out."

Before Shen He left, he said towards a closed door.

There was a talisman on the gate, and Feng Qiang felt a sinister aura, but that aura was not evil, he was very curious.

"Who's in there?"

"A talking python."


"He claimed to be avoiding robbery."

"With your personality, don't you catch it for experimentation?"

"It said it was Qin Kun's friend."

Feng Qiang snorted: "Qin Kun really makes all kinds of friends..."


In the afternoon, near dusk, several people arrived at the northern suburb of Linjiang City.

The sun was slanting to the west, and the lights were just coming on. After the last ray of sunlight fell into the mountains, the town came alive.

Now that Feng Qiang saw the prosperity of the spiritual town, his tongue clicked in his heart.

During the day, the ghost town is just an ordinary scenic spot. It is integrated with Baihu Town Old Street and Baihu Amusement Park. It is a fantasy linkage. At night, the ghost town will dominate.

All the tourists who have been here think that the night view here is so interesting!

Feng Qiang knows best how many of these supernatural phenomena are real. The walking ghosts are not "augmented reality" technology at all, they are ghosts, but in the eyes of tourists, those AR effects are no different from interactive NPCs.

The dead lamp ghost who just got up stood listlessly beside the trash can.

"Pay attention to the trash in the bin!"

"Kids are so cute~"

"No smoking in this block!"

"That bearded man, what about you! The cigarette is pinched!"

"Going forward is the market area, the studio area, and Japan Street, and next to it is the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing blocks. Please keep order and don't be crowded."

The dead lamp ghost has the ghost ability to pass through walls. Sometimes it comes out and howls twice, and sometimes it goes into the wall to rest. This is the task Chu Qianxun arranged for him.

Tourists are now accustomed to the appearance of the lamp corpse ghost, and a few old tourists said: "Ghost lamp ghost, come out to work so early?"

With this tone, he clearly regards the dead lamp ghost as an old man who can relax on the side of the road.

The corpse lamp ghost complained: "I am not active at work, I have problems with my thinking... how much food to eat, how much work to do."

This dedicated tone, so that some tourists admire.

Feng Qiang glanced at the dead lamp ghost, and walked away with a half-smile. It was the first time for Huang Kecheng and Shen He to see a mature ghost town, and they felt very unique.

Now some shops in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing neighborhoods have also been contracted out, where you can shop and eat, and there are many tourists.

The crew in the studio area is rushing to the night show, and the only movie theater is also very lively. It is said that the ticket is 50, and soda popcorn is given away. You can stay there as long as you want.

The market area sells peripherals. Feng Qiang picked up the peripherals made in the image of ghost messengers and smiled helplessly. Fuyu Mountain is quite professional in developing Anwen Yinyang into a business that is not hated by anyone.

After the construction of Japan Street and India Street, the East Asian and South Asian styles are preliminarily completed.

I heard that the Europa style is not in the scope of consideration, and a Southeast Asian block may be built in the end, and the supernatural town will be completely completed.

At Fisherman's Wharf on Japan Street, several onmyojis from Yuanjian set up three shops selling seafood.

There are seafood food stalls, takoyaki-like snacks, and sashimi here. Several onmyoujis in Genma are very enthusiastic and busy wearing bowl rolls. Most of the visitors are female tourists, surrounded by a beautiful person.

"Feng Qiang, is that guy a man or a woman?"

When Shen He saw the other party's appearance, his heart moved.

"Man, that man's name is Miki Ruyi. Don't be rude, this guy is superb."


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