This kind of carriage railway first appeared in the urban areas of Nanjing, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Yangzhou, Songjiang, Hankou, Nanchang and other first and second cities, as well as various mining areas, port areas, and large factory areas, all of which were used for short-distance transportation of people and goods. .The first long-distance horse-drawn carriage railway is the Beijing-Huaihe Line, which is the railway between Beijing Yongdingmen and Huai'an North Wharf.The reason why such a railway was built was that after the construction of the artificial channel of the Yellow River into the sea in the early years of Dagong, the water transport to the north of the Huaihe River was interrupted. Because the Yellow River was diverted into the Huaihe River in the Song and Jin Dynasties, the sediment in the lower reaches of the Huaihe River was silted up, and the riverbed It keeps rising and gradually becomes a hanging river. In addition, the Huaihe River has a large amount of water. Once the dam breaks and floods, it will bring huge disasters to the areas on both sides of the river.Therefore, the diversion of the Huanghuai River into the sea has become the best choice to save Huainan and Huaibei.

However, once the Yellow River and Huai River diverge, the sediment from the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River will not be able to enter the sea through the wide and large Huaihe River, but will have to enter the sea through a new narrow channel with less water.This will not only cause the river bed of the new channel to rise too fast, but also wash a large amount of sediment into the intersecting canal, causing the canal channel to be quickly silted up.

Since the imperial court after the re-opening of the Ming Dynasty was permanently stationed in Nanjing, Beijing was only an accompanying capital, so there was no need for the absolutely reliable lifeline of the Grand Canal.Therefore, Zhu Heqi chose the method of protecting the Huaihe River and breaking the canal in the early years of the Grand Duke, temporarily abandoning the canal north of the Huaihe River, and changing the north-south transportation to the sea route-this problem was in the original history, until the 21st century. The engineering capabilities of the infrastructure madman are also irrelevant.However, in later generations, because the Yellow River changed from Shandong to the sea, the canal can be extended to Shandong.In the early years of Dagong, Daming only dug a river channel parallel to the Huaihe River, about [-] miles long, which was also very close to the Huaihe River, so there was no need to extend the canal to Huaibei.

And this policy of abandoning the canal to protect the Huaihe River is of course beneficial to the areas on both sides of the Huaihe River.The land on both sides of the Huaihe River has been spared from years of flooding, and the Huaihe River’s access to the sea has been preserved—the ancient Huaihe River had a very good access to the sea. Even at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Huai’an was still a seaport. Shen Tingyang at the end of the Ming Dynasty was in Chongzhen. We have engaged in sea transportation from Huai'an to Tianjin, Shanhaiguan and Dengzhou.But for the areas along the canal in Huaibei, Shandong, and Beizhili, the loss of the canal would be a great loss.Not to mention the development of industry and commerce, even the export of agricultural products is a problem.Fortunately, during the Great Duke’s reign, Daming was still an era when people valued less and more. There were too many people and too much land to go hungry. Moreover, the north had experienced wars, the population density was lower, and industry and commerce were even less developed.But it doesn't matter, that's short-term. In the long-term, there must be a north-south traffic artery.

It is of course impossible to restore the canal, so Emperor Zhu can only hope for the railway... There is no steam locomotive, and horse-drawn cars will do, it is better than nothing!

What's more, the practical steam engine has also been developed by the mechanism engineers of Jinling University, and it has been put into operation in the coal and iron mines of Liguo County, Xuzhou.

Now Zhu Heqi is riding a carriage on the Beijing-Huaihe Railway, and is on his way to Liguo County, Xuzhou. of the situation.After reading it, he can decide whether he wants to invest a huge sum of money in the Jiangnan Machinery Equipment Factory in Shanghai County!

In order to promote the progress of organ arts over the years, he has not only enacted the "Patent Law" to protect inventions and creations, but also invested heavily in the establishment of an organ art foundation - the name seems to be cultivating immortals, but in fact it is a special investment Venture capital fund for start-up companies mainly engaged in chemical and mechanical technology development.Not only businessmen, magicians, and mechanics of Ming Dynasty can get investment from this foundation, but overseas engineers can also get a generous investment from Emperor Zhu as long as they are willing to engage in development in Daming territory and come up with a good enough design plan.

The steam pumps put into use in the Liguo Iron Mine and Liguo Coal Mine this time are the third-generation products designed by an engineer from England named Thomas Newcomen.The bores of these two steam engines have reached three feet, they can do 24 reciprocating movements per minute, and the power exceeds 15 horsepower!

If these two machines can function normally, then the Liguo Iron Mine and Liguo Coal Mine, which have been flooded many times by floods, can be drained and put into full production—because the two iron mines and coal mines are very close , Liguo County, Xuzhou has convenient transportation. Not only do railway carriages pass through the mining area, but there is also a canal leading to Haizhou, where products can be shipped to all parts of the country by sea.Therefore, once the Liguo Iron Works is built, it will be able to produce a large amount of steel at a very low cost... With a large amount of cheap steel, the horse-drawn carriage railway, and even the steam railway in the future will be able to develop greatly!

The era of industrialization is finally coming.

Thinking of that exciting era, Zhu Heqi has no intention of continuing his writing—in the past two years, with the maturity of the prince Zhu Yixin, the elderly Zhu Heqi died three years ago when Zhu Tianwang collapsed Before that, Zhu Yixin left all the cumbersome government affairs to Zhu Yixin with the excuse of "being filial before bed", and he himself devoted his energy to venture capital and writing a wonderful book called "Questions and Answers of King Zhuge Wu".

As the name suggests, this "Questions and Answers of King Zhuge Wu" was written in the name of Zhu Heqi and Zhuge Sanhe who had passed away long ago.The whole book is divided into three parts, one is to discuss and predict the development of spells; For Daming's "guardians" Zhu Yiyin and Lu Siniang!

This is the last thing he can do for the dynasty he founded.

Now the "magic" and "mechanism" parts of "Questions and Answers of King Zhuge Wu" have been completed, and only the "fictional" part is still being written slowly.As soon as he put down the brush, he heard a rush of hoofbeats, and then with a neighing, the hoofbeats disappeared.After a while, Zhu Heqi's attendant Guo Qian came in with a memorial.

"My lord, the Sun King is dead!"

"The Sun King..." Zhu Hechi stroked his gray beard and sighed, "It's his turn!"

His tone sounded a little sad, which is of course inevitable.

With the death of Louis XIV, only Zhu Heqi was left among the "Three Heroes of the World" back then!

Moreover, the big figures who have left the world in recent years are not only Louis XIV, but also the old man Zhu Tianwang of Zhu Heqi, the hero of the Aztecs Montezuma, and the first Buddha who revived Indian Buddhism. Erdan, and Kangxi Khan's wife Sophia Asia Pacific, and Queen Anne, who tried her best to make the "Little British Empire" great... As for those heroes and generals who accompanied Zhu and Qi to reopen the Great Tomorrow, they also withered for a while. Large numbers!

Zhuge Sanhe is long gone. Old Man Yu, Yang Qilong, Su Yong, Zhao Zhongyi, Chen Jinnan, Qiu Hui, Qiu Rong, Su Zhanshan, Su Zhanhai, Zhao Hongkui, Guo Youde and others have all passed away in recent years!

Of course, these people all died well. Zhu Heqi fulfilled his promise not to kill heroes. Even if some people's hands and feet were not very clean after taking power, they were just thrown away by him...

"Qian'er, bring it here!" Zhu Heqi waved to Guo Youde's son Guo Qian, asking him to bring the memorial to him, "Who will inherit the throne of the Sun King?"

"Of course it's Louis XV," Guo Qian said with a smile, "Louis XIV comes down, of course it's Louis XV."

When Louis XIV was first elected as the Frankish emperor, he ranked down according to the title of Emperor Shenluo, and it was Louis V. Later, he completely merged the Frankish Empire and the Kingdom of France, and changed his title back to Louis XIV.

The heir of Louis XIV, of course, is Louis XV!

Zhu Heqi was amused by Guo Qian's half-joking words, and the minister went on to report: "My lord, the Bourbon dynasty has been unlucky in recent years, and many people died... Louis XIV's prince Louis, the emperor The great-grandson Louis and the emperor's great-great-grandson Louis are all ahead of him, so the emperor's great-grandson Louis is now on the throne, and he is only six years old this year."

Although Louis XIV's Palace of Versailles also introduced several Chinese medicine doctors, they still failed to save the short-lived descendants of Louis XIV... The Bourbon dynasty has also become precarious because of the death of such a large number of people.

If a few more die, the dynasty will be cut off!

Zhu Hechi thought for a while and said, "A six-year-old child cannot lead the Second Great Southern War!"

The Second Great Southern War was a war launched by the Sun King in his later years to capture Constantinople. The scale of this war was extremely large. Not only the Frank Empire dispatched 30 troops, but the Raksha Kingdom was also involved in Peter I's reign. Under the leadership, he joined the war and dispatched 20 troops to launch a fierce attack on Crimea, Modevia, and Wallachia!

The war started two years ago. So far, although the Ottoman Empire has lost the Crimea Peninsula, Modevia and almost the entire Transylvania, it has withstood the Franks and the French in Wallachia. The onslaught of the Rakshasa coalition forces.

In addition to the stalemate on the battlefield, Frank and Raksha are also at a disadvantage diplomatically.

Britain, Sweden, Spain, and the Netherlands, the European powers that participated in the first Great Southern War, stayed out of this war.The Great Mongol Kingdom also became "peace-loving" after the death of Kangxi Khan. Both the Southern Emperor and the Northern Khan declared neutrality and did not launch an attack from behind the Ottoman Empire.Of course there was no war to conquer Persia...

In this case, the Frankish Empire, which lost the Sun King and may be in internal disputes, could only seek a truce with the Ottoman Empire.

"Qian'er," Zhu Heqi said again, "draft a letter to the Empress Dowager Kong, asking her to mediate the conflict between Ottoman, Frank, and Raksha. In addition, write a letter to our envoy in Istanbul, asking him to persuade The Ottoman Sultan seized the opportunity to negotiate a truce...Even if they lose some land, they can't fight anymore!"

Guo Qian was a little puzzled, "My lord, why can't the fight continue? The Ottoman Empire finally survived the Sun King, and now is the time to counterattack. If you are lucky, maybe you can take back Transylvania."

Zhu Hechi shook his head and said: "The Sun King will be divided... the Frankish Empire will probably fall into disintegration. For example, the Polish-Lithuanian Parliament is unlikely to elect a six-year-old child as king and grand duke. The nobles may also elect their own kings. But this kind of division is based on minimizing the threat of the Ottoman Empire. If the Ottoman Empire launches a counterattack now and is defeated by the Frankish ministers who assisted Louis XV, Frank The unity of the empire will be strengthened.

In addition... we can't underestimate Peter I, he is a great emperor no less than the Sun King!So the Ottomans had to focus on preventing Peter from taking Wallachia.The Ottoman Empire cannot fall so soon! "

Chapter 969 Dao Protector

In the 45th year of the Great Duke of Ming Dynasty, July [-]th.

When it was almost evening, a group of knights were walking slowly on a stone road leading from the Xi'an Gate of the Forbidden City in Nanjing to the Qingshi Palace on the top of Zhongshan Mountain in Nanjing.Dangxian Yiqi was a man in his 50s and [-]s. He was very tall and straight, with fair skin, a tall figure, and a neatly trimmed beard. He was the second son of Zhu Heqi, Prince Ye Erqiang and a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy Zhu Yiyin .Following Zhu Yiyin were two men and women in their thirties.

The woman is a bright and beautiful lady, dressed in riding clothes, she is indescribably heroic, she is the grandson concubine Lu Siniang - she was spotted by the prince and emperor when she was a baby, and she was betrothed to the emperor's grandson Zhu Bohai. She was brought by Zhu Hexi, raised by Natalie, and listened to the teachings of Emperor Zhu since she was a child.

And that man was indeed not Zhu Bohai, but a short, white, fat man with a feather fan and scarf, and a goatee. He could be identified as a member of Zhuge's family at a glance.He is the youngest son of Zhuge Sanhe, and he is still a posthumous son. His name is Zhuge Zhengqing. He is in his early thirties this year. He has a double degree in Jinling University in Mechanical Engineering and Jiangnan University in Naval Architecture. He is now the owner of Daming Naval Shipyard.

A prince of Ming Dynasty, a concubine, a shipyard master, and a few guards, took advantage of the cooler weather in the evening, and rode Zhongshan...of course, to the Qingshi Palace on Zhongshan to meet the already in-laws. In a semi-retired state, Zhu Hechi, the master of Ming revival who has long been out of his mind.

As early as 20 years ago, Zhu Heqi began to train his son Zhu Yixin to succeed him as emperor. Ten years ago, he left most of the government affairs to his son. Books are written in the Qingshi Palace on the mountain.He also took in three apprentices, saying that he wanted to teach them what he had learned all his life.These three apprentices are Zhu Yiyin, Lu Siniang and Zhuge Zhengqing.

So the three of them would go up to Zhongshan together every few days to listen to Zhu Heqi, who was already a bit old and confused, teach him what he had learned all his life.

"Little Zhuge!"

When the group of people reached the middle of the mountain, Lu Siniang suddenly called out Zhuge Zhengqing's nickname—this nickname originally belonged to Zhuge Zhengyang, and it was passed on to Zhuge Zhengqing after Zhuge Zhengyang's death.

Zhuge Zhengqing hurriedly waved his feather fan and asked, "Concubine Grandson, do you call me?"

"Let me ask you something," Lu Siniang said, "Did the locomotive test in your shipyard succeed?"

Zhuge Zhengqing waved his feather fan and said, "Thanks to you, it's finally finished... The steam engine used by this locomotive has been working since I graduated from university and started working in the shipyard. It has been working for almost ten years, back and forth. Hundreds of units were trial-produced, each with a different plan, and until the day before yesterday, I was finally able to pull a cart of rice and run at a speed of twenty miles and an hour!"

This is a big deal!The steam engine produced by the Naval Shipyard has almost the efficiency of the Watt steam engine.This means that the cost of burning coal to boil water to drive the machine to pull the cart has reached the point where it is lower than raising a horse-drawn cart.The first industrial revolution is about to begin!

Lu Siniang smiled: "I've heard Grandpa say this for more than 20 years, but I didn't expect it to happen. This is great!"

Zhu Yiyin, who was riding at the front, heard Lu Siniang's words, smiled and said, "Yes, the first industrial revolution! Siniang, I heard me always joke about steam engines, locomotives, and large ships. 30 It's been a year... I didn't expect it to really happen!"

Zhuge Zhengqing suddenly said: "Aren't these all written in "Questions and Answers of King Zhuge Wu"? There are also generators, internal combustion engines..."

As soon as his words came to his lips, Zhu Yiyin and Lu Siniang both turned their heads and gave him a hard look, which made him shut up quickly.

This "Questions and Answers of King Zhuge Wu" is not an ordinary book, but the "mantle" handed down by Zhu Heqi. There are only three copies in the world.One was passed to Zhu Yiyin, one to Lu Siniang, and one to Zhuge Zhengqing.

According to Zhu Heqi, the three of them will be the "protectors" of the Ming Dynasty in the future!That is to protect Da Ming's way in the dark, and don't let Da Ming go astray.The reason why the three copies of "Questions and Answers of King Zhuge Wu" was handed down is to prevent the inheritance of Taoist guardians from being cut off—every Taoist guardian is responsible for cultivating his own successors so that the "Tao" of Daming can be protected from generation to generation.

And these three guardians must exist in secret, and "Questions and Answers of King Zhuge Wu" is a top-secret existence, which can only be passed down from generation to generation and cannot be spread out.

Among the three first-generation Taoist protectors, Zhu Yiyin was the first to join the sect, followed by Lu Siniang, and Zhuge Zhengqing was a "little junior" who only joined the sect a year ago.So Zhuge Zhengqing is not very used to the rules of Taoist guardians, and he doesn't believe much in the content of "Questions and Answers of King Zhuge Wu".

Isn't King Zhuge Wu his father Zhuge Sanhe?His elder brother Zhuge Zhengyang has already said about his father's abilities. He is a fortune teller who has been in the world. He doesn't have "Zhuge's Legacy" at all, and he doesn't have the ability to pinch and count. Even the sweet gunpowder was not handed down by his ancestors. ...God knows where Emperor Zhu found this secret recipe for sweet gunpowder?

But Zhu Yiyin and Lu Siniang believed in the contents of this "magic book".Because the two of them read this "strange book" relatively early, some of the above prophecies have been fulfilled-for example, Louis XIV will live longer than his son and grandson, and finally pass the throne to his great-grandson.Another example is that Queen Anne of England will have no heirs to the throne, the British throne will be transferred to the Hanover family of Germany, and Peter I will kill his crown prince Alexei!

Both Zhu Yiyin and Lu Siniang learned about the above things from the "False Words" chapter of "Questions and Answers of King Zhuge Wu" before they happened!This is simply unbelievable, especially the early death of Louis XIV's sons and grandchildren and the murder of Peter I, it is impossible to predict it!

In addition, this book also predicted the emergence of steam engines, steam ships, and steam trains.However, the "False Words" chapter in the book says that these things will appear in England instead of Ming Dynasty.Moreover, Britain will also embark on the road of industrialization because of these inventions, thereby dominating the world for a long time, and it will also sell drug cream to the grandchildren of the Qing Dynasty.

Of course, the contents of this "false statement" are not all accurate.Because what it predicts is the future of a world without Zhu and Qi, and without the revival of the Ming Dynasty... In this world, Yangyang Zhonghua seems to be doing very badly, and was bullied by the little Japan next door for decades. Killed more than 3000 million people in Little Japan back and forth!It looks like a fairy tale!

However, the heart of anti-thief is indispensable, and we still have to be careful to guard against these pirates in the future!

In addition, in the "False Words" chapter, the French-speaking America is still the English-speaking America. It will rise to become the hegemony of the world after the two so-called world wars. The Great Soviet Union collapsed, and then it will dominate the world for many years... This is really unbelievable. Those "white-skinned Indians" who have no integrity at all will be so promising?

The three dao protectors of Ming Dynasty were full of doubts in their hearts, but they didn't say a word, they just galloped on their horses and arrived at the Qingshi Palace where Zhu Hechi retired in a short while.

Qingshi Palace is located at the west foot of Zhongshan Mountain, very close to Zhu Yuanzhang's Xiaoling Mausoleum, Zhu Tianwang's Shouling Mausoleum, and the Zhongling Mausoleum prepared by Zhu Heqi for himself.The main building of Qingshi Palace is a three-storey square enclosure, with two-storey podiums on both sides. If you look down from the air, you can find that the combination of the enclosure and podium of this Qingshi Palace is a whole. Unbiased Chinese characters.

Although the Qingshi Palace is located between the forest and sea on Zhongshan Mountain, surrounded by greenery, the building is almost submerged.But the transportation is very convenient. There is a stone road that leads directly to the Forbidden City in Nanjing at the foot of the mountain.

Now that Zhu and Qi are getting older, they don't like to be as lively as they were in the early years. Only Natalie and a few concubines from the Western Regions are by their side.When the three guardians arrived at Qingshi Palace, Emperor Zhu was preparing for dinner, and there was nothing much to eat, just a few side dishes and a little porridge... At his age, if he wants to live a few more years, he has to rely on Maintained.

Seeing Zhu Yiyin, Lu Siniang, and Zhuge Zhengqing visiting, Zhu Heqi greeted them with a smile and asked them to sit down, and asked them to add three sets of bowls and chopsticks for them to eat together.The three of them were all close friends of Zhu Heqi, and they also inherited his mantle, so naturally they didn't see each other, so they drank a bowl of porridge and ate a few small dishes with chopsticks with Zhu Heqi.It's just that the three of them are still young, and they have ridden a horse all the way. They are already hungry, and this is not enough without oil and water!

Seeing that the three of them were enjoying themselves, Zhu Heqian just chuckled: "Eat a little first to satisfy your hunger. I have asked Natalie to tell the kitchen to cook some of your favorite dishes. After I finish explaining It's a big deal, you can eat well."

"Important matter?" Zhu Yiyin put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked at her father, "Father, what important matter do you want to tell us?"

"I'm going to retire completely." Zhu Heqi said, "I won't ask about politics anymore...but before I retire, I have to leave all the work of protecting Dao Ming to the three of you."

After talking, Zhu Heyi waved his hand, and the concubines and palace servants who were waiting around retreated knowingly. In the whole dining hall, there were only Zhu Heyi and Daming's three guardians.

"Royal father, haven't you already passed on the mantle of guardian to us?" Zhu Yiyin asked.

"If you have a mantle, you can protect the way?" Zhu Heqi looked at his son and asked.

"This..." Zhu Yiyin couldn't answer.

Zhu Heqi said: "To protect the way of Ming Dynasty, in addition to the mantle passed down by me, you must also have the corresponding property and power. Otherwise, no one will listen to you."

Zhu Heqi, the wise king, has also come home, not only when he was alive, he worked hard for the country and the people.Even the question of how to protect Daming's family, country and world after his death, he has already thought about it.Not only have you thought about it, but you have also started planning early.

His layout is first of all "Questions and Answers of King Zhuge Wu" - this is the mantle, and it is also used to point out the direction for the guardians!

The second is to support the school-running support funds of Jinling University, Lingnan University, Beijing University of Arts and other world-class universities-the "venture capital" that Zhu Heqi used to invest in steam engines and railways in the past two years is all from this fund of.

The third is the Freemasonry and the Green Gang.Most of the industries of the Freemasonry and the Youth Gang are in the West, and they hold a large number of industries in Black Petersburg, the Ruhr area of ​​the Frankish Empire, the Alsace region of Lorraine, and Luxembourg.It also controls the Daqing Bank, Confucian Bank, Tianshan Bank and several other big banks whose headquarters are located in Suiye Mansion.

Finally, of course, it is the foundation of the Ming imperial family.The industries created by Zhu Heqi in these years are mainly placed in this industry fund... Of course, some of them are also distributed one after another.Emperor Zhu had many sons and daughters, and those sons wanted to live in the domain and establish their own family.If a daughter wants to marry into a wife and have children, she must have an inheritance.However, Emperor Zhu's ability to make money is too strong. Even if so much money is allocated, the wealth owned by the Royal Industrial Fund is still astronomical.

Now Zhu and Qi are going to hand over these three assets to Zhu Yiyin, Zhuge Zhengqing, and Lu Siniang respectively... so that they can operate in secret and guide Daming on the right path.

Of course, these three people are not rich and powerless.

Zhu Yiyin is a prince and a bachelor in charge of the Imperial Academy. He controls the Imperial Academy, which is equivalent to the Academy of Sciences. His power is enough to guide the development of science and technology in Ming Dynasty, but it is impossible to threaten the imperial power of Zhu Yixin and Zhu Bohai. It is just enough.

Not to mention Lu Siniang, she is not only the wife of the great-grandson, the biological mother of the three emperor's great-grandchildren, but also a child brought up by Zhu Heqi himself—Zhu Heqi didn't even bring his own grandsons and granddaughters with him, so Look at Lu Siniang!So before Lv Siniang married Zhu Bohai, many people thought that Lv Siniang was the illegitimate daughter of Zhu Heqi.In short, it is only a matter of lifespan for Lu Siniang to become a princess, Empress Lu, or even Empress Dowager Lu in the future!

After becoming Empress Lu, will she still have power?

Although Zhuge Zhengqing's power is inferior to Zhu Yiyin and "Empress Lu", he is a child of Zhuge's family and the posthumous son of King Zhuge Wu!Under the hype of Zhu Heqi, King Zhuge Wu has become an internationally renowned brand.When King Zhuge Wu was mentioned, people's first impression was that he was a genius strategist, and he knew everything by pinching his fingers.Therefore, if Zhuge Zhengqing needs power, it is a trivial matter to visit his prime minister, and there is also a "Queen Lu" who is his senior sister.However, the battlefield Zhu Heqi arranged for him was overseas—he had to hold back the pace of imperialism’s growth!

Thinking of this, Zhu Heqi took out the three kits that had been prepared a long time ago, and handed them one by one to Zhu Yiyin, Lu Siniang, and Zhuge Zhengqing according to the names on the kits, and said earnestly: "Take it!" ...There are properties that I have entrusted to the three of you to manage, and you have my mantle, so it is not difficult to manage and make good use of these properties. But you must carefully select successors for these properties and my mantle... I have entrusted you with the important task of protecting Ming Dynasty, and I hope that you can also entrust this important task to your descendants, so as to protect Ming Dynasty from generation to generation!"


It's over, it's over, it's really over!

Tell everyone a bad news and a good news.

The bad news is that Luo Luo's epilogue Chapter 1 "Zhuge Youdao" was blocked after review because of reactionary pornography.

Well, it’s actually not a big deal, it’s just that the opening is Rakshasa’s December or something, that is, the time when Nicholas I ascended the throne, plus a beautiful and long-legged Grand Duchess Elizabeth Pavrovna, The two details are not well written, the details are the devil!

The good news is that the editor thinks this is a good beginning, why not make a new book, what if it can be a high-quality book?So Luo Luo felt pretty good after thinking about it, so he simply changed the postscript into a new book.It's actually quite good for everyone who loves Luo Luochang. The first 30 words of the new book are free.And Luo Luo is the best at writing this, the new book can be prepared in a week!Try to upload new books on July 7 or 22!

Then promote the new book with the cheek.

The new book is the theme of the Ming Dynasty mentioned in the book review area before. Specifically, the technology of 1895 is moved to 1825, so that Luo Luo can write a World War I with giant ships and cannons.In addition, there will be a history teacher who knows nothing about history, Mr. Zhuge, who travels back to play the protagonist.Therefore, the protagonist of the new book is no longer an emperor, but a genius military adviser who knows nothing but his eyes are smeared.

In the end, Da Luoluo is very grateful for everyone's support, and will work harder to create, and reward everyone with a copy of the First World War that China participated in.Giant ship cannon cute girl, move forward!

—— Adorable Fat Luo Luo pays homage

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