Urbanization is inherently "contraceptive", but Manchu and Han do not intermarry, and strict segregation is practiced, which makes the poorer lower-class Eight Banners children lose the opportunity to marry "country girls".

And the Eight Banners talent show system monopolizes the resources of the already limited number of Eight Banners girls, and first selects them for the upper class.The upper class dignitaries of the Eight Banners do not engage in monogamy, so it will inevitably cause an imbalance between men and women in the middle and lower classes.

In addition, the draft system of the Eight Banners has greatly delayed the age of marriage and childbearing of women in the Eight Banners.

According to regulations, Eight Banners girls between [-]th and [-]th must participate in the draft and cannot marry without permission.

Except for some of the selected ones who can marry and have children immediately, most of them are actually court ladies, and they can only leave the palace to marry when they are 25 years old.It's not like packing up your luggage and going out of the palace to find a man to have a baby as soon as you turn 25, but "starting to release it", and you will go to the third year after letting it go...

Those who are not selected are not allowed to marry themselves before the age of 20, and must continue to be candidates, otherwise their family members will be severely punished.

There are also some who are between being selected and not being selected-after the primary election, the secondary election is not in the round, the registration period has exceeded the time limit, and they may even be unable to marry for life.

Finally, the women of the Eight Banners also have hard-core crops to receive. Those who have been in the palace as palace ladies will definitely have a lot of savings, which makes them financially independent and does not need to be supported by men.

Under such circumstances, the value of women from the Eight Banners is bound to rise gradually, which further makes it difficult for the lower-level Eight Banners children to marry a wife.

So these Eight Banners children have Beijing household registration, inner city courtyard houses, hard-core crops, and the chances of getting promoted and making a fortune are many times higher than ordinary Han people... It’s just that it’s more difficult to marry a wife and have children!

Liu Xuanchu smiled and said, "My lord, now not only are there no Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers, there are not many Eight Banners Soldiers that are 'not Heavenly Soldiers'.

Our people don't have to be afraid of them in the south of the Yangtze River where the water network is dense!Now many green battalion soldiers from Hunan, Jiangxi, Hubei and other places have been transferred to the front line in Guangdong.Most of the Green Battalion soldiers in Guizhou and Sichuan are your old troops, the prince. As long as you join the army, they will definitely respond.Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Huguang are all yours.

In addition, Wang Fuchen, the admiral of Pingliang in Shaanxi, is also yours... If the prince asks the second prince to bring [-] to [-] elite troops out of Sichuan and into Shaanxi after taking Sichuan, Shaanxi can also be taken immediately, and the strong troops in the northwest will all belong to you The prince has it all.At that time, why would the world not be able to have the surname Wu? "

This Wu Sangui is still powerful!Although he only has more than 3 flag soldiers and green battalion on the surface, a lot of green battalion generals such as Sichuan Admiral Zheng Jiaolin, Sichuan General Soldier Wu Zhimao, Pingliang Admiral Wang Fuchen, etc. are Wu Sangui's old confidants.

So once Wu Sangui rebelled, the following people followed suit!Emperor Kangxi would lose several provinces at once.

"My lord," Wang Shirong, another confidant of Wu Sangui, also said at this time, "I and Wang Fuchen are good friends, and I can tell Wang Fuchen to defect for you. With Wang Fuchen's help, it will be easy to win Shaanxi!"

"My lord, raise your troops!" It was Fang Guangchen who spoke now.He is the son of Fang Yizao, the former Ming Shangshu who once served as the governor of Liaodong. Like Liu Xuanchu and Wang Shirong, he advocated anti-Qing. He was worried that Wu Yingxiong, who had never been ambitious, would oppose the rebellion, but Wu Yingxiong's words just now showed that he was anti-Qing. Therefore, there was no encouragement, and he said to Wu Sangui with a smile: "Kangxi is doing his best to deal with the third prince Zhu in Guangdong. If we raise troops to attack Huguang, the Guangdong and Guangxi Qing troops led by Tuhai and Sun Yanling will definitely be destroyed... At that time, the Yangtze River In the south, there is no one who can stop your soldiers, your lord, this is a rare opportunity!"

The people below agreed, but Wu Sangui's brows were still tightly furrowed. After a while, he let out a long breath, "This old man has been lurking in the enemy camp for 27 years, and now he is finally about to complete his meritorious deeds!"

Chapter 214 Daming Hold On, Wu Sangui Will Arrive Soon!

Go up the mountain now!

On the morning of November 11th in the [-]th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, all the dignified people in Kunming saw a solemn guard of Pingxi Palace.These guards all carried the handwritten letter of Wu Yingxiong, the heir of Prince Pingxi, which consisted of only four words - go up the mountain immediately!

Going up the mountain, of course, is Wuhua Mountain.Moreover, the guards of the royal palace who carried the handbook were all "impatient". The handbook said "immediately", and they immediately urged the person who received the handbook to put down everything at hand and immediately follow Wuhua Mountain. That's too late.

Zhu Guozhi, the governor of Yunnan, Li Xingyuan, the procurator of Yunnan, Gao Xianchen, the prefect of Yunnan, Liu Kun, the Tong Zhi, and Lu Yifeng, the prefect of Kunming, were discussing secretly in the back garden of the prefect's yamen when they were found by the guards of Pingxi Palace!

The five of them were almost stunned by Wu Sangui's life-and-death puzzle during this time... This old boy hadn't seen anyone for more than half a year, and before Wu Yingxiong returned to Yunnan, there was a rumor that "secrets will not be mourned".Zhu Guozhi and the others all thought that Wu Sangui was really dead, and reported the funeral to Emperor Kangxi secretly.

But as soon as Wu Yingxiong returned to Yunnan, he easily took over the power from his brother Wu Yingqi, and then announced to the public that his father Wu Sangui's condition had improved, but he was still bedridden—from being secretive to being bedridden. Really improved!

However, the fact that Wu Yingxiong easily took over Yunnan still shows that Wu Sangui is still alive and still maintains a strong control over his subordinates.Otherwise, how could Wu Yingqi hand over power obediently?

But Wu Sangui didn't show up after that, Zhu Guozhi and others went to Wuhua Mountain to visit the sick, but they couldn't see Wu Sangui again, and they made them believe that Wu Sangui was really terminally ill and was about to die.

And once Wu Sangui "would be sad", then the Qing court would be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, Wu Yingxiong, the eldest son, has stayed in Beijing for the past ten or twenty years, and has little contact with the counselors of Wu Sangui's Ministry in Yunnan. His brother Wu Yingqi has been leading troops in Yunnan, and has become one with the people below.

Therefore, Wu Yingxiong wants to get rid of the interference of his brothers, and it is not easy to successfully take over the power of the Pingxi Palace... If Zhu Guozhi and others can make a small plan to provoke the two brothers to fight, then the Qing court will not have to worry about Yunnan. There is a rebellion here!

And in order to give eye drops to the two brothers Wu Yingxiong and Wu Yingqi at the first time, Zhu Guozhi doesn't care much about his official duties these days, just stares at Wuhua Mountain all day long, and from time to time he will find a few men who are also loyal to the court to inspect the yamen Discuss countermeasures in the back garden.

Today, when everyone was discussing how to provoke Wu Yingqi's fierce son Wu Shicong into trouble, the guards of Pingxi Palace came to the door.

After reading Wu Yingxiong's letter, Zhu Guozhi, Li Xingyuan, Gao Xianchen, Liu Kun, Lu Yifeng and others were all a little overwhelmed - something must have happened to Wu Yingxiong urgently calling everyone up the mountain!

And the biggest thing here in Yunnan, of course, is Wu Sangui's life and death!

If Wu Sangui gave birth... no, he recovered from his illness, then he himself ordered everyone to go up the mountain to see him.

Now it is Wu Yingxiong who gave the order, so Wu Sangui must be dead!

God bless Daqing!

Several people looked at each other, and then squeezed out sad expressions together, followed the guards of Pingxi Palace to Wuhua Mountain.When they got to the mountain, several people found Wu Sangui's Banner Army Dutong, Deputy Dutong, Canling, and Zuolingda dozens of people, as well as the Green Battalion's Fourth Town Chief and Ten Battalion Generals, had all gathered.

Most of these people are stationed in various places in Yunnan, and only a small part are in Kunming.Now they all went to Mount Wuhua, what does that mean?It means that Wu Sangui must die!

Brothers Wu Yingxiong and Wu Yingqi appeared in the Yin'an Hall. Neither of them wore official uniforms, but a white gown and a white melon cap. They looked very solemn, as if they were wearing filial piety.

The faces of the two of them are also very solemn and solemn, which is the expression they should have when their father is dead.

Zhu Guozhi strode forward, clasped his fists at Wu Yingxiong and Wu Yingqi, and was about to say a few words of condolences and obedience.But Wu Yingxiong spoke first, "Zhu Futai has arrived, now you can follow me into Lie Cuixuan to receive the imperial edict!"

Receive the edict?

Zhu Guozhi was stunned, and said to himself: "Your father just died, and the imperial decree to make you King Pingxi has arrived? It's so difficult that this imperial decree was written long ago and asked you to bring it to Yunnan? In addition, why do you need to be included in the decree? Cuixuan? Can't you pick it up at Yin'an Hall?"

He just wanted to inquire with Wu Yingxiong, but Wu Yingxiong and Wu Yingqi had already started to walk outside the Yin'an Hall.A group of commanders, commanders, leaders, generals, and leaders in the hall also followed immediately.

Zhu Guozhi, Li Xingyuan, Gao Xianchen, Liu Kun, Lu Yifeng and others looked at each other, and Ying had no choice but to follow them out of Yin'an Hall.

Lie Cuixuan is not far from Yin'an Hall. It was originally the place where Wu Sangui handled his daily business, and sometimes he would meet officials here.Lie Cuixuan also has a bedroom that has been furnished as a wing, and when King Pingxi is tired, he can take a nap in it.

However, during Wu Sangui's "recovery" period, Lie Cui Xuan was closed to the outside world. Officials such as Zhu Guozhi and Li Xingyuan sent by the imperial court to Yunnan found it difficult to even go up Wuhua Mountain on weekdays, let alone enter Lie Cui Xuan.

When they followed Wu Yingxiong and Wu Yingqi into Lie Cuixuan, they found that the door of the wing room that was arranged as a bedroom was open, and there was a person lying on a big bed inside, but they couldn't see their faces clearly, and they didn't know who it was.Standing beside the bed was a tall man in a long robe. With his back to the door, he didn't know what he looked like.But it can be clearly seen that there is no braid on the back of his head, and black, short and dense hair grows on his head.

Is this man a monk?

When Zhu Guozhi and the others were wondering, they suddenly heard Wu Sangui's voice: "Is everything here?"

Wu Sangui is not dead?

Zhu Guozhi and the others were stunned for a moment.

Then they heard Wu Yingxiong say again: "Father, everything is here."

"Okay, I can receive the order...Mr. Banfeng, the old man has been sick for several days. Although he has improved slightly, it is still difficult to get out of bed and walk around, so he can only receive the order while lying down."

The person who was called "Mr. Banfeng" by Wu Sangui replied in Cantonese Mandarin: "The body of the feudal lord is related to the rise and fall of the country. It must be taken care of well. If he can recover soon, it will be a blessing to the country."

Wu Sangui sighed again: "Then I can only ask the elder son to go up first, and when the old man is better, he will personally lead the army out of Yungui."

"Okay, as long as the feudal lord is willing to send troops, it doesn't matter if it's later."

What's the meaning?Why does this sound so scary?

Zhu Guozhi and the others could already hear something was wrong. This "Mr. Banfeng" called Wu Sangui a "lord" instead of a "prince".And Wu Sangui also said, "please come to the top first", and also said that he would "lead the army out of Yungui personally"... what did he mean?

At this time, Wu Sangui had already sat up on the bed with Chen Yuanyuan's support.

Zhu Guozhi also saw Wu Sangui's face clearly, it was not flushed, but he didn't look sick at all, let alone the paleness of being bedridden for many days, he looked like he often strolled outdoors.

This Wu Sangui is not sick at all!

"Kneel down and accept the order!" Wu Sangui ordered in a calm voice.

The people below didn't ask much questions, including Wu Yingxiong and Wu Yingqi, they all knelt down, and even Lu Yifeng, the magistrate of Kunming County, whom Zhu Guozhi regarded as his confidant, also knelt together.

Zhu Guozhi didn't kneel immediately, but asked Wu Sangui, "My lord, what is your purpose for us to come up the mountain to meet?"

Wu Sangui immediately showed a sad expression, "Of course it's the late emperor's will!"

When Zhu Guozhi heard this, his heart skipped a beat!

This late emperor...can't be Lord Shunzhi, right?It can't be Taizu, Taizong!When Taizu and Taizong passed away, Wu Sangui hadn't joined the Qing Dynasty yet!

This late emperor... can only be Chongzhen!

"Which first emperor?" Zhu Guozhi still did not give up, and asked tremblingly.

That was "Mr. Banfeng" who took the question and replied: "Of course it is the first emperor of Daming Wei Temple!"

"What?" Zhu Guozhi became impatient when he heard this, and rushed to Wu Sangui who was about to jump on the hospital bed, but was grabbed by the official robe, which made him lose his balance and fell to the ground.

The man fell down, but his mouth didn't close, and he yelled loudly: "Wu Sangui, are you going to rebel?"

Wu Sangui laughed loudly: "I, Wu Sangui, assisted His Royal Highness Ding Wang to revive the Ming Dynasty under the edict of the late emperor, and had to hide in the Qing camp for more than [-] years. Today is just to restore my original identity! Zhu Guozhi, Li Xingyuan, Gao Xianchen, Liu Kun, Lu Yifeng, you and I Let me accept the order together!"

Chapter 215 The Great Qing Dog Slave!

"Bah! Wu Sangui, you shameless traitor! Not only treacherous, but also extremely brazen... How many stubborn remnants of the former Ming dynasty have you killed over the years? How many Han people who have not forgotten the previous dynasty? Even puppet Emperor Yongli of the Ming Dynasty was forced by you to have nowhere to live, so he had no choice but to flee to Burma! Even so, you still refused to let him go, mobilized troops, sent troops to Burma, forced the Burmese to hand over Yongli, and finally strangled him alive with a bowstring! How dare a thief like you say that you have been lurking in the Qing camp for more than [-] years now? Are you shameless?

As the saying goes, don't know that people in the world don't know, but everyone in the vast sea knows you.You, Wu Sangui, have done so many earth-shattering things in your life, do you think you can cleanse yourself? "

Wu Sangui had just finished speaking righteous nonsense, and when he felt that it was just right, someone suddenly exploded, lying on the ground and began to yell.

And he didn't give any face at all. As soon as he came up, he exposed Wu Sangui's old background of massacring the soldiers and civilians of Nanming, and killing Emperor Yongli of Nanming.

In fact, Wu Sangui regretted the death of Emperor Yongli... It was not because of his conscience, but after he killed Emperor Yongli, he found that he had "become Emperor Yongli"!

When Emperor Yongli was around, Wu Sangui was the treasure of the Qing Dynasty, and Yongli was the bane of the Qing Dynasty.

And after killing Yongli, Wu Sangui became the bane of the Qing Dynasty!From Oboi to Kangxi, although the people in power in the Qing Dynasty changed, their intention to destroy Wu Sangui remained the same as before, and even intensified!

If it wasn't for the third prince Zhu's sudden appearance in Guangdong, he, Wu Sangui, would have long since lost the space to move around, and he might have died already!

But now the reason why Wu Sangui wanted to rebel was because he was worried that after Prince Zhu was beaten to death by Kangxi, Kangxi would turn his gun around and beat him again.

But Wu Sangui also knew that what he had done in these years really broke the hearts of the anti-Qing and Fuming patriots.Even with the fig leaf of the "Chongzhen Legacy", it is difficult to explain the extermination of the righteous fighters who followed Emperor Yongli against the Qing Dynasty... Even if Yongli was the overlord, Li Dingguo, Liu Wenxiu and others who followed him to fight against the Qing Dynasty did not Wrong!

If you, Wu Sangui, really have the "Edict of Chongzhen" in your hand, and you know the whereabouts of the Third Prince Zhu, you can tell Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu directly, it's just a change of emperor, Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu don't have to be forever!

Wu Sangui, who was poked in the sore spot, jumped up from the hospital bed as soon as he lifted the quilt. With only two big feet, he rushed out of the bedroom aggressively, stood on the floor tiles of Lie Cuixuan, and stared fiercely at the man who scolded him. Man, where does he look a little terminally ill?

The person lying on the ground cursing Wu Sangui was Zhu Guozhi, the governor of Yunnan. Of course, the reason why he was lying on his stomach was not because he was afraid of Wu Sangui, but because Lu Yifeng, the county magistrate of Kunming, dragged him down by his official robe behind him.

Zhu Guozhi, who was brought down, cursed and struggled to get up, but was pinned down by two guards from Pingxi Palace who rushed forward.

Wu Sangui looked at Zhu Guozhi fiercely, and asked in a calm voice: "The surname is Zhu, I respect you as a hero, I will give you another chance, as long as you are willing to submit to the old man, the old man will not blame the past!"

Zhu Guozhi glared at Wu Sangui fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "My surname is Wu, I, Zhu Guozhi, am a member of the Qing Dynasty when I live, and a ghost of the Qing Dynasty when I die... Unlike you, Wu Sangui, who was first a minister of the Ming Dynasty and then surrendered... Li Chuang, who once again surrendered to the Qing Dynasty in a fit of anger, now sees the Third Prince Zhu making a fuss in Guangdong, jumps out to meddle in it again, a whole family slave of three surnames!"

Wu Sangui was completely enraged, and said angrily: "Presumptuous, take down this dog slave and kill him to sacrifice the flag!"

Then he looked fiercely at the court officials behind Zhu Guozhi, "What about you?"

The Yunnan Inspectorate didn't buy it either, he snorted and said, "Wu Sangui, you are a relative of the state at home, and you are a prince outside. You are the most favored, why do you rebel. As a doctor, I can be killed and cannot be humiliated. I only want to die to repay the court!"

Wu Sangui's face was livid, and he looked at Gao Xianchen, the prefect of Yunnan, Gao Xianchen also snorted: "If you want to kill, kill, I, Gao Xianchen, as a scholar-bureaucrat, will never be a second minister!"

He is tall again!

Wu Sangui's face became even more ugly, and then he turned his gaze to Liu Kun, the magistrate of Yunnan Prefecture, "Liu Xilai, they are all from the banner of the Han army. You are from Jiangxi, so you are different from them!"

"But Liu is also a minister of the Qing Dynasty!" Liu Kun said eloquently, "Liu would rather be a Qing ghost than a Ming minister, let alone surrender to you, King Pingxi!"

Another person who would rather be a dog than surrender!And he also made it clear that he was not even a "Ming Chen"!

The attitudes of these people made Wu Sangui a little depressed.

Zhu Guozhi, Li Xingyuan, Gao Xianchen, and Liu Kun are not good officials either!Especially Zhu Guozhi, who was greedy to death, known as Zhu Baidi.And he especially likes to trick people, a cruel official!When he was the governor in the south of the Yangtze River, there were a series of cases of cancellation of memorials and temple crying, and his official reputation was extremely bad.

But why are these corrupt officials so loyal to the Qing Dynasty?

Wu Sangui turned his attention to Lu Yifeng, the county magistrate of Kunming again. Lu Yifeng is an elected official in the west and a native of Yunnan. He immediately knelt down to Wu Sangui, "I only know King Pingxi, but not the Qing Dynasty!"

Wu Sangui calmed down a little, and then ordered in a dark tone: "Put Zhu Guozhi, Li Xingyuan, Gao Xianchen, and Liu Kun into death row and lock them up. When the king vows to send troops, kill the sacrificial flag together!"

He looked at Lu Yifeng again, this is a fat man with big ears, a Western election official who spent money to donate, and because he is very good at flattering, he has won Zhu Guozhi's trust.

"Prefect Lu County," Wu Sangui said, "You will be the envoy of the lonely king, and follow Chen Qin to Guangzhou!"


"Is this Fu Honglie a bit stupid? Tu Hai and Kong Sizhen are also real. Why did such a thing come to Beijing?"

In the South Study Room of the Forbidden City, Emperor Kangxi, who did not know that Wu Sangui had rebelled, was having a headache whether to kill Fu Honglie or to see Fu Honglie.

Fu Honglie arrived in Beijing three days ago. After entering the city, he lived in Kong Sizhen's Dingnan Princess Mansion.The next day, several servants in the princess' mansion who were officials and could deliver zhezi to the gate of Taihe included the Zhezi of Kong Sizhen and Sun Yanling, the Collection of Poems of Renzike Gongshi, and Renzike Gongshi's Zhezi brought by him. A lot of things, such as the list of scholars, were sent to the concierge of the Taihe Gate.

After receiving these memorials, collections of poems, and directories, the porter sent them to the South Study Room, where they were placed on Emperor Kangxi's desk.Because Kangxi left the Beijing city with Zhang Hongtian, the enlightened real person from Longhu Mountain, after the imperial court was over that day, and went to the forest east of the Zizhuyuan to fry bunnies with "sugar fire thunder"—Emperor Kangxi is a " Science man", of course he likes this kind of "explosion spell".Qiling real person Zhang Hongtian is also good at playing with fire and alchemy. These days, according to the prescription given to him by Kangxi, he tinkered with "Brown Sugar Fire Thunder", "Honey Fire Thunder", "Lard Rose Sugar Fire Thunder" and so on. A pile of strange fire mines.

After research and comparison by Emperor Kangxi, he finally came to a conclusion... It seems that the "special white fire thunder" made by mixing the "special white sugar" powder produced in Guangdong with gunpowder powder is the most powerful.

On the second day of experimenting with the newly developed "Special White Fire Thunder", Emperor Kangxi, who was in a good mood, was pissed off by a stupid slave named Fu Honglie.

This Fu Honglie and Kangxi still have some impressions. A few years ago, when Oboi had not yet fallen from power, he went to Shushu to provoke Wu Sangui, and he was sentenced to death.Later, Obai was arrested while waiting for the beheading, so he was pardoned for the death penalty and sent to Guangxi to serve as an army.

I thought he could learn a lesson and become smarter, but I didn't expect that there is no cure for being stupid, and this time he fell into a stupid disease again. What nonsense is gratifying, Shang Zhixin is not dead... He has a posthumous title, how could he not die? ?

The same is true for Tu Hai, if such a stupid slave is destroyed, why let him come to Beijing to cause trouble?

Thinking of this, Emperor Kangxi, who felt a little upset, picked up the "Compilation of Renzike Gongshi's Poems" and looked through it. After a look, it was really "shocked"!

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