Liu Yanfa waved his hand.

Yang Chen said to Liu Yanfa again: "Master, this is my classmate Xu Yang."

Liu Yanfa nodded, ignored Xu Yang, and asked Cao Dehua, "Know you?"

Cao Dehua immediately became embarrassed, he was PUAed by this kid just this morning, now he met again!

"Yes." Cao Dehua nodded awkwardly.

Liu Yanfa looked at Xu Yang and asked, "Are you here alone?"

Xu Yang nodded, but did not reply.

Liu Yanfa's face was a little playful, and he shook his head slightly. Why did this family go to the doctor in such a hurry, and the students who just graduated were also invited?

Mr. Xie also frowned, he really wanted to ask Gao Xiaoyu's husband what the hell was going on.

Gao Xiyu's husband said: "Mr. Xie, don't look at Dr. Xu as young. His medical skills are amazing. He cured my daughter-in-law's strange disease, so she went to many big hospitals and failed to cure her." .”

Mr. Xie took another look at Xu Yang. Everyone respected people with real skills.

Liu Yanfa sat on the sofa and picked up some tea. He also became interested. He asked, "Oh, what kind of strange disease is it?"

Gao Xiyu's husband snorted softly, and said, "On the first day of my menstrual period, my wife started to have a fever for no reason in the evening, and it lasted until midnight."

"Then after twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the fever started to go away automatically. It was like this every day, and it didn't stop until the end of menstruation. Do you think it's strange?"

Hearing this, Liu Yanfa suddenly laughed.

Sitting there, Cao Dehua pouted quietly.

Gao Xiyu's husband was taken aback: "What are you laughing at?"

Liu Yanfa didn't answer, but instead asked his apprentice: "Yang Chen, let me test you, what kind of disease is this?"

Yang Chen smiled slightly, and replied: "When the heat enters the blood chamber, and the cold and heat come and go, we should use Xiao Bupleurum Decoction to control it."

"Huh?" Gao Xiaoyu's husband was stunned.

Gao Xiaoyu was also obviously taken aback.

The two couples were stunned. They went to so many big hospitals and failed to cure the strange disease. They were finally cured by Xu Yang. They thought they had encountered a miracle doctor.


How can a random apprentice come and know what the disease is and how to cure it just by listening to the symptoms?

Why do you feel that the difficulty has suddenly decreased?

Both of them were dumbfounded.

Mr. Xie looked at the bewildered two people, then looked at Xu Yang, he shook his head slightly, this couple is really unreliable!

Liu Yanfa also laughed a few times, and he just said, what strange disease can a fresh graduate student cure, isn't it the most typical fever entering the blood room, what kind of shock did these two people have?

Xu Yang is also very helpless, this is not a serious illness, he said it on the day of diagnosis and treatment, a little more mature Chinese medicine can treat it.

Liu Yanfa put down the teacup and said, "Since we're here, let's take a look together. Mr. Xie, please ask Madam to come out."

"Okay." Mr. Xie agreed, and then said to the nanny next to him.

Mr. Xie smiled at the people standing there and said, "Several, please sit down quickly. Xiaowen, go pour tea for the guests."

Yang Chen dragged Xu Yang to sit in a corner, he, the apprentice who followed, was not qualified to be with the bosses.

Yang Chen was excited and said to Xu Yang while suppressing his voice: "Hey, Xu Yang, where have you been all this time?"

"I..." Xu Yangzheng didn't know how to answer.

However, Yang Chen excitedly changed the topic by himself: "See, my master has style, right? Let me tell you, hey, my master can earn this amount for a trip to the doctor."

Yang Chen made an eight sign and came out.

Xu Yang didn't answer, this guy used to be a chatterbox, is he still like this now?

Yang Chen chattered again: "Hey, let me tell you, I'm my master's most favored apprentice now, he takes me with him every time he goes to the clinic, I've seen a lot of things in the world. Hey, do you know my master?"

Xu Yang shook his head.

Yang Chen said again: "Then my master, you must know? Wang Rentang!"

Xu Yang glanced at him: "Wang Rentang from Beijing Xiyuan Hospital?"

Yang Chen nodded: "You know?"

Xu Yang nodded in embarrassment. When Wang Rentang first entered the hospital, he took him as an intern for a period of time, and he was regarded as half of his teacher.

Chapter 54 Don't Tell Others

It's not that Xu Yangchong belongs to the old school, the key is that the era he went to was too early.

He passed in 1978, and it has been 40 years now.

Those brats back then are now great experts.Wasn't Liu Mingda a young man at that time, and now he is already a famous national player all over the world.

40 years of practicing medicine is enough to change the lives of most people.

These young men are now in their 60s.As for those brothers who are older than them, they are now seven or eighty-year-old old Chinese medicine practitioners.

Xu Yang knew not only the doctors of Xiyuan Hospital, Xu Yang stayed there for more than eight years, and he also became a famous doctor of gynecology.

Chinese medicine also has circles of Chinese medicine, and experts also have circles of experts.Although Xu Yang is obsessed with learning, communicating with peers is also an excellent way of learning.Although the system restricts Xu Yang's actions, those related to learning will not be restricted.

So Xu Yang is really familiar with those Chinese medicine practitioners in Beijing in the early 80s. Now many of them have become great experts, and some have even become famous doctors at the national level.

Just like Wang Rende, he was a curious baby when he first entered the hospital, he kept asking why, he had to ask why for everything, like a bully.

The teachers who took him were very annoying to him, that is to say, Xu Yang was more patient, took him for a few months, and stayed with this guy for a few months.

And this guy is still very exploratory. Not long after he entered the hospital, he felt that the stew in the hospital cafeteria was not tasty, and then he had to go to the kitchen to discuss with the chef how to add spices, how much dosage, and when to put them in. What kind of processing should be done in advance.

The spices in the stew are actually Chinese medicines.The chef said that Wang Rende didn't know how to cook, but this guy actually said that the chef didn't know Chinese medicine.

Are you saying that you are a good guy or not?

Later, while the chef was stewing the meat, he secretly added a large packet of Chinese medicine that he had prepared into the cauldron, and then...then the pot of meat was inedible, and the taste...Xu Yang still remembers it still fresh.

And the chef of the cafeteria was also angrily chasing this scumbag for several blocks with a frying spoon. At that time, the whole courtyard was very lively...

It's just that I didn't expect that the little gangster back then has become a big expert now, and he has become the teacher of his classmates.

Thinking about it, Xu Yang laughed, but he couldn't laugh anymore because they didn't remember him.So many precious memories can only be chewed by myself alone.

"Xu Yang, Xu Yang..."

Yang Chen woke up Xu Yang who was trapped in memories.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yang asked.

Yang Chen asked back: "What are you thinking about?"

Xu Yang shook his head: "Nothing."

Yang Chen asked: "Hey, where have you been all this time? Which hospital are you in now?"

Xu Yang replied, "I'm not in the hospital."

"Then where have you been?"

Xu Yang said: "I... am in a small private clinic."

"Ah?" Yang Chen was startled, paused, and asked again: "Then have you been a teacher?"

Xu Yang shook his head and smiled.

Yang Chen sighed slightly, looking at Xu Yang full of sympathy, this was the most dazzling existence in their school back then.

But because of doing one thing wrong, not only lost his job, but also fell to such a point, maybe even ruined his future?

Now that Xu Yang doesn't even have a master, what can he learn in the

He was regarded as a miracle doctor by a capable person even if he cured a fever into the blood room. I am afraid that he can only dawdle in such a small county.

"Great God Xu back then... In terms of medical skills, I'm afraid that even a scumbag like myself can't compare to me now..."

Yang Chen shook his head full of emotion.

Xu Yang also turned his head to look at him and said, "Don't tell others that you have seen me."

Yang Chen was stunned, and then he shook his head and sighed. After all, no one wanted to let others see how downcast he was now, let alone the once so proud Great God Xu.

He said: "Okay, I won't say."

Xu Yang said: "Thank you."

Yang Chen paused, and then said: "Actually, after that incident, Boss Yao has been looking for you, and Teacher He has been looking for you for a long time."

Xu Yang suddenly had a sore nose, he lowered his head, not letting Yang Chen see his expression, he said: "Don't tell them, I... will go to them, but not now, I still need some time."

"Okay." Yang Chen could only agree.

Now Xu Yang is not ready to face those people in the past, so when he is doing publicity, he always wears a mask, and has never revealed his real name on the public platform.

While the two were talking, the patient came.

The patient was supported by the nanny and sat on the sofa. The patient frowned tightly and looked a little restless.

President Xie smiled at Liu Yanfa and said, "Doctor Liu, this is my lover, please show me."

Liu Yanfa nodded: "Mr. Xie is polite."

Cao Dehua boasted from the side: "Mr. Xie, our doctor Liu Yanfa is a well-known Chinese medicine expert in treating anorectal diseases. Doctors in the province may not be as high as our expert Liu."

Liu Yanfa suppressed his hand: "I'm too proud, I dare not take it."

But looking at his expression, he was smiling, it seems that these words are quite useful.

Mr. Xie chuckled: "Then invite Expert Liu to start."

"Okay." Liu Yanfa put down the teacup, got up and sat next to Mrs. Xie.

Mrs. Xie had an irritable expression on her face, and gave Mr. Xie a look from time to time.

As for Xu Yang and the others, they were completely ignored, even Gao Xiyu and his wife sat aside, so it was very embarrassing.They didn't understand, they were obviously kind, so why did they feel so embarrassed now.

Gao Xiaoyu was sitting on the sofa, moving around from time to time, feeling a little on pins and needles.

"Yang Chen." Liu Yanfa called out again.

Yang Chen took out the pen and paper, quickly stood up and walked over, he was going to copy the prescription from the teacher.But just two steps after walking out, Yang Chen looked back at Xu Yang who was still sitting, and said to Xu Yang: "Xu Yang, come here together, you don't have a master now, it will be good for you to learn more."

After finishing speaking, Yang Chen enthusiastically pulled Xu Yang over.

Xu Yang could only keep up.

Liu Yanfa glanced at Xu Yang who was following him, and started asking about the patient's condition without saying much.

Mr. Xie frowned slightly, but he didn't show obvious displeasure.

Cao Dehua looked at Xu Yang who came over, his face was full of tiredness!

Liu Yanfa began to inquire about his condition, while Yang Chen was recording the medical records.What is copying a prescription from a master means that when the master is diagnosing and treating patients, the apprentice records a complete and careful medical record.

Go back and study how this is dialectical, why Master uses this medicine, and what is the purpose of this medicine.Ask the master the next day if you don't understand, this is the only way for every small Chinese medicine practitioner to grow up.

Liu Yanfa asked all kinds of questions.

Yang Chen recorded everything well.

When the patient traveled abroad during the Spring Festival, he was not acclimatized to the water and soil, and was not used to eating. After returning, he began to have diarrhea, which lasted for more than half a year.

The patient's weight also lost nearly [-] jins. He was hospitalized for a period of recuperation some time ago, and after he got better, he was discharged from the hospital and relapsed again.

Liu Yanfa asked: "Do you feel weak all over?"

Mrs. Xie said, "Yes."

Liu Yanfa asked again: "When does diarrhea usually start? Is there a specific time? Or at dawn or after meals? How does it feel when you have diarrhea?"

Mrs. Xie frowned and said: "Every morning when the sky is just dawn, my stomach starts to hurt. There is a gurgling sound in my stomach, and then I will have diarrhea. After the diarrhea, the pain will disappear."

Liu Yanfa nodded, understood.

"Five shifts?" Yang Chen also muttered softly.

Cao Dehua was also a little surprised, so simple?

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