However, this Lin Xiucai's seems to be quite serious, and he still can't get out of bed, so it was one of his brothers named Lin Ruhai.Seeing him wearing a Taoist attire in the style of the Ming Dynasty, with a black gauze Confucian scarf hat on his head, and hiding his braids in the hat, he came to greet him.

When this Lin Ruhai arrived at his old building, he only saw Zhu and Qianzhen standing outside the wall of the old building talking to Da Boling and two hairless teenagers, Yuan Ru.One of the teenagers seemed to have seen Lin Ruhai, and as soon as he told Zhu Heqi, the "people-oriented" Grandson Zhu greeted Lin Ruhai with a smile.

"Guilihai," Zhu Heqi was still as approachable as ever, and called Lin Ruhai's "flower name" affectionately, "Your Daoist scarf looks pretty good, is it new? Your elder brother Jiang Jiang's Are you better?"

"Huo... Shi Ziye, I greet you." Lin Ruhai and Zhu Heqi are also old acquaintances, and they almost called each other by nickname, but at the last moment, they still called "Shi Ziye" and respectfully. A salute.

"Thank you, Master, for your concern. My brother's illness is getting better," Lin Ruhai said with a worried look on his face, "I only vomited two liters of blood yesterday, which is half a liter less than the day before yesterday, but I still can't get out of bed."

"Oh..." Zhu Heqian nodded, then turned to Daboling and said, "Sister Ling, bring me the internal medicine I prepared for the alcoholic Jiang."

"To you."

Da Boling held a small jar in her hand, and handed it to Zhu Heqi with both hands.

Zhu Hexi took the jar, uncovered the mud seal on it, and handed it to Lin Ruhai.

After Lin Ruhai took the jar, he smelled the smell of wine, he was surprised and said: "Good wine! My son... My eldest brother's illness is caused by drinking, why do you still give him wine?"

Zhu Hechi smiled and said, "This is medicine for internal use, and there is also external medicine! First use the medicine for external use, and then you can take it internally."

"External use?" Lin Ruhai was taken aback, "Is it possible to use external medicine to treat the blood after drinking alcohol?"

"Yes!" Zhu Heqi pointed to the wall of the old Lin family building next to him, "Gui Lihai, look at this wall... Take a closer look, look outside, and then look inside. See if it has been disturbed. Hand and foot?"

"This one……"

"Look quickly, look carefully, after reading it, your brother will be cured!"

"Yes... is it?"

"Yes, yes, go and see it, and you will know it after reading it."

Although Lin Ruhai didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Zhu Heqi's gourd, he still followed Zhu Heqi's instructions to check the earthen wall.

When he came out of the building after seeing the inner side of the century-old wall, he saw Da Boling holding a cylindrical bronze vessel and affixing it to the outer wall of the white old wall. Flat, there may be some wet glutinous rice flour stuck on it, it can stick to the wall.A young man in a Confucian suit propped a wooden fork under the bronze vessel.

Just when Lin Ruhai was at a loss, she heard Da Boling say: "Okay."

At this time, Zhu Heqi had brought most of his subordinates and the clansmen brought by Lin Ruhai, and they all stood far away on the outskirts of the moat.Hearing Da Bo Ling's words, she waved her hands and shouted: "Sister Ling, Zhan Shan, Hong Kui, come here as soon as you are on fire. Gui Lihai, come here too!"

Lin Ruhai didn't know what happened, but he was very persuasive and ran to Zhu Heqi's side.

Da Boling, Su Zhanshan, and Zhao Hongkui also followed him to Zhu Heqi's side. A group of people stood far away like this, and then looked at the copperware stuck to the century-old wall in a daze.

Smoke was coming from the butt of the bronze utensil, probably from a match.

"Is this a bomb? This is going to explode..."

As soon as Lin Ruhai thought of this, he saw that the copper vessel suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke and fire, followed by a loud noise of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking!

Then Lin Ruhai saw that a large part of the century-old wall of his house had collapsed!

Chapter 084: Chaozhou's Seven Great Hatreds!

When Zhu Heqi sat again on a podium made up of four tables of the Eight Immortals, holding a sword hilt in one hand and a shotgun in the other, he talked about the principles of making the world public and anti-Qing Datong.He found that his level of reasoning has been getting higher and higher recently!

And people are liking to listen to him more and more!

For example, Lin Rujiang, Lin Xiucai, who was nicknamed the alcoholic Jiang, was said to have perforated his stomach and vomited blood in a vat after drinking, and he was about to die.In the end, in order to listen to Zhu Heyi's reasoning, he ran back from the gate of hell, and brought the children of the clan to listen to Zhu Heyi's reasoning.

What's even more amazing is that this Lin Rujiang is still holding the "sugar cane wine" that Da Boling gave him, drinking it in big gulps, nodding while drinking, it's really beautiful!

Of course, the reason why Lin Rujiang Lin Daxiu kept nodding was not how powerful the "Chaozhou Black Rum" that Zhu Heqi brewed and blended with bagasse was, but because Zhu Hechi's reasoning was really good!

"...Why do we Chaozhou people fight against the Qing Dynasty? Is it related to us Chaozhou people who became the emperor in Beijing? You must have thought about these two questions in your heart? Now I will give you an answer. If you feel lonely What the family said is unreasonable, the lonely family will leave immediately!"

Zhu Heqi had just finished talking about how the century-old wall collapsed, and promised to blow it up again after explaining the truth, and then began to talk about the real truth.

I just heard him set up two questions first, and then asked himself and answered: "Because... we Chaozhou people will succeed in fighting the Qing Dynasty, and it is inevitable! The century-old wall of your Lin family can prove... look, it is so thick The hundred-year-old wall, Zhuge Shenlei collapsed! Tell me, will our anti-Qing victory be guaranteed!"

Zhu Hechi actually played a little "cheating"... Of course, the century-old wall is really strong, and it really collapsed a part of it when a small Zhuge God Thunder blasted it.

But the reason why Zhuge Shenlei is so powerful is because Zhu Heqi used the method of filling the medicine hollowly.

"Sugar medicine" is plastic, and any shape can be made out. Of course, it is not too difficult to make a hollow medicine.

Although the deflagration power of "sugar medicine" is not comparable to that of ordinary explosives, the century-old wall of the Lin family is also not comparable to the front face of T-34!A divine thunder with a hollow charge went up, and of course it was blown through.

And such a thick century-old wall would be pierced as soon as it was blown up, and a part of it collapsed after being pierced through. Of course, the children of the old Lin family overestimated the power of Zhuge Shenlei.

You let Emperor Kangxi's Manchurian No. [-] Batulu come and smash this century-old wall with a big hammer. It will take a long time to collapse, right?

A small Shenlei can at least stand up to a Manchurian Batulu!

To produce a god thunder, I am afraid it will not be used for a day.But to produce a Manchurian Baturu...don't even think about it for 20 years.But Manchuria Batulu has a very low rate of good products. Who knows what it is that has been raised so hard?

Therefore, with Zhuge Shenlei, whose power is comparable to that of Manchurian Batulu, the hope of Chaozhou people's success against the Qing Dynasty has greatly increased!

And anti-Qing must succeed, isn't it the best reason to oppose Qing?

"Yes! It makes sense! Anti-Qing must win...and Qinglu is too bad, we Chaozhou people are bullied by them!" Lin Rujiang, who was probably a little drunk, stood up suddenly.

Although this Xiucai Lin is a scholar, he looks like an "uncle tower" in appearance - if he is not fierce, he can't be the patriarch of Qiao Lindu's Lin family!

Who is not a fierce patriarch in Chaozhou these days?Even old man Yu Jiuchen sometimes kills without blinking an eye!

And when it comes to the "badness" of the Qing Dynasty, Lin Xiucai is so angry!

With such great knowledge, why can't he win the exam?

Kangxi, the admiral Xuezheng sent to Guangdong by the faint emperor, is he literate or not?

However, Lin Xiucai would not say that he failed the Juren's Hate, but opened his mouth to talk about the land issue.

"The land in Chaozhou was originally owned by our Chaozhou people! But now? The land near the sea in the south is not planted, and half of the flat land in Chaozhou is gone!

The rest of the land was encircled by Duke Xushun's mansion of more than [-] mu, and Liu Jinzhong, the general soldier of Chaozhen, and his subordinates seized a lot of it, and Wu Liuqi, a Hakka boy, also came to enclose our land!

Up to now, we Chaozhou people are almost out of land to grow... The Qiao family next door to our Lin family has been farming in Jieyang for generations, never paying rent, and rarely paying taxes.Now he has become a tenant of Duke Xushun's Mansion and Zongbing Mansion. It's really unreasonable! "

After Lin Rujiang finished speaking, his brother Lin Ruhai continued: "The patriarch is right! Those dog officials in the Qing court were too bad. They not only robbed our land, but also killed our people! Hao Shangjiu, who rebelled in Chaozhou back then, and us in Chaozhou What is the relationship between people? He and his soldiers are all from Henan, and he was ordered by the Qing emperor to serve as the general army of Chaozhou... Later, he couldn't think of rebelling, and was defeated by Geng Jimao and a Manchurian named Kakamu. What does this have to do with us Chaozhou people? But the Qing soldiers are going to massacre us Chaozhou people, and our family members in Fucheng are all dead! The old patriarch also ordered the Manchu soldiers to kill us!"

Speaking of the Manchu murders and setting fires in Chaozhou to relocate the land, it really opened up everyone's chatterbox!

It's all hate!

This place in Chaozhou is really unlucky, because the real Chaozhou people are not Chao Hak people, but the real Chaozhou people. In fact, they belong to the same group as the Hokkien people in Zhangzhou and Quanzhou.The accent is similar, the living habits are also very similar, and both love to do business.Therefore, there are many Chaozhou people who mix with Zheng Zhilong and Zheng Chenggong.

As a result, after the Qing Dynasty came, they especially bullied the Chaozhou people... In contrast, the people in Zhangzhou and Quanzhou were not so bullied, because many Zhangzhou and Quanzhou people in the Zheng family surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, so they can protect their homeland. Hongo.

For example, Huang Wu, Duke of Haicheng, and Shi Lang, the "Minister of the Concierge", are all from southern Fujian, and there is also Hong Chengchou from southern Fujian.

But Chaozhou people are miserable, there is no one on it!Among the local warlords in Chaozhou, Wu Liuqi was a Hakka from Dapu, Su Dadu rebelled and became a rebel, and Chenghai Xu Long was forced to relocate with his family, and he himself was sent to Beijing to be idle.

However, Duke Xushun and Liu Jinzhong of the Shen family guarding Chaozhou are completely outsiders, and they don't have any psychological burden to bully Chaozhou people.

However, although the Chaozhou people were bullied enough, they did not become extinct... Unlike the Sichuan people who were basically extinct, they were filled in by Huguang, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Guangdong and other provinces.

So Chaozhou people can still hate the Manchus and make troubles under the rule of the Manchus!

During the San Francisco Rebellion in history, Chaozhou was a center of rebellion!

Later, under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, Chaozhou was not at peace. People who immigrated from Chaozhou to Nanyang also hated the Qing Dynasty, and later donated a lot of money to the Revolutionary Party. The prefect of Chaozhou in the Qing Dynasty was slaughtered...

Seeing that the crowd was getting angry, Da Boling also stood on the high platform and began to speak-in fact, Zhu Heqi in this life is not from Chaozhou, but Da Boling is from Chaozhou. Su Lisu's ex-husband is the pillar of the "Chaozhou Warrior".And she also has the nickname of "Da Bo Ling", so when she stood on the stage, everyone saw the pair of "Bo" and knew who she was, so they didn't speak, just looked at her.

Da Boling began to speak: "If you want me to say why we Chaozhou people want to fight against Qing Dynasty, it is because we Chaozhou people also have the Seven Great Hatreds!

The great hatred is the massacre of the Qing captives!I in Chaozhou had nothing to do with the Ming and Qing disputes, but since the Qing soldiers entered the tide, they have killed countless Chaozhou people. Whose family has no relatives who died under the Qing soldiers' butcher knife?

The second big hatred is that the Qing captives occupy countless lands of our tide people.Chaozhou originally had many mountains and little flat land, and farther away from the sea, even fewer flat lands, but now most of them are occupied by Xushun Gongfu and Chaozhou Town.

The three major hatreds are that the Qing captives banned our Chaozhou people from going to sea to make a living... Our Chaozhou people have relied on the sea for generations, why did they prohibit it?

The four major hatreds are that the Qing captives forced me Chaozhou people to abandon the fertile coastal land and move inward!The land where the ancestors lived for generations, the land where the ancestors buried their bones, are all abandoned as wasteland, what is the law of nature?

The five major hatreds are that the Qing captives colluded with foreign barbarians to seize the interests of our Chaozhou maritime merchants...Shang Kexi did not allow us to make money, but he himself traded with foreign barbarians in Xiangshan, earning tens of thousands of gold every day!

The six major hatreds are that the Qing captives cut off the contact between our Chaozhou merchants and overseas relatives, making it difficult for our flesh and blood compatriots to see each other forever...

The seven major hatreds are that the Qing captives forced me to shave my hair and abandon my Chinese clothes, so that after a hundred years, I will have no face to meet my parents and ancestors under the underworld!

With these seven major hatreds, I, Chaozhou people, don’t think it’s because I really can’t beat the Qing captives, but now that there is Zhuge Shenlei, the Qing captives are not made with iron, so when will I not fight against the Qing captives? "

Chapter 085 Join us, it's very interesting!

The seven hatreds mentioned by Da Boling have much more "hate content" than Nurhachi's seven hatreds!

Among Nurhachi's "hate", what can really be brought to the table is that his grandfather Jue Chang'an and father Ta Keshi were killed by the Ming army commanded by Li Chengliang during the Wang Gao Rebellion.

In fact, it is also a hero to rebel and avenge his father and grandfather.However, putting together the other six trivial matters and the killing of his father and grandfather, and spelling out the seven major hatreds, it seems that he is not brave enough.If you are not particularly good at fighting, and your children and grandchildren are also strong, and the Ming Dynasty collapses again, these seven hatreds will definitely be commented as a joke by later historians.

And Da Boling's seven major hates in Chaozhou are really important, almost every one of them is closely related to the ordinary Chaozhou people here in Qiao Lindu.

Moreover, these seven hatreds were almost all caused by the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

In particular, sea bans, border relocation, massacres, and land enclosures have driven the Chaozhou people, and even the poor and lower-middle peasants in Guangdong, to almost nowhere to live, and of course no way out.

And these policies are actually of no benefit to the rule of the Qing Dynasty... they are purely making enemies for themselves and making trouble for themselves.

Even the final downfall of the Qing Dynasty had a lot to do with these frivolous policies!

Originally, the people in Guangdong and Fujian were not very rebellious. They were close to the sea, they could rely on the sea to eat the sea, and they could go to the sea to make a living.At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the world was full of rebellion, and Guangdong and Fujian were also safe and sound.

But after Manqing came up, some of the Zheng family was turned back by a wave of massacres—in fact, what if Zheng Zhilong was named Jingnan King?It's nothing more than three vassals changing to four vassals, and the richest man Zheng can make money himself, not only does not need the court to spend money to support him, but also gives money to the emperor Lao Tzu every year, isn't that good?But the Manchus wanted to kill innocent people indiscriminately!

After forcing Zheng Chenggong to rebel, the Qing court carried out indiscriminate killings in various places in Guangdong and Fujian.After the killing, he felt that the half-dead Zheng family who had fled to Taiwan would threaten the rule of the Qing Dynasty, so he moved along the coast—this would kill the Cantonese and Fujianese.

People in these places have a tradition of going to sea if they can't get along!

And at the end of Ming Dynasty, they had already formed a trade and immigration network covering Southeast Asia and Japan.There are [-] to [-] sailboats belonging to Cantonese and Fujianese traversing the coasts of China, Southeast Asia, and Japan.

Although these ships or people wandering overseas are not very good at listening to the Qing court, they will not pose too much threat to the Qing Dynasty.And it will continue to send out the surplus population in Guangdong, Fujian and even Guangxi.

If the population of these three provinces was small, there would not be so much trouble, there would not be a Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and there would not be so many Hongmen brothers.

But Aobai and his group listened to Huang Wu's bad idea in the early years of Kangxi, and made a one-size-fits-all coastal relocation, which directly cut off the way for most people in Guangdong and Fujian to go to sea, and also cut off overseas Chinese and Chinese businessmen. gradually lost in the competition with Western colonists.

It also forced the Cantonese and Guangxi people who were originally soy sauced on the historical stage to become anti-Qing vanguards.

So now Qiao Lin, who heard Da Boling say the "seven major hates", all the children of the Lin family cried with hatred.Those who didn't cry also had red eyes, looking like they were going to burst into anger.

While weeping together, someone suddenly yelled: "It's better to reverse it!"

Immediately, a hot-headed fierce man started to roar.

"Okay! It's reversed!"

"Pounce on your mother, it's the other way around!"

"Anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty!"

"Reverse, reverse..."

Seeing that everyone's "hate" was reversed, Zhu Heqi did not rush to call on everyone to cut their braids and join the group, but ordered Da Boling: "Sister Ling, it's getting late, everyone must be hungry, give them a haircut for each of them." A jug of cachaça, a bag of sugar."

Do you drink with sugar when you are hungry?Do you have this way of eating?

When the group of people were confused, the "Original Confucian warriors" who came with Zhu Heqi had already started giving out sugar and wine.

The wine is sugar cane wine, not "black rum" but "golden rum".

And white sugar... is even more surprising!

After opening the paper package, Qiao Lin and the children of Dulin's family saw grains of snow-white sugar without any color.

Qiao Lin's Dulin family also grows sugar cane to extract white sugar, but the white sugar produced by their Lin family can only be called "brown sugar" when compared with the white sugar that Zhu Heqi sent out!

Lin Rujiang and Lin Ruhai were surprised when they saw such white sugar for the first time.

"Why so white?"

"Whose white sugar is this? Could it be Guiyu Du Yu's sugar?"

Hearing the two people's question, Zhu Heqi smiled and said, "This is Beichang tribute's the ultimate white sugar decolorized with the secret recipe of the palace.

However, the cost of this secret recipe is not high, only a little more expensive than white sugar decolorized from yellow mud.But this color is much better than that yellow sugar.

And this also the Daming Chungong wine produced by the North Factory. The main raw materials are bagasse and the black pulp left over from boiling soup, and then it is flavored and aged with secret methods. You all have a taste! "

None of the Lin family present had heard of the "North Factory", but everyone knew about the East Factory and the West Factory.

Since there are east-west factories, there should also be north-south factories.

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