After nearly 7000 days of hard training, four towns, a total of [-] Jinyi pro-army soldiers, can finally line up into the school field by themselves, and then set up battalions that can barely see the square shape. Phalanx.

Under the dark clouds, only the 7000 soldiers in brocade clothes were seen, all of them were wearing cross-collared cloth gowns and their heads were wrapped in red cloth. Most of the fighters in brocade clothes were wearing helmets, and about a third of them Armor was also added over cloth robes—some wore Chinese-style cloth face armor, while others wore Western-style light plate armor.

The so-called light plate armor is half or a small half set of plate armor, some of which are high-priced n-hand armor imported from Europe, and some are made by local masters in Guangdong. They look very impressive when worn.However, their defensive ability is not much better than a well-made Chinese cloth face armor, because the cloth face armor is also nailed with pieces of iron sheets the size of palms.

Although Zhu Heqi issued a vote in Macau and captured Foshan, an important iron-smelting town, he still does not have enough iron armor to equip the army.So among the 7000 people in front of him now, only one-third of them wore armor... Among them, all the pikemen had armor, all the sword soldiers had helmets, and the musketeers had no helmet or armor.

Armored and unarmored soldiers mixed into a battalion, making the already untidy formation even more messy.

However, in the eyes of Zhu Heqi, who was standing on a square platform made of wood by the hilt of his sword, the silent army of 7000 people still showed extremely high morale at this moment.Looking around, almost everyone was advancing forward with their heads held high, and they were still holding the weapons in their hands tightly. Although they couldn't stand still, their bodies swayed and looked majestic.

This kind of morale, this kind of prestige, merged together to form a soaring murderous aura.

This kind of murderous aura is enough to sweep Guangdong and the whole world!

Every young officer who followed Zhu Heqi all the way, in this army, felt a kind of pride that could overcome everything!

They are the pro-army of the third grandson of Zhu and the mainstay of the revival of Ming Dynasty. They are invincible!

Before Zhu Heqi stepped onto the high platform, there were still some hesitant voices in the school grounds, but at this moment, everyone held their breath and looked at the demigod third grandson with adoring eyes.

So in the school grounds, there was no sound, only the strong wind blowing from the Pearl River reverberated in people's ears.

I don't know how long the silence lasted. When everyone thought they were going to stand without saying a word today, Zhu Heqi on the high platform suddenly spoke.

"I want to tell you the good news, Shang Kexi has come to die! The [-] Qing demon army led by Shang Kexi has all crossed Zengjiang the evening before yesterday... to die!"

Shang Kexi has almost arrived outside Guangzhou city!But to prevent Shang Kexi from entering Guangzhou, Zhu and Qi had to send troops immediately to seize the Longtoushan highland twenty or thirty miles east of Guangzhou.

Under the high platform, there are twenty men with loud voices lined up. They are specially selected heralds. They not only have loud voices, but they can also speak Cantonese mandarin with perfect pronunciation.

When Zhu and Chi said something on stage, they repeated it.

Their voices were very loud, piercing through the whistling wind, and reaching the ears of every standing brocade-clothed pro-military officer and soldier.

The young officers in each phalanx took the lead and raised their arms and shouted.

"Kill the demons, destroy the Shang family, enter Guangzhou..."

A very simple slogan, but it has reached the heart of every soldier.

Shang Kexi is a Qing monster who hates Guangdong!

And most of the brocade-clothed soldiers standing in the schoolyard now have blood feuds with the monks' families. When it comes to "killing the demons and destroying the Shang family", who is not full of enthusiasm?

As for entering symbolizes sitting in the world!

Beijing is too far away, but Guangzhou is close at hand.

Kill the Qing Yao, destroy the Shang family, and then you can enter Guangzhou... What a wonderful prospect!

Zhu Heqi raised his right hand high amidst the cheers, and the ebullient crowd in the school grounds suddenly fell silent, and the whole school ground became completely silent in an instant.

"Come on, bring Zeng Yaotou up!"

Zeng Yaotou is Zeng Qizhao, once the second most ruthless person in Guangdong, now he has been cleaned up and lost his appearance, not to mention that the broken hands and feet have not been connected, and there is no good skin or flesh on his body... But the anger is not broken .

The reason for this is not because of his tenacious vitality, but because Zhu Heqi has professionals under his command!

Eunuch Pang, the governor of the East Factory, is now a member of Zhu Heyi. Among the "talented eunuchs" that Eunuch Pang has reserved for Daming Restoration, there are a few eunuchs who are preparing to work in the East Factory. and the art of healing.You can beat people until they are half dead first, and then continue beating when they are cured. This is called sustainable torture.

These few people didn't cut DD afterwards, and they were recruited into the military division's office and became professional beating workers.

And Zeng Qizhao became their first client...and Zhu Heqi also gave them a bottle of allicin to treat Zeng Qizhao's skin trauma.Under the professional service of these professional beating workers, although Zeng Qizhao was tortured to the point of collapse, his old life was still alive.

However, his pain is about to end... One more pain at the end and it will be over!

Because Zhu and Qi wanted to sacrifice him to the flag!

This is really lucky, Zhu and Qi had planned to torture him almost, and then cut him with a knife.

But Shang Kexi rushed to his death, and Zhu Heqi didn't have time to take Li Chenggong, the "noble relative" of Emperor Kangxi, from Jieyang Prison to Huangpu Camp in Guangzhou to be slaughtered.So it can only be cheaper than Zeng Qizhao... The sacrificial flag can only be settled with one knife, and there is no way to cut the meat slowly!And now time is tight, after killing Zeng Qizhao, everyone will have to move out, but Shang Kexi can't let Shang Kexi take control of Longtoushan first.

So I can only decapitate Zeng Qizhao cheaper!

"Wow wow wow..."

Although he won the first prize of the flag ceremony, Zeng Qizhao was still dissatisfied. When he was carried up to the high platform by a few "bearded scholars", he was still yelling, but he didn't yell... It's not that he didn't want to scold, but his tongue had already been cut It fell off, so I couldn't get rid of it, so I had to yell.

At the same time Zeng Qizhao was carried onto the high platform, a brand new and huge Sun and Moon Tonghui Banner was carried by a long spear and inserted on the high platform.

The sun and the moon are bright!

This big flag was designed by Zhu Heqi for his new Ming Dynasty after arriving in Macau. It is based on bright red silk, with a round sun and a crescent moon embroidered with gold thread on it. The sun and the moon are side by side. I know it symbolizes the Ming Dynasty.

Next to the big flag, a Confucian knife and axeman stood upright, and there was a round wooden chopping board under the big flag.

But Zhu Heqi stepped aside, looking sternly at "Ruthless Zhao" who was about to be stabbed.

Several "bearded Confucians" quickly pressed Zeng Qizhao on the cutting board. This "ruthless man" was still a little unconvinced and wanted to struggle twice, while the "Killer Confucian" picked up a machete and put the knife on the back of Zeng Qizhao's head He slapped him hard and shouted, "Don't move!"

This slap made Zeng Qizhao's eyes stare, and he forgot to struggle for a moment, the "Killer Confucianism" took advantage of this opportunity, raised his knife and dropped it, with a click, he cut off Zeng Qizhao's neck.When the consciousness of the second ruthless man in Guangdong came to his senses, he realized that he was being held in the hands and lifted high, and there was severe pain from his neck...

Zhu Heqi took a look at the still twitching human head, his bearded face looked very excited, drew out his sword with a clang, pointed to the northeast direction, and shouted: "Zeng Yaotou is dead, the next one is It's still gratifying... Pass the decree of the lonely family, and the whole army will be dispatched to march towards the South Sea Temple at the foot of Longtou Mountain!"

As soon as Zhu Heqi's words fell, cheers immediately erupted in the school grounds, "Kill the demons, destroy Shang's family, enter Guangzhou..."

Chapter 161 One is not afraid of suffering, the other is not afraid of death

In the 26th year of the Yongli calendar, the first day of May, early in the morning.

With a thunderclap, the summer rainstorm arrived as expected, and it fell with a clatter.This rain was brought by a typhoon blowing from the southern sea, and it came hard and heavy.Almost in an instant, the mountains, rivers and waters around Guangzhou Mansion were covered with rain curtains.Looking at the past, there is a vast expanse, and people can't be seen clearly twenty or thirty steps away. Everything seems to be covered in a Milky Way that flows from the sky to the earth and then into the ocean.There was only whiteness and foggy chaos left.The sound of water and rain can only be heard in the ears, and there seems to be nothing but the pouring rain between the sky and the earth.People have completely forgotten that a war that will determine the future and destiny of the entire nation is taking place on this land, and it has reached the most critical time!

In the heavy rain that arrived as scheduled, teams of Qing soldiers were carrying banners and weapons, and they were passing continuously on the official road from the west bank of the Zengjiang River to Guangzhou.This official road has been neglected and questioned for decades, and it is full of potholes, plus how many days of exposure in the past, the official road is full of dust, and when it rains heavily, it turns into mud road.

But no matter how bad the road was, it couldn't stop the Qing army under Shang Kexi's command from advancing in the rain.Because of the hasty march that came and went before, many soldiers of the Shang army had lost their extra luggage, including rain gear.Now it is naturally drenched all over, and the strong wind blows again, and it is so cold that it is shivering.Under other circumstances, the Heavenly Soldiers of the Qing Dynasty would never go out to march in this kind of ghostly weather.

Even if they forced the team to drive out, the officer leading the team would definitely have to worry about it—for fear of a bombing of the camp!Unless there are a large number of Manchurian soldiers in custody, why should the Manchurian soldiers suffer this crime when they are doing well?

But today's situation is too special... Guangzhou City, the home of these Qing Heavenly Soldiers, is already under the command of Zhu San Taisun!Moreover, the third grandson of Zhu seems to have a demon technique that can attack cities and villages.If they can't get back in time, once Guangzhou is broken, their wives, children, and children will all be the souls of other people's swords.

This is really not alarmist talk!

The Banner Army and Green Battalion soldiers who followed Shang Kexi were all hands stained with the blood of the people of Guangdong!There are millions of enemies in Guangdong!Outside of Guangzhou city, apart from Xinhui people, Qiongzhou people, and those poor and tyrannical Hakka people in northern Guangdong, other Cantonese are their enemies.This will allow them to follow the third grandson of Zhu into the inner city of Guangzhou, without slaughtering them all?

For the parents, mothers, wives and children at home, these Shang family army officers and soldiers didn't care about the heavy rain and muddy roads. From the officers to the soldiers, they all stepped through the muddy water, passed through the rain curtain, dragged the general cannon and other miscellaneous military supplies, and were blinded. He rushed to the battlefields of Longtoushan and Matoushan, which are only tens of miles away from Guangzhou Dongguan.

They must reach their destination before the rainstorm is completely over, and then launch a storm in the interval of the rainstorm or when the rain becomes lighter.

Longtou Mountain and Matou Mountain are almost the eastern barriers of Guangzhou City. Among them, Longtou Mountain is in the west and Matou Mountain is in the east. Both mountains are north-south, like the two mountains, blocking the east of Guangzhou.

The distance between the two mountains is seven or eight miles, and there is a relatively flat area in the middle.Although there are a few small hills, a few groves, two or three villages and some rice fields, it is still a very ideal battlefield for the two armies to fight.

According to Shang Kexi's estimate, if Zhu and Qi wanted to prevent his army from entering Guangzhou, they would have to deploy their defenses at Longtoushan or Matou Mountain, and most of them would choose Longtoushan.

Because the location of Longtoushan is close to the Pearl River, it is more advantageous for Zhu Heqi, who has the advantage of the navy.

And in the south of Longtoushan, close to the north bank of the Pearl River, there is also a Sea God Temple called Nanhai Temple.

This is a national temple dedicated to the Sea God of the South China Sea. It has a very long history and occupies a large area.It was just rebuilt by Shang Kexi himself a few years ago.Because it is newly built, the building of this Sea God Temple is very strong, which is very suitable for use as a large stronghold on the battlefield.

In addition, the road from Huizhou to Guangzhou also passes between Nanhai Temple and Longtoushan. As long as Nanhai Temple is occupied, this road will be cut off.

Shang Kexi, if he doesn't want to storm the Nanhai Temple, he can only pass through the small road through Longtoushan... If nothing happens, the two sides will have a bloody battle at the intersection of Longtoushan!

As long as Zhu and Qi's demonic methods can't be used in the heavy rain, it means that the fierce one wins when they meet on a narrow road!

Wearing a coir raincoat and riding a big ocean horse donated by the Portuguese from Macau, Shang Kexi is marching in the middle of the army, the more he walks, the more confident he is!

Shang Kexi, who has fought bad battles all his life, has already felt the fighting spirit of these Qing soldiers getting higher and higher at this time.

Marching in such a heavy wind and rain, and preparing for a "water battle in the rain", this energy... almost caught up with the time when I just entered the customs!

Moreover, there are many veteran soldiers in the army led by Shang Kexi. They are all veterans who fought in the Battle of Guangzhou, Wencun, and Jieshiwei, and their experience and martial arts are sufficient.It's just that after a long time, they become afraid of death and suffering... If their comfort zone and family members were not in danger, they wouldn't be fighting like they are now!

Now they have "one is not afraid of hardship", as long as there is another "two is not afraid of death", then they will win!


Shang Kexi's prediction was right, Zhu and Qi were immediately on the hillside near the Longtoushan intersection.Dozens of "bearded scholars" riding big ocean horses surrounded him.The people and horses were all silent, like gods.I just watched more than ten thousand soldiers in coir raincoats working in the rain, building a line of defense according to the mountains on both sides of the intersection.

Of course he also knew that the mountain pass in front of him would be the key "victory point" for the two sides to compete.

The Temple of the South China Sea is also a "victory point", but that temple is very difficult to fight.One is that the outer wall of the temple is very strong, and the buildings inside the wall are also tall and strong.There are also buildings such as gatehouses and high pavilions that can be used to arrange artillery and musketeers.

In addition, there are many buildings in the Nanhai Temple that can shelter from wind and rain, which can be used to set up sugar medicine workshops before the battle, and brew sugar medicine before the battle, so that the sugar medicine will not be afraid of getting wet.

Therefore, in Zhu Heyi's view, the South China Sea Temple is very easy to defend, so it will not become a welcome focus of attack.

The focus of Shang Ke's attack must be the intersection of Longtoushan Mountain!

Therefore, he and Zhuge Junshi divided the work. Zhuge Junshi personally led a town of elite soldiers to guard the Nanhai Temple, while he himself led three towns of recruits to deploy defenses at the intersection of Longhu Mountain.

And his defense strategy is to take the lead—who hasn't watched "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"?Who doesn't know the lesson of Lost Street Pavilion?

Even if they really didn't know, Zhu and Qi would not deploy their troops in the mountains and forests during the heavy rain... Now that the rain is so heavy, the sugar medicine is too easy to get wet and it is difficult to preserve it.Therefore, the sugar medicine grenade hammer and the flowering hammer cannot be used at the intersection of Longtoushan Mountain. These two weapons cannot be used, and the skirmish tactics that go with them are naturally useless.

Therefore, Zhu Heqi could only arrange the Jinyi troops in the three towns at the intersection and at the foot of Longtoushan Mountain, with their backs on the east slope of Longtoushan Mountain. To arrange cannon canopies and fences.

Twenty-four six-pound iron cannons wrapped in waterproof tarpaulins were also brought up by horses, and all of them were hidden under the canopy behind the fence-of course, the number of canopies and fences far exceeds 24. 24 seats, so the good people have to guess what's behind those fences?

From the early morning of the first day of May, when the soldiers and horses from the Zuo, You, and Qin towns led by Zhu Heqi arrived at the mountain pass until now, all the people have fulfilled their duties, braved the pouring rain, and were busy with the work at hand. No one complained, and no one was lazy. Everyone's morale is high, and the whole construction site is filled with a lively atmosphere.

Looking at the rain curtain, Juma, Luzhai, fences, and canopies were continuously erected and placed, and a line of defense stretching seven or eight miles along the mountain had gradually taken shape. smile.

Although the army under him was created at the beginning, with insufficient training and equipment, they have firm beliefs, are united from top to bottom, and know who and why they are fighting for!

Is such an army still gratifying?Does Emperor Kangxi have it?

When he was really proud, there were a few crisp gunshots on the open flat ground to the east.

The gunshot penetrated the sound of rain, fog and water, and when it reached Zhu Heqi's ears, it was still very clear. He knew that it was the sentries he had deployed in the village ahead firing the turtledove muskets they used for early warning!

It should be Shang Kexi's army exhausted division has arrived!

Chapter 162 Saint, long live!

"Damn it... I've known for a long time that the Cantonese are rebels, and they rebelled so vigorously, it seems that they killed less!"

The one who is gnashing his teeth and speaking ill of Cantonese is none other than Shang Kexi, the old traitor of King Pingnan of the Great Qing Dynasty.

The old traitor was immediately standing on a high slope at the west foot of Matou Mountain, holding a binoculars, observing the intersection of Longtou Mountain seven or eight miles away through the dense rain falling from the sky.

Everything he saw through the wind and rain was blurred.But the old man can still see the lively scene on the rebel army's position.

There is such a heavy wind and rain, and the foot of Longtou Mountain is still so muddy, it is not the time to work at all!But these people don't know what kind of demons they are, and they are all shirtless and working hard... How much military salary has the surname Zhu paid them?Those anti-thief soldiers should not be able to get two or three taels of silver every month, right?

There shouldn't be that much. Thinking back when the Ming Dynasty was rich all over the world, ordinary soldiers could actually get a tael of silver a month, so they had already met a very conscientious Shangguan!

"Ama, the leaders of the Banner Army and the head of the Green Camp are all here... Do you think we should set up the camp first, or go directly without setting up the camp?"

Shang Kexi's son, Shang Zhixiao, also suffered a serious crime this time. For several days, he could not undress his horse and his saddle... This is Guangdong from the end of April to the beginning of May in the lunar calendar!

What is it like to not change clothes or take a shower for so many days?Everyone stinks!There are lice crawling in the braid and beard!

What's worse is that from yesterday afternoon to now, it has been raining non-stop, without stopping.Although Shang Zhixiao still has a coir raincoat to keep out the rain, but he was drenched in the rain while marching for twelve hours in a row, and the coir raincoat and bamboo hat have been soaked by the rain. Wearing them is like wearing a wet cotton jacket and a wet cotton hat Being drenched in the heavy rain is as uncomfortable as it is.

Shang Zhixiao now wants to find a house with a roof to live in, first take a hot bath, then drink a glass of iced rice wine, eat a warm meal, and finally climb onto a wooden bed with a mat, and sleep well for a whole day one night...

So he very much expected that the old man could order the troops to set up camp, at least rest until dawn tomorrow before sending out troops.

"What kind of camp?" Shang Kexi glared at his son, "Everyone is eager to return home. Now that they are almost at the gate of Guangzhou, who wants to set up a camp to live? Now is the time to go all out and fight... If you win, go back." Isn’t it good for Guangzhou to sleep with his mother-in-law in his arms?”

Shang Zhixiao frowned: "But everyone is too tired..."

"Why are you tired? You fucking pinned your head to your trouser belt, and you still know you're tired? According to the decree of the king, the whole army rests for an hour, eats some dry food, and then puts on armor and holds weapons. You don't need to bring any firearms. Today Second, the white knife enters and the red knife exits! Let all Zuo Ling and the head of the green battalion prepare their shield vehicles, and set up formation at the foot of Matou Mountain in an hour and a half..."

"After an hour and a half?" Shang Zhixiao looked at the sky, "Then it will be dusk!"

Shang Kexi nodded, squinted his eyes to look at the sky, and said: "The rain should be lighter by then, just in time to see the battle, and the battle will definitely be decided in the middle of the night. If you win, everything will be easy..."

The old traitor Shang only said half of what he said, and the other half was: If you lose, it will be easier to escape when it gets darker!

It has to be said that this old traitor has not forgotten his fighting skills, and the layout is quite sophisticated, and he has a good grasp of the battlefield situation and the morale of the army.

As for his opponent Zhu Heqi, although his actual combat experience is not as good as Shang Kexi, but when it comes to cheering up the subordinates, he is not ambiguous at all.

When Shang Kexi's subordinates took a short rest, he took dozens of "bearded scholars" down to inspect every camp below, to cheer up the soldiers below.

This time Zhu Heqi took three towns to Longshan Pass, each town has two associations on the left and right, and each association has five battalions under its jurisdiction.There are a total of [-] battalions in the three towns, and ten of them are placed on the official road in the rear as a reserve team.The remaining [-] battalions lined up, blocking the front, and pulled out a long snake formation seven or eight miles long.

Because Zhu Hechi's Jinyi pro-army training level is not high, they can't quickly assemble or deploy, and they won't change formations.

Therefore, Zhu Heqi could only place the battalions in place before the war started, and then waited to be beaten or rushed up and chopped down in waves!

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