Genichi Hanyu's punch fell through the air, and when the strong airflow erupted from Kido, it directly destroyed the ground in front of him.

Just the fist wind has such a powerful destructive power.

This is instant coaxing.

Not far away, Sun Yao didn't show any surprise when he saw this.

Her next wave of attacks is already brewing.

"Shining Sword of Light!"

A lightsaber suddenly condensed in front of her.


The lightsaber galloped directly towards Senichi Hanyu, the speed was so fast that it almost reached Senichi Hanyu in the instant it was condensed.


The Light Shield Sword is a lightsaber compressed with high-density spiritual particles.

It is extremely powerful and has a strong cutting ability.

If it is really a hard connection, I am afraid that it will be directly penetrated.

But at this moment, it seems that it is still too late to hide.

Genichi Hanyu swung his fist directly, and Kido's power gushed out from the face of his fist.


Before the Light Shield Sword actually touched Genichi Hanyu, the Ghost Dao exploded.

The attack angle of the Shield of Light was slightly shifted, and Hanyu Xianichi's body also retreated and fell a few centimeters.

Everything happens in milliseconds.

The light blade almost brushed Hanyu Senichi's hair.

A few strands of hair fell down, but Hanyu Senichi's figure had already disappeared from the spot.

call out!

The Shunpo in the Shunbo state is turned on, which is much faster than before.

Hanyu Xianichi kept moving back and forth, with Sunyao as the center, left and right, up and down, front and back, each place stopped for less than half a second before arriving at the next place.

The attack speed is fast, but it does not mean that the sun aiming is also fast.

The former Hanyu Senichi relied too much on visual combat.

Now, he returns this to Sun Yat-sen.

It is impossible to catch up with his moving speed just relying on vision.


Hanyu Xianichi shuttled back and forth continuously, while Nikyo held the Zanpakuto tightly, standing in place and waiting for an opportunity to move.

She knew that Hanyu Genichi was waiting for the moment of her attack.


She is also waiting.

Wait for the moment when Hanyu Xian makes a move.

Because she only needs to wait in place, no matter in which aspect, the consumption is far less than that of Hanyu Genichi.

Therefore, she thinks that the advantage is on her side.


When Hanyu kept moving, he was not just waiting for an opportunity.

He was still getting closer to the sun.

It's like a shrinking circle.

When the distance is close enough, a fatal blow will be launched!

Riyao soon discovered Hanyu's intentions, and this time she did not use words to disturb Hanyu anymore.

"Shining Sword of Light!"

Riyao suddenly swung his saber, and a lightsaber condensed into one, galloping directly in the direction of Hanyu Genichi.

But the time between aiming and releasing was enough for Hanyu to shift position.


Without the slightest hesitation, Hanyu Xianpu came directly behind Riyao with a single step.

The speed bonus provided by instant coaxing made Riyao almost unresponsive.

The fist with the power of ghosts has come to Ri Yao's back.

at this time.

"It's you waiting, Xianyi!"

The corner of Ri Yao's mouth raised, and a light shield instantly formed behind her.

Shining Shield!

A shield formed by compressing high-density spiritual particles, with an incomparably strong defense.


Senichi Hanyu hit it with his fist.

Then there was a crackling sound.


This is the strength of the Radiant Shield.

At the same time, several light blades had formed behind Senichi Hanyu.

This is Sunshine's trap!

While waiting for Hanyu Xianyi to attack, she had already prepared her backhand, and the original luminous shielding sword was entirely to lure Hanyu Xianyi into this trap.

It has to be said that Riyao's combat thinking is not weak at all.


Several light blades struck at Xianyi Hanyu at the same time, and Xianyi Hanyu, who had just hit the shield of shining light, seemed to be unable to dodge in time.

This battle seemed to end in Hanyu's defeat.

The corner of Ri Yao's mouth raised a smile, she was finally going to win.

I can repay the one-punch revenge I had at the beginning.


bang bang bang bang......

The light blade passed through Hanyu Genichi's body and hit the shining shield, making a crisp sound.

To be precise, it was through Hanyu Genichi's Shiba suit jacket.

The Secret Mobile Step --- Empty Cicada!

Shushin Yaichi's bottom-of-the-box trick!

"Sunday, you lost."

Genichi Hanyu had already appeared beside Riyao, and his right fist also stopped in front of Riyao.

The powerful force of the ghost way messed up her hair, and also messed up her heart.

Chapter 92 Completely comprehend the practice of swastika!The cracking method of the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water

"Xianyi, as my master, it's not bad."

Sun Yat lost, but she wasn't disappointed or angry at all.

As a Zanpakutō, it's only natural to lose to your own master.

If you can't even control yourself, then this master is really a bit bad.

Seeing this, Genichi Hanyu released the state of instant coaxing.

The personality of my Zanpakutō is really unique.

I thought that if I defeated her, I would make a big fuss.

As a result, nothing happened.

Could it be that Sun Yao has a tendency to be masochistic in his bones?

That's not right, she is the embodiment of Zanpakuto, what kind of bones do she have.

"Xianyi, why are you in a daze, don't you want to practice swastikas?"

Riyo said to Hanyu Genichi.

"oh oh."

As soon as Hanyu came back to his senses, he found that Riyao had changed his clothes again at some point.

A long purple dress, home style.

Genichi Hanyu didn't know why Riyao liked changing clothes so much.

In his own memory, aren't the images of other gods of death's Zanpaku knives all fixed after they manifested?

Sunny seems to be different from them all.

"Xianyi, before you practice, let me remind you that although you have understood my essence, it doesn't mean that you can use it easily now."

Sunny said very seriously.

Obviously, this matter is very important, otherwise it would not be such an attitude.

Of course Hanyu Xianichi also understood, nodded and said: "I understand, this is also the reason why I called you out."

"Then let's get started."

Riyao handed the Zanpakuto to Hanyu Genichi.

Hanyu Xianyi took the Zanpakutō, and then put on a posture.

The spiritual pressure is increasing.

"Swastika! Nirvana is coming, and the sun is shining!"

After a burst of darkness and light alternately, Genichi Hanyu's swastika was also completed.

However, this is only Hanyu Senichi's initial phase of the swastika.

Its ability will not be repeated.

Hanyu Xianichi could clearly perceive everything around him, and his own spiritual particles filled the entire underground training ground in the form of light in an instant.

Incomparably clear.

Next, it is necessary to carry out a deeper level of exercise.

"Let's start with the fingers."

Hanyu raised his right hand and stretched out his little finger.

He looked at the tip of his little finger.

The Reiatsu was gathering, and then, the tip of his little finger radiated light.

"Steady the spiritual pressure and try to concentrate on one point."

Ri Yao spoke from the side, her expression was quite serious.

Hanyu Xianichi did not speak, because the moment was very critical.

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