
When he walked to Hanyu Genichi's side, his face changed obviously.

"Xuenichi Hanyu, what are you doing? Oni Dao is also an important means of fighting the god of death. Do you think that you don't need to practice because you are strong?"

Cang Muxiong also taught with a straight face.

"Report to Cangmu the third seat, Xianyi will meet him, so there is no practice."

Before Hanyu Xian could answer, Hinamori had already started to explain.

Genichi Hanyu shook his head slightly.

Chisen is really innocent.

I have no memory of what happened before.

The third seat, Kuraki Yuya, obviously has an opinion on himself.

Can an explanation help?

There is no way it will work!


Cang Muxiong also looked directly at Chu Mori and said, "Chi Mori Tao, this is the thirteenth team of Gotei, not the Zhenyang Academy of Spiritual Art. When I don't ask you, don't say anything, understand!"

In a word, Chisen didn't know what to do.

"I see."

After a while, Chisen replied in a low voice.

"It's good to know. Besides, don't let me see you stop practicing before tonight. Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a little talent. Here, no one will spoil you!"

Cang Muxiong also said directly, in an unquestionable tone.

The reason why he did this was hinted by Aizen on the one hand.

On the other hand, it also has its own thoughts.

The news that Ichimaru Gin is going to apply to be the captain of the [-]rd division has actually spread among the middle and upper echelons of the [-]th team of Gotei.

As the third seat of the Fifth Division.

Kuraki Yu is also the most likely candidate to serve as the vice-captain of the Fifth Division after Ichimaru Gin left.

His behavior at this time is also to establish his majesty in front of the newcomers.

After all, he is about to serve as the vice captain.

As a good girl, Chu Sen was at a loss at this time.

She's the kind of person who doesn't think other people do wrong.


Since she made a mistake, she would only embrace herself.

The grievance in her heart made her cry.

"The third seat in Kuraki."

Hanyu Xianichi took the initiative to speak.

Originally, he didn't really want to make things big.

But this Kuraki Yuya, what he did was too much.

It just depends on how bullying Chisen is!

"What? Do you have an opinion?"

Cang Muxiong also looked at Han Yuxian: "Don't worry, you are no exception, when will I be satisfied with the training, and then I can rest!"

As an old man of the fifth team, Cang Muxiong has also seen many newcomers.

In his cognition, stabbing the head is to cure!

of course,

It is limited to newcomers who have graduated normally and have no background.

Senichi Hanyu fits this standard perfectly.

"I don't have any opinions, but I don't know what the so-called satisfaction of Cangmu's third seat is?"

Genichi Hanyu said calmly, Kura Muxiong was also a little surprised by his neither humble nor overbearing attitude.

He has somewhat forgotten what happened a few days ago.

The joy of becoming the vice-captain soon made him even more dizzy.

"Standards? What qualifications do you have to talk to me about standards?"

Cang Muxiong also snorted coldly: "What I say is the standard, if you don't accept it, let me hold back."

Hanyu Xianyi hadn't spoken yet, Renji beside him was already a little bit overwhelmed.

He is a thorn in the head, just now when Chu Sen was scolded, he could hardly bear it anymore.

If it wasn't for Ji Liang's pulling, I'm afraid he would have exploded long ago.

Hanyu Xian looked at Kuraki Yuya, his eyes were still calm, but there was an indescribable aura.

"Kangmu's third seat, I remember Goutei [-], the position of the seat officer is determined by strength."

Genichi Hanyu said lightly: "Does that mean that if I am stronger than you, I will set the standard?"

Chapter 10 Aizan's Bad Taste


Hearing Genichi Hanyu's words, Kuraki Yuu also laughed out loud.

"Senichi Hanyu, do you know what you're talking about?"

He stared into Hanyu Genichi's eyes and said: "I, Kuraki Yuu, is also the third seat of the [-]th team. What qualifications do you have for a newcomer to speak up here?"

"Want to challenge me? Don't weigh yourself."

"It's just a rookie who just joined. Do you really take yourself seriously?"

"When will you become the chief officer and tell me these words, then you will understand how stupid your words are today!"

Cang Muxiong also said with a sneer.

To him, it didn't even qualify as sarcasm.

Because Goutei [-]th Team itself is a place that pays attention to strength.

As long as the strength is sufficient, exceptions, privileges... are all possible.

Just like the captain of the thirteenth guardian team needs to master the unwritten rule of swastika.

If you are strong enough to defeat the captain who has mastered the swastika, then you can also serve.

in turn.

Can become the third seat of a team.

That means that the combat power is the strongest existence in this team except for the captain and vice-captain.

Otherwise, it is impossible to convince the public at all.

Of course, if you deliberately hide your combat power, that's another situation.

Although Cang Muxiong was mean, but he was able to become the third seat of the fifth team, and he also made it step by step.

Each division of the Guarding Thirteen Team has its own battle for the seat officer.

Those with insufficient strength will be replaced.

And Kuraki Yuya has been in the third seat of the fifth team for more than 20 years.

That in itself says a lot.

In fact,

Most of the rookies who have just joined the team are afraid to speak loudly in front of the chief executive.

Not to mention the third seat after the captain and vice-captain.


Today he met Genichi Hanyu.

It is also Senichi Hanyu who aims to be the vice-captain of the fifth division.

Kuraki Yuya is his best springboard.

A best opponent to show your strength!

"Cangmu is the third seat. After talking so much but not doing anything, are you afraid?"

Hanyu Xian raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Simple aggressive method.

But it is very effective against some simple-minded guys.

The Fifth Division team members on the side have long been dumbfounded.

No matter if they were old players or newcomers, they all looked at Senichi Hanyu in disbelief.

Newcomers can be crazy, but it's really rare to be crazy to this extent!

Just a few days after joining the team, you dare to challenge the third seat?

Either a boss or a brain-dead!

But man, is there a need to do this?

Although there are not many geniuses in the Zhenyang Academy of Spiritual Art, there are also many.

Every few issues there's always a guy or two who graduates early.

Even so, after joining the [-]th Goutei team, they got up little by little.

For example, Hitsugaya Toshiro, the third seat of the Juban team who has recently gained fame.

It also took four years to become the third seat.

What about Senichi Hanyu?

It took six years to graduate from Maou Lingju Academy, and there was no special performance during the school.

Except for the team entry assessment a few days ago, there is nothing special about it.

Just such a newcomer directly challenged for the third seat, he really lost his mind to do so!

"Brother Xianyi!"

Hinamori looked at Hanyu Genichi worriedly, not knowing what he could do.

She had already blamed herself for the cause of the incident.

"What should I do? Kira, Renji, think of a way!"

Hinamori could only turn to Renji and Kira beside her for help.

Lianji said angrily: "You should do it, because you can bully people like this because of your own qualifications!"

Kira calmly said, "Chimori, maybe we don't have to worry too much."

"Xianyi has always been calm, he is not Renji, he must have thought about it before doing this."

"Also, don't you think that Xianyi has never used his full strength?"

After Kira finished speaking, Renji and Hinamori both fell silent.

That's right.

As a classmate for six years, or a friend.

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