"Potion?" Gao Fu, who can speak Chinese, asked without waiting for Ji Dabao to translate, "You mean..."

"Majack (magic)!" Zhu Heqi said an "old English" word, and then laughed, "What brought you down with Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones in Dahao is a kind of magic extracted from a certain plant. The drug that comes out...it's extremely hypnotic."

Ji Dabao immediately translated his words into "old English", and then the three foreign devils all exclaimed.

"Is it really magical?"


"This is real?"

Zhu Heqi laughed: "Seeing is believing... Could it be that what you have seen these days is not enough to convince you of the existence of magic?"

Can you believe it?

The three foreign devils looked at each other with dubious faces.

Zhu Heqi smiled, then took a thin thread-bound book from the plate held by Teacher Bei, put it on the wine table, and gently pushed it to Charlie Gough with his fingers.

Charlie Gough looked down, and on the cover of this thread-bound book was impressively written "Introduction to Magicians".

"This is..." Charlie Goff's eyes widened, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

Zhu Heqian explained with a smile: "This is a book explaining magic... I wrote it based on some content in another ancient book called "Tao Follows Nature" and a little bit of my own opinion. You see After reading it, you should have a deeper understanding of magic!"

Of course, there will be no "dry goods" in this book. Who can expect Zhu Heqi to write the formula of sugar gunpowder in a free book?

But there are some very advanced magic principles in it, and some chemical reactions are explained from the perspective of magic.

"Understand magic?" Charlie Goff was a little puzzled.

Zhu Hechi then said foolishly: "After reading this book, you will know that magic... is actually everywhere!

Magic is actually the basic force that constitutes the world we live in, and it exists in all substances.Moreover, we human beings can stimulate and use the magical power in matter according to certain laws.For example, the most common burning phenomenon in daily life is a magical phenomenon in essence. "

Well, Zhu and Qi are "magicizing" chemistry, that is, explaining chemical reactions in a magical context...but to people in the seventeenth century, many chemical reactions were not very different from magic.

So the chemistry class can also be turned into a magic class... I don’t know if the chemistry teachers in the future will be called magic teachers, will they think it is high-end, grand, and high-end?

"Doesn't that mean that we ordinary people can also master magic?" Charlie Gough asked back.

"It's not about mastering, but about using it." Zhu Heqi said, "If you know how to use it but don't know the reason, it can't be called mastering... But if you only know the reason and can't create it, you can't be called proficient. And human beings In this way, we can master all the magical properties of every substance in the world, and we can create new magical substances that we can't imagine, with unimaginable power."

Charlie Goff understands a little bit, but he is an adventurer with limited knowledge and not very smart mind, so he doesn't even have a half-knowledge.But it doesn't matter, this time he plans to go back to his hometown of Cambridgeshire to recuperate for a while, so he can go to Cambridge University to ask a smart person...

In addition, he has to report the "China Magic Incident" to the Anglican Church. Most of the original "Introduction to Magicians" will be submitted as evidence, and the Anglican Church will organize experts to conduct research at that time.

If Zhu Hechi really possessed the powerful black magic exclusively...then he, the chief executive of the British East India Company, would not have to be responsible for the Macau incident and the Great Eastern incident.

How could a small taipan compete against the most powerful pagan magician in the world?

If he wants to do this, why doesn't he become Pope or Archbishop?

At this time, Zhu Hexi took three scrolls covered with yellow silk from the Latin teacher Bei Jiaxin standing behind him, and placed them in front of him one by one.Then he said to the comprador Ji Dabao: "Ji Erban, I would like to invite you to be a messenger and take a trip to Europe with Goff, Smith, and Jones. These three scrolls are written by me to the Pope of Rome and the Regent of Portugal. The autograph letters from Wang and the King of England are both bilingual in Chinese and Latin. I don’t need you to negotiate with them, just bring the letter and bring back their reply.”

Although Zhu Heqi robbed the Great Eastern and regained Macau, he never thought of closing the country, let alone interrupting the trade between East and West—money still has to be earned!

Europeans these days are still in the stage of "poor and frightened" and "poor and crazy", so how can they not make money?

And Zhu and Qi also had to make money to raise soldiers and support the court, so they never thought about breaking up the Westerners completely.However, the Macau incident and the Great Eastern incident also need an explanation.

The content on these three scrolls is to explain the ins and outs of the matter.The general meaning is that although I, Ming Dynasty, forcibly confiscated the ships of the British East India Company, seized the castle of the Kingdom of Portugal, and planned to greatly restrict Catholicism, I am reasonable and responsible!

First of all, I am not "robbing" the ship, I am "requisitioning", and I will give compensation and corresponding compensation.Because the Great Eastern was "damaged" during use and needed major repairs, my Ming court will pay a certain amount of "Dongchang Xiang" to buy the Great Eastern.Moreover, expropriation and compensation only occurred between the Ming court and the East India Company, not against the Kingdom of England.

Secondly, Macau originally belonged to me, Ming Dynasty, and was leased by the Portuguese, but they have not paid rent for 20 years. It is reasonable and legal for me, Ming Dynasty, to take back Macau, and it has now been taken back!However, Macao's open trade policy will continue, and Ming Dynasty welcomes businessmen from all over the world to come to Hong Kong for trade.

Third, my Ming Dynasty is based on Confucianism, and neither Buddhism, Taoism nor Catholicism can try to damage the foundation of Confucianism.The Catholic Church's interference in Chinese Confucian etiquette is an attempt to damage the foundation of Confucian etiquette, so all activities must be temporarily suspended.However, considering the special situation in Macau, Daming still allowed Catholicism to carry out activities in Macau.

Fourth, the right to protect and teach in China owned by the Kingdom of Portugal is a brutal interference with the sovereignty of Ming Dynasty, which is completely unacceptable!Therefore, all bishops in China who have not been appointed by the Ming court are illegal bishops.All churches within the territory of the Ming Dynasty that have not been approved by the Ming court are illegal churches.

Fifth, Ming now has magic weapons and is therefore invincible!If Britain and Portugal want to fight, then Daming will accompany them to the end, and will also export magic weapons to the enemies of Britain and Portugal!

Chapter 156 Zhu Sanman is invincible!

Three executives from the British East India Company and Ji Dabao, Zhu Hechi's messenger, finally left the wharf of Huangpu Island on an old lock boat with a deadweight of only more than 200 tons. Headed to Lingdingyang...

The Great Eastern, with a deadweight of up to [-] tons, was slightly injured because it was affected by a burning Portuguese galley during the Battle of Haojiang Inner Harbor, so it is now waiting in a dry dock in Haojiang Inner Harbor "Dismantling overhaul".

The so-called dismantling overhaul is to quickly dismantle the planks and slats from the ship, measure the size, weigh the weight, draw the blueprint, and make the model.Moreover, Han shipwrights from Dahao and Guangzhou and Portuguese craftsmen from Macau will be invited to dismantle them together.

The British cast-iron cannons and flintlock guns on board also belonged to Zhu and Chi's army.The cast iron cannon was matched with a field cannon mount made by Portuguese craftsmen in Macau, and it became a field cannon.The number of flintlock guns is not many, there are only more than 100 in total, and they are all given to Zhu and Qi's bearded cavalry.

Of course, whether it is a cast iron cannon or a flintlock gun, Zhu Heqi personally measured the size and drew the graphics, and planned to organize craftsmen in Foshan Town to imitate them in the future.

Although the galleon became an old lock ship, even the weapons on board were taken away.But the British East India Company did not suffer a loss in this "forced" transaction, not only did it not lose, but it could also make a lot of money.

Zhu Heqi paid enough "ship price" and "arms money". Even the Westerners and black crew members who were "forced" to serve the Ming court, Zhu Heqi paid full compensation for them.

And all the consideration and compensation, Zhu and Qi paid the bill with perfume... a total of [-] catties of "Gentleman Fragrance" and "Gentleman Fragrance" were given.

In addition to three hundred catties of priceless perfume, the three foreign devils also used East India Company money to purchase a large amount of "Chaozhou Special White" (white sugar) and Chaozhou rum, filling the entire old lock boat to the brim.

After this trip, the three of them just share the share, which is enough for them to buy a manor in England to retire comfortably.

With the three of them as examples, Zhu and Qi will not worry that there will be no Western adventurers coming to Guangdong to buy his perfume, fine wine, sugar and other good things... This is a business, and making money is the most important thing. It didn't matter whether they made money while sitting, sitting, or lying down, to profiteers in England and Holland who hadn't really gotten rich in the seventeenth century.

After seeing off the three Brits and Ji Dabao, Zhu and Qi devoted themselves to the two major tasks of military expansion and training.

When others fight wars, they recruit soldiers first, then train them, and then fight when they are ready.This time, Zhu Heqi only started to expand and train troops when he went to the front line. Even some weapons and equipment had to be produced while fighting on the front line, which was really hasty.

But there is no way, there is really no population!

There are only more than 3 men, women and children, and there is no place to recruit soldiers. The "invincible" thing can only be imagined in a dream.

But now it's all good, finally getting rich, no, it's "making money"!

"My lord, this is the training plan for the front, back, left, right, middle, and six towns of the Jinyi Qin army. Please read it over."

"Master, this is the training plan for the township soldiers in Xiangshan, Shunde, and Nanhai counties. Please take a look at it."

"Master, this is the list of Portuguese soldiers from Macau who are willing to serve Daming... Each of them is willing to swear allegiance to you in the name of Jesus."

In the lobby of the Jinyi Pro-Army in Shenjing Village, Zhuge Military Adviser, Guo Shiye, and Bei Luo, Teacher Bei's father, all brought detailed texts to announce the good news to Zhu Heqi!

Zhu Heqi felt a bit upstart this time too. The total strength of his Jinyi pro-army before was only a few dozen collars, 400 people.After conquering Macau, it expanded to more than 3000 people, and now it has expanded to six towns!

"Hehe, six towns, twelve associations, sixty battalions... more than 8000 people!" Zhu Heqi first took the detailed text from Zhuge Sanhe, took a look, and laughed from ear to ear , "We used to say that it was invincible, but now it's [-]!"

Zhuge Sanhe said with a smile: "It's more than 5000! There are also [-] township soldiers from three counties and more than [-] Portuguese soldiers from Macau... That's [-] people!

In addition, there are more than 2 civilian husbands who follow the army, and they can also be incorporated into the pro-army.It's just that there are too few young soldiers who can be officers, and there is no supply of equipment and armor, so we can only organize and train sixty battalions of pro-military troops first. "

Master Guo Youde, who was in charge of the logistics of the whole army, took over the topic with a smile and said, "Master, when we conquer Guangzhou, relying on the population, food, and industry of Guangzhou, we can afford [-] soldiers... Armors and equipment will not be a problem. , in addition to our own South Armor Factory, there is also the Bugarao Factory in Macau, Foshan Town in Nanhai County is even more powerful, the number one iron smelting town in the world, it can make as many armors as you want!"

Guangzhou Mansion not only had people with food, but also was an important town of China's iron industry at that time!

The products of Foshan Iron Industry are not only sold domestically, but also exported to Southeast Asia and Japan.Moreover, Foshan Iron Industry is completely a product of the market economy, relying on the excellent product quality and low enough cost to enter the domestic and foreign markets.

In addition, a considerable part of the Southeast Asian products exported by Foshan Iron Industry are muskets and artillery!

In recent years, Southeast Asian countries have also been in chaos, with endless civil wars and foreign wars, and Western colonists have been involved.The demand for ammunition is huge!And Foshan Iron Industry supplies the soil warlords of Southeast Asian countries all the year round.Most of the "European guns and guns" sold to them by the Portuguese and the Dutch were made in Foshan.

The most interesting thing is that the profiteers in Foshan are still "making" swords for Japan to export to the Chinese market, and some of them have been handed down to later generations, and they are still stamped with the stamp of "Samu Prefecture of Japan".

And this important town of iron smelting in Foshan has now been taken by Zhu Heqi, and a semi-finished town is also stationed.

The so-called semi-finished town is the kind of town that has all the personnel, but the training has not been completed, and only a part of the equipment and armor has been distributed.

The front, back, left, right, middle, and six towns of Jinyi Qinjun are all such towns, and they are still half-finished and begin to come in handy.

Among them, the Qianjun Township led by Lin Ahu is now stationed in Foshan, the Houjun Township commanded by Su Zhanhai was sent to Humenkou by Zhu Heqi, and the Zhongjun Township led by Zhao Hongkui is stationed in Macau.

The remaining three towns of Zuo, You and Qinjun were stationed on Haizhu Island, Huangzhou Island and Huangpu Island respectively.

In addition to the six towns belonging to Zhu and Qi, Qiu Rong also led two towns of the Qiu family army to the Huangpu capital on the north bank of the Pearl River, and set up a Huangpu camp there to watch the Qing army retreating into Guangzhou.

As for the attack on Guangzhou City, Zhu Heqi was in no hurry.Of course, you can't be in a hurry... There are tens of thousands of Qing troops in the city of Guangzhou, and they can't be defeated by one or two thousand troops with sharp knives.

Therefore, Zhu Heqi had to come to the battle to train soldiers first, and train the soldiers in the six towns at hand well before leading them to pick the biggest fruit of this battle-Guangzhou City!

When Zhu and Qi were planning to enter the city of Guangzhou in a month or two, and then dominate Tiannan, Scar Rong Qiu Rong broke into the lobby in a hurry, yelling as he walked: "My lord, my lord!" Lord, something happened in Chaozhou! Something happened in Chaozhou!"

Something happened in Chaozhou?

Several people in the hall were startled, Zhuge Military Master was the first to react, and asked, shaking his goose-feather fan, "Scholar Qiu, what happened? Could it be that Shang Kexi couldn't beat Jieyang and instead used his troops to fight Chaoyang?" Chenghai?"

Qiu Rong nodded in admiration, and gave a thumbs up: "The military master is a fortune teller! Not only Shang Kexi sent troops to fight Chaoyang, but even the soldiers from Fujian Geng Jingzhong moved, sending [-] troops to attack Chenghai! My father called me Hurry up and lead the soldiers back to help... Shizi, if I lead the soldiers away, will you be fine here?"

Chapter 157 Praying mantis catches cicada, who is the oriole?

"What? Geng Jingzhong sent troops?"

Zhu Hexi was taken aback when he heard Qiu Rong's words - when he and Zhuge Sanhe were studying the enemy situation together, he had imagined the situation where Shang Kexi could not attack Jieyang for a long time, and then turned to attack Chaoyang with troops.

Although Chaoyang County is as difficult to fight as Jieyang County, Shang Kexi's army can still ravage the area north of Chaoyang County and cause some losses to Qiu Hui.

But Geng Jingzhong would send troops to Guangdong to wade through the muddy waters, which greatly exceeded the expectations of Zhu Heqi and Zhuge Sanhe.

Now Guangdong is a mess, and Wu Sangui from Yunnan and Guizhou is suspected by the Qing court because of the "Chongzhen Legacy". Among the San Francisco, Geng Jingzhong is the only one who lives the most comfortably, and he can stay out of it...as long as the Third Prince Zhu of Guangdong and Wu Sangui of Yunnan and Guizhou If it doesn't collapse, Geng Jingzhong can lie flat and live a good life.Whatever he did, Emperor Kangxi could only coax him.

In this case, there is absolutely no need for him to send troops to Chaozhou!

What is the purpose of sending troops to Chaozhou?

If he wins the battle, it is impossible for Chaozhou to belong to him. Emperor Kangxi will continue to cut San Francisco!

If the battle is lost, the Yanping Palace will definitely take advantage of the victory and chase into Fujian to snatch Zhangzhou and Quanzhou.

Anyway, Geng Jingzhong is at a disadvantage, what does he want to get from this pawn?

Zhuge Sanhe was also confused, but he tried his best not to show it, still waving his goose-feather fan, looking like he had no plans left.Moreover, he hadn't lost his ability to observe words and emotions, and was still secretly looking at Qiu Rong. Seeing that the scarred face was quite determined, he asked with a smile: "Scholar Qiu, your father wants you to take the soldiers back, is it a ticket?" Big deal?"

Qiu Rong nodded and said: "Sure enough, I can't hide it from the military adviser. My father told me to go back. There is indeed a big deal to do...but it's not my father's big deal, but the Yanping Palace's big deal!"

"Prince Yanping's Mansion?" Zhuge's military adviser suddenly realized, "The Prince of Yanping has already transferred the soldiers to Xiamen?"

Qiu Rong said with a smile: "The military division guessed again... Prince Yanping has secretly mobilized 6000 troops to station in Xiamen, just waiting for the opportunity to send troops to Fujian. My father has also gathered 6000 troops, plus Jieyang Island There are 2 people here, a total of 6000. If I take another 8000 people back by water, there will be [-] people, and it will definitely be a big ticket!"

Needless to say, the big business of the Yanping Prince's Mansion must have hit Zhangzhou—the Huang Wu who hacked Zheng Chenggong's millions was sealed in Zhangzhou, and this guy also suggested that Oboi move the border along the coast, making Fujian, Guangdong Countless people died in the two provinces, all the bustling coastal areas were turned into ruins, and the life of the Yanping Palace was extremely difficult.

This hatred is really deeper than the sea and higher than the sky!Therefore, Zheng Jing, who is rich for three generations, must not miss this opportunity to get back part of his ancestral property.

But Zhangzhou is not so easy to fight!A small Zhangzhou is a place where elite soldiers gather!

There are Fan Chengmo, the governor of Fujian, Shi Lang, the admiral of the Fujian Navy, Huang Wu, the Duke of Haicheng, and Zhao Desheng, the commander-in-chief of Zhangzhou...all of them are not easy to mess with!

"My lord," Qiu Rong put away his smile, looked at Zhu Heqi and said, "If I take away the elite soldiers from the two towns under my command...it will be two months at most, and I will definitely come back after two months! There should be no mistake The military plane over here in Guangzhou, right?"

According to Zhu Heqi's plan, he had to train outside Guangzhou for at least two months before entering Guangzhou.

This is not only to ensure the victory of the battle of Guangzhou, but also to avoid prematurely attracting the Qing court's all-out encirclement and suppression.

Guangzhou is not comparable to counties like Xiangshan and Shunde!

Once Zhu and Qi entered Guangzhou, Emperor Kangxi would most likely mobilize more northern troops to come south.If Zhu and Qi could not repel them, then the Guangzhou base area might be surrounded, making it similar to Tianjing in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

But Qiu Rong's [-] troops are still very important to the current situation in Guangzhou... After all, the proportion of recruits among the soldiers in these two towns is only half.And the ratio of recruits in the six towns of Jinyi's army is over [-]%!

Zhu Heqi turned his gaze to Zhuge Sanhe, Zhuge Sanhe was waving a goose feather fan, and had been observing Qiu Rong's face. Seeing his confident expression, he already had some ideas in his heart.

This time, the Yanping Palace must have the chance to win!So Qiu Rong will definitely go, and he can't stop him.

"My lord, we don't want to attack the city right now, and we have enough troops. Why don't we let Xueshi Qiu lead the troops to Chaozhou?"

Hearing what Zhuge Sanhe said, Zhu Hexi nodded, "Scholar Qiu, hand over the Whampoa camp to Su Zhanshan's Jinyi pro-jun Zuozhen... Gu let them take a boat to the Huangpu camp tomorrow and wait for the handover." After defense, you can leave."

Qiu Rong smiled and said, "That's great! Master, don't worry, I will definitely come back and help fight Guangzhou in two months at most."

"Okay." Zhu Heqi nodded repeatedly.


"Military Master, are you really relieved to let Dao Scarrong leave?"

"My lord, I don't worry...but the Qiu family's army is the Qiu family's army after all! If you want to restore the foundation of the Ming Dynasty, you can really rely on the Jinyi army."

"That's right...Big Brother Hui and Dao Scarrong are already quite interesting!"

"My son, Shengming!"

"Right now, I'm afraid that Shang Kexi will make a feint shot and rush back to Guangzhou from the front line of Jieyang!"

"Hehe, that's a trouble!"

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