

"Ah! Ah..."

"This is the end of the world!"

Inside St. Paul's Castle, it is already a doomsday scene at this time!

Near the west wall of the castle, an unknown number of explosive bombs have been smashed.Although not every flower bomb will explode, there are still many flower bombs that have become "Doomsday" weapons!

Everyone who stayed there has been "sentenced" to death!The dead and the dying were lying on the ground in a mess. It was hard to say where the soul went, but the physical body was completely finished.

A place far from the "explosion site", that is, around the entrance of St. Paul's Cathedral, is still crowded with living people waiting to be judged, basically all of them are sinful Portuguese or mixed-race Portuguese... This place is relatively close to God. Recently, people with yellow or dark skin are not eligible to stay!

Bishop Sang led a large group of people to sing...the Holy Father, the Holy Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Virgin were sung one by one, but it didn't work!

In other words, those people in the sky are going to judge at the end of the day, and the Ming army outside the city is now the "Hammer of God", responsible for hammering everyone down.

At this time, Rotoni had already entered St. Paul's Basilica, kneeling in front of the icon of Jesus, weeping and repenting... Confessing the sins he committed, there are many sins!There were murders, robberies, embezzlements, bribery, adultery, framing good people, and shielding evil people. As for lying and deceiving Jesus, it is no longer a big deal.

And while Rotoni was confessing, there were occasional roars outside the church!

And after every roar, there is a heartbreaking cry.

The roar seemed endless, but it sounded unhurriedly... Although at this time there were no living defenders on the western outer wall of St. Paul's Castle.

But the Ming army outside the city didn't know it, so they kept shelling... Although these shells couldn't kill more colonists, they could make them feel even more desperate.

And just when everyone's despair reached its peak, a voice suddenly sounded in the church.

"Jesus! Do you mean that we should surrender to the Ming army?"

"Jesus! I hear your voice..."

"Jesus... I will definitely obey your orders!"

Now everyone is not calm. Is this someone talking to Jesus?Or because I was afraid of death, so...

Rotoni and Santos looked at each other, and then turned their eyes to the people in the church together, trying to find that person.In the end, all four eyes focused on a 50-year-old priest with an oriental face whose gray beard almost reached his belly.

This gray-bearded oriental man is named Luo Wenzao, a "Hu Jianren". In the late Ming Dynasty, he mixed with the Catholic priests who came to China to preach, and now he has become the most powerful priest in the entire Chinese diocese. He has become the bishop of Macau—he has been recommended by many non-Portuguese foreign priests, but unfortunately he was rejected by the Holy See, which insists that everyone is equal before God, because of his skin color.

But now, he seemed to hear the voice of Jesus!

Chapter 127 Imperialism has lost all face to you!

"Slave Aoi Anton respectfully invites the eldest son to be safe and blessed..."

When the sky was dimly bright, a suspicious-looking Japanese devil had just been escorted to Zhu and Zhu's eldest son on the Jinyi pro-army artillery position outside St. Paul's Castle.

This Japanese devil is Antonio Aoi, and now his name is Anto Aoi, so I don't want Neo or anything else.But the name change is not the most suspicious thing. The most suspicious thing is that this Japanese devil can speak Mandarin fluently, and he also has a northern accent.In addition, he also called himself "Slave Aoi Anto". Is this guy really a Japanese devil?Could it be a secret work sent by Shang Kexi?

Zhu Hechi asked with a sullen face, "Your Japanese? Here in Macau, what kind of work?"

Anton Aoi was taken aback when he heard the words, and thought: "Is that Chaozhou dialect? Why does it sound so strange?"

"Returning to the son, the ancestor of the slave was a retainer of Otomo's family in Kyushu Island, Japan. Later, the father of the Otomo family was expelled during the Korean War because he did not want to be an enemy of the Celestial Dynasty, so the ancestor of the slave had no choice but to leave Japan. Drifting overseas, and committed to the Nanman Catholicism. Today I finally see the Lord of Ming, woo woo woo..."

While talking, the Japanese devil actually started to cry, looking very aggrieved.

Seeing his cowardly appearance, Zhu Heqi became even more suspicious.

However, he didn't go any further. Instead, he stood up, pointed at the outer city of St. Paul's Castle, which was still under bombardment, and said to Ando Aoi: "Aoi, if you really want to seek refuge, then you can do it for the orphan." The family went to the city of St. Paul to persuade the Portuguese to surrender!

You went to talk to the Portuguese soldiers in Macau... Gu Jia gave him two hours to think about it, if he still refuses to surrender after two hours, then Gu Jia will order a general attack! "

Hearing this, Anton Aoi hurriedly kowtowed to Zhu Heqi, and shouted "嗻" loudly, and asked for his rope and Taidao back from the Jinyi soldiers who escorted him over. A white flag with the words "persuade surrender" written on it.Finally, under the supervision of a team of sword and shield soldiers, they went to "capture" the west wall of the outer city of St. Paul's Castle.

That's right, it's an occupation!

Because when Aoi Antou and his party waded through two water-filled ditches and climbed under the outer wall of St. Paul's Castle, there was no one on the top of the city.No matter how Aoi yelled in Portuguese, no one in the city responded.So much so that the guards in brocade who escorted him became suspicious... Could this Japanese be cheating?

So they had no choice but to force Aoi to go to the city single-handedly while placing "wall-piercing bullets" under the city wall.

And this Anton Aoi had no choice but to throw the hook of the rope up to hook the crenel, and then climbed along the city wall to the top. After climbing up, he found that there were corpses everywhere on the city wall... Except for Aoi, there was no one else. A living person.

Ever since, Anto Aoi, who was going to persuade him to surrender, made the first great achievement in his life by accident!

However, after "capturing" the west wall of the outer city of St. Paul's Castle, Anton Aoi did not forget his original mission. He still went down the city wall under the banner of "persuading surrender", and crowds of people panicked outside the gate. The disturbed Portuguese went to St. Paul's Cathedral.

Quite a lot of people know Anton Aoi here in Macau—his wife is so famous, who doesn't know him as the "green hat Aoi"?Moreover, he also has a daughter Aoi Saiwu (Sky in Portuguese) who was born to a Vietnamese "former concubine".

Because everyone knows him, and no one knows what the very scribbled Chinese characters on the white flag mean?So no one stopped him, let him enter the church unimpeded all the way, and let him squeeze onto the altar - the altar was crowded with "Little Red Riding Hood priests" at this time, all senior officials from the Macau Diocese and St. Paul's Theological Seminary Father, the priests formed a circle, surrounding San Paulo, Luo Wenzao and Macau Governor Rotoni in the middle.They were discussing whether Jesus spoke to Luo Wenzao!

This is a big deal!

Because according to the rules of the Catholic Church, only the Pope himself can contact Jesus, others can only pray, and Jesus will not come down to talk to him.

If this Luo Wenzao really heard the teaching of Jesus himself, should he be the next Pope of the Catholic Church?But can this work?Luo Wenzao is Chinese... Let alone the Pope, even a bishop is not even considered!These days, the Catholic Church is full of white supremacists, and it is impossible for a pope of other skin color to appear.

Therefore, priests who are proficient in Catholic doctrine know that this matter is more important than the gains and losses of Macau. If one is not careful, the Catholic Church will split!

And Luo Wenzao himself knew the seriousness of this matter, so he just sat down on the chair that only bishops can sit on, and said repeatedly in "Hu Jian" words that no one could understand: " Really, really, really Jesus, Jesus spoke to me..."

The old man started to cry while talking... I was so excited, I have believed in Jesus for decades, this is the first time I heard Jesus speak!

Although the priests around couldn't understand his "nonsense words", they all knew that he was talking nonsense, so they were "saving" him.

"Father Luo, repent, that's not Jesus!"

"Father Luo, if you don't repent, you will be arrested by the Inquisition!"

"Father Luo, you will be burned to death..."

While these well-meaning foreign priests were persuading him, Anton Aoi squeezed onto the altar that he was not qualified to go up to, and shouted loudly in Portuguese: "Father Luo will not be burned to death, nor will he be arrested... ..."

"Why?" Sampaolo, who was "robbed" of the bishop's chair by Luo Wenzao, sounded very dissatisfied, "Antonio...is this where you came from?"

"Bishop," Aoi Antou waved the flag in his hand, "See, this is the flag of His Royal Highness Daming Taisun to persuade you to surrender. I am now His Highness Taisun's retainer, and I am here to persuade you to surrender. If you are stubborn Spirit, then His Royal Highness will order the massacre of the city...the Portuguese and mixed-race Portuguese in Macau will all die!"

"What? Antonio, how dare you..."

"We believe in God and are not afraid of death!"


While a group of dazed priests were still talking hard, De Figo had already led a few Portuguese soldiers in through the back door of the church and rushed directly to the altar.

When Rotoni and Santos saw the Portuguese knight rushing in angrily, they knew something was wrong. They didn't bother to teach Luo Wenzao a lesson, but looked at De Figo in horror.

"The Chinese are going to attack the city...isn't it?" Rotoni asked.

"No," Figo turned pale and shook his head, "They have already occupied the west wall! Our castle has been breached..."

"Already, has it been breached?" Luo Dongni's old face turned pale with fright, "How is this possible?"

Can he remember who he gave an order to lead troops to defend the west wall of the outer city of St. Paul's Castle... How could it be occupied by someone?

Is this really what Jesus meant?

"Now, what should we do now?" Bishop Sanpaolo was also bewildered.

"Of course I surrendered!" Luo Wenzao had regained his senses at this time and began to speak Portuguese, "This is Jesus' will...we should obey it!"

"Otherwise, you will die!" Anton Aoi said loudly, "The Grand Master's army has climbed the city wall on the west side, and has also occupied the city gate and the suspension bridge outside the city... The Grand Master said that if the city of Macau The Portuguese are unwilling to surrender, so kill them all and leave none behind! He will give you an hour to think about it, and after an hour, the soldiers will start killing people!"

At this moment, exclamations of people suddenly sounded outside St. Paul's Cathedral.Obviously, it was the Ming army who opened the city gate and began to enter the city.

"Aoi," Luo Wenzao said to Antou Aoi at this time, "Go and tell Shi Ziye immediately that we will surrender to him in an hour, and ask his people not to attack for the time being."

Aoi Antou looked at Rotoni and Santos, their faces were pale, their foreheads were covered with beads of sweat, and they couldn't speak a word.

Luo Wenzao said: "Governor Rotoni, Bishop Sampaolo, and other Portuguese who are willing to leave and have the conditions to leave can all leave on a galley moored at the outer pier... As for those who have no way to leave, I will lead them Surrender to the emperor and grandson of the Ming Dynasty, and Jesus will bless us all!"

Rotoni and Sanpaolo wanted to say something, but De Figo came up and said: "Governor, Bishop, I have already done what you have explained. The galley Angel is ready, and your family members are ready to go." Already on board, we can leave from the east gate, where the Ming army has not yet blocked..."

Chapter 128 Entering the city, making a fortune!

"Who are you? What qualifications do you have to ask for surrender on behalf of the Portuguese people in Macau? What about Rotoni? What about Sampaolo? Why don't they surrender?"

"My lord, the little old man is Luo Wenzao, the acting bishop of Macau. The governor of Macau, Rotoni, and the bishop, Sampaolo, left an hour ago on the galley Angel that was moored at the outer pier of Macau..."

"Run away? Back to Europe?"

"I'm afraid they dare not go back to Europe. They lost Macau. Those who dare not go back to Europe should have gone to Guangzhou to serve as slaves of the Qing Dynasty."

"What? Serving as slaves to the Qing captives? They are not afraid of shame..."

Outside the west gate of the outer city of St. Paul's Fortress in Macau, a surrender ceremony is in progress.

Zhu Heqi's army had already entered the city. They also built barricades inside the city gates, put out pikemen, set up mortars for firing super-caliber explosive bullets, and deployed musketeers on the city walls.

In addition, Anton Aoi, a "devil leader party" who has made meritorious service since he joined the group, also led a group of old men and priests dressed in black robes and red hats out of the city, saying that they came to ask for surrender on behalf of the Portuguese people in Macau. Went to Luo Wenzao where Jesus spoke.

As soon as Rotoni, Sampaolo, De Figo, and a dozen other Portuguese priests and soldiers ran away, there was a leaderless situation in Macau.Although there are still a lot of monks from this society and that society in the city, but the roots of these monks are in Europe, and no one dares to be the first bird to surrender.

After searching and searching, only Luo Wenzao, a "Hu Jianren", is not afraid of the Holy See, nor is he afraid of the Portuguese regent.So the big guys can only pinch their noses and recommend Luo Wenzao as the acting bishop, and let him negotiate to surrender... Surrender is necessary, but it cannot be unconditional, and there must be negotiation.

"Master, please have a look at this list!" Luo Wenzao surrendered "at the command of Jesus", but "whether the surrender is good or not" is also related to his future future.

So he took advantage of the two-hour preparation time for surrender, and made good preparations... Prepared a list of the property of the church and the governor's mansion!

Zhu Heqi took the list and looked at it, and what caught his eye was the beautiful calligraphy.

Obviously, this Bishop Luo is a great talent who has learned both Chinese and Western cultures!

Thinking of this, Zhu and Qi began to look at the items on the list again, this is the key!

"There are forty 12-pound guns, and 820 heavy matchlock guns...Why are there so many? There are only so many people in Macau, so how can there be so many muskets?"

Luo Wenzao knew that Zhu Heqi would ask this question a long time ago, so he replied with a smile: "Reporting to my son, there are more than 5000 Portuguese and mixed-race Portuguese in Macau, and seven to eight thousand black slaves and... There are more than 3000 people. Among them, there are about 2000 people who can carry guns, and they can all be used by the prince."

"More than 2000 people are equipped with more than 800 guns? One person carries four guns?"

"I don't know what the son of the world is. The governor of Macau will change every few years. Most of the governors are from Europe, and they still cost money. So after taking office, you have to get armed... "

This is the end of what he said, and he understands everything!

The world is as black as crows, and being an official for thousands of miles makes money!What's more, the Portuguese governor came all the way, so how could he not make money?Therefore, after each governor came to power, the first thing to do was to send orders to the blacksmith shop in Foshan and the Bujialuo gun factory.Don't buy good ones, only expensive ones!

The heavy arquebus, the so-called turtledove foot musket, is just one of the arms items purchased by the Governor of Macau.

In addition to muskets, they also stocked a large number of ship helmets, light plate armor, spears, swords, maces, halberds, axes and other weapons and equipment for the Macao colony. An army of 5000 people!

The Governor's Office of Macau also stored a large amount of gunpowder and food in the St. Paul's Fortress to deal with the long-term siege of the enemy.

In addition, in order to be able to fight outside St. Paul's Fortress and in the invasion area, the Macau Governor's Mansion even set up a military horse farm, raising more than 100 Lusitano horses!

Seeing that Zhu Heqi had finished reading the list of military preparations in Macau, Luo Wenzao handed over another list and said with a smile: "Master, this is the diocese of Macau, St. Paul's Cathedral, and St. Paul's Theological Seminary. The inventory list of ... please take a look!"

The Governor's Mansion of Macau spends more money and saves less money, so there is a long list of weapons and equipment, but only a little money is saved. Zhu Hechi didn't care at all.But as soon as the treasury lists of the Diocese of Macau, St. Paul's Cathedral and St. Paul's Theological Seminary were delivered, both Zhu and Qi's eyes lit up.

"So much money? There's so much money!" Zhu Heqi stared at the Chinese characters and numbers on it, couldn't hold back, and actually cried out. Then he raised his head and asked, "You missionaries Where did you get so much money? What do you want so much money for?"

Luo Wenzao replied with a smile: "Master, what you don't know is that Macau Island is the center of Catholic missions to the east of Malacca... including the bishops and major churches of the dioceses of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, etc. The clergy are all under the jurisdiction of the bishop of Macau. Before taking office, they will also study in the St. Paul Theological Seminary in Macau. Therefore, Macau has naturally become the wealth deposit of Catholicism in the east of Malacca!

As for the source of these wealth, it is mainly the donations of believers... In addition, the church itself will also engage in some financial businesses, such as money lending and remittances. "

Luo Wenzao paused, and then said: "My lord, if you are willing to maintain the status quo of Catholicism in the area east of Malacca, then the church is willing to donate the wealth stored in Macau to you as a protection fee."

Zhu Heqi glanced at Luo Wenzao, "Protection fee? Isn't this money a spoil of war?"

"This..." Luo Wenzao explained with a smile, "If your enemy is not the Catholic Church, then these wealth will not be your spoils of war. After all, they belong to the church and not the Macau Governor's Palace."

"Understood!" Zhu Heqi nodded, "Bishop Luo, I will temporarily freeze the money."

"Freezing?" Luo Wenzao was taken aback, "What is freezing?"

Zhu Hechi explained: "Freezing means that the money still belongs to the church, but it must be kept by us, and the church can no longer withdraw and use it...until the Ming court and the Holy See reach a new agreement."

Luo Wenzao was stunned again and again, how could it be like this?The money belongs to the church, but the church cannot use it!Not only can it not be used, but it probably won't work even if you look at it or touch it.

Zhu Hexi continued: "At the same time, the Ming court will also freeze all activities of the Catholic Church in China... except Macau!"

"What?" Luo Wenzao was taken aback. He originally thought that Zhu Heqi would not take an overly strict attitude towards Catholicism, but he did not expect that he would actually "freeze" all activities of Catholicism in China!

Of course, he can't control the whole of China now, so the actual scope of application of this "freezing order" is very limited.

But there is no doubt that Zhu and Qi's attitude towards the Catholic Church is not very friendly.However, the Macau Church does not have any right to bargain now... The only opponents who can bargain with Zhu Hechi are the Holy See, the Kingdom of Portugal, and perhaps the Kingdom of England.

Seeing Luo Wenzao's surprised face, Zhu Heqi said to him again warmly: "Mr. Luo has learned both Chinese and Western cultures, his talent is not inferior to Xu Wending's, and he has such a talent but does not serve in the Qing court, obviously he is not willing to be a pawn of the Tartars. If the lonely family wants to revive the great tomorrow, what it needs is a scholar like Mr. Luo...Mr. Luo should not do it for the Pope of Rome, just be the bishop and general manager of the lonely family in Macau!"

Luo Wenzao has been waiting for this sentence for a long time!

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