Zhang Ke cleared her throat, and she said to the little octopus, "Hello, we are going to have a closed meeting now, and we won't be seeing patients in the morning, please..."

The little octopus hasn't spoken yet.

Xu Yang was stunned: "A meeting behind closed doors? What kind of meeting?"

"Eh..." Zhang Ke looked at Cao Dehua, and she said, "Dr. Cao must have come from afar, so he must have something important to say, so we shouldn't take it seriously?"

When Cao Dehua heard this, his eyebrows almost flew up, and he hummed proudly, with his face...

Song Qiang's wife also raised her head, with a proud expression on her face.

Song Qiang followed behind, not knowing what to say.

Xu Yang looked puzzled, the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine was only a few kilometers away from them, why did they come so far away?

He said: "You have a meeting and you have your own troubles, and I still have to get medical treatment."

Zhang Ke said: "Didn't you finish the follow-up consultation?"

Xu Yang pointed to the bathroom: "Isn't there a pregnant woman in there."

Zhang Ke said anxiously: "They didn't even say to seek treatment from you!"

Xu Yang looked at Zhang Ke strangely: "Don't you usually try to get people to treat the disease, why are you pushing the patient out today?"

Zhang Ke choked suddenly.

At this moment, the Queen Mother Octopus and the Second Sister Octopus came out. The Second Sister Octopus kept stroking her chest, breathing down, and covered her stomach with the other hand.She frowned tightly, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

The Octopus Queen Mother didn't have time to investigate Xu Yang anymore, so she said, "Xiaoyu, let's go, let's go back first!"

Xu Yang looked at the second sister Octopus and asked, "Lesbian, do you want me to show you the pregnancy vomiting?"

The patient has not spoken yet.

But Zhang Ke said first: "Next time, we have a meeting now."

Xu Yang looked at Zhang Ke strangely.

But Cao Dehua said lightly: "It's okay, don't worry, let Dr. Xu see the doctor first, and we will have time to chat."

Zhang Ke looked at Cao Dehua in astonishment, didn't you say you were in a hurry, why are you not in a hurry?What the hell, betrayed you!

"Brother." Song Qiang's wife also pulled Cao Dehua.

Cao Dehua turned around and whispered to them: "Zhengchou has nothing to do with this kid, just a ready-made patient came to the door."

Song Qiang's wife understood: "This person can't be a babysitter, can he?"

Cao Dehua whispered: "Definitely not."

Song Qiang's wife is relieved.

The second sister Octopus raised her head, clutched her chest, and endured the nausea that kept turning up, she asked, "Can you cure it?"

The Octopus Queen said, "Xiaohui, you are pregnant now, don't take medicine indiscriminately!"

"Mom!" The little octopus glared at her mother.

The octopus queen pursed her lips. She didn't really believe in Chinese medicine. She was a little uncomfortable at ordinary times, so it was fine to seek medical treatment.Now I am pregnant, who knows if I can take traditional Chinese medicine, what should I do if I have problems?

Xu Yang frowned.

Cao Dehua said teasingly, "Let Dr. Xu take a look. There are still many good Chinese medicine practitioners among the people."

Xu Yang nodded to Cao Dehua, this cheap nephew is quite good at talking.

The whole face of the second sister octopus was wrinkled, and she said to the queen mother octopus, "Auntie, I'm really sad, it's so disgusting!"

The Octopus Queen asked nervously, "Shall I take you to the hospital?"

Second Sister Octopus waved her hand: "No, the hospital...is useless at all. I have tried both Chinese and Western medicine, but nothing works. I also asked Dr. Cao to see him, but it didn't help either."

Cao Dehua's face froze slightly at that moment.

Both Song Qiang and Song Qiang's wife looked at Cao Dehua, no wonder he said that this woman would not be a caregiver, and he himself was overturned!

Xu Yang asked Cao Dehua: "Did you cure her?"

Cao Dehua looked a little ugly, and he argued: "Then... Chinese medicine doesn't take effect so quickly, and she may have other reasons because of her body... And you vomited so much that you vomited all the medicine. In the end It’s better to go to the hospital for another checkup later.”

Xu Yang comforted him, and said, "It's okay! No doctor dares to say that he will be cured once, just try to prove it carefully."

Cao Dehua's whole face was wrong, he squinted at Xu Yang, why are you pretending to be aggressive, why should I use you as a young man to comfort me?

Xu Yang looked at several people, and said in a flat tone: "If you don't want to take medicine, you can try acupuncture first."


Several people were stunned.

Cao Dehua asked curiously: "You still know this?"

Xu Yang smiled at him, and said kindly: "I know a little bit."

The little octopus's eyes were shining brightly: "Is it like in martial arts movies, biubiubiu, then it will be fine."

Xu Yang said speechlessly, "Stop watching boring TV."

"Oh." The little octopus agreed aggrievedly.

The second sister Octopus clutched her chest and asked uncomfortablely, "Can acupuncture work?"

Xu Yang replied: "With acupuncture, the effect will be faster. I will prepare some medicine later, and the effect will be better."

The second sister octopus hesitated.

The little octopus booed from the side: "Second sister, try it, he is very powerful!"

Although the second sister Octopus was very sick and uncomfortable, she still couldn't help asking: "Have you tried it?"

The little octopus' face turned red all of a sudden.

The octopus queen mother's eyes that could kill people immediately squinted over.

Zhang Ke's eyes widened at the counter!

The little octopus turned pale with fright, and quickly waved his hands: "No, no!"

The little octopus hurriedly explained: "I mean acupuncture, oh, sister! Just try it, you don't want to be so uncomfortable all the time, do you?"

"Okay, okay, I'm really disgusted." The second sister octopus agreed.

Xu Yang pointed to the seat beside him and said, "Come on, sit down."

Xu Yang began to diagnose and treat the second sister Octopus.

Everyone else is watching.

Xu Yang asked the same questions, and completed all the four consultations and consultations.

Xu Yang wrote medical records, and while writing, he also said: "After a woman is pregnant, the blood gathers in the uterus, and the liver stores the blood. At this time, the stored blood is insufficient, and the blood does not nourish the liver. The more deficient the liver blood, the more vigorous the liver fire."

"In addition, for example, the internal injuries of the seven emotions, depression and anger hurt the liver, and when the liver fire is strong, the wood will take advantage of the soil, and it will violate the stomach. In addition, during pregnancy, the energy of the pulse is strong, and the energy is caught by the liver fire. The liver and stomach are not harmonious, and the stomach is not in harmony. So I will vomit badly!"

"Another reason is that the spleen and stomach are weak. The spleen governs clearing, and the stomach governs descending turbidity. The spleen and stomach are weak, and the ascending and descending is abnormal, and the stomach loses harmony and descends."

"It is also related to the energy of the Chongmai. During pregnancy, blood gathers to nourish the fetus, and the Chongmai will be full of Qi. The Chongmai belongs to Yangming, and it is easy to violate the Yangming Stomach. If the spleen and stomach are weak, it is easy to be rushed. When the Qi goes up against the offense, it leads to vomiting."

"Under normal circumstances, there are these two pathogenesis, but this is what is said in textbooks. In clinical practice, we generally subdivide it into three types, liver hyperactivity and qi inversion, stomach qi disharmony, and middle deficiency and stomach cold. .In addition to the main evidence, we must take into account the concurrent evidence."

After Xu Yang finished writing the medical record, he raised his head and showed a kind smile: "Do you remember?"

Others were fascinated by it. Dr. Xu always looked calm and serious to everyone, but he had a gentle smile on Cao Dehua's face.

What the hell?

If it weren't for seeing that the other party was an old man in his 40s, the little octopus would feel jealous.

Cao Dehua also had goosebumps all over his body, he endured the discomfort and said: "You...you treat yourself..."

Xu Yang shook his head slightly, and asked again: "What diagnosis did you make, and what prescription did you prescribe?"

Cao Dehua was even more confused: "You care so much about me!"

But Xu Yang said: "I don't know what prescription you prescribed, how do you know where you are wrong!"

Chapter 48 Didn't Your Master Teach You?

Xu Yang's tone is loud.

People around couldn't stand it anymore.

In everyone's eyes, Xu Yang is just a young man who has no preparations and can only stay in a small clinic.

But Cao Dehua is also the deputy director of the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and he is older, so he is better than you when you are young!

Cao Dehua also looked at Xu Yang in surprise for a long time: "You teach me? Okay! Okay, the patient vomits yellow water, dizziness, dry stool, thin and greasy tongue coating, slightly yellow stains on the roots, dry mouth and bitter throat."

"The pulse condition is stringy and frequent, and the symptoms are very obvious. It is the disharmony between the liver and the stomach, the anger is strong, and the stomach is violated, causing the stomach qi to surge up, and the phlegm does not descend. Both the tongue and pulse conditions have proved that her symptoms are also in line with the cause of the liver fire. , otherwise, why would you suffer from dry mouth, bitter throat, and dizziness?"

"Since the liver and stomach are in disharmony, the turbid phlegm does not drop. I take the flavored Wendan Decoction from "Yi Zong Jin Jian" as the main one. What's the problem? Coptis chinensis and Zhuru clear liver heat, eliminate restlessness and stop vomiting."

"Citrus aurantium broadens the chest and harmonizes the stomach, regulates qi and lowers adverse events; Ophiopogon japonicus and reed root nourishes yin, clears heat and eliminates troubles. Shall I tell you the dosage again, Dr. Xu?"

For the last few words, Cao Dehua used a teasing tone, and after he finished speaking, he sneered.

The others were also stunned.

Song Qiang knew that his uncle's medical skills were much better than his, and he was a serious deputy director, so the diagnosis and treatment were reasonable!

Song Qiang's wife showed pride. She squinted her eyes and looked down at Xu Yang. She wanted to see how this fake appeared today!

The little octopus looked displeased. She couldn't stand others pretending to be aggressive in front of Dr. Xu, but she blushed and couldn't hold back any rebuttals.

Even the second sister Octopus couldn't help looking at Cao Dehua. She didn't expect that there would be so many twists and turns in the treatment of diseases. She felt that Dr. Cao was very powerful.

The octopus queen also shook her head slightly at Xu Yang, why bother? Isn't this self-inflicted, and the octopus queen deducted several points from Xu Yang's evaluation.

Cao Dehua looked at the friends around him who didn't know what to do, and he raised his head slightly. In this small non-governmental clinic, he still can't be an expert?

Zhang Ke glanced at Cao Dehua, and said with a smirk: "You said so badly, why didn't he get cured?"

Cao Dehua's body swayed, and he couldn't maintain the tall man's posture for an instant.

The little octopus looked at Zhang Ke, and immediately showed admiration, "Damn it, let me kill you with one word, this sister is really amazing!"

Only then did the others come to their senses, that's right, you blow it so hard, you haven't cured it yet.

Cao Dehua couldn't hold back immediately: "The effect is not so fast, you know! And you must have taken other medicines, which affect each other. You can come back to the hospital with me for another checkup later."


"What?" Cao Dehua was taken aback.

Xu Yang sighed slightly: "It's not treated like this."

Cao Dehua asked angrily, "Then how do you treat it?"

Xu Yang looked at Cao Dehua, then at Song Qiang. Although Cao Dehua was much stronger than Song Qiang, he was still worse.

He said: "The dialectic is wrong. The patient's liver is not exuberant, and the liver and stomach are not in harmony, but the stomach is cold due to deficiency."

"What?" Cao Dehua almost didn't laugh.

Song Qiang was also stunned when he heard it: "Deficiency and cold?"

Cao Dehua shook his head and smiled, admiringly said: "Doctor Xu is really skilled in medicine, Xu Han? Hehe, the young people nowadays are really amazing."

Song Qiang also looked at Xu Yang in confusion, how could it be Xu Han? Could it be that he was really lying to others before?

Song Qiang's wife also snorted twice, she must have been exposed, this PUA king.

Cao Dehua asked amusedly: "Hey, Doctor Xu, tell me, how did you judge it? Dry mouth and bitter mouth, restless and hot heart. Spleen deficiency and stomach cold, when did you have dry mouth and bitter mouth?"

But Xu Yang said: "Bitter mouth may not necessarily be a heat syndrome. In "Shengji Zonglu·Danmen", it is said that "gall deficiency produces cold, qi overflows the chest and diaphragm, dizziness and bitter mouth, often likes to breathe too much, and often vomits water." .'"

Cao Dehua's smile suddenly froze on his face.

He argued: "That's just a very rare situation. You can see that besides her dry mouth and bitter mouth, her tongue coating is also thin and yellow. People with weak spleen and stomach, how can they have yellow coating?"

Xu Yang said again: "Pale tongue with white coating also indicates heat syndrome; thick yellow tongue with thick coating also indicates cold syndrome; crimson tongue without fluid also indicates phlegm syndrome. Pulse, syndrome, stool and drowning should be used for reference."

"Comrade, please stick out your tongue again." Xu Yang said to the second sister octopus.

"Oh." The second sister octopus stuck out her tongue again.

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