Every morning, patients who were suffering from high fever were carried into rows of thatched huts outside the small western-style building, and the "immortal grandson" Zhu Heqi personally rescued them.By noon, those sick patients who had recovered relatively quickly were able to come out of the hut by themselves with a wooden stick to kowtow to Zhu Shenxian to thank God.

Some of the more attentive "onlookers" would volunteer to help lift the patient, and took the opportunity to touch the patient's forehead—it was really hot!

And they will also remember the patient's appearance - can't be transferred!

And after one day, even half an hour later, most of the patients who were carried into the hut with a high fever and were dying were able to walk out of the hut by themselves.Some of them with a good foundation could feel hungry, so they asked the Jin Yiwei who was in charge for a bowl of porridge before going out, and then went to kowtow to Grandson Zhu to thank him.

Of course, kowtowing is not enough, you have to cut your braids before joining the group, and you will stop being a coolie in the future, and follow the third grandson of Zhu to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty to be a hero!

And every time a strong man who comes back from the gate of hell kowtows to join the group, there will be some onlookers and nurses who take care of the patients.

After seven or eight days, there were almost four or five hundred patients rescued by Zhu Heqi himself—some of them were not rescued and were buried quietly—and there were at least three to four thousand strong workers who joined them with them!

In addition, there are more than 2000 people who have finished drinking salt water, and they all joined the group.

Now the team of Jinyi's pro-army has expanded from the original [-] to more than [-] people... finally reached [-]!


Just when Zhu Heqi was playing the role of a sage doctor, while thinking about the invincible good things, Zhuge Sanhe's shout suddenly came from his ears: "My son...it's not good, the garlic is gone! I've run out of garlic heads!"

Chapter 143 The Rural Area Surrounds Guangzhou!

The crowd watching outside the hut ward and the patients waiting for help now know that Zhu Shenxian's life-saving medicine is made from garlic heads - there is no way to hide this thing, how can you hide the smell of allicin?It can spread far away against the wind.

And before extracting allicin, the garlic must be smashed into fine pieces... In the past few days, one or two thousand catties of garlic were smashed by Zhu Heqi's young artillerymen and bearded cavalrymen every day.So around the British East India Trading Company's shop, it's called a garlic smell!

Of course, knowing that garlic is the main source of allicin and successfully extracting allicin are two different things.

The small building where Zhu Heqi extracts allicin by distillation is heavily guarded. Only Da Boling, Zhuge Sanhe, Guo Youde, Su Zhanshan, and Yu Xiaoqian are allowed to go in with Zhu Heqi to operate the distillation equipment. .Even Bei Jiaxin, the new Latin teacher recruited by Zhu Hexi, was not qualified to enter that small building.But she can be by Zhu Heqi's side as his female assistant... After only a few days with Zhu Heqi, this little mixed-race beauty has a crisis of faith.

This God does not seem to have the efficacy of Confucius and Mencius!

Father Sampaolo sang so well in St. Paul's Cathedral before, didn't he sneak away to become a servant of the Qing emperor in a blink of an eye?

When the epidemic broke out in Macau earlier, His Excellency also prayed sincerely, but many people died every time!

However, the Shizi who believed in Confucius and Mencius only used a drop of golden garlic oil to save a person who had diarrhea, high fever, and was about to die.

This is a miracle!This is not a miracle what is a miracle?

And this miracle has nothing to do with Jesus and his family... It turns out that the true god is not in the west, but the true god is Confucius and Mencius!

Of course, the little girl's view of Zhu Hechi, the big bad wolf, has completely changed.He just looks fierce, but in fact he is more merciful than any sanctimonious priest. It is his benevolence that saved so many dying people...not saving souls, but saving lives.

There is no way to verify the matter of saving souls, but the matter of saving lives is tangible.

Just when Bei Jiaxin was thinking that he must take good care of Prince Zhu in the future, Zhuge Sanhe shouted "the garlic is gone", pushed the door open and broke into the ward.

"What? The garlic is gone?" Zhu Heqi was taken aback when he heard the words, "I clearly remember that there are..."

Zhuge Sanhe quickly grabbed Zhu Hechi's arm, pulled him and rushed out from the back door of the thatched house.There are no onlookers outside the back door of the thatched house, only a few soldiers in brocade clothes guarding there.

Zhu Heqi already knew what was wrong, so he lowered his voice and asked, "Military division, is it from Chaozhou..."

"My lord," Zhuge Sanhe said, "I just got the news, Shang Kexi is fighting for my life! The whole army is mobilized and is heading straight for Jieyang City. It seems that he already knows that we have captured Macao, but he refuses to return to the army. I also want to use the strategy of besieging Wei and saving Zhao!"

This is to change homes!Zhu Hechi frowned, "How will my old man deal with it? Is it fighting or withdrawing?"

"The third prince has personally led troops to the Xiushui River to resist, and is going to use the broken bridge to deal with him!"

"Broken Bridge... have you won?" Zhu Heqi asked hurriedly.

"I don't know yet," Zhuge Sanhe said, "but even if we win, we won't win much. Shang Kexi has an army of [-] to [-], and we only have [-] elite soldiers in Jieyang, and our capital is too small."

"That's right!" Zhu Heqi frowned, showing worry.

Shang Kexi has an army of tens of thousands, and he will not retreat even if he loses hundreds of people.And Xiushui Creek is the last danger to the west of Jieyang City, as long as Shang Kexi's army crosses Xiushui Creek, they will be able to climb to Jieyang.

"But you don't have to worry, my son," Zhuge said, "Jieyang City is strong, and there are enough firearms. As long as all the villages on Jieyang Island can send troops, the third prince will be able to hold on to Jieyang City and Jieyang Island. And the view is still gratifying. He is not good at attacking the city because of his record, and he will probably be stuck in the end!"

Zhu Hexi believed this, and Shang Kexi's attacking ability was just like this.In the past, the battle against Guangzhou relied on the long siege, and later Wen'an City in Dawen Village still relied on siege. Only when we were lucky when we fought against Jieshiwei, our men shot dead the aggressive Dadusu with an arrow, so we won quickly.

The city defense of Jieyang is incomparable to Wen'an City in Wencun, and the city of Guangzhou back then... Jieyang is not big, but it has been rebuilt into a bastion, and it is surrounded by water on all sides and faces water on three sides.The number and equipment of the defenders are far more than those of Wencun and Jieshiwei back then.

Therefore, the gratifying tactic has a high probability of siege.Although this siege was a stupid way to break the city, but now the Qing Dynasty is rich in the world, and Zhu Ming only has such a small piece of land left, and he almost resists the world with a little bit.

Shang Kexi doesn't even need to surround Jieyang City on all sides, just set up a few big camps next to Jieyang, cut off, or even just interfere with the connection between Jieyang Island and the outside world, it is enough for Zhu San and his son to walk away.

Because the regime of the three fathers and sons of Zhu has four pillars, one is the epoch-making sweet gunpowder weapon; the other is the righteous name of the third prince Zhu; Competitive industries!

Among them, sweet gunpowder weapons and the advantageous industries of the Fifth Factory all need to maintain contact between Jieyang Island and the outside world.

It is precisely because there is no way out for Jieyang to stay trapped, Zhu and Qi will try their best to tear themselves apart from powers like Portugal and England, and also hijack the armed merchant ships of the East India Company to attack Macau in order to open up the situation.

However, the capital that Zhu Hexi brought to Macau was also limited. Not counting the 3000 men of the Qiu family, his own force was only [-].

It is okay to rely on these people to attack Macau, but it is too rare to rely on them to occupy the entire Canton.

That's why Army Master Zhuge just yelled that the garlic head is gone!

"My lord, your prestige in the hearts of those strong men has been established!" Zhuge Sanhe said, "Now it's time to strike while the iron is hot and coerce them to go to Guangzhou to grab garlic! Shang Kexi's old roots are in Guangzhou. As long as the city of Guangzhou is lost, he The army in Jieyang will never be able to sustain it, so it can only return to the division to counterattack. At that time, Chaozhou will be revitalized, and maybe it can be swept away!"

Chaozhou government can't do it just by sweeping it!

Zhu Hechi thought to himself: "There is only one center of Guangdong, and that is Guangfu, which occupies almost the entire Pearl River Delta! If you can't sweep it in one fell swoop this time, even if you occupy a lonely Guangzhou, it is difficult to guarantee that a Hong Tianwang will be trapped in the future." The situation in Tianjing."

"No." Thinking of this, Zhu Heqi shook his head and said, "One Guangzhou is not enough... at least the whole Guangfu must be eaten! Otherwise, when Kangxi gets impatient, the whole world's troops will press up, relying on the city of Guangzhou is the best Can't live.

Relying on the advantage of sugar and gunpowder, we suddenly rose up in Chaozhou, and the fight was just a time difference.When Kangxi has calmed down and figured out the formula of sugar gunpowder, he will definitely use the power of the whole country to suppress it.So we must grow as soon as possible, or we will die! "

Sugar gunpowder is indeed sharp, but its shortcomings are also obvious.One is that it is easy to be dissolved by moisture; the other is that the formula is too simple and must be prepared in advance, so it is impossible to keep it secret for a long time.

Once Emperor Kangxi figured out the formula of the sugar medicine, Manchuria's military power would soar to its peak in a very short period of time—although the current Manchurian Eight Banners could not be Batulu, they could definitely do the job of riding a horse and dropping bombs.

Therefore, if Zhu Heqi wanted to overthrow Kangxi and become the emperor himself, he had to swallow the whole of Guangdong in one gulp before Kangxi got the sugar medicine.

"Eat Guangfu?" Zhuge Sanhe frowned, "How do we eat it? My son, we only have a few elites, and we have to leave some people to guard Macau. If we can eat as many states and counties as Cantonese?"

Military Master Zhuge didn't have any tricks up his sleeve this time—"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" didn't work!

"I have a plan!" Zhu Hechi smiled, "We can encircle Guangzhou with the countryside!"

Chapter 144 Send troops, grab the garlic!

"Shang Kexi, the old thief Shang has ordered all the state capitals in Guangdong to completely cut off our garlic supply. We will never have garlic again... This old thief wants us to have diarrhea and die!"

The strong men, the Jinyi pro-army and the soldiers of the Qiu family who were all present were filled with righteous indignation when they heard Zhu Heqi's loud announcement that "the confession of garlic was terminated", and no one dared to laugh.Among them, those who stood in the front row were the young men rescued by Zhu Heqi from the ghost gate, all of them looked excited, and the muscles on their faces twitched——Shang Kexi, the old thief is too bullying!

The 200 million he earns from the big business every year, isn't it all done by a bunch of coolies?But now he is killing the donkey, trying to cut off the life-saving garlic of the big guy... Is he still human?

Why is this non-human thing left in the world?

Zhu Hechi himself also had a murderous look on his face, blowing his beard and staring, looking like he was going to explode with anger.

After a pause, he shouted again: "Since the old thief Shang entered Guangdong, he first slaughtered Guangzhou, then Chaozhou, and then Wen'an City. Those who have nothing to eat and clothing will massacre at the slightest resistance... More than a million people have been killed before and after, and the people on the coast of my country, ten to seven, are really extremely tyrannical, and I really want to die! Today Cut off my life-saving garlic again, what should I do?"

While talking, Zhu Heqi had already raised the grenade hammer!

And his words, coupled with the grenade hammer, and the life-saving garlic medicine, have completely incited the thousands of elites present - these thousands of elites are representatives of the tens of thousands of coolies gathered in Guanzha Hebei , most of them are victims of coastal migration!If it weren't for the deprivation of the family's industrial land to earn a living, who would be willing to be a coolie?

So this group of people originally hated Shang Kexi extremely, but now when they heard that Shang Kexi wanted to embargo the life-saving garlic, it was really a combination of new and old hatred, and everyone was furious.Seeing the grenade hammer again...then even more indignation!

In the past they dared to be angry and dare not rebel, but now they have the truth in their hands, so why are they afraid of the Qing soldiers?

"Throw away your mother, it's the other way around!"

"Hit Guangzhou, grab the garlic!"

"Break into Guangzhou and kill Shang's whole family!"

"Revenge and revenge! Anti-Qing and Fuming!"

One piece called against!

In the beginning, I just wanted to grab a head of garlic, but after shouting, grabbing a head of garlic turned into killing Shang Kexi’s family, and finally became an anti-Qing and Fuming—rebellion and grabbing a head of garlic is also a rebellion, and a new Ming Dynasty came out and became the founder of the country The hero is also against.So think about it, guys, let's set the goal a little higher!

When Zhu Heqi saw himself "with one stroke of the grenade hammer", the younger brothers of the people under him rebelled, and the whole person was a little bit flustered.

Before, he had been thinking about the good thing of "many ten thousand invincible", but after a long time, the standing army under his command was not even two thousand, and it was eight thousand short of the full ten thousand!

But right now, there are only four to five thousand strong men gathered in front of him. If we can organize them and put them back to mobilize other strong men, tens of thousands of them will be at our fingertips!

With these tens of thousands of people, it would be too easy to sweep through the counties and villages in Guangfu.

Thinking of this, Zhu Heqi shouted loudly: "Military Master Zhuge, Qiu Rong, Lin Ahu, and Guo Youde listen to the order!"

"Chen is here!"

"The end is here!"

"The end is here!"

"Chen is here!"

Zhuge Sanhe, Qiu Rong, Lin Ahu, and Guo Youde all stood behind Zhu Heqi, and when they heard Zhu Heqi calling them, they all hurried around to Zhu Heqi and stood in a row facing Zhu Heqi!

Zhu Heqi said in a loud voice: "Military Master Zhuge and Lin Ahu, I order you two to expand the army to [-] collars within five days, based on twenty collars of brocade clothes and six thousand new recruits. Each leader of a hundred people... the required equipment and armor are taken from the warehouse of St. Paul's Fortress."

Although Zhu Heqi now has the conditions to expand the army to tens of thousands of people, he does not intend to do it all at once... There are not so many cadres!

Now being trained by Zhu Heqi as a cadre, it is the 200-year-old soldiers under the four artillery leaders.These people are reliable, but they have only been with Zhu Hexi for a short time and have not received enough actual combat tests, so they cannot be raised too high all at once.Moreover, they have to take care of the sugar medicine and hammer-throwing guns under Zhu Heqi's command, so they can't be "raised up", and at most half of them can be drawn out to lead the troops. More than 100 people supported [-] new "hammer collars" and it came to an end.

In addition, the storage of equipment in the warehouse of the St. Paul's Fortress is also limited.After all, there are only a few thousand Portuguese, mixed Portuguese and black slave soldiers in Macau. Even if the Portuguese governor likes to buy and buy, he will not store enough weapons for tens of thousands of people.

After assigning the task of expanding Jinyi's army to Zhuge Sanhe and Lin Ahu, Zhu Heqi called Qiu Rong to him with a smile again, and said with a smile: "Brother Qiu, what we agreed before is that nine times out and thirteen times out." …I borrowed three thousand soldiers and returned four thousand three hundred, how about I return you six thousand now?"

Qiu Rong had [-] soldiers and horses in his hand, expanding to [-] would mean doubling the army.That is to say, it is not too difficult for an average veteran to lead a recruit.So after the [-] soldiers are expanded, they don't need much training, and they can be used as the main force immediately.

"Hehehe, that's great." Qiu Rong nodded with a smirk, but he just didn't talk about the actual problem.

Of course Zhu Heqi knew what this guy was thinking... he wanted territory!

"Brother Qiu," Zhu Heqi said with a smile, "When I take down Guangfu, the territory of Chaozhou will be confiscated to your family... How about staying in Chaozhou for generations from now on?"

Yongzhen Chaozhou's painted cakes look huge, but they are actually nothing.Because among the ten counties in Chaozhou, Zhu Heqi only took half of Jieyang County, while Qiu Hui owned Chaoyang and Chenghai counties, and Liu Guoxuan under Zheng Jing took Huilai County.

In other words, Zhu and Qi only gave up half of Jieyang County.And he will only give up the territory, but he will not leave the population to Qiu Hui, nor will he leave the five factories in the southeast, northwest, and inner regions to Qiu Hui.

The population of more than 3 and the five large factories in Jieyang Ban County will also be moved to Guangzhou Prefecture... Zhu Heqi has already made up his mind that these populations and large factories will be placed in Xin'an County under Guangzhou Prefecture, which is the future Shenzhen and Hong Kong area.

It was also a densely populated place in the Ming Dynasty, but because of the Ming and Qing wars and the coastal relocation, it was completely deserted.Now it is time to let these [-] to [-] Chaozhou people move there, so that Shenzhen and Hong Kong can be developed as soon as possible.

However, except for the coastal areas, the population of other places in Canton is quite large!If there is no 100 million, there are 80 million!

Moreover, there is a handicraft center like Foshan in Guangfu!Not only high-quality ordinary ironware can be produced there, but also muskets and cast iron cannons can be made.

As long as Canton is taken down, it will require people, guns, guns, and cannons. It is only a matter of time before Guangdong is swept across.

"Okay!" Qiu Rong calculated the gains and losses, smiled and bowed his hands to Zhu Heqi, "My lord, if I win the Chaozhou prefecture, I will be the Haoqiu clan, I hope my lord will follow suit!"

"Okay!" Zhu Heqi patted Qiu Hui on the shoulder, "From now on, we will fight the world together, and when Daming is restored, your family will be the king of Chaozhou for generations!"

"Thank you, son!"

After winning over Qiu Hui, Zhu Heqi called Guo Youde to him again, and said, "Youde, I will leave the rest to you... I will give you another twenty knights, and you go and get all those strong men." Take care of it. According to their places of registration, we will form teams of hundreds and thousands of people, and then cut trees into soldiers and raise poles into flags. The formation must be completed within five days, and then let them follow the army to act to gain momentum !"

Master Guo got a lot of use this time, and he cupped his hands and said: "Master, don't worry, hold on to the humble job!"

"Okay!" Zhu Heqi raised his voice and said, "Everyone, after five days, the lonely family will lead you to attack Guangzhou Fucheng! Go and kill the whole family of old thief Shang... From now on, Guangdong will be our world! We are blessed to share, Difficulties are the same!"

The people below are boiling again!

"Break into Guangzhou and kill Shang Shang's whole family!"

"Conquer Guangdong, share the blessings, and share the difficulties!"

Chapter 145 Attack Guangzhou and destroy the Shang family!

On March 25, when a strong southeast wind blew, a large fleet of ships on the Xijiang waterway between Xiangshan County and Xinhui County in Guangzhou Prefecture began to sail northward.

This fleet is mainly composed of sand ships that can navigate inland rivers and coastal waters. They are all merchant ships that travel between Macau and the hinterland of Guangdong on weekdays.When Zhu Heqi invaded Macau, these merchant ships were either moored in the Guanzha River or in the inner harbor of Haojiang.So they were blocked by the old lock boat of the Qiu family and stopped running, and now they are all coerced to "beat Guangzhou and destroy Shang's family" together!

Fighting Guangzhou and destroying Shangjia is Zhu Heqi's new slogan...it can also be called threatening or letting go.

In short, every wooden boat in this fleet is hung with various flags with the words "beat Guangzhou, destroy Shangjia".

On the land on the east bank of the Xijiang waterway where the fleet sailed, there were groups of Jinyi soldiers or Qiu family soldiers who marched in on foot. In addition to their own banners, they also held the banner of "Fight Guangzhou and destroy Shangjia".

And the leaders of the townships and towns that the army encountered along the way, without exception, were informed that the third grandson of Zhu was going to attack Guangzhou to destroy Shang's family and avenge the millions of Cantonese who died tragically under Shang Kexi's butcher's knife.

Of course, at the same time, there will be special personnel to promote the good policy of "the world is for the public and the world is harmonious" to them, and to show the power of sugar bombs... With the sugar bombs filled with hollow powder on a century-old wall The collapse exploded, and the anger buried in the hearts of the people of Guangdong against Shang Kexi's brutal rule was finally ignited!

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