Su Zhanshan, who was commanding from a high place, saw this scene, and his immature face turned pale.

Why is this demon so difficult to fight?

Could it be that there is no way to defeat them without sugar medicine weapons?This is not acceptable!

Thinking of this, he had no choice but to grit his teeth, took a Zhangba long spear from the soldiers beside him, and shouted: "Brothers, come with me... to the top! Kill the demon! Kill the Shang family!"

The ten leading infantry troops who had gathered on the Zuozhen position of Jinyi's pro-army long ago also followed him and shouted: "Kill the demon! Kill the Shang family!"

Seeing that the morale of the people below was quite high, Su Zhanshan went down the high slope with his spear on his shoulders. He led the thousand-step army away from the position and entered the battlefield ahead!

The situation ahead is still a bit grim!

Even if all the 1000 people brought by Su Zhanshan went in, the number of people on his side would be more than 3000, while the number of the other side would be as many as four to five thousand... and Su Zhanshan no longer had a reserve team.

Seeing that a bitter battle was about to begin, the loudest shout suddenly sounded from behind Su Zhanshan: "The saint is coming! The saint is coming!"

This shout was unbelievable. The Jinyi soldiers who were fighting on the battlefield and those who were about to go into battle all boiled up, shouting in unison: "Saint! Saint! comes!"

Chapter 165 It's still gratifying, it's still possible to escape!

Zhu Hechi came to the top in person!

Under the light of dozens of butter torches, wearing a gleaming silver plate armor and riding a Portuguese ocean horse, Zhu Heqi appeared on the Ming army's left-flank battlefield.

He also led sixty "bearded scholars" who also wore plate armor and rode big ocean horses, as well as five battalions of reinforcements.

The majestic and majestic drive is coming up!

From the beginning of the battle, he immediately observed the battle situation from a high place, and was ready to lead the reserve team up to support.

Right now the Ming army's middle lane is fairly stable, Shang Kexi only sent a small group of troops to harass them, and did not attack violently.The two wings of the Ming army were attacked by the Qing army!

Among them, Zhao Hongkui, who was on the right wing of the Ming army, defended relatively steadily—this Zhao Hongkui was a bit stupid and didn't know water warfare, and he performed poorly when he learned "pharmaceutical" and artillery skills from Zhu Heqi. He has always been one of the few disciples The existence of the base.But he is stronger than Su Zhanshan in one thing, he has a strong psychological endurance and can hold his breath.

So he didn't do what Su Zhanshan did. He only carried out a round of 6-pounder bombardment, and then rushed into the infantry counterattack.Zhao Hongkui fired his 6-pound guns for three rounds. It was not until the desperately charging Qing army broke into the "Luzhai Rejecting Horse Formation" that he sent fifteen infantrymen to fight back.

As a result, Shang Zhijie's front line was defeated by one blow, and he retreated in desperation to reorganize.Although Shang Zhijie then adjusted his deployment and moved his middle and rear teams forward, the time he adjusted his deployment was enough for Zhao Hongkui to strengthen his defense.

Seeing that Zhao Hongkui's side was as stable as Mount Tai, Zhu Heqi felt relieved and led the reserve team of five battalions with nearly 2000 people to support the left wing, which looked a bit critical.

And Zhu Heqi's move was very powerful!

He is no longer an ordinary person, but a saint descended from heaven who possesses the technique of "returning the dead to life"!

Therefore, when Su Zhanshan, who was in a hard fight, saw Zhu Dasheng on the stage, he immediately boiled... his whole body had inexhaustible strength, and he was not afraid of death.

Their Zhu Shengren will "return the dead to life" method, as long as the dead are not particularly transparent, they can generally be revived!

With such a "half-god and half-holy" backstage coming to the top, the soldiers on the left wing of the Ming army naturally went crazy all of a sudden.

"The sage is here! Kill the demon! Destroy the Shang family!"

"Kill kill kill..."

"Kill all the demons!"

The shouts of the soldiers in the brocade clothes immediately overshadowed the shouts of the Qing army, and then they rushed like desperately, advancing one after another, fearless of death.

Su Zhanshan, who personally led the charge, knew that he hadn't fought well just now, and that's why he was so tired that his grandson went to the front line by himself. How dare he spare any energy now?Could it be that he really wanted Zhu Heqi to be involved in killing people?

So this time he also rushed to the forefront, and led more than 1000 people under his hands into the battlefield without hesitation, and fought with the right wing of the Qing army who was also attacking by the whole army.Quite a number of Paoze from Zuozhen, Jinyi's pro-army army, fell into the muddy water during the charge.But the rest of the soldiers were still struggling forward, and the warriors in brocade clothes who rushed to the front were almost in front of Shang Zhixiao's horse.

Ling Zongjun still rushed to the front, he is really a rare tiger general!

I saw that his helmet was knocked off by someone, revealing a big bald head with many scars - all injured by the iron sand shot by the artillery in Huangpu Village!

At this time the sky was already very dark, Shang Zhixiao ordered dozens of butter torches to be lit for the convenience of commanding, illuminating the surroundings as if they were daylight.

With the light from the torch, he could only see a ghost-like warrior of the Ming army who was wearing a western-style plate armor, with bloodstains and scary scars on his head, leading dozens of people rushing towards him!

Where has Shang Zhixiao seen such a scary scene?Immediately cowardly, even forgetting that there are hundreds of people protecting him, so there is no need to be afraid.

And Ling Zongjun also saw Shang Zhixiao in blue full armor and riding a tall horse, and behind Shang Zhixiao stood a big banner with the word "Shang" illuminated by a string of lanterns.

Ling Zongjun immediately mistook Shang Zhixiao for Shang Kexi, so he shouted loudly: "Shang Kexi... Take your life!"

The dozens of soldiers who followed him had never seen Shang Kexi before, and they all shouted after hearing Ling Zongjun's yelling: "Shang Kexi is here, hurry up and kill Shang Kexi!"

This is a big deal!

It's gratifying!

The man with the most enemies in Guangdong...and also the biggest "victory point" for the Ming army in this battle of Canton!

As long as Shang Kexi's head is beheaded and exhibited in the city of Guangzhou, Shang Zhixin will definitely be scared away!

At that time, Guangzhou will be able to take it without a fight!

So the Ming army who heard the shout left their opponents in front of them, rushed towards Shang Zhixiao, and shouted: "I found Shang Kexi, Shang Kexi is on the left..."

The shout reached the ears of Su Zhanshan and Zhu Heqi, and they both took it seriously!So they all rushed to the right wing of the Qing army, which is the left wing of the Ming army.Zhu Heqi was still worried that he would not be able to beat Shang Kexi, so he also transferred the fifth battalion reserve team that he had left behind.At the same time, he ordered Lin Ahu of the Central Route Army to send out some troops to take care of the left wing position.

After finishing this arrangement, Zhu Heqi led the troops to attack the right wing of the Qing army, to kill "Shang Kexi"!

Oh, even if there is no good news, the right wing that defeated the Qing army looks very good!

However, Zhu Hechi did not expect that at the same time that he was leading troops to hunt down the counterfeit Shang Kexi, the real Shang Kexi had already led the Qing Army's Central Route Army away from the position at the foot of Matou Mountain and moved forward quietly.

It was already dark at this time, but Shang Kexi didn't let the people below light the lanterns, and didn't let the subordinates shout and make noise, just sneaked in the night.

And in the middle of the journey, he also sent someone to order his other son, Shang Zhijie, to go all out to attack the right wing of the Ming army...

As soon as the messenger left, the old man Jin Guangjin had already joined him. This old man was the roundworm in Shang Kexi's stomach, and he knew too well what Prince Pingnan was thinking.

"My lord, the second prince is the most filial..."

Shang Kexi only sighed when he heard the words: "Now is the time for him to be filial and loyal... When I return to Guangzhou, I will definitely give him a grand funeral!"

Hearing Shang Kexi's words, Jin Guang was so sad that he almost burst into tears, but he didn't say anything... Shang Kexi doesn't want Shang Zhixiao anymore, what can he say as a military advisor and teacher?

Shang Kexi sighed again: "The festival is also a loyal and filial son, and it should be a grand funeral!"

Shang Kexi doesn't want Shang Zhi Festival anymore!

How many sons he has!

If two are missing, there are still more than a hundred, so the loss can be afforded, and it can also be replenished.

But he himself must return to Guangzhou City alive, and keep the old stallion, so he is not afraid of not having a son!

After sighing, the old hero who had served the Qing Dynasty in Guangdong for 20 years cheered up again, and led the troops cautiously towards the Ming Army Middle Road, which is the intersection of Longtoushan Mountain.

But he didn't walk fast, years of battlefield experience told him that he only had one chance to escape!

It must be cherished and not recklessly ruined!

Now the left wing of the Ming army and the troops led by the third grandson of Zhu have been lured away by Shang Zhixiao, a filial son... Although Shang Zhixiao is in danger, he also has the foundation of fighting for many years, and he can hold on for a while.As long as he is still resisting, he will not return to attack Shang Kexi's back if he regards Shang Zhixiao as Shang Kexi.

So Shang Kexi still has time, he can wait for Shang Zhijie to organize another onslaught.

As long as Shang Zhijie fights better in this wave, Shang Kexi's chances of escaping will be even greater.

Chapter 166 Invite Zhuge Military Adviser!

Shang Kexi was riding on a horse, surrounded by more than a thousand cavalry, all knights of the Banner Army directly under the Pingnan Palace... Everyone has a good horse from the north, and they are also wearing good armor that is full of materials.

These cavalry are the core armed force of Pingnan Palace!

Apart from them, Shang Kexi only held the Banner Army infantry and Qigu Baoyi in the Pingnan Palace.The troops he sent to his two sons before were all subordinate Green Battalion soldiers, not the most powerful Banner Army.

All the banner troops, including the banner slaves, are under the firm control of Shang Kexi himself.

The two filial sons Shang Zhixiao and Shang Zhijie led the army to attack the two wings of the Ming army, in fact, they also wanted to pull the Ming army's defense line, leaving the middle of the Ming army's defense line empty.

As long as the Ming army is empty in the middle, his old man's opportunity will come.Of course, this opportunity can also be big or small.

If the Ming army blocking the way is not very strong, then the gratifying middle road will roll over to the two wings of the Ming army after breaking through, and maybe it can turn defeat into victory.

If the Ming army is strong enough... Then Shang Kexi must be sure that he can escape, after all, he is the most loyal servant of the Qing Dynasty in Guangdong!

"Boom boom boom..."

A thunderous cannon came from Shang Kexi's front right, followed by drums and shouts.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

"Kill the thief! Go home! Kill the thief! Go home!"

Obviously, Shang Zhijie organized an attack with great care!Moreover, stimulated by the tempting goal of "going home", the green battalion soldiers of the Shang family army really showed their strength, and even attacked the artillery of the Ming army in the middle of the night.

Shang Kexi turned around and looked to the south again. In the night, countless light spots appeared, as if all the stars in the world had fallen.And these "stars" are still moving, seem to be moving south!

"Idiot!" Shang Kexi cursed in a low voice.

Of course, they are not scolding the Ming army who was lured away by Shang Zhixiao, but Shang Zhixiao.I can't run away!Running south is the Pearl River, are you ready to jump into the river to die for your country?

After scolding his son, Shang Kexi finally turned his gaze back to the front.In the darkness directly ahead, there are still dots of fire, which should be torches or lanterns used to illuminate the Ming army.

There are quite a few torches and lanterns, how many defenders are blocking the intersection?

"Congzhi!" Shang Kexi called his adopted son, Shang Congzhi, the deputy commander of the Banner Army, and ordered, "You take the infantry and Qigu Baoyi to lead the battle... Remember, let Qigu Baoyi charge first, After their cannons were fired, the infantry rushed forward with their shield carts.

After going up, don't care about other things, first move away the deer village and reject the horse blocking the official road! "


Of course Shang Congzhi knew what his godfather was thinking... He wanted to escape back to Guangzhou at all costs.

Although he knew what his godfather was thinking, Shang Congzhi had received Shang Kexi's kindness after all, and at this critical moment, of course he had to risk his life to repay it.

After receiving the order, Shang Congzhi immediately went to organize the infantry and the coated slaves to attack.

Fortunately, those infantrymen and coat servants were very loyal to Shang Kexi, their master.

Some of them are the "first generation of slaves" who follow Shang Kexi and do evil, and some are the "second generation of slaves" who eat and drink hot food.

These first and second generations are almost the same as the master Shang Kexi, and they are the enemies of the people of Guangdong. If they fall into the hands of the third grandson of Zhu, it will be a dead end!

And their wives and children are all in Guangzhou... they must go back and protect them!

There is a master on the top and wives and children on the bottom. This group of good servants of the Pingnan Palace had no choice but to go all out.

Because it was night, and it was inconvenient to light torches and lanterns—the wind and rain that had lasted all day had come to an end, and there was only a little drizzle and breeze left.Although the air is still filled with water vapor, the guns and artillery should be more convenient to use.

With torches and lanterns, you can shoot guns!

You can't play torches and lanterns, and of course you can't form a team.So Shang Zhizhong sent Shang Kexi to his troops, with the leaders as the unit, and placed groups of them on the official road outside the Longtou Mountain Pass and on both sides of the official road... There was no distinction between dead soldiers, sharp soldiers, or fighting. What front, middle, and rear, rush up in the dark!

Because it had to be arranged in the dark, and he didn't dare to make too much noise, it took Shang Congzhi about an hour to arrange the three or four thousand good servants of the Qing Dynasty in place, and at the same time conveyed Shang Kexi's meaning to the following The ginseng leader and assistant leader.

It was already midnight at this time, but the fighting on the battlefields of Longtou Mountain and Matou Mountain continued.Especially on the right flank of the Ming army's defense line, the battle between the two sides was particularly fierce. The sound of artillery, gunshots, drums, explosions, shouts, and the sound of weapons colliding were all mixed together, sweeping from north to south, covering the entire area. The sound made by the loyal slaves of the Pingnan Palace at night.

Seeing that the arrangement was almost done, Shang Congzhi suddenly drew his waist knife and pointed forward: "Beat the drums, march into the army! Go home!"

Following the beating of ten or twenty drums, the three or four thousand loyal slaves of the Shang family who had been holding back their voices before suddenly uttered the loudest cry: "Kill the thief! Go home..."

Following this cry, three or four thousand banner soldiers and slaves of the Shang family rushed towards Longtou Mountain Pass like a flood.In the darkness, there was no orderly formation, nor was it possible to form any waves. They just gathered in groups and charged forward with their heads covered.

The Longtou Mountain Pass battlefield under the night was almost filled with servants of the Shang family!All kinds of heart-piercing shouts spread to the Ming army's position, startling the defenders who had been waiting for a long time.

In fact, the Ming army at Longtou Pass had already discovered the Qing army lurking outside the pass, and guessed that they might launch a night attack.

But they didn't expect that there were so many Qing soldiers lying outside the mountain pass, and they didn't expect them to fight so crazy-this is to use their lives to fill in a living path to Guangzhou!

Lin Ahu, the commander-in-chief of Jinyiwei's army town who was in charge of leading the Longtou mountain pass, immediately knew that something was wrong, and he quickly said to the soldiers beside him: "Hurry up, take the order flag of this town and go to the Sea God Temple to ask for help from the army... Shang Kexi is about to break through the east entrance of Longtoushan!"

The soldier was taken aback, as if he didn't understand Lin Ahu's words, and asked back: "Zong Rong, you said that Shang Kexi wants to come from us?"

Before, everyone thought that Shang Kexi was cornered by Zhu Shengren, the third prince, and had already run to the bank of the Pearl River.

How did you arrive at Longtou Mountain Pass now?

"Yes!" Lin Ahu stomped his feet, "Hurry up... Hurry up and report to the military adviser! Tell him, we are going to be overwhelmed! Tell him to go to the west of the mountain pass to deploy defense!"

The soldiers went away at the sound, got on their horses and galloped southward along the path.

Lin Ahu, on the other hand, was neatly dressed, carrying a long gun, and led his soldiers to the front, striding around behind his own line of defense: "Don't fire! Don't fire! Bring it closer! Let it go closer!" beat!"

Because the Qing army was expected to attack at night, Lin Ahu had sent most of the reserve team to the front line in advance.And now that the rain is about to stop, the firearms and artillery are more convenient to use. Knowing that the army is not superior, and the martial arts of the subordinates are not as good as that of the Shang family's elite soldiers, Lin Ahu, of course, can only count on the power of the firearms under his command.

After explaining back and forth, the generals of the Shang family flocked to the outside of the Luzhai line in front of the Ming army's position.

Because the blocking position at Longtou Mountain Pass was arranged hastily, there were not many deer villages in front of the position, and the depth of the deer village area was no more than ten steps, and it would soon be cleared up by the desperate Qing army.

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