However, Zhu Heqi already had a plan in his chest. Of course, he already knew how to "imitate" a group of great talents to deceive Kangxi, Wu Sangui, and Geng Jingzhong.

This is really 360 lines, every line is the number one!

Even in the high imitation industry, Zhu Heqi is now the No. [-] champion!He has a thorough understanding of the high imitation business.

Not only can it imitate Dongchang perfume and Chaozhou rum, but it can also imitate the third prince of Ming Dynasty and the third grandson of Ming Dynasty. Now we have to go a step further and imitate a group of great talents who have read poetry and books.

These days the population is small, and of course there are fewer scholar-bureaucrats who are well-read in poetry and books, and even fewer of them can be called great talents.

The kind of scholar-officials whose literary talents can be called great talents are not only rare, but nine out of ten are the children of rich families and local scholastic leaders.

If Zhu Heqi could imitate a group of literary and elegant scholar-bureaucrats, it would naturally give people the illusion that most of the talented scholar-official leaders in Guangdong, and even in the southeast, belonged to the Ming court.

Then, the big guys will think that the Ming court is still orthodox in the minds of most southeastern scholar-bureaucrats!

Under the effect of this illusion, even the Hakka scholar-bureaucrats in Guangdong who have a heart for the Qing Dynasty have to weigh it carefully when the army of the third prince Zhu and the third grandson of Zhu arrives-if the clans around them are loyal to the Ming Dynasty, then In order not to be exterminated, he also had to lead the clan to praise Daming.At least one has to maintain a position that has nothing to do with oneself and hangs high.

As long as the scholar-bureaucrats in all parts of Guangdong can be neutral, or stand on the side of the army of the Third Prince Zhu and the Third Grandson Zhu, then Zhu and Qi’s battle to wipe out Guangdong will be easy to fight... This is called the herd effect of following the crowd!

If it can go a step further and make Wu Sangui, Geng Jingzhong and others have the same illusion, then the illusion will become true, and the Qing Dynasty may really slip into the abyss of collapse because of an imperial examination.

Chapter 195 I'm a Great Writer

In Guangzhou, in the third hall of Xingshizi's Mansion, Zhu Heqi is using an imperial examination to imitate the genius plan of a group of great talents in batches, telling his confidants and Dao Scarrong who came to Guangzhou to "rush for the exam" .But he only finished half of his words, and the people below were already asking questions.

"Master, can you still pretend this?"

"Yeah, how do you pretend?"

"Master, don't shut up, just tell me if you have any clever ideas!"

"Yeah, my son, if you have any good ways to make fakes, just come and hear them!"

Zhu Hechi stroked his beard, looked at the few people around him, and said with a smile: "This matter is not easy to say, and it is not difficult to say it is difficult... because our exam this time is a combination of the provincial exam, the general exam, and the imperial exam. It's done, so I have to think of a simple and quick way to select the candidates who are qualified to take the exam from all the talented people who come to take the exam. If you want to test stereotyped essays, it will take too much time to grade the papers one by one.

After all, the war is imminent, and we don't have much time to spend on it..."

"Qizai, what else can you do if you don't take the essay test?" Mr. Yu, who had just moved here with his tribe from Chaozhou Prefecture, asked half-jokingly, "You can't take the horse riding and archery test, right?"

"Master Qi, what are you kidding?" Zhu Heqi smiled and said, "It's not a martial arts exam, how can I take these exams? Gujia means to write poems and lyrics!

After the exams, those good words and exams will be posted for others to extract, and then compiled into a collection of poems for the whole world to appreciate.In this way, people in the world will know how many literary and romantic people support our Ming Dynasty! "

"But where (we) can we find so many good words and poems?" Eunuch Pang had already discovered a big hole in Zhu Hechi's "ingenious plan" at this time, "My lord, this person who can write poems handed down from generation to generation There aren’t many talented people, so if we don’t help prepare some, I’m afraid the people who take the exam won’t be able to write them!”

Zhu Hexi patted his chest with a smile: "It's easy to handle, Gujia will help them prepare...Gujia is the best at writing poems and lyrics!"

As soon as this trick came out, everyone in the lobby was stunned.

Has this son drank too much?Came up with such a bad idea.

Everyone looked at Military Master Zhuge, and the meaning was very clear: "You military master, wake up quickly, and come up with a clever plan!"

However, Zhuge Military Adviser has always known Zhu Heqi's ability - he "invented" Zhuge Shenlei and Zhuge Machine Cannon, so maybe he can really compose poems and lyrics?

So the military master waved the goose feather fan, smiled and said nothing.

Da Boling on the side couldn't hold back any longer, she frowned and asked Zhu Heqi, "My lord, you have never liked poetry... You were forced to memorize dozens of poems by Yi'an layman back then. It’s been a long time since I’ve forgotten it, how can I say I know how to compose poetry best now? Don’t make some doggerel to make people laugh.”

Hmm, how dare you question my son's literary talents?Zhu Heqi was unhappy when he heard this, and glared at Da Boling, thinking: "Do you want to be served by the family law again?"

Da Boling puffed out her chest as if protesting, "Master, poetry is not easy."

"Let's come up with a question!" Zhu Hechi said, "You just come up with a question and test me!"

"Then..." Da Boling looked around, and there were no outsiders, so let's take the test!The big deal is going home after going home...

Thinking of this, Da Boling blushed, "My lord, let's make a song "Bodhisattva Man" based on the theme of our first meeting."

"Bodhisattva Man" is a lyric book. In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the popularity of lyric writing flourished, and a large number of famous lyricists emerged. Ye Yuling, a woman from a scholarly family, naturally likes ci more, so she published A lyric question to embarrass Zhu Hechi.

But Da Boling, who wanted to make things difficult for others, did not expect that Zhu Heqi was really knowledgeable!

He was able to go all the way from the small county of Chaoshan, Guangdong to the university in Beijing, so he must be a top student with excellent arts and sciences!Not only is he a small town writer, but he is also a literary youth in the small town. Looking at his handwriting, he also knows that he has some skills in ancient poetry and prose.Even the relatively unpopular poems of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, he still remembers a lot.

Thinking of this, Zhu Dacai smiled and said to Da Boling: "Sister Ling, listen carefully... half the setting sun is going down the small building, and the Zhu curtain is slanting to control the soft golden hook. Leaning on the railing, you can't worry. There is a Yingying riding a horse. , Thin makeup and light black are also romantic. See people shy but turn back."

"Good! Good lyrics! What a song "Bodhisattva Man"... My son, you really know how to write lyrics! Who taught it?"

The loud applause is Mr. Guo. Although Mr. Guo has no fame, he is really knowledgeable and can compose poems... Even his poems are like the taste of the Tianjin Wei market.But he still knows how to do it!

"Not bad, really good..." Mr. Yu also understood a little bit, he had won the Juren, and now he said with a smile, "Qizai, let me test you too!"

"Master Qi please come up with a question." Zhu Heqi is not afraid of the test, he is a "master of the test"!

Mr. Yu pointed at Military Adviser Zhuge, and said with a smile, "Then take this old man as the subject and test a pseudo-ancient poem."

The so-called imitation of ancient poems is to imitate the poems and essays of the ancients, generally "five words", "seven unique" and so on.

Zhu Hesheng twirled his beard and acted like a wit (a great wit from the Tahe class). After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and came. This time it is "Seated Alone in the Autumn Sky" by Miao Peilin, a warlord during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement.Not many people know this poem in later generations, but one of the lines "I smile to the sky from the sword" is a line handed down from generation to generation, and was even used by Tan Sitong.So Zhu Heqi also knew this poem.

I saw Zhu Heqian twirling his beards, brewing his feelings for a while, and then recited aloud: "Wearing a broken scroll in your hand, facing the green lamp, sitting alone with a curtain and counting the stars; the six screens are open, the autumn is dark, and the insects are singing in the night. .

The cuckoo sings blood, frost, and white, and the ghost peeps at people, and the lights are green; I smile to the sky from the sword, and I will never miss the poor scriptures again in this life. "

"Master, this word and this poem are really written by Ni? They didn't copy it from somewhere?"

Master Guo is an expert, and he knows that the poems and words that Zhu Heqi just "improvised" just now are masterpieces that can be handed down to the world!

Without extremely high literary accomplishment and talent, ordinary scholars cannot do it.Even those great talents with extremely high talents are unlikely to open their mouths to pass down famous lines... So it is not surprising that Master Guo has such doubts.

"Master Guo, who (you) are you going to say is copying?" The eunuch Pang, the governor of the East Factory, spoke up - slandering the prince for plagiarism, he will be beheaded!

After scaring Mr. Guo for a while, he also turned around and asked Zhu Heqi: "Master, you really didn't copy it?"

"It must not have been copied," Da Boling now knew that she was wrong, and she was going to punish her, but she still spoke for Zhu Heqi with a happy face, "My son was very smart since he was a child, he was able to write at the age of three, and poetry at the age of five. The talent is extraordinary... Besides, where can I copy such good words and poems?"

Zhu Heqi smiled and nodded to Da Boling, with a good attitude... But the family law still needs to be followed!It must be redoubled!

Then Zhu Heqi said confidently: "Just believe me! I have one or two hundred poems that are enough to be handed down to the world, all of which are unknown... enough to imitate 72 great talents! If there are 72 talented people from the rich family, I think Xuan Ye should also suspect that the romantic and talented people in the south of the Yangtze River are all interested in me, right?"

In fact, he also has Qu Dajun, one of the three masters of Qing Ci, who can help!

He then said to Dao Barong, his uncle who just came from Quanzhou: "Dao Barong, come to Shizi Mansion tomorrow after we leave the office, and I will teach you how to write poems and fill in lyrics... I will teach you word by word, and I will let you write it out." Good lines handed down from generation to generation! If you want to be the number one scholar, you must have a few good words and poems handed down from generation to generation."

This "Wen Chaogong" of Zhu Heqi is still a flower.

The other "Wen Chao Gong" like to show off, but Zhu Heqi just doesn't like to show off... He is the third grandson of Zhu and a great sage, so he still needs to be in the limelight?The younger brother's limelight is his limelight!

Moreover, he is a Chaozhou native, and he is more willing to promote the younger generation and his relatives, give some investment, share some traffic, and even pass on some technology, so that everyone can make a fortune together!

So he was willing to give the "Golden Finger" points to Zhuge Sanhe, and promoted him from a third-rate military strategist to a super military strategist at the same level as Zhuge Liang.

Now I am willing to use Nalan Xingde's poems to cultivate a group of "great talents", even if they can't reach the height of Zhuge's military division, they can still use it as a front to bluff people!

Seeing that the people below were impressed by his "literary talent", Zhu Hechi smiled and said, "Since the problem of poetry has been solved, let's issue orders to the states and counties under the jurisdiction of Guangfu, Chaozhou, Qiongzhou, and Yanping Palace... …All talents from all over the world are invited to come to Guangzhou to take the exam! The Military Division will send agents to go to Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Huguang, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Jiangnan to post notices, inviting talented people who want to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty to come to Guangzhou to take the exam for reference, and a great event will be held together!"

He paused, and then said: "When my father, Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhu, Mr. Zhu, and Mr. Qu all arrive in Guangzhou, we will start a course to recruit scholars!"

Chapter 196 Father, they are all scholars who support us as emperors!

On the ninth day of September in the first year of King Ding Jianguo of the Ming Dynasty, a large group of original Confucianists in commoner clothes, horn scarves, long swords and copper hammers gathered on the pier of Tianzi Ferry Terminal in Nanguan, Guangzhou.

Although all the original Confucianists dressed in the same way, the Guangzhou people who had been dealing with them for several months could already tell how old this Confucian was from the details.

First of all, the color of the handkerchief on the head of the original Confucians is different, and the advanced Confucianists all wear a yellow kerchief... People in Guangzhou who like to give people nicknames call them "Yellow Turban Confucians".Ordinary original Confucians wear red scarves on their heads, and the Cantonese call them "red-headed Confucians".

Now what appeared on the Tianzi Ferry Pier was a patch of "yellow turbans". It seemed that all the yellow turban scholars in Guangzhou City had come.

Secondly, the clothing colors of the original Confucians have also changed, although they are all dressed in commoner clothes.But the high-level Yuan Confucianists all wear red cloth clothes... This is a red-clothed Confucianist!Ordinary Confucians wear black or light red cloth.Among them, the original Confucian in black was either a student or a government official.Those in light red clothes are mostly soldiers, and the people of Guangfu affectionately call them "cutting people and Confucianism".

The third difference is that ordinary Yuan Confucians only have long swords and copper hammers, while the "Yellow Turban Confucians" have been issued with flintlock pistols produced in Foshan since July.These flintlock pistols were copied from the British-made flintlock pistols that Zhu Heqi had snatched from the Great Eastern, but the quality was not very good, and they always failed to fire.However, Zhu Heqi still spent money to buy them and distributed them to the "Yellow Turban Confucians" for display.

High imitation is not easy, and you will encounter many technical difficulties, so you need to support it in the early stage, and you can't beat it to death with a stick.

At the same time as supporting, Zhu Heqi is also preparing to let the "South Factory" that has moved to Guangzhou start ironmaking, and explore metallurgical technology step by step from the bottom-although the two industries of chemical industry and metallurgy have many similarities place, but after all, it is interlaced like a mountain!Therefore, with the little metallurgical knowledge that Zhu Heqi had mastered, at most he could only make some strip steel. It was difficult to support a full-process workshop iron factory with complete technological processes at once, and it required a little bit of exploration.

In addition to the whole process of workshops and ironworks requiring a little exploration, the craftsmanship of making flintlock guns and even rifled flintlock guns requires craftsmen to explore under the guidance of Zhu Heqi. Zhu Heqi can't ignore fire nitrate, gunpowder in the inner factory, and the production of allicin that supports Zhu Heqi's "sage" status... He is the "chief engineer" of these factories!

In addition, there are three "key schools": Tiannan Dao Law School, Huangpu Military Academy and Tianwanggong Children's Hall, which require Zhu Heqi to devote a lot of energy to support them bit by bit.

Finally, Zhu and Qi had to follow up on the construction of the army and local government.

Although Zhuge Sanhe and his father and son, Guo Youde, Yu Erye, Bai Xiaowen, and Da Boling are still relatively capable.But nowhere can be separated from Zhu Heqi, so he is so busy these days that he doesn't even have a chance for his "secretary and teacher" Bei Jiaxin and "maid and nurse" Aoi Shut up.It's not that I lack the time to hold hands, but I don't have time to make arrangements... These two are also girls with status, one is Zheng Jing's cousin, and the other is the daughter of "Captain Aoi United", so they can't be anonymous. If you want to "lead", why should there be a concubine ceremony?

With regard to this matter, both Zhu and Qi could only push and push, until now they have not had time.

However, Zhu Heqi, who was so busy, turned down everything today and took a large group of "Yellow Turban Confucianists" under his command to stand on the Guangzhou Tianzi Ferry Pier and wait for a few large bird boats to dock slowly.

These big bird boats had their own origins, they came from Dahao Port controlled by Qiu Hui, and one of the bird boats was boarded by the king of Ming Dynasty, King Zhu Tianwang!

Under the repeated urging of Zhu Heqi and Qiu Hui, Zhu Cijiong, the king of the Ming Dynasty, finally left Chaozhou Prefecture by boat on the first day of September, and finally arrived at Guangzhou Prefecture, the first city in Tiannan today.

In fact, Zhu Tianwang has been very happy in Jieyang City for the past few months, he is the real lord of the county! The existence of more than 3 people!And he also won the first and second big victories in his life... Especially in the Battle of Xiushuixi, he single-handedly blocked Shang Kexi's tens of thousands of troops, and even captured the Qing court's champion of martial arts alive Wu Sanwei is simply the most macho in the world.

If Emperor Chongzhen's In-Heaven Spirit knew that he had such a powerful third prince, how happy would he be?

But Zhu Tianwang was happy not long after, so he had to leave Chaozhou, the place where he made his fortune, and took the big bird boat of the Qiu family to go to Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong, to find a new dream... An emperor's dream that I dare not imagine!

This should have been the highest achievement of a man, but seeing that the dream of an emperor is about to come true, now standing on the deck of a big bird ship, watching Zhu Tianwang, who is getting closer and closer to him at the Tianzi Ferry Pier, is a little worried about gains and losses .

After entering the city of Guangzhou, can you just lie down and be the emperor?From now on, there will be no such excitement of facing the tens of thousands of soldiers of Jianyi alone on Takahashi alone under the sun?

Could it be that he will play happily with the 72 concubines of the Sannomiya Sixth Court all day long?

Although the 72 concubines of the Six Courts of the Sangong were the ones who became the emperor, but without the excitement of fighting on the battlefield, it seemed that there was something wrong with it!

By the way... Heavenly King Zhu suddenly thought: "Where is my 72 concubines from the Sixth Court of the Three Palaces? Why haven't they been chosen yet? No way, I must give them a good reminder later!"


"Father, my son, fortunately, did not disgrace my life. I have finally taken this Guangzhou prefecture and eleven counties to you! Now there are more than 120 million soldiers and civilians in Guangzhou prefecture, more than 1000 townships, more than 180 farms, and 38 large and small castles... ...It's all ours already!

Father, our Daming is back again! "

On the Tianzi Ferry Pier, as soon as Zhu Heqi saw his father, who looked like Lord Guan, he strode forward, and instead of kowtowing to salute, he went up and held Father Zhu's hand to announce the good news.

Before Father Zhu could react, there were already echoing voices of good news around him.

"Congratulations to the King, congratulations to the King!"

"I congratulate the king, congratulate the Ming..."

"Your Majesty has such a heroic son, why worry about the loss of Ming Dynasty and the immortality of Jianyi..."

"Your Majesty, I beg your Majesty to be on your throne early, and climb up to the Great Treasure!"

Some people have started to persuade them to come in!

Zhu and Qi didn't want to stay with their father on the pier for too long... The weather is not very good at the moment, and the dark clouds are gathering a bit. If it starts to rain later, it will be a small matter for everyone to be drenched, and the most important thing is that it is unlucky. !

So he took Zhu Tianwang's hand, and the father and son went out of the pier surrounded by a group of "Yellow Turban Confucians", boarded the big ocean horse that had been prepared earlier, and then the father and son went to the Five Immortals Gate together.

The area from Wuxianmen to Tianzi Ferry Pier in the outer city of Guangzhou has been under construction since Zhu Heqi took over Guangzhou, and now it has the outline of a prosperous business district—several straight streets have been built, The roads are paved with bluestone, which is very magnificent!

On both sides of the street are construction sites covered by fences. Every construction site is under construction, and there are clanging sounds.When Zhu Heyi and Zhu Tianwang led a large group of men and walked side by side on Qingshi Street, the craftsmen put down their work, got out of the gate on the fence, and stepped on the side of the street. wait and see.

At this time, both sides of the street are already crowded with Confucian scholars watching the excitement... These Confucian scholars are all wearing cross-collar robes, and most of them have swords. It is not as good as their robes are made of different materials and colors. black robe.They also don't wear red and yellow horn scarves. Some people don't have horn scarves yet, but wear a melon skin hat in the style of the Qing Dynasty. This dress is a bit strange!

"Bad boy," Zhu Tianwang raised his horsewhip, pointed to a few Confucian scholars wearing melon skin hats on the side of the road ahead, and asked Zhu Heqi next to him, "Where do those people wearing melon skin hats come from? Why is it half clear? Dressed in half-bright?"

In fact, the Cantonese government under Zhu Hechi also allowed qualified men to wear braids and wear Qing-style robes—he still had to maintain trade with the Qing Dynasty!If one person comes and cuts a braid, wouldn't the family never come back?

However, these half-clear and half-dressed people are not businessmen, but Confucian scholars who came to Guangzhou to take the exam.

Zhu Heqi smiled and said to his father: "Old Dou, they all came to us from the prefectures and counties near Guangfu to take the exam... They are all scholars who support us as emperor!"

As soon as he finished speaking, people on both sides of the street suddenly cheered: "Long live the saint! Long live the King Jian Guo..."

This is Shan Hu long live?

Zhu Tianwang's feeling came immediately, but it was still a little strange, so he asked his son, "Sai Zi, who is the saint? It seems that the emperor of Ming Dynasty is not called a saint?"

Chapter 197 Look, this is the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers!

"Give me some fucking energy! Be more energetic... Put the cloth mask on me, put the bow and arrow on my back, and put the waist knife on my shoulder.

Don't be too damn heavy, the armor and weapons you are wearing now are all used by your Ama and Mafa back then!

Back then, they could wear two layers of heavy armor, carry spears, knives, bows and arrows, and immediately toss and roll, and they could run fast on two legs on the battlefield, and even rush up to kill people after running for three to five miles!

This...fucking is called the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers!

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