"So she thinks I poisoned her father, after all her father was dying at that time. Without my medicine, maybe her father could survive until the ambulance arrived, after all, he had just passed away when the ambulance arrived. "

After finishing speaking, Xu Yang also fell into silence, still a little depressed.

Mr. Li was smoking slowly, and he slowly let out a puff of smoke: "You didn't poison him to death. The reason why the patient lasted so long should be because your medicine worked."

Xu Yang was startled for a moment.

Mr. Li flicked his cigarette butt: "It's just that your initial dose is too low. For a critical illness like this, the initial dose should not be lower than 150g, and it needs to be reused."

Xu Yang's heart trembled, and he asked, "Can 150g save him?"

Mr. Li shook his head: "I don't dare to say, if it is a serious illness, I am sure. But even if I take action for such a critical illness, the probability of saving life is at most about [-]%."

"Everyone said that I was good at using heavy doses and saved countless people, but there were also many who were not saved. Doctors are not gods after all. This kind of critical illness, the probability of being saved is not high in anyone's hands."

Xu Yang pursed his lips tightly.

Mr. Li said again: "It's just that if you used 150g of aconite and failed to revive him, what's waiting for you may not be sent to a backcountry like ours, but..."

Xu Yang's face was tense.

Li Laodao: "Traditional Chinese medicine is different from modern medicine. The Pharmacopoeia stipulates that they can use their first-aid medicines in emergency and severe cases, even several times more than the original dose, and they will ask the patient's family to sign an agreement."

"But Chinese medicine is different. No one has ever considered the first aid of Chinese medicine, so there are no regulations to protect Chinese medicine. If you want to save lives, you can only use medicine outside the rules, and you have to risk your own suffering."

Xu Yang exhaled slightly, and asked, "Teacher, how many times have you encountered such a situation in your life?"

Mr. Li chuckled, and said calmly: "It's all... passed..."

Although what Li Lao said was simple, Xu Yang felt the heavy weight of these four words.

Mr. Li threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and he asked Xu Yang: "It's you, if you go back to that day, would you still save him? Would you use 150g of aconite?"

Xu Yang was slightly taken aback, then nodded solemnly: "I will!"

Mr. Li asked: "People in the city are educated and understand the law. They don't give up so easily. If you don't save your life, do you know what you will face?"

Xu Yang nodded slowly: "I know."

Mr. Li asked again: "Then are you still saving?"

Xu Yang said: "Although I didn't understand anything at that time, I was just a college student with no experience. But at that time, no one cared about him. If I didn't care, he would die."

"If I try my best, he may only have a one-ten-thousandth chance of surviving. But for this one-ten-thousandth chance, I am still willing to do my best, even if it ruins my future and suffers catastrophe."

Xu Yang looked at Mr. Li, and said seriously: "Because I am a doctor! A doctor should do his best and devote himself to the rescue. He should not worry about good or bad, but cherish his life."

Looking at Xu Yang, Mr. Li said with emotion: "What I have learned in this body is not entrusted to others after all."

Mr. Li asked again: "Didn't the leaders of your hospital think of a way to protect you?"

Xu Yang lowered his head.

"Xu Yang, although you have indeed caused a catastrophe and the impact is very bad, the whole school has great opinions on you. But for the sake of Professor He, our school leaders are still willing to protect you, but you will be suspended for a period of time." time."

"Dean, you can fire me."


"You protected me, but who protected Yao Bing's clinic? I caught the medicine, prescribed the prescription, and saved the people. You protected me, I was suspended, and I ran away. She has to make trouble with them, they can't bear it, I can't let them bear it for me. The disaster is caused by me alone, let me bear everything alone. "

"you sure?"

"Sure." Xu Yang smiled at the dean, which was the only time he smiled in the dark time that lasted for half a year.

Chapter 95

In the early morning of the next day, Xu Yang and Mr. Li went to give the patient a second consultation.

The patients had already got up from the hospital bed, and breakfast was prepared for them.The original red and swollen lump at the appendix of her stomach has disappeared, but when she pressed her stomach again, she still felt a little pain.

The black coating on her tongue has faded away, her six pulses are calm and gentle, and her body temperature has returned to normal.

The barefoot doctor in the village kept saying it was a miracle. He had seen with his own eyes how sick the patient was. Who knew that she would recover after one night.

At this moment, he no longer dared to say that he had studied Chinese medicine. He felt that he knew nothing and was nothing.

Mr. Li also prescribed three doses of bowel-clearing drink from Dialectical Strange Records to clear away remaining evils. He left the prescription with them and asked them to go to the town to get the medicine by themselves.

For breakfast, they scooped up two big bowls of thick millet porridge for Mr. Li and Xu Yang, as well as yellow strips and two eggs.

But they didn't eat here. When Xu Yang went to the latrine, he passed the kitchen and found that the patient was drinking clear porridge that could almost be seen from the bottom. something.

Moreover, their staple food is also yellow strips. Strictly speaking, it is not yellow strips, but black strips. There is not much staple food in it, and it is mixed with messy things. It is obvious that some plants can be seen. Tendons, and some vegetable leaves.

After Xu Yang came back, looking at his bowl of millet porridge that was as thick as rice, he couldn't eat anything.

Mr. Li didn't drink the porridge either. He took two yellow strips and put them in Xu Yang's hands. He said, "Let's just say that your stomach caught cold last night. You had diarrhea a few times and you can't eat anymore."

Xu Yang put the yellow strips in his hand and nodded.

Mr. Li also took two.

Before leaving, they wanted to give Li Laosai a consultation fee, but Li Laosai didn't want it.

Mr. Li has four children, but none of them studied medicine.Because they all felt that being a doctor was too unlucky, Mr. Li had almost given all his belongings to the patients.

The peasants are too poor and miserable, so Mr. Li can only continue to subsidize them. Except for the house on the homestead, his family has almost finished subsidizing everything else.

In addition, Mr. Li treats critically ill patients all year round. Unless he is a god, he will never be 100% successful, so there are often conflicts between doctors and patients.

After Mr. Li became famous, he went to Southeast Asia and other countries, as well as my country's Baodao and other regions to give lectures and treat diseases, and earned a lot of money, about 60.But before I brought it back, I hadn't warmed it up yet, so I turned my face and donated it all.

Who would have thought that a generation of famous doctors like Mr. Li would live such a miserable life.

Xu Yang and Mr. Li returned to the county hospital again, where they continued to treat patients.

Just as they expected, the excavation of ancient tombs in the Eastern Han Dynasty did not cause much shock to the Chinese medicine community. Everyone is still willing to be a slow doctor, and they are still keen to combine Chinese and Western medicine.

Even the Jingfang faction didn't pay much attention, but the friends of the Vulcan faction were more excited because they finally found a basis.

The members of the Vulcan sect are also from Shi Zhongjing and Zong Shanghan.However, their dosage, especially the dosage of aconite is still higher than that of Zhongjing Yuanfang.

Including Mr. Li's, Zhongjing's original prescription did not have such a large dose. Zhongjing's basic dosage was relatively high, and Mr. Li made an exception and reused it on this basis.

Unconventional medication naturally has the advantage of reuse, but the disadvantages are also obvious, because once you misdiagnose and mistreat, you will have big problems.And if you don't match up properly, you will also have problems.

So after the Vulcan sect gradually prospered, there were many more fans among the people, but many people's treatment effects were not good, and they were all fake Vulcans.

A large dose of medicine is equivalent to a Qinglong Yanyue knife. It is naturally very powerful when wielded, but if you can't dance well, you will have big problems.

A real expert in medicine must be able to carve tofu with Qinglong Yanyue Knife!

Now Xu Yang tastes poisonous traditional Chinese medicines such as Fuzi, Chuanwu, and Mubiezi every day, and the dosage is increased every day. He often suffers from numbness of the face and lips due to the poison, vomiting and diarrhea, and abdominal cramps.

However, he also prepared a decoction for detoxification, he was in pain and happy.

Regarding the ancient tombs of the Eastern Han Dynasty, only Professor Ke Xuefan from Shanghai has been running around in the field of Chinese medicine, and then he hastened to do clinical research.

Mr. Li is also looking up ancient classics. He has sorted out the ancient prescriptions of the Six Classics, the commonly used essential prescriptions of the "Golden Chamber", and the empirical prescriptions before Tang and Song Dynasties.

According to the current findings, re-determine and convert to the current dose for reference, retrieval and research.In the process, he also discovered that as early as the Song Dynasty, some people had already suspected that the dosage of the scriptures was wrong.

In fact, the inheritance of Chinese medicine has been broken several times, and the wrong dosage did not start from the Ming Dynasty, but began as early as the Tang Dynasty.

However, Mr. Li still scolded Li Shizhen a lot.


In July 1982, after 7 years of being wronged, Mr. Li, who had been imprisoned twice, was finally rehabilitated.

On the night when the notice was issued, Mr. Li was drunk.


In 1983, Mr. Li was ordered to establish Lingshi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Li Laorong is the dean.

Xu Yang also followed Mr. Li to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

As the dean, Mr. Li is even busier. He not only has to diagnose and treat the patients who come to see a doctor every day, but also handles various chores and goes to meetings.

Fortunately, Xu Yang's treatment level is very good now, and when Mr. Li is too busy, he can take over Mr. Li's shift.

Mr. Li often needs to go to meetings and communicate with colleagues in the Chinese medicine field, but every time Mr. Li comes back, he looks very angry, and he is so angry that he can smoke a whole pack of cigarettes in one night.

In 1992, Mr. Li retired from his position as the dean. He opened a small clinic in his home. With the spread of various channels, patients from all over the country gradually came to seek treatment.

And as these patients went back and spread the word, Mr. Li's medical name gradually flourished, and gradually spread to the ears of people in the Chinese medicine circle everywhere.

At this time, everyone was shocked to find out that there is such a real Chinese medicine doctor who can treat critical and severe diseases hidden in this remote small county in the northwest.

Mr. Li finally walked out of Lingshi in his later years.

Later, Li Lao's works came out.

The world of traditional Chinese medicine was greatly shocked, the medical world was also greatly shocked, and ordinary people were also greatly shocked!

A number of media began to interview, report, and disseminate Mr. Li's deeds and academic thoughts non-stop.For a time, Mr. Li's medical name was known all over the world.

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world.

Perhaps Mr. Li's mentality has changed a long time ago. It should have been when the ancient tomb of the Eastern Han Dynasty was discovered. Otherwise, he would not have often gone out to quarrel with people in the Chinese medicine field during those years as the dean.

Now he is finally famous, and so many people recognize him.Mr. Li accepted the invitation of Mr. Deng Tietao, and has been going south for many years to give lectures, pass on art, and talk about his academic thoughts.

He has also been urging Chinese medicine practitioners not to be willing to be a slow doctor, nor willing to be a vassal of Western medicine.The three generations of Chinese medicine practitioners, old, middle-aged and young, should strive to catch up and improve their ability to treat critical and severe diseases. Slow doctors are a disgrace to Chinese medicine.

And Xu Yang has been sitting in the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine for diagnosis and treatment. Although Mr. Li is already well-known all over the world, he has always been willing to be lonely and has never produced a spirit stone.

In the daytime, there are often emergency patients from rural areas who come to see a doctor.Xu Yang trekked across the mountains in the middle of the night to treat those patients, and over time, he even developed the ability to walk in the mountains with his eyes closed.

Xu Yang's reputation has never been spread, and many people don't even know that he is Mr. Li's apprentice.But in the county, everyone knew that there was such an excellent Chinese medicine doctor as Xu Yang in the Chinese medicine hospital.

In his twilight years, Mr. Li has been working hard for the future of Chinese medicine.Traveling across states and provinces, he kept lecturing and passing on arts.Patients from all over the country flocked to follow Mr. Li across states and provinces just to seek medical treatment, and Mr. Li couldn't bear to refuse.

At such an advanced age, Mr. Li has never fallen asleep before two o'clock in the morning for many years.

Later, he finally fell ill and he had a stroke.

Chapter 96 The Great Physician Died

"How is it, Dr. Xu Yang, can I get better from this disease?" Mr. Li asked Xu Yang with a smile.

After Xu Yang had just checked Mr. Li's pulse, he said angrily, "If you keep going on like this, it will be useless if Zhang Zhongjing comes."

Boss Li has just recovered from his illness, but he still looks very tired and weak, and he has worked too hard. He was already very thin, but he has lost a lot of weight. At this time, he is only 87 catties, and he is skinny.

Xu Yang shook his head slightly, and started to write with a pen: "Although the wind evil has been exorcised, the remaining evil is not cleared away, and the body is still a little numb. Let's take a few more doses of medicine."

Mr. Li smiled and said: "Okay, I will follow Dr. Xu's orders."

Xu Yang said: "If you listen to me, you can rest for a while, and you don't care how old you are. You run all over the world, seeing so many patients in a day, you slept before two o'clock one day, that's amazing. It's not the way to live longer."

The teacher's wife was also dissatisfied and said: "Yes, Xu Yang, you scold your master well, this old man won't listen to what he says, this time it scared me. If you don't rest, I will let the child be tied up for you and sent to the countryside Go, let me see who can still find you!"

Old Li smiled wryly, lowered his head, and did not speak.

The teacher's wife hadn't finished speaking when the phone rang again. She said, "Look, another patient called. The phone at home has never been quiet all year long. Many people still call in the middle of the night. Your master Just talk to people for a long time, don't want to sleep all night."

Mr. Li lowered his head and said in a low voice: "He called at such a late hour, he must be seriously ill, right...it's hard not to answer."

The teacher's wife said angrily: "Without you, no one else can cure you?"

Elder Li stopped talking again.

After the teacher's wife finished complaining, she went out to answer the phone.

After the teacher went out, Mr. Li said to Xu Yang: "I'm not afraid of her, I don't want to fight with her."

Xu Yang smiled, wrote the prescription and handed it to Mr. Li.

Mr. Li took it over and took a look, then nodded constantly: "Not bad, not bad, now your way of using medicine is enough to enter the room, and the level of diagnosis and treatment has far surpassed most Chinese medicine practitioners."

Xu Yang smiled.

Mr. Li asked again: "You have stayed in Lingshi all year round, do you have any idea to go out and have a look? For example, go to the south, Guangdong, where the environment for Chinese medicine is not bad, and it is also a big city, which will be very beneficial to your future development. "

Xu Yang shook his head: "I'm still used to staying in the countryside. There are many inconveniences in the city, but the countryside is still free. Now the director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital is also very supportive of me, and he is busy signing for me all day long."

Mr. Li also laughed, he also thought of those things about him back then, Xu Yang seemed to be him back then.

Mr. Li touched a cigarette and lit it: "This stroke was not dangerous, but it frightened your teacher's wife. Fortunately, it is not serious. Western medicine diagnosed me as lacunar infarction."

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