What Zuo Chunqiu said was right, the Qing court conferred the feudal title on San Francisco, and the king of San Francisco was not the lord of a province or even a government.Wu Sangui was a bit better, after all, when he was the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, he could appoint officials from the west, although the privileges of the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou and the officials from the west had already been handed over.However, many local officials from Yunnan and Guizhou promoted by Wu Sangui in his early years are still in office, so he can still control Yunnan and Guizhou.

But Geng Jingzhong, the vassal king, can't do it. The Geng family has never been a governor of Fujian, and there is no "Geng Xuan" official, so Geng Jingzhong's ability to control Fujian is very weak.It can only exert influence on the local government in Fujian through the control of land and population through some manors affiliated to Jingnan Prince's Mansion.

However, there are only fifteen assistant leaders under the Jingnan Palace, how many vassals can they enclose?So Geng Jingzhong is indeed not the lord of Fujian, not even the lord of Fuzhou, Dingtian is the biggest feudal lord in Fujian Province.It's a bit like the lord of the Japanese country next door, but it's not a big vassal. His fifteen assistants and 40 green battalion soldiers make up a total of [-] troops...I'm afraid he doesn't even have "million stones", just A worth of [-] million shi.

Relying on this strength to want to be an emperor is simply a dream!

Hearing what Zuo Chunqiu said, Geng Jingzhong also felt that the emperor had to score a few steps to become the emperor... But it seems that it is not easy to be the Lord of Fujian!

"Master, how can the leader of Fujian become the leader?" Geng Jingzhong frowned, "Even if Zheng Jing conquered Jinjiang, the capital city of Quanzhou, it would only be so small that the emperor would not entrust the military and political power of the entire Fujian to me." Bar?"

"Don't worry, my lord, isn't there some good news here?"

"Is there any good news?" Geng Jingzhong asked, "What good news?"

Zuo Chunqiu handed over Liu Jinzhong's letter, "Look, my lord, this is Liu Zongrong's letter."

"Liu Jinzhong's report?" Geng Jingzhong took the report, opened it and looked at it and said, "It should be that the army sent by Mi Sihan to attack Chenghai retreated in embarrassment? This is really a steal..."

As soon as he said this, he suddenly stood there straight as if he had been hit by a spell of immobilization, unable to speak a word.

After a while, he said in a trembling tone: "This, this, how is this possible? Shang, Shang Ke is over... The sky in Guangdong is falling! Daming is back!"

But Zuo Chunqiu smiled and said to Geng Jingzhong: "My lord, the sky in Guangdong has collapsed, and the imperial court will think that you, the pillar of the sky in Fujian, are important! Only then will the power of Fujian Province be entrusted to you! You With the great power of Fujian Province, we can recruit soldiers and horses to do great things!"

"But... can the imperial court trust me?" Geng Jingzhong was still a little skeptical.

He is also one of the San Francisco!

And he is probably the only vassal among the San Francisco who really wants to rebel!

Among the kings of the San Francisco, Shang Kexi is that loyalty is too much, Wu Sangui is self-supporting...he wants to be the king of Yunnan, only Geng Jingzhong is tossing about "the emperor's body and ears" all day long, dreaming of becoming an emperor.

Geng Jingzhong, who had a ghost in his heart, of course couldn't believe that Emperor Kangxi would trust him.

Zuo Chunqiu smiled and said: "My lord, of course the emperor believes you. If he doesn't believe you, he will let you go back to Fujian as the heir to the throne? As soon as the former king invited you, the emperor immediately let you go south...Wu Sangui is very sick now It's about to die, will the emperor let Wu Yingxiong go?"

"Yes, but how should I hold all the power in Fujian Province?" Geng Jingzhong asked again.

"It's easy," Zuo Chunqiu said, "Go to Beijing to ask the emperor for power!"

"What?" Geng Jingzhong was taken aback by Zuo Chunqiu's proposal, "Isn't this a trap?"

"My lord, what are you afraid of?" Zuo Chunqiu said with a smile, "You are the feudal lord of the Qing Dynasty, and you sit in Fuzhou to suppress the remnants of the former Ming Dynasty for the imperial court. Can a thousand flag soldiers and six thousand green battalions do it? It’s only natural for you to go to Beijing to demand power.”

"Then, will the emperor give it?"

Zuo Chunqiu said: "If he doesn't give it to you, you will stay in Beijing...he will give it to you! And the emperor will think that you are loyal and reliable, lord!"

"Really? I'm honest?" Geng Jingzhong looked at Zuo Chunqiu, his honest face was wrinkled, as if he was thinking hard.

"Really, really!" Zuo Chunqiu said, "My lord, if the emperor really doesn't give it to you... you might as well just withdraw your domain! Your three thousand bannermen and six thousand green battalion are far worse than Shang Kexi After a while, when Zhu and Qi came to fight, wouldn't the whole army be wiped out?"

Geng Jingzhong took a breath, nodded and said: "That's true... Although Shang Kexi only has this team on the books, in fact he is much stronger than me!

He has the Xiangshan-Macau trade in his hand, and the money he puts in his pocket every year is at least a million, which I can't compare!

Alright, I'll submit the paper right away and request to come to Beijing to report on my work. "

Chapter 179 Wu Sangui, when will you rebel?

Yunnan, Kunming, Wuhua Mountain.

When Guangdong and Fujian were almost in chaos, Yunnan under Wu Sangui's rule still looked like a peaceful paradise.

Although the old traitor became a thorn in the side of the Qing court because of a Chongzhen edict that he had never seen before, and he himself was "sick in bed" and hadn't shown up for many days.

But this Yunnan province is still under the firm control of the Pingxi King Wu Sangui who hides behind the scenes!

Unlike the power of feudal kings in Guangdong and Fujian, which were controlled from the very beginning, Wu Sangui, king of Pingxi in Yunnan, had full power in the first few years when he opened his feudal vassal and set up a mansion to guard Yunnan.He alone has the final say on the use of troops, people, and money.The imperial court didn't ask questions at all, and just paid for military expenses.

And Wu Sangui also dared to use people and power, and replaced almost all the officials in Yunnan Province with "Xianxuan".

In addition, Wu Sangui fought against the remnants of Zhang Xianzhong and the remnants of the Ming Dynasty in Sichuan for several years before taking over Yunnan.Many local officials and guarding generals in Sichuan are also his people.

The people who were promoted and reused by Wu Sangui have a common characteristic, that is, the "slave generation" is very low.Wu Sangui himself is a junior among slaves. The Ming Dynasty was gone when he led the Qing soldiers into the pass. How low do you think his slaves are?And he is a junior among slaves, of course he can't use elders among slaves to do things for him... Otherwise, he won't be able to command!

And because of the serious mismatch between slaves and official positions, it is difficult for these junior slaves to leave Wu Sangui's protection-they just want to join the imperial court, and the imperial court can't arrange them properly!

Under Wu Sangui's hands, he could be a servant of the general army, but if he wanted to vote for the imperial court, he might not even have a general in charge... It's no good, who rebelled!

Over time, Wu Sangui's group became very cohesive and united.And Wu Sangui's control over this group has become more and more handy.Even if he pretends to be sick and doesn't show up now, the province of Yunnan is still firmly under his control.Zhu Guozhi, the governor of Yunnan sent by the imperial court, is just a decoration that can't control anything.

However, Wu Sangui pretended to be sick for many days and did not show up, and the "big news" from Guangdong kept coming, and the hearts of the people in Kunming were inevitably a little fluctuating... What does this prince mean?Are they secretly preparing to rebel?Or is it really sick?

So when the time came to the middle and late May of the 11th year of Kangxi, Wuhua Mountain became a bit lively. Every day, civil and military officials under Wu Sangui came to inquire about news in the name of visiting the sick... If you want to rebel, everyone The guys have to prepare food, grass and military resources, and the generals have to strengthen their drills.In addition, there are still many officials sent by the imperial court to mix sand in Yunnan. Whether they are arrested or killed, there must be an arrangement, right?

Of course, Wu Sangui can't see them...he has to pretend to be sick to get his eldest son Wu Yingxiong back!

So in Yunnan, the only people who can see Wu Sangui now are his second son Wu Yingqi, grandson Wu Shicong, sons-in-law Xia Guoxiang, Hu Guozhu, Guo Zhuangtu, adopted son Wu Guogui, general Ma Bao, counselor Fang Guangchen, Wang Shirong and a few other confidants.

Most of the visiting officials were dismissed by Wu Yingqi and Wu Shicong.These two men both look very much like Wu Sangui, one looks like a middle-aged Wu Sangui, the other looks like a young Wu Sangui, of course they are both macho... and they are both very good at fighting. Wu Yingqi has been leading troops all these years in Yunnan. The chieftain PK, his son Wu Shicong joined the army with his hair disheveled, and beat and knives people.

So when the two of them stopped at the Yin'an Hall in the palace, they were particularly able to hold the place.

However, these two hunks are also notoriously impulsive and rough. They are those masters who cut first and talk later. They are good fighters, but they are not as calm and prudent as Wu Sangui and Wu Yingxiong in handling things.

If Wu Yingxiong really can't come back, let them take Wu Sangui's class... This reaction should be forged, and it's hard to say what will happen!

Fortunately, Wu Sangui's old arms and legs are quite strong at the moment, and he can control the two of them, so they didn't dare to talk nonsense when dismissing a group of officials.

On May [-]th, it seemed to be the same as usual. The two men continued to go to the Yin'an Dian town, and said an ambiguous sentence to the officials who came to visit King Pingxi, and it was over.

Unexpectedly, an uninvited guest broke into Yin'an Palace.

This uninvited guest was not an outsider, but Zu Lianggeng, the eldest son of Wu Sangui's cousin Zu Zeqing, who was also a stunned young man.He was sent to Yunnan by his father Zu Zeqing and Wu Sangui's military adviser Liu Xuanchu. He was so fast along the way that several horses ran away and died.After arriving in Kunming, he took the token issued by Wu Sangui to Zu Zeqing and went up to Mount Wuhua in silence. When he saw many people going to the Yin'an Hall, he followed them to the outside of the Yin'an Hall.However, the guards of the palace guarding outside Yin'an Hall saw him unfamiliar and dusty, so they didn't let him in.

So the stunned young man found out that it was Wu Yingqi who was presiding over the Yin'an Hall's political discussions, and shouted outside the hall: "Cousin Weizhou (Wu Yingqi's name), I am Zu Lianggeng! Something is wrong, It happened that your father and your elder brother colluded with the Third Prince Zhu and the Third Grandson Zhu... When will my cousin rebel?"

It doesn't matter if he yells, there are still a lot of Western electors who have been kept in the dark!

The big guys all turned their attention to Wu Yingqi and Wu Shicong, and the two were also at a loss.

What's going on?Who?Why are you talking nonsense?

"Who is yelling?" Wu Yingqi said, "Where are the guards? Bring them to me!"

As soon as the guards outside the door heard this, they immediately arrested Zu Lianggeng and the servants of the ancestral family who came with Zu Lianggeng, and then escorted them to the hall.

And even though Zu Liang was arrested, his mouth was not blocked, he was still yelling!

"Brother Wei Zhou, you don't know me anymore? I am Zu Lianggeng, the son of Gao Lei's commander-in-chief Zu Siye! It was my father and your family's Junshi Liu who sent me to report the news!

Something big happened in Guangdong... Shang Kexi has already been planted, and was captured alive by the third grandson of Zhu. Guangzhou was also called by the third grandson of Zhu to shoot him down. The world is going to be in chaos!

That coward Shang Zhixin gave the imperial court a note, saying that the "Chongzhen Legacy" and "Jade Letter of the Third Prince Zhu" were all given to him by your eldest brother Yang Qilong... and that your family has been secretly supporting the Third Prince Zhu ! "

Now everyone in Yin'an Hall was dumbfounded, and Wu Yingqi and Wu Shicong were also stunned.

So after Zu Lianggeng yelled, there was silence in Yin'an Hall!


"Father, dad, something is wrong!"

"Grandpa, grandpa...my uncle is going to die!"

When Wu Yingqi and Wu Shicong rushed into Songtao Pavilion where Wu Sangui was "recovering from illness", Wu Sangui was eating with Chen Yuanyuan.

What I ate was vegetarian dishes cooked by Chen Yuanyuan himself.

After Chen Yuanyuan arrived in Yunnan, she began to believe in Buddhism superstitiously. She dressed as a vegetarian all day long, worshiped Buddha and chanted scriptures, and seemed to be indifferent to the world.Now she is old again and has become a kind-hearted aunt.

However, Wu Sangui still liked her very much. During the days when he hid on Mount Wuhua and "pretended to be sick", he was with Chen Yuanyuan almost all day long, and he also listened to her chanting, and sometimes he chanted a few lines with the Buddhist scriptures himself.The days are happy and easy.

Today, when he was enjoying himself, his Lengtouqing son and Lengtouqing grandson broke in.

"Shicong, you, what are you talking about? Who is going to die?" Wu Sangui became nervous when he heard Wu Shicong's words.

"Uncle, uncle is going to die!" Wu Shizheng didn't care to salute Wu Sangui, and replied loudly, "Just now Zu Zeqing's son Zu Lianggeng came to Wuhua Mountain, and he brought a letter from Zu Zeqing and Liu Junshi... The sky in Guangdong has changed!

And the thief Shang Zhixin even bit our family, insisting that Chongzhen's edict was taken to Guangdong by my uncle...and even made an excuse for the emperor! "

Chapter 180 Wu Sangui, you still dare to pretend to be dead?

Wuhua Mountain, Lie Cui Xuan, East Chamber Study.

Wu Sangui's study room is full of people now.Wu Yingqi, Wu Shicong, Xia Guoxiang, Hu Guozhu, Guo Zhuangtu, Wu Guogui, Ma Bao, Fang Guangchen, and Wang Shirong all had confidants in Kunming, and of course there was Zu Zeqing and his son Zu Lianggeng.

According to legend, Wu Sangui, who was bedridden, was sitting behind the desk full of energy, his face livid and murderous.

This time Wu Sangui was really angry, and was irritated by Shang Zhixin and Yang Qilong, two insidious villains!

He is really sitting in the mountains now, the pot is coming from the sky!

Who did Wu Sangui provoke?Why did these two guys hurt him so much?It was already a headache enough to come up with a Chongzhen posthumous edict before, and it made him pretend to be sick.

Now he still says that Chongzhen's edict was created by Wu Sangui himself to frame him... There is something wrong with him, he framed himself?

Even if he, Wu Sangui, wanted to rebel, he wouldn't mess around like this!

The best way to rebel is to attack suddenly and catch the court by surprise, so that it will be easy to succeed. How can you make a crime to frame yourself first?

What is this now?Before the rebellion started, the whole world knew that Wu Sangui was going to rebel.

Emperor Kangxi must be guarding Yunnan... Maybe the Eight Banners Celestial Soldiers have been sent to Sichuan and Hunan to block the roads.

The Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners are blocking the door of the house, how do you think this Yunnan-Guizhou rebellion will be created?

This rebellion will not work, but Wu Yingxiong and his sons may not be able to survive... What should I do?

When Wu Sangui thought that he would send a white-haired person to a black-haired person, and that he would be a big family, he burst into tears.

All of Wu Sangui's confidants were also frowning, not knowing what to say.Even the two advisers, Fang Guangchen and Wang Shirong, felt helpless.

In the current situation, there is no trust between Wu Sangui's faction and the Qing court.

The best situation is that Emperor Kangxi refrained from killing Wu Yingxiong for the time being...just not killing him for the time being.

If the Qing court suppressed the third prince Zhu and the third grandson Zhu, Wu Sangui's family would definitely be killed next.

But it seems embarrassing for Wu Sangui to rebel now... The third prince Zhu has already become big in Guangdong, not to mention Shang Kexi who was defeated, and Guangzhou City.The fighting power displayed by the soldiers and horses seems to be no less than that of the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers.

Now that Wu Sangui joins in, I'm afraid he really has to "Fengzhao Qinwang".

At that time, the third prince Zhu will be the boss, and Wu Sangui can only be a big follower...not a big follower in name, but in fact he is a real follower who coerces the emperor to order the princes!

In the end, this turned out to be the opposite, and at most he would have the benefit of staying in Yunnan forever, and continue to be the king of Pingxi.

So this reverse...it's boring!

But if Emperor Kangxi really killed Wu Yingxiong's family in a flash of his head, could it be unreasonable?

If people are bullied to this extent and still don't turn back, isn't that to make people look down upon?At that time, when the hearts of the people will be scattered, how will the Yunnan team lead?

But Wu Yingxiong's family is staying in Beijing now, and it's up to Kangxi to kill or not!

When the two counselors were worrying, Wu Sangui suddenly said, "The letter from Jun Liu said... first take three parts of the world, and then quietly watch the changes in the world. What do you think?"

Liu Xuanchu wrote a long letter and asked Zu Lianggen to bring him to Kunming.In the letter, he did not mention how to rescue Wu Yingxiong, but he proposed a road map for fighting for the world.He suggested that Wu Sangui take Sichuan from the north first, and then enter Ganshan.Occupy Xingsheng in Shaanxi, gather the strong men in the northwest, and then unite with the Mongolian princes who refused to accept the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and took advantage of the opportunity of the Ming and Qing Dynasties to attack Beijing.

In fact, this plan is not a three-point plan, but Wu Sangui only saw the situation of Sichuan plus Yunnan and Guizhou.

But now that he can raise this question, it is already a big step forward, at least it shows that he has already planned to rebel!

"My lord," Wang Shirong shook his head and said, "You are very old, and the emperor and the third grandson of Zhu are only about 20 years old. This quiet observation..."

Fang Guangchen didn't answer Wu Sangui's question directly, but just gave Wu Yingqi and Wu Shicong a meaningful look.The meaning is very clear—are these two masters who can calmly watch?

"Father," Wu Yingqi couldn't help being impatient, "this three-thirds of the world is not acceptable! In the past, Uncle Liu Huang was able to make three-pointers of the world because Sichuan is a land of abundance, with thousands of miles of fertile fields and millions of households. Today, Sichuan is a native of Ding. There are only more than 1 men, and ferocious beasts are rampant in famous cities like Chengdu and Chongqing. It is impossible to take such a site as the foundation!"

Wu Sangui's adoptive son, Wu Guogui, also said: "Father, the second brother is right! We don't have a large population in Yunnan, and there are not many in Guizhou, and Sichuan is like this. Even if there are three provinces, the population may not be that high." It can surpass Guangzhou City!"

Wu Sangui just sighed when he heard the words, the population of Yunnan and Guizhou was small, but Sichuan was a land of abundance in the Ming Dynasty... Wu Sangui is also responsible for the reason why he has turned into such a ghost now!

He fought with the Nanming forces in Sichuan for many years, and he did not do little to massacre the city and kill Liang.Although the Sichuanese killed by him are definitely not as many as the Manchurian soldiers, but after so many years of killing, adding up the number of people killed, there are still tens of thousands of people... If these people are still there, plus reproduction The extra amount of income, why does Sichuan have a population of 10 million now?

If there is this number, Wu Sangui still has the confidence to run a small court in Sichuan and Yunnan and Guizhou that can last for decades.

Wu Sangui thought for a while, then raised his eyes to look at Wu Guogui and said, "Guogui, my family belongs to you and you have a lot of ideas, so tell me, if I really want to rebel, how should I fight?"

This Wu Guogui is not only the one with the most ghost ideas among Wu Sangui's own sons and godsons, but also the most handsome, with tall and straight features, white face and long beard, and an elegant demeanor.Hearing Wu Sangui's question, he immediately twirled his beard, thought for a while and said: "Father, my child thinks it's rebellious or not, but if you want to make... you must have the determination to sweep the world, and you must not miss the comfort of Yunnan and Guizhou.

Therefore, Hai'er suggested that all the troops in Yunnan should be used, first go east to take the densely populated areas of Jingchu, and then recruit strong men, go northward in a large scale, go straight to Henan, and gouge out the heart of the Central Plains.

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