Huang Zhisheng, who was pouring wine for Shang Zhixin just now, watched Shang Zhixin fall asleep, and was still admiring, "This Dongchang Mongolian sweat medicine is really powerful..."

Chapter 209 Officialdom, Battlefield and Black-bellied Boys

Hearing Huang Zhisheng say that Shang Zhixin was brought down with Dongchang's Mongolian sweat medicine, and Li Tianzhi was not doing well, Shang Kele became nervous all of a sudden, looked at Huang Zhisheng and said, "Huang, what are you talking about? What do you want to do?"

Huang Zhisheng glanced back at Shang Kele, who was a little distraught, and said with a smile, "Deputy Shang, Dutong, I bought the Mongolian sweat medicine from Dongchang at a high price in Guangzhou... just to use it to save the lives of my son and ourselves ah!"

"How to save?" Shang Kele asked.

Li Tianzhi sighed, took the question and said: "Master Seven, you don't know something, the emperor has appointed a new King of Pingnan...not Shi Ziye, but Fifth Lord!"

"What? The fifth master became King Pingnan? Then the son..." Shang Kele already understood.

There is only one King Pingnan!

If Shangzhi is pawned, Shang Zhixin will not be pawned!

And why didn't the emperor let Shang Zhi believe him?Of course it was because Shang Zhixin was guilty, and he should be punished!

"We are the servants of the Pingnan Palace, not the prince..." Li Tianzhi sighed, "Now the master of the Pingnan Palace is the Fifth Lord, of course I can only go to Beijing to plead guilty to the emperor. Even if I If we don’t want to go, we should send him too.”

When Shang Kele heard it, he had nothing to say.

What Li Tianzhi said is right!

When a slave must find out who the master is?The masters of Shang Kele and Li Tianzhi are Prince Pingnan's Mansion, not Alta Mansion.

So whoever is King Pingnan is the master!

And if the old Pingnan King is gone, and the new Pingnan King has not yet succeeded, then the son is the master.

Now Xinping Nanwang already exists, and he is Shang Zhixin's brother, so Shang Zhixin doesn't even have a son, and there is only one I Dagong.

"Then what about Xinhui?" Shang Kele didn't know what to think, his head was almost gone, and he was still thinking about Xinhui.

Huang Zhisheng said sternly: "Xinhui has the son of Lord I Da to lead the people to guard it. With the loyalty of the people of Xinhui, they will stick to it to the end."

Shang Zhixin has also inherited Shang Kexi's "stallion attributes". He is young but already has ten sons. The eldest son Shang Chongmi is already in his early twenties this year, and he can lead the Xinhui people to guard the city for his father.

Shang Kele nodded, "That's what you said... well, it's not too late, let's go now!"

If you don't leave now, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave!

"Okay!" Huang Zhisheng also said, "Let's go right away... Before the Yamen Waterway is closed, we have to leave quickly by boat."

Li Tianzhi didn't wait for Shang Kele to reply, so he called in a few soldiers who listened to him, immediately carried Shang Zhixin, "packed" it with a rope, and packed it into a sedan chair that had been prepared earlier, before dawn, quietly He carried Shang Zhixin out of Xinhui City...


"The general, the prince, the elder, the youngest is surnamed Huang, and is the family member of the Xinhui Jinshi Gong, Mr. Huang. Under the orders of Shang Dutong, Li Changshi and Mr. Huang, he risked his life and brought a letter of plea for help..."

A sixteen or seventeen-year-old Xinhui boy was led by the Pingnan Wangfu banner soldiers who were patrolling the border between Qingyuan and Panyu County on October 11, the [-]th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. Ning Nanjing, General Jing Kou, walks in the courtyard.

This young man looked dark, stocky and stocky, with a face of honesty and honesty, and he could speak a half-baked Mandarin.

"In Tutang, Xiao Wang has already been tested by others. This kid can speak Xinhui dialect, and he can also explain the situation in Xinhui County clearly. He also knows a lot about the Huang family in Xinhui. His identity should not be mistaken."

This Xinhui boy was personally brought to the General Xingyuan by Wang Shangzhidian of Pingnan. Before that, he had personally interrogated him—mainly about the situation of his elder brother Shang Zhixin!

When he learned that Shang Zhixin spent his whole day drinking and waiting to die, he felt relieved to bring this young man surnamed Huang to see Tuhai.

"Has Xinhui County been besieged by rebels?" Tu Hai stroked his beard and looked at the young man with burning eyes—he is the chief academician and an old fox in the officialdom!When I was in Beijing, I dealt with the world's number one black-bellied boy all day long. It is impossible for a country boy from Xinhui to deceive his old man!

"General," the young man replied truthfully with a pair of big innocent eyes, "when I left Xinhui, Xinhui County had not yet been besieged, but there was already a fleet of rebels on the Xijiang River... Rebels There are a lot of warships in the water, and they are fully discharged for dozens of miles on the water of the Xijiang River!"

Tu Hai nodded. Based on his experience in dealing with black-bellied teenagers, this kid is definitely not talking nonsense!

Moreover, the detailed work sent by the general Xingyuan also reported the news that Zhu Heqi led the army to send troops by water.

"How is the situation of Xinhui? Are you ready to defend the city?"

"Reporting to the general, the people of Xinhui have been preparing for the war for several months under the leadership of Shang Dadutong and the three surnames Huang, Mo, and Li...the city has at least three years of rice reserves. No need to eat people!"

Tuhai nodded again and again, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, you have gained a lot of wisdom!"

Pingnan Wang Shangzhidian next to him said: "Zhongtang, Xinhui City is small and strong, and faces water on both sides, and the two sides not facing the big river. Outside the city, two moats were dug and a wall of sheep and horses was built. A wooden fence was erected... Although the rebels have many cannons in red clothes, the trenches must be filled one by one, but it will take a lot of time. Xiao Wang thinks that Xinhui City can be guarded for at least a month."

Tuhai asked again: "Can you run?"

"I can't run away," Shang Zhidian shook his head, "The entire territory of Kaiping County has been captured by rebels, and most of the villages in Gaoming County have been attached to rebels... Besides, where else can he run?"

In fact, Kaiping and Gaoming counties in Zhaoqing prefecture did not have many Ming army regular troops, and the main defensive force was the "Returning Country Coolies".Although equipped with "military-grade sugar weapons," it doesn't have much field capability.Shang Zhixin must run, and he will definitely be able to rush to the vicinity of Gaoyao, the prefectural city of Zhaoqing.

But the question is... Can Shang Zhixin live in Gaoyao?How can it be!Since running out is also a death, why waste so much effort?

Tu Hai thought for a while, then asked again: "Can you surrender?"

Shang Zhidian said: "My Dagong is also surnamed Shang!"

How could Shang surrender?

Even if Zhu Heqi is willing to spare him, the Chaozhou, Cantonese and Guangpiao people below cannot agree!

"You can't run, you can't surrender...then you have to stick to it!" Tu Hai waved his hands and asked the left and right to take the boy away as he spoke.

After the boy left, he turned his head and glanced at Sun Sike who had been sitting in the lobby without speaking, "Xinchen, what do you think?"

Sun Sike is over 40 years old this year, with a bearded face and bright eyes. He looks like a ruthless man, but he is actually a master who can fight.If you don't count the characters in Wu Sangui's camp, he is probably the most capable of fighting among the "second generation of banners" and "three generations of banners" who are still alive.

Since following Hong Chengchou to conquer Sichuan and Yunnan, Guizhou, he has been leading troops to fight. After fighting the Southern Ming Dynasty, he went to the northwest to fight the Mongols.Just before he was transferred to Guangdong to fight the third prince Zhu and his son, he was still fighting the Erut Mongols!

But firstly, this guy doesn't know how to flatter, and he is very stingy with superior officials; secondly, he is not good at being a man, and his speech is particularly harsh.That's why his official luck is very poor. Don't look at the fact that he leads a big deputy general now, but the generals in the Qing Dynasty were dispatched temporarily, not formally.His official official position is still a second-rank general soldier...

"General," Sun Sike said with a blank expression, "the battlefield is not an officialdom after all! The chances of winning this battle are not high, and the chances of returning without success in a draw are [-] to [-]%. It is definitely not possible to let the humble job make the decision.

But you are a general, and you are only a deputy general. As long as you give the order, you can fight hard. "

This is not pleasant to say!What does it mean that the battlefield is not an officialdom after all?This is mocking Tu Hai, a superior official who only knows how to be an official and doesn't know how to fight!

However, Tu Hai was so generous that he didn't care about these words, so he smiled and said: "That's all right... I will leave everything to you! I will sit in Qingyuan and wait for your good news!"

Chapter 210 Wu Sangui, come and save me!

At this time, there is a strong northeast wind blowing on the Xijiang River, and a huge fleet of hundreds of sand boats meanders southward, drawing white waves on the Xijiang waterway from Sanshui to Xiangshan. The sun and moon banners, which symbolize Ming Dynasty, are fluttering in the winter wind.

This is the heavenly soldier of Daming Jinyi's pro-army in the Western Expedition to Xinhui!

After Zhu and Qi arranged for Huang Zhisheng to "send away" Shang Zhixin, they did not wait for news in Guangzhou.Instead, he immediately issued an order to send troops on a large scale!

Five of the eight towns in Jinyi were all recruited by Zhu Heqi, and together with the minzhuang and sailors accompanying the army, the total number of troops dispatched this time was as high as [-]!

Although the last time Zhu Hechi marched from Macau to Guangzhou, he drew more young and strong people than this, but that time it was not a regular dispatch of troops.Without the "heartfelt" support of the gentry and villagers in the three counties of Shunde, Xiangshan, and Nanhai.The tens of thousands of strong soldiers at that time may have difficulty even eating!

But this time the large-scale troop dispatch is different. This is a very regular military operation.After several months of preparation, a plan was carefully drawn up in advance...and this plan was formulated under the guidance of military expert "Fourth Uncle Black" Wu Sanwei, which can be regarded as very professional.

In addition, the officers and soldiers of the Jinyi Army of the five towns who sent troops this time have also undergone several months of training and adjustment, and have also added a lot of equipment-there are iron smelting military industries in Foshan and Macau, plus Zhu He With the large amount of money seized in Guangzhou and Macau, it is really not difficult to replenish equipment.

However, Jinyi Eight Towns is still a fledgling team after all, and it still has the flaw of expanding too fast. Without an actual battle or a big exercise, it is impossible to completely straighten it out.

That's why Zhu Heqi made a plan to send a large number of troops to the Xinhui early on... It doesn't take so many troops to start a new meeting, but Zhu Heqi wants the officers and soldiers under his command to experience what an orderly actual combat is like .

At the same time, he also wanted to test the results of the army building in the past few months, which is why he had this big troop dispatch.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it seems that everything is going very smoothly!

At this time, both sides of the Xijiang River are picturesque green fields, without the desolation and bleakness of winter in the north.In this eye-catching green, there are battalion-based infantry marching in formation, marching in the wilderness under the jurisdiction of Xinhui County on the west bank of the Xijiang River.

These infantry also carried the flag of "the world is for the public" and the sun and moon flag. From time to time, one or two infantry groups, under the guidance of the guide, walked along the roads in the fields to the scattered places on the plain on the west bank of the Xijiang River. Rural cities and towns.

The situation in these townships and cities has long been investigated by the spies from the Fusi of Jinyiwei North Town and the Yousi of the Military Division's Mansion... Many towns and cities have insiders from the Great Ming Soldier.As soon as the heavenly soldiers arrive, they will open the door to greet them.

On the official road on the east bank of the Xijiang River, from time to time, Ariaki cavalry galloped by. The knights on the cavalry were all clothed and red scarves, and there were flags embroidered with the words "herald order" on their backs.Luan bells were still wrapped around the horse's feet, and there was a jingling sound when it ran.Those common people who come and go on the official road will run away in time when they hear the sound.They all knew that this was Tang Ma, Jin Yi's pro-army man, who was passing news back and forth.The faster you run, the more important the news is!

Several short-legged horses came galloping and stopped at a pier on the bank of the Xijiang River.The neighboring villages have already received instructions from Xiangshan County, and sent some villagers who are good at sailing to wait on the pier in small boats.Just waiting for these knights who delivered the news to dismount and change boats, and board the "flagship" on which Zhu Heqi was riding.

"Saint, Sanshui Commander-in-Chief Yamen urgently reports!"

A knight who boarded the "flagship" stood outside the cabin where Zhu Heqi was, and respectfully handed over the box with the seal with the words "Sanshui General Army Yamen".

The commander-in-chief of Sanshui was the brave Su Suyong. He commanded a town of Jinyi pro-army stationed in Sanshui, a key point in the west of Guangzhou, and was also the commander-in-chief of the Ming army in the west of Guangzhou.

In addition to the Sanshui General Army, there are now four general soldiers under the Guangzhou court, namely the Dongguan General Army, the Humen General Army, the Macau General Army and the Guangzhou General Army.

Dongguan Commander-in-Chief is the commander-in-chief of the Ming Army in the east of Guangzhou. The defense area includes Dongguan and Zengcheng, controlling the Dongjiang waterway. This position is currently held by Lin Ahu.

Humen Commander-in-Chief is a naval commander responsible for the defense of Humenkou, Xin'an County and Hong Kong Island. The post of Commander-in-Chief is held by the old man's adopted son Yu Xiaoqian.

The general army of Macau is in charge of the defense of Macau, Xiangshan and Xin'an, and Lin Rujiang is in charge.

The Guangzhou General Soldier is in charge of the three counties of Panyu, Nanhai, and Shunde, and Zhao Zhongyi is in charge.

Among them, the Sanshui, Dongguan, and Guangzhou commanders each lead a Jinyi pro-army, the Humen commander is in charge of the navy that is under construction, and the Macau commander is in charge of the "Aoi United Squad".

Hearing the sound of this report, the two players who were playing chess in the cabin trembled.Zhu Heqi was still dressed in the "Confucius uniform" of hard work and simplicity, and he picked up a chess piece and slapped it heavily: "General! Haha, Xiuqing, let's see what else you can do!"

As he spoke, he waved to a young soldier guarding the door of the cabin, telling him to get the sealed box.

Sitting opposite Zhu Heqi, the one called "Xiuqing" is Yang Qilong.He was a little bit dumbfounded at this moment——Yang Xiuqing was obviously his pseudonym, but Zhu Heqi called it smoothly, as if it couldn't be changed.

He waited for a while with a wry smile, and then he heard Zhu Heqi laugh uncontrollably: "The old boy Tuhai finally couldn't help sending troops! Now I'm going to touch Cier to blackmail that old guy Wu Sangui!"

Hearing this, Yang Qilong was taken aback, "My lord, is there anyone in Chaozhou who touches porcelain?"

"Of course I have, I have met in the past..." Zhu Heqi said casually.

What?Have you ever encountered Pengcier while blocking the way?Yang Qilong said heartily: "The one you met must be a blind man?"

At this time, Zhu Heqi had already handed Su Yong's letter to Yang Qilong with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, how do you think this 'ci'er' should be touched?"

Yang Qilong quickly took the letter, and while reading it, he said to Zhu Heqi: "I'd better go there by myself... Zu Zeqing and I are old acquaintances, I'll go to his barracks once, and he will send his envoys." Help us to report to Wu Sangui. Chen Banfeng is still staying in Yunnan, as long as he gets the news, he will naturally go to Wuhua Mountain to urge Wu Sangui to send troops."

"Really?" Zhu Heqi asked, "Is that Zu Zeqing reliable? He is Zu Dashou's son."

Zhu Heqi didn't know that this Zu Zeqing also had a rebellious back of his head!During the San Francisco Rebellion in history, he and Liu Jinzhong were in eastern Guangdong and the other in western Guangdong. Both were firm and active anti-Qing elements.He once raised troops against the Qing Dynasty twice, which angered Kangxi, so that Kangxi specially issued an edict to Zu Zeqing and his son - they are not allowed to appease, they are not allowed to surrender, they must be captured alive!

Later, Zu Zeqing and his son Zu Lianggeng were defeated and captured, and they were taken to Beijing to be executed at Ling Chi!

Yang Qilong and Liu Xuanchu both lived in Zu Zeqing's mansion in Guangzhou before, so they are very familiar with Zu Zeqing.Moreover, Liu Xuanchu also told him clearly about Zu Zeqing's rebellion and price!

"No problem," Yang Qilong said with a smile, "My lord, you write a decree and promise Guangxi to Zu Zeqing, first make him a general of Guangxi, and then promise to make him the Duke of Gui after Jian Guo ascends the throne, so that he can live forever." Town Guangxi. He will definitely help our Daming!"

"It's no problem to let him live in Guangxi forever," Zhu Hechi said with a smile, "Anyway, Guangxi is not in my hands now...he has to get it himself! In addition, the Gaozhou and Leizhou in his hands have to be handed over to my people."

Gaozhou and Leizhou are not actually owned by Zu Zeqing, Zu Zeqing is just Gao Lei's general soldier, the local officials of Gaozhou Prefecture and Leizhou Prefecture are all appointed by the imperial court, and the tax revenue cannot go into Zu Zeqing's pocket.This is not the same as the "Yongzhen Guangxi" that Zu Zeqing wanted.

However, as long as Zu Zeqing ordered the two guard battalions stationed in Gaozhou Fucheng and Leizhou Fucheng to hand over the city to Zhu Heqi's army, the territories of these two prefectures would be completely occupied by Zhu Heqi in a short time.

Chapter 211 Unspeakable Loyalty Zu Zeqing!

Zu Zeqing, the general soldier of Gao Lei with the back of his head, is actually not trusted by Tu Hai, Shang Zhidian, and Jin Guangzu.

These people are not stupid, how can they not know that this Zu Zeqing worshiped Wu Sangui, his cousin who became a beauty because of his anger since he was a child?

Moreover, Yang Qilong, who represented Wu Yingxiong to Guangdong to contact Shang Zhixin, and Liu Xuanchu, who represented Wu Sangui to Guangzhou to look at houses, were very close to Zu Zeqing.This Zu Zeqing is seriously suspected of collaborating with the enemy!

In addition, this Zu Zeqing is not a good slave either... The other slaves who have reached his level have obediently accepted the papers for pleading guilty, and handed over their military power, staying at home and suspending their duties.

But this Zu Zeqing was still in high spirits, he didn't plead guilty, and he didn't hand over power.Not only did he not hand over power, but he also recruited surrenders and rebels in Gaozhou and Leizhou to expand the army.In just a few months, the Green Battalion under his command expanded from the original 4000 to 1!

Although the newly expanded troops were originally bandits, their combat effectiveness was weak and their military discipline was poor.But most of them have played the sign of anti-Qing and Fuming before, and they dare to fight against the Qing Dynasty when things come to an end!

If the Third Prince Zhu and the Third Grandson of Zhu hadn't made the market so big in Guangzhou, Zu Zeqing's way of doing things would not be far from death.But right now it was such a situation that he couldn't be moved.

Tu Hai, Sun Yanling and the others finally managed to gather 6 or [-] troops. They may not have as many soldiers as the Puppet Ming Dynasty in Guangzhou. How dare they force against Zu Zeqing?If he really wanted to force Zu Zeqing, who was still stationed in Gaoyao, Zhaoqing Fucheng at that time, to turn against him, then he would be in great trouble.

But not daring to force against Zu Zeqing doesn't mean that he can't guard against Zu Zeqing... It doesn't mean that Zu Zeqing can't be used.

After Tu Hai, Sun Yanling, and Sun Sike made a plan, they dispatched Zu Zeqing's army to the south bank area of ​​Zhaoqing Mansion in Xijiang.On the surface, he was asked to guard Gaoming County and Lanke Mountain to protect the right wing of Sun Yanling and Shi Lang.In fact, it has other uses.

Since Tu Hai and the others already knew that Zhu and Qi's army was going down to fight Xinhui via the Xijiang River, placing Zu Zeqing on the south bank of the Xijiang River was tantamount to letting him act as a bait to lure Zhu and Qi to go north along the Xijiang River—because they would not destroy them. After Zu Zeqing and Zhu Heqi went north to rescue Guangzhou and Sanshui, Zu Zeqing might fight back to Xinhui County, and even took Xinning and Kaiping together.

Therefore, going north along the Xijiang River, defeating Zu Zeqing, and then pushing into Zhaoqing Mansion seems to be the best strategy for Zhu Heqi...

Zu Zeqing would definitely give up Gaoming and retreat to Lanke Mountain, which is located on the bank of the Xijiang River, when Zu Zeqing was attacked by Zhu Heqi, and he could even give up Lanke Mountain and retreat to the north bank of the Xijiang River.

And once he retreats to the north bank of the Xijiang River, the half of Zhaoqing Prefecture south of the Xijiang River, as well as Luoding Prefecture, Gaozhou Prefecture, Leizhou Prefecture, and even Qiongzhou Prefecture and Lianzhou Prefecture, may be controlled by the puppet Ming court because of the South Bank of the West River. All fell into the hands of hypocrisy.

At that time, Zu Zeqing's crime will be serious...but it will be just right to lead Zhu and Qi's army to the Zhaoqing mansion section of Xijiang.

And Tu Hai, Sun Yanling, and Sun Sike are actually not worried if Zu Zeqing, who is stationed south of the Xijiang River, wants to defect to the Puppet Ming Dynasty, because this can also shirk the responsibility for the loss of the south bank of the Xijiang River, and it can also lure Zhu and Qi along Xijiang goes north.

Create an opportunity for Shi Lang to severely damage Zhu Hechi's navy!

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