Zhu Heqi replied with a smile: "Mr. Chen, this university scholar will naturally have to take an exam..." As he spoke, he glanced at Dao Scarong, and said in his heart: "This knowledge can't be worse than Dao Barong's. ? Otherwise, it’s not like a bachelor’s degree!”

He paused, and then said: "But you can't just rely on exams, recommendation is also necessary! As for the number of bachelors, it can't be too few, and of course it can't be too many. Let's arrange eleven bachelors first."

"Eleven? That's ok," Chen Yonghua asked, "Then how do we distribute it?"

Zhu Hechi thought it over and said: "We can select 11 people from the five palaces including Dingwangfu, Yanpingwangfu, Chaozhou Zongbingfu, Gao, Lian and Leizhou Zongbingfu, and Jieshi Town Zongbingfu, of which Dingwangfu can recommend three people, and the other four prefectures each recommend two people."

"Jieshi Town Commander's Mansion?" Chen Yonghua was taken aback, "Is there a Jieshi Town Commander here?"

Zhu Heqi said: "Mr. Chen, among the people outside Chaozhou Prefecture, who doesn't appreciate Dadusu's kindness? If he hadn't raised his troops to resist the relocation, how could the Qing government relax a little after the battle of Jieshi Town? Policy? And although Dadusu is gone, he has many disciples and followers, so it is not too much for us to set up a government for the rest of Dadusu's party, so that they have the right to select great scholars?"

"Yes!" Da Boling immediately took over the topic, and said to Qiu Hui, "Big brother Hui, when the big belly guy was alive, you called every big guy one by one, have you forgotten now?"

"Sister-in-law Dadu is talking about... Brother Dadu's kindness, Hui will never forget it!"

Although Da Laohui is very annoyed by Da Boling and his daughter's behavior of robbing men, but loyalty still has to be said!

The old Su family in Chaozhou Prefecture is a family of pirates with great influence!But there was more than one Dadusu. Even after the Jieshiwei battle, the remnants of the Su family were still all over the coast of Chaohui.

And Qiu Hui also has many remnants of the Su family's remnants.So as long as Da Boling is not formally accepted as a concubine by Zhu Heqian, Qiu Hui still has to pinch his nose and call Da Boling "Sister-in-law with a big belly"!

Qiu Hui thought for a while, then turned to Chen Yonghua and said, "Military Master, Shengcai (Chen Shangchuan) and I are both subjects of King Yanping..."

What he meant was clear, even if Zhu Heqi was allowed to win two places of Grand Scholars in the name of Jieshi Town General Military Mansion, out of the eleven Grand Scholars, people from Yanping Palace still accounted for six.

Six to five, the advantage is mine!

At this time, Zhu Heqi said again: "Mr. Chen, the names of the three commanders' residences are only temporary. When the eleven great scholars are elected and our court is established, the three commanders will be granted the title of Grand Duke.

At that time, the two kings and the Three Kingdoms will publicly elect eleven former Confucian scholars, and then the former Confucian scholars will exercise the power to discuss government affairs and support the country. Is the world for the public? "

Is this the world for the public?

Chen Yonghua thought to himself: "Isn't this the republic of Yanping Wangfu and Dingwangfu? It's just a name for the righteousness of the world. But for Yanping Wangfu, it doesn't seem to be a disadvantage. After all, there are six universities in Yanping Wangfu. Scholars, there are only five at Prince Ding's Mansion."

Thinking of this, Chen Yonghua turned his head to look at Liu Guoxuan and Chen Shangchuan beside him.

Liu Guoxuan basically missed the battle of Jieyang County last time - when he arrived at the battlefield, Liu Jinzhong and Fengmingshan both ran away.So I had nowhere to use my strength, so I turned over Danan Mountain with Chen Yonghua to fight Huilai County.Because Qiu Hu, the "little tiger" trained by Zhu Hechi, was accompanied by several apprentices who had learned to "boil dessert gunpowder", so the battle of Huilai made Liu Guoxuan feel proud.

His 1000-hundred people besieged the 3000 people in Guangdong Fubiao defending Huilai. Not only did they break through the city in one fell swoop, but they also defeated nearly [-] reinforcements sent by Miao Zhixiu, the chief soldier of Jieshi Town, and Yan Ziming, the governor of Guangdong.

In this battle, Liu Guoxuan's troops not only captured Huilai County, but also killed and captured thousands of Qing troops. It can be said that their prestige has been greatly boosted, so now is the time to be proud.

In his opinion, if the Yanping Palace wants to elect two former Confucian scholars, he must be one of them.Even if he doesn't occupy the quota of Yanping Palace, Qiu Hui will recommend him to be a bachelor.

Therefore, it is enough for him to win six great scholars in Yanping Palace.So he nodded and said: "Mr. Chen, I think it's ok!" He turned back to Chen Shangchuan and said, "Shengcai, what do you think?"

Chen Shangchuan was called the commander-in-chief of Gao, Lian, and Lei, and he also had the right to elect two former Confucian scholars.But the territory he actually controls is only Longmen Island in Qinzhou Bay—his army also has the problem of being strong in water warfare and weak in land warfare. Although he has worked hard to attack Qinzhou, Qiongzhou, and Gaozhou in the past few years, it is a pity that he has been repeatedly defeated. All sent heads.

So when I heard that there was a very capable third grandson in Chaozhou Prefecture, three hundred elite soldiers defeated Liu Jinzhong's thousands of Qing soldiers, and captured Jieyang County in one fell swoop!Therefore, after getting the order from Chen Yonghua to "interview with the tide", he gladly accepted the order, took an old lock boat to Dahao, and then came to Jieyang with Chen Yonghua and Qiu Hui.

On Jieyang's side, it was an eye-opener again, and he saw an anti-Qing route that made his eyes shine!

And when he was in Dahao, he also witnessed the great power of sweet gunpowder in Qiu Hui's house.

So at this moment, Chen Shangchuan's confidence in the anti-Qing cause was extremely high. Naturally, he raised his hands in favor of Zhu Heqi's proposal.

"Mr. Chen," Chen Shangchuan said to Chen Yonghua, "I think it's possible... The idea proposed by the third grandson is good. But let's not lose the anti-Qing and Fuming sign. You can hold the two signs together."

"Of course!" Chen Yonghua nodded, "We are all servants of Daming, so naturally we want to restore the status of Daming!"

Heavenly King Zhu also nodded heavily, stroked his five long beards and said: "The lonely family is the son of the former emperor, of course we must restore the ancestor's foundation... But after the restoration, we must learn a lesson, and we can't be the same as before, making people miserable. To achieve great harmony in the world, everyone has something to eat!"

Chen Shangchuan nodded, and then asked again: "Then what is going to happen in this great harmony in the world?"

This guy really wants to break the casserole and ask the end!

Chapter 079

On November [-]th, the Jieyang Conference, which was featured in later history books, is still in progress!

The implementation of the rule of the world, the establishment of the Great Scholars Conference, and the settlement of the king—Yanping Wang’s co-governance, these major events have been finalized in the meeting of the previous two days.As soon as Taiwan's Yanping Wang Zhengjing nodded in agreement, then this "shareholding cottage court" can be officially established.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether it is officially listed or not.Because the territory directly under the imperial court is half a county, the army is two or three thousand, and the money and food are just a little... Although there are amazingly powerful grenade hammers and sweet gunpowder in hand, but because the troops are too small, it seems that they can only lie flat Shang Kexi called.

However, Zhu Hexi and the others are not completely free of work, they can also discuss how to achieve this great harmony in the world?

Today's meeting is to discuss this matter!

"Oh, those years have really suffered for the people, for the people of my Daming... It's really hard for the people to live! Zhongzhou was originally a rich land, and the people always had enough food and clothing. But since the time of the master of the temple, At the beginning, it gradually failed. The land was taken up by the gentry, dignitaries, and clans. They refused to pay taxes after occupying the land, and sent the land to this palace or that palace. The pressure is on the little people!

Later, when King Fu came here, the whole of Henan couldn't even allocate 200 million mu of official land, and even had to go to neighboring provinces to get land to supplement King Fu's mansion.In those years when the first emperor was in power, Henan became more and more famine year after year, and the rogues from Shaanxi came again. The common people were not only harmed by the rogues, but also had to bear all kinds of exorbitant taxes and rent.Even if the crops in the fields fail, their burden cannot be relieved in the slightest.It's strange that the world is not chaotic..."

The one who is lamenting the corruption of the situation at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the suffering of the people in Henan is Zhu Cijiong, the king of Jian Guoding... I don’t know how the third prince Zhu, who grew up in the Forbidden City in Beijing and was only twelve or thirteen years old when the Ming Dynasty died, was so concerned about the situation in Henan. How clear?

Seeing Qiu Hui, Qiu Rong, and Chen Shangchuan all showing puzzled expressions, Zhu Heqi quickly changed the subject: "Father, how do you think we can avoid repeating the same mistakes?"

"Average! Equal land, equal tax, and equal military service!" Zhu Tianwang said, "Only these three equals can ensure that the benefits of the world will not go to the rich and powerful, and the taxes will not all go to the ordinary people... and those who serve as soldiers and fight Things have to be shared by the big guys!"

After hearing Zhu Tianwang's words, Zhu Heqi was taken aback for a moment, and said to himself: "You bandit king, you really thought about these problems in Dananshan, didn't you?"

In fact, Zhu Tianwang was originally a Fengguo lieutenant of Tang Fan, who belonged to the bottom of the clan.My own life is also very difficult, and the people I come into contact with on weekdays are all of the lower middle class.

So he knows more about the sufferings of the people than Emperor Chongzhen and the real third prince Zhu, and even better than Zhu and Qi how there was no Ming Dynasty.

In his opinion, the problem of the Ming Dynasty is three words - uneven!The land is uneven, the tax burden is uneven, and the military service burden is equally uneven.

The group of people who occupy a large number of land and become rich do not pay taxes or serve in the army, but pass the tax burden on to small farmers who are bankrupt or about to go bankrupt.As for military service, it was all pressured on the military households, especially the military households and chieftains in Jiubian Shisan Town and the Southwest.Not only did the gentry and dignitaries in the mainland who ate their mouths full of oil not have to bear military service, they even gradually lost their military capabilities.In the end, the members of the King Tang family really wanted to fight for Daming, but they couldn't fight...

"But now everywhere in the world is sparsely populated!" Qiu Hui frowned and said, "Let's not talk about Chaozhou and Taiwan. I'm afraid you don't have much interest in it?"

Zhu Hechi nodded, and said in his heart: "It seems that Big Brother Hui has also studied this matter!"

Then he looked at Zhu Tianwang again, wanting to hear what he had to say.

Zhu Tianwang shook his head and said: "Actually, the land with fewer people is more equal! If the land is narrow and there are many people, even if you want the land to be equal, you can't move!"

His words... seem to make sense!

Zhu Hechi stroked his beard and pondered: "When there are many people and little land, everyone is full of desire for land. At this time, we can mobilize a large number of landless and little land farmers to follow suit. But This is a political account, a military account, but not an economic account!

On the one hand, the per capita is too small, and on average, everyone only has a little land, and it is impossible to form an economy of scale.Without scale operation, the cost must be high, and the ability to resist risks must be low.If you let it go after an average, the land will be re-concentrated soon, and social conflicts will intensify.

If the government and the state want to intervene in the management...it will be very difficult!

So now this is an era when there are fewer people and more land, and land is not a scarce resource, but it is more suitable for equalization of land.

Now that the population is small and the land is abundant, if it is evenly divided, it will be rich peasants per capita. It can completely take into account fairness and efficiency. Why not? "

Zhu Tianwang said again at this time: "Although this land... will inevitably belong to a small number of people in the future. But now we are not equalizing the land and limiting the land. Will it come when the rich have endless fields and the poor have no land to stand on?" earlier?"

Seems to be right!

Even if it will be concentrated again in the future, it doesn't mean that the fields cannot be equalized and limited now!

Mortals are bound to die, but they still have to eat and drink while they are alive!

Zhu Heqi pondered again: "Now there are only 6000 to 500 million people in the country, and there are about 1000 to 15 million families. The cultivated land is well organized, and there can be 20 billion to [-] billion mu. The average household is [-] to [-] mu. Question. It is a capitalist farm operated on a large scale!

As for the labor force needed to move towards industrialization, it actually depends on how efficient agriculture is, rather than not having enough food for too many people.

In history, when the United States had a population of tens of millions, didn't the industrialization take off?It is said that this is because the United States has unique agricultural production conditions. Only a few people are required to engage in agricultural production to produce enough agricultural products to feed the entire population and provide raw materials for industrialization.

And the unique agricultural conditions in the United States are nothing more than fewer people and more land!The land can be planted casually. Although the yield per mu is less, as long as there is enough land, the production efficiency can be improved, and most of the labor force can be liberated from the land.

China today...in terms of population, land and corresponding agricultural productivity seems to be more suitable for industrialization than 300 years later.The sooner this industrialization is completed, the higher the top of the industrial chain can be held early, and the Western imperialism can take advantage of the time when Western imperialism is relatively timid, and then occupy more territory and resources.In this way, with industries and resources that can make a lot of money, can't we distribute more benefits and create a Datong society? "

Thinking of this, Zhu Heqi felt a bright light before his eyes, and laughed loudly: "Yes!"

When he bluffed, several people in the meeting were startled.

Zhu Tianwang looked at his son and frowned slightly: "Shangzi, what's wrong?"

"There is a way for the great harmony of the world!" Zhu Heqi replied with a smile.

"Then let's talk about it!" Zhu Tianwang said while stroking his beard.

Zhu Hexi considered it for a while, and then said: "I think the equalization of land, tax, and military service is very good. It can be done in Chaozhou first. At the same time, we also need to open schools and factories, encourage commerce and maritime trade, and develop our country. Chaozhou’s industry. Not only must it be in harmony with the peasants, but it must also be equal to the four peoples of the peasants, farmers, businessmen, and the people.”

"My lord," Qiu Hui couldn't laugh or cry after hearing Zhu Hechi's words, "It's easy for you to say, but it's too difficult to do!"

"What's the difficulty?" Zhu Heqi asked.

Qiu Hui smiled wryly and said, "My lord, you don't know the situation of the four counties in Chaozhou under our control? Apart from the lack of land, there is no shortage of other things. How can Datong be achieved? And it's gratifying, Mi Sihan These two thieves are dispatching troops and generals, and they are about to hit the door at any time!"

Chapter 080 My Utopia

After hearing Qiu Hui's words, Zhu Heqi laughed.

Having no shortage of land is the key to a successful "Great Harmony"!

After all, it is an agricultural society now, and industry and commerce are just icing on the cake, not fundamental.

If the land is scarce and everyone regards the land as their lifeblood, then don’t even try to achieve “Datong” in a place like Chaozhou where the clan is very powerful... Most of the land in Chaozhou is under the name of the clan and occupies a relatively large area All of them are powerful clans.In the Qing Dynasty, the powerful clans in Chaozhou were still full of martial arts virtues, often broke out in fighting, and they all lived together in castle-like enclosures.

You want to share their fields, but they won't work hard with you?Relying on the strength of the third prince Zhu and the third grandson of Zhu can't handle it at all.

On the contrary, the current situation with fewer people and more land, and the current situation of the enemy, is more conducive to the strength of the entire four counties of Chaozhou with the "Assimilation of the original Confucianism" route.

Thinking of this, Zhu Heqi smiled and revealed his thoughts.

"My father-in-law, the four counties in Chaozhou in our hands are not bad except for the small number of people! There is enough land, and there is Dahao Commercial Port, which communicates with China and foreign countries, as well as the two industries of salt and sugar. Gunpowder has also developed... By the way, my son-in-law has recently figured out a business of making wine from bagasse, which is also very promising."

"What? Bagasse can still be used to make wine? Can there be such a good thing?" Qiu Hui raised his eyelids, seeming to be interested.

Zhu Heqian smiled: "My father-in-law, this sugar cane wine is not difficult to brew... When Shuzhen gets married, it should be able to produce a large amount of it."

"So fast?" Qiu Hui said, "But this wine needs to be aged a little longer."

Zhu Heqian smiled and said, "My son-in-law has his own way to make this wine age faster... keep it delicious!"

The artificial aging and flavoring of wine is not a difficult task for Zhu Hechi.

Qiu Hui nodded and said with a smile, "I'm waiting for you to taste it!"

Zhu Hechi laughed and said, "When the wine is ready, I'll send you a few vats!"

"How many vats?" Qiu Hui laughed, "Are you trying to get me drunk?" He paused, and then said, "But bagasse can be used to make wine, which is a good deal...we have no shortage of bagasse here in Chaozhou!"

Zhu Heqi smiled and said, "My father-in-law, you see, we now have four industries that can bring in silver, namely salt, sugar, gunpowder, and sugar cane wine, as well as Dahao's maritime trade. There shouldn't be too much shortage of silver. , if we can take a long-term view and save a little, we can use a sum of money to open factories, run schools and organize land. If these three things are done, we will have Datong in Chaozhou! "

Qiu Hui was a little confused when he heard that, "The land consolidation is for the purpose of equalizing the land...what does this have to do with opening factories, running schools, and Datong?"

Zhu Heqi explained with a smile: "Of course it has something to do with it! Let me talk about the school first. The school is a place to teach and educate people, and it is also a place where we spread the way of making the world a public and the world is united. Confucianism cultivates successors, and it also enables the teenagers in Jieyang, Chaoyang, Chenghai, and Huilai counties to have books to read, and after reading books...they will have a chance to become famous in the future!

Besides, my son-in-law plans to set up factories first, namely the fire salt factory, gunpowder factory, winery, and copper foundry... But my son-in-law doesn't plan to eat alone, because the money is endless, everyone earns it together, Making a fortune together is Datong!

Therefore, the craftsmanship of collecting nitrate, making granular gunpowder, making wine from sugar cane, and casting copper coins and copperware can all be passed on to the folks in the four counties of Chaozhou.Of course, you still have to pay attention to the rules of apprenticeship. After the apprentices become masters, even if they want to start their own business, I support it. "

Hearing what Zhu Hexi said, Qiu Hui already understood. He nodded and said, "The school and the factory are all for the purpose of accepting apprentices and passing on skills. If the relationship between master and apprentice is [-]%, they are people on the same boat!"

That's right!

Who are Zhu Hechi?The third grandson of Zhu!Whoever wants to worship him as a teacher is the apprentice of the Third Grandson of Zhu, the disciple of the Third Prince Zhu, and the Zeng disciple of Emperor Chongzhen!

The third prince Zhu and the third grandson of Zhu are about to fail, so how come the disciples and grandchildren of Emperor Chongzhen have to be executed all over the house?

Moreover, what the Qing Dynasty did in Chaozhou these years is indeed unethical, not to mention the Chaozhou people who were enemies of the Qing Dynasty, but how many Chaozhou people who took refuge in the Qing Dynasty as dogs ended up well?

Therefore, as long as the master-student status is [-]%, these apprentices and the clans behind them will become Zhu Hechi's best friends, and will naturally accept Zhu Hechi's "great harmony transformation".

Of course, Zhu Heqi's "Great Harmonization" is not to dismantle the Chaozhou clan, but to promote the Chaozhou clan as a unit.Clans were used as the unit to distribute land, set up clan studies, apportion taxes, corvee and military service, and support the clans to set up handicraft factories such as fire salt factories, gunpowder factories, wineries, and copper factories. In addition, Zhu Hechi also planned to use his own Chemical knowledge has helped Chaozhou's sea salt and sugar industries to be upgraded to a higher level, thus forming several high value-added advantageous industries.

In this way, Zhu Heqi can not only organize the clans in Chaozhou through the "reform of Datong", but also realize industrial upgrading and popularization of education. It really serves multiple purposes!

As soon as Chaozhou does it, the same model can be copied to the whole of Guangdong.

Other places in Guangdong in this era are similar to Chaozhou. They were all tossed by the Qing Dynasty. They are all clan societies, and they have not yet completely laid down!

As long as Guangdong can be integrated into a "Great Harmony Society" with per capita output value, income, and gun ownership exceeding the level of the United States, then of course it will be easy to flatten the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

When the Qing Dynasty is flattened, the "Chaozhou-style Great Harmony" can also be extended to the whole country!

Now the country's population is only 6000 to [-] million, and there is still so much land, and it also has "mid-to-high-end industries" with international competitiveness such as silk, cotton cloth, tea, porcelain, and sugar. There are also a group of "preparatory colonies" around. The United States before the Civil War was no different!

Is there any reason why America can't be cut off?

Thinking of this, the smile on Zhu Heqi's face is hard to hide!

And Chen Yonghua, who is in charge of Taiwan's civil affairs, has been listening carefully to the words of the Zhu family and his son, Qiu Hui and others. The more he listens, the more he feels that this "great assimilation" has something to do!

Not only can it be done in Chaozhou, but it can also be done in Taiwan... If it is done well, the population of less than 20 on the island of Taiwan can be used as 30 or 40.

Just when Chen Yonghua wanted to ask Zhu Heqi how to trade "bagasse wine" and wanted to replicate it in Taiwan, Chen Shangchuan, the "island owner" of Longmen Island in Qinzhou Bay, spoke first: "Jianguo, Shizi, Qiu To control the army, this great harmony in the world can be slowly established. The immediate priority is how to defeat Shang Kexi and Mi Sihan, the two Tartar-headed soldiers! I heard that they are currently mobilizing soldiers from Guangdong and Fujian provinces. It’s about to hit it.”

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