With them guarding behind them, the flag soldiers of Dingfan, Pingfan and Xushun Gongfu, as well as the more lowly Green Battalion soldiers, felt that their backs were hard and they were not afraid of anything.

Now in the school grounds, all the soldiers and horses are lined up neatly and silently, but the morale of every general is high, and they are almost cheering in their hearts.

Because outside the school grounds, the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners are marching in mighty formation under the leadership of General Tu Hai, General Jing Kou in Ningnan!

This is really the Eight Banners!

You can tell by the color of their cloth masks... 200 people are divided into six assistant leaders, one with a yellow flag, one with a yellow flag, two with a white flag, and two with a red flag!

Among them, the two assistant leaders of the Zhenghuang Banner and the Xianghuang Banner are shotgun-carrying infantry—they are actually Huo Lei soldiers belonging to the Zhenghuang Banner Han Army and the Xianghuang Banner Han Army.

The four assistant leaders of Zhengbai Banner and Zhenghong Banner are all cavalry—in fact, there are only 500 authentic disciples of the Eight Banners, and the rest are coated slaves. Tu Hai dressed them up as Eight Banners Tianbing, after mixing them with the real Manchurians, divided them into four assistant leaders.

Tu Hai was riding on a tall horse. He was a servant of the Zhenghuang Banner in Manchuria, so he wore a cloth-covered iron armor with a yellow cloth cover.Deputy General Sun Sike's stout figure was beside him, looking majestic.The two walked along the way, talking and laughing, showing confidence in their words and expressions.

In fact, both of them knew in their hearts that the upcoming battle was not easy to fight!

Because this time the opponent is really strong!It is more powerful than any opponent the Qing soldiers have encountered before.

Although there is no record of "two famous kings", there is only one Pingnan king in Guangdong, and he has been captured alive...

In addition, Zhu and Qi still occupy the trumpet-mouthed location formed by Dinghu Mountain and Xijiang.

According to the report of the horse scouts, the enemy dug at least a trench four or five miles long between Dinghu Mountain and Xijiang River, and built a parapet and erected a wooden fence behind the trench.

This is clearly waiting for the heavenly soldiers of the Qing Dynasty to hit their heads head-on!

But Tu Hai and Sun Sike were forced by the general situation, and they had to collide...or they wouldn't even have a chance to fight!

So Tu Hai and Sun Sike are both worried now, and they are just forcing a smile.

Between the two forced smiles, they had already approached the feudal flag army and green battalion soldiers who were waiting in line for inspection.

Countless fiery eyes cast on them and the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers behind them!

The owners of these gazes still don't know that Wu Sangui has turned his back... If they knew, they might be heartbroken!

Thinking of this, Tuhai clamped his horse's belly fiercely, accelerated his speed, and galloped to the front of the formation of more than [-] officers and soldiers, and then slammed the reins. Only the hind legs supported the body to stand upright, and the two front hooves flew into the air for a moment before they suddenly hit the ground.

When the two front hoofs of Tuhai's horse fell to the ground, someone in the formation of the Qing army suddenly raised their arms and shouted: "The heavenly army is invincible! The Qing Dynasty will win!"

Then more people cheered: "The heavenly soldiers are invincible, the Qing Dynasty will win..."

The sound of cheers became louder and louder, and soon became like a roaring tsunami, and then went west along the Xijiang River, and spread to the Tianchengding Highland of Dinghu Mountain more than 30 miles away.At this time, Zhu Heqi was standing on the hill calmly riding his horse, surrounded by soldiers from the first leader of the cavalry battalion of his pro-army town. aisle.Although they all heard the cheers of the Qing army, they all looked relaxed.

Because the seasick military commander Zhuge was sent by Zhu Heqi to command the water army at Longgangkou on the Xijiang River, so the right military commander Yang Qilong is now with Zhu Heqi—this battle is almost based on his plan. of!

Now that the decisive battle is imminent, this Army Master Yang is extremely excited.

For the upcoming battle, he, like Zhu and Qi, is full of anticipation...

Chapter 221 Tonight, there is a meteor shower!

Guicheng at the foot of Dinghu Mountain is completely dark under the night sky.Occasionally, sentries with torches passed by the camps of the two sides more than ten miles apart to show their sphere of influence.

The place where the Ming and Qing armies confronted each other was located more than ten miles east of Gaoyao County, the first county of Zhaoqing, in a town called Guichengdu.

Zhu and Qi's [-] Ming troops were in the west, with their backs against a small riverside hill called Lingshan on the bank of the Xijiang River.

And the [-] Qing troops led by Tu Hai set up a large camp in an open area more than ten miles east of the Ming army camp. Tonight, the lights are bright, and lantern bonfires are dotted between the Xijiang River and Dinghu Mountain. , like the sea of ​​stars on the ground... This momentum is really enough, and it's also quite arrogant, as if it doesn't take Zhu and the great sage Zhu Zhu seriously.

This can't be done!

In the early morning of this morning, Zhu and Qi had already heard the cheers from the Qing army on Dinghu Mountain...Wu Sangui has turned against them, and they are still so arrogant, it is really outrageous!

This kind of arrogance must be cured, is it okay to die?

Standing on a watchtower in his own camp, Zhu Hexi looked at the brightly lit camp of the Qing army for a while, then turned around and asked Yang Qilong, Zhuge Zhengyang, Cui Liu, Zhao Hongkui, etc. who were "working overtime" with him. People, "Qing Yao is very arrogant, you have to give them some power!"

"Sage," Zhao Hongkui said, "Students should lead a team of elite soldiers to make a night raid... After beheading dozens of heads, they won't be arrogant anymore."

Zhao Hongkui's group of "big Nanshan youths" and eunuch Pang's "little father-in-laws" are all the first batch of students brought out by Zhu Heqi. Hejiao sages call themselves "students" in front of Zhu Hechi—this not only makes the relationship appear close, but also determines the seniority of the teachers and students.

If one's seniority is certain, one's superiority and inferiority are also determined... It will be difficult for the inferior to commit the crime of the superior.

Because the first phase of the Military Academy has a total of 72 people, and everyone is of the same generation, whoever wants to commit crimes and usurp the throne, the other 71 people will definitely not accept it!

Zhu Heqian looked at Yang Qilong again, and Yang Qilong said: "Saint, fighting in close combat at night may not be beneficial to me. If I can't win the battle, it will inevitably hurt my spirit. And now the general situation is in my favor, just stick to it and you will win."

Zhu Hexi said heartily: "This Yang Qilong has no less bad water in his belly than Zhuge's army division, but his tactical command ability is a little worse."

"Zhengyang, Ah Liu, you guys also talk about it." Then Zhu Heqi asked Zhuge Zhengyang and Cui Liu to express their opinions.

These two are now the staff officers of the Marching Division of the Chinese Army, Zhuge Zhengyang is in charge of combat, and Cui Liu is the artillery staff officer.

"Sage," Zhuge Zhengyang said, "how about using rockets to dampen the spirit of Qing Yao!"

"That's right," Cui Liulian nodded and said, "I haven't used such a good thing in actual combat... I think I can use it tonight!"

Hearing the two people's suggestion, Zhu and Qi also grinned: "Okay! Tonight, let's use rockets to thwart the demon's arrogance!"

The "rocket" that Zhuge Zhengyang and Zhu Hexi mentioned is of course the "nitrogen rocket"... The appearance of this thing is similar to the historical Congreve rocket. It is made of a wooden stick with a copper skin on it. A pointed cylinder.It can be launched on a simple launcher, and the range can reach ten miles!

However, the propellant filled in this cylinder is not black powder, but a "sugar medicine" made from "military-grade white sugar" and fire nitrate... Amateur rocket players of later generations generally have better performance and can mold gunpowder. Shaped "sugar medicine", instead of using black powder with poor performance as propellant.

Although Zhu Hechi had never played rockets before, he still knew that there was such a game, so when he reached this era, he put the construction of the "Rocket Army" on his agenda.

But because his sugar medicine was immature at the beginning, and the output was not high, so he didn't do this.After he took down Canton, he was finally "out of poverty" and could use some "prodigal" ammunition.

So, there is a rocket tonight!

"Cui Liu!" Zhu Heqi smiled and said to Cui Liudao, the fierce man who had blown up the Xiushui Bridge, "I leave it to you, bring four launchers and 48 rockets to bomb the Qingyao camp!"

Then he said to the junior strategist Zhuge Zhengyang: "Little strategist, you also take four launchers and 48 rockets to attack!

Cui Liu, small military division, you two teams have to take turns launching, Cui Liu, you go first, and then move your position after shooting eight rockets.Little strategist, when Cui Liu transfers, your men will start fighting, and transfer after hitting eight pieces!

Remember, you must transfer in time, don't let Qing Yao's Yebu accept you! "



Tomorrow is going to be a fight to the death, so of course Tu Hai won't be able to sleep tonight!

However, he didn't go up to observe the camp and defense line of the Ming army, because he couldn't see it at all... The Ming army set up a dark camp, and the lights were blacked out, so they couldn't see it at night.

There is no enemy camp to see Tuhai, and at this time, he is nestling in his large tent of the Chinese army and watching the letter sent from Shaozhou by Liu Bingquan, the governor of Guangdong... The content of the letter is also about Wu Sangui's rebellion!

Liu Bingquan got the news a little later than Kong Sizhen, and he was not very sure-he only knew that Li Benshen, the admiral of Guizhou, was mobilizing troops to block the various passes on the border between Guizhou and Hunan!

Of course Li Benshen himself didn't have that much courage...and only Wu Sangui could command him to do such a thing. Neither Wu Yingxiong nor Wu Yingqi could command him to do it, only Wu Sangui had this ability.

So the news that Wu Sangui has rebelled has spread all over Hunan!

After reading Liu Bingquan's report, Tu Hai just sighed lightly.Originally, he still had a little luck in his heart, what if the news that Kong Sizhen got was wrong?

But now Guizhou has been blocked...

Tu Hai sighed again, put away Liu Bingquan's letter, got up and left the tent where he lived.

Lanterns and bonfires outside the tents are everywhere, shining like daylight.And the sky is dotted with stars, full of stars.

Looks like tomorrow will be a fine day!When Tuhai looked up at the sky, he heard the sound of footsteps, and he knew that it was Zhou Peigong.

Zhou Peigong was also in the big tent just now, after Tu Hai left, he had to tidy up before he could come out.

"Pei Gong, how do you look at the sky?" Tu Hai suddenly asked Zhou Peigong, "Is this sky good for us?"

Zhou Peigong said with a smile: "Zhongtang, you are joking, I don't know astronomy... Hey, there are meteors falling from the sky!"

"A shooting star? Where?"

Tu Hai was a little nervous when he heard Zhou Peigong's words, so he hurriedly looked up for the shooting star—it might not be a good sign if the shooting star fell before the battle started, it might be some kind of falling star!

"Well, it looks like it's heading for us! And there's more than one? One, two, three, four... four!"

"What?" Tuhai became nervous all of a sudden, and said in his heart, "Four generals? It can't be me, Sun Sike, Sun Yanling, and Ma Xiong, right? Exactly four..."

While thinking wildly, Tu Hai raised his head and saw four "shooting stars" with long tail flames roaring towards him. In just a blink of an eye, they had already passed over his head and fell towards the rear camp.

"Boom... boom..."

Immediately afterwards, two loud noises came from Tu Hai's back camp!

Tu Hai hurriedly turned his head to look, only to see two scary looking fireballs popping up somewhere in the camp behind him!

What is this sign?Who is dying?

Just as Tu Hai was thinking of this, someone suddenly shouted: "Meteor... Meteor... is here again!"

Come again?

Tu Hai couldn't believe his ears, but he raised his neck and saw a flame flying across the sky at a very fast speed, flying towards his camp!

After a while, three more balls of fire rose into the sky from somewhere in the Qing army camp amidst loud rumbling noises!

Tu Hai was dumbfounded, and murmured: "What's going on? Is this a meteor shower, or is Zhuge Yaodao acting as a demon?"

Chapter 222 We are heavenly soldiers, we are not afraid of demons!

"Boom boom boom..."

Three more roars sounded from somewhere in the Qing Yao Camp!At the same time, there are still three groups of fireballs that look very scary!

In fact, the warhead of this "sugar medicine" rocket is not large, and because the gunpowder fuse sometimes extinguishes itself, and sometimes ignites the warhead in advance, there are not many demon soldiers who were actually killed or injured by the explosion.

But this thing looks scary!Even if the rocket explodes in the air before landing, there will be a huge fire in the sky, and there will be a loud noise at the same time.

It looked like a fairy was casting a spell, and this fairy... seemed to be on Daming's side!

Well, it must be on Daming's side!

What is the image of the gods in "Feng Shen Bang"?No one has shaved their heads and left braids like the tails of money rats on the back of their heads, right?The practice of keeping hair but not hair does not work for Taishang Laojun and Jade Emperor!

Thinking that the gods and ghosts are all rebels, not to mention the uneducated soldiers below, even the great scholar Tu Hai was startled.

In other words, Zhou Peigong, a great military adviser who just passed the pass, is well-informed. I don’t know which military book that has not been banned has seen the records of "Bolide" and "Thunderbolt Cannon". At this time, I just remembered it. .

Thinking of this, he shouted, "Zhongtang, that's not a shooting star, it's a rocket! It's a thunderbolt cannon...it's a rebel's firearm!"

After being reminded by him, Tu Hai also remembered that there was indeed such a fire-breathing and flying firearm.

But at this time, the camp of the Qing army was already in a bit of a mess. The Qing soldiers who were sleeping or pretending to sleep all came out of the tents. The sky turned into a ball of gorgeous fire... Of course I was a little panicked!

The originally quiet military camp suddenly became noisy and noisy. Everyone was exclaiming or didn't know who to ask questions-how did the stars fall from the sky?Is this Zhuge Yaodao casting spells?This Zhuge demon method... Can the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers break it?

This barracks was originally a place of terror, and it was the most guarded and orderly.Especially the camps located on the front line are the most afraid of chaos.And the Qing army's camp is now a little messed up by rounds of rocket bombs. If it is not stopped, once the camp screams, the consequences will be disastrous!

But how can we stop the chaos and restore order now?

Just as Tu Hai thought of this, Zhou Peigong beside him had already thought of a way.

"Please Zhongtang order the entire battalion to put on martial law, and all the ministries put on armor and prepare for battle! Then let the artillery of each ministry fire at the rebel camp... Regardless of whether you can get it, first suppress the movement of the rebel rockets!

Finally, Master Zhongtang is invited to lead the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers to patrol the camp!

As long as the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners are not afraid of rockets, the Han army and green battalion below will have a backbone and will not be afraid! "

After listening to Zhou Peigong's suggestion, Tu Hai immediately reacted, and hurriedly ordered loudly: "Order all the ministries, put on armor and prepare for battle, and the whole team is on standby. Everyone is in their own places, and no noise is allowed... The rebel is harassing me with rockets Military spirit, anyone who dares to mess up will be beheaded!

In addition, order the artillerymen of each artillery base to fire immediately, regardless of whether there are enemies in front of them, they should make a sound first! "

Geshha, who was behind Tuhai, saw that his master had regained his energy and had a backbone, so most of them immediately responded and rushed to deliver orders.And Tuhai, surrounded by the remaining Ghoshha, strode towards the camp of the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers behind the camp.

The camp of the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers is a "camp within a camp", separated by a separate fence from the camps of the Han army and the green camp outside, and even Tuhai's large tent of the Chinese army is not in this "camp within a camp" .Moreover, the battalion within the battalion was a cavalry battalion, with a large interior area, and it also had venues and passages for the cavalry to assemble, and several rows of stables for the horses to rest.

When Tuhai arrived, the heavenly soldiers who had been sleeping came out of the tents and stood in twos and threes on the open space in the camp, with their heads raised and mouths open, watching the sky fly around, and they kept The "meteors" that exploded were all stunned.

When someone saw Tu Hai bringing someone, they shouted loudly.

"Zhongtang, it's not good, stars are falling from the sky!"

"Zhongtang, this is the falling of the stars! There are dozens of them when they fall..."

"Zhongtang, the evil spirit of the traitor is getting stronger and stronger, what should we do?"

This means that this group of Eight Banners masters dared to tell Tu Hai that if they were replaced by others, they would definitely lose their heads!

But how could Tuhai dare to chop up dozens of Manchurian melon seeds produced in Beijing at one time?These belonged to someone in the court... If they were chopped off, how many people would tell the emperor that Tu Hai was not!

But Tuhai also has a trick. He has known for a long time that this year's anti-thieves and demons are powerful, so he prepared the magic-proof treasures and distributed them to every Manchurian soldier below.

So now when I hear someone asking a question, I immediately start shouting.

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