Watching the guerrilla leave, Liu Jinzhong issued several orders one after another.

The first is to rectify the chaotic green battalion soldiers, minzhuang and regiments on the south bank of the Beixi River.

The second is to transfer troops from the city and the south of the city—he still has 1000 people in the city, and there are many shotgun soldiers among them, so he quickly dispatched seven or eight hundred to help.There are also 1000 people in the south of the city, and some can be transferred here.

The third is to adjust the cannon... there are two old ancestral cannons at the Nanxi Bridge, and they have to be transferred to bombard the rebels in Beixi and Hebei.

After the three orders were issued, Liu Jinzhong set up the Chinese army outside the north gate of Jieyang City. As soon as the flag was erected, the horns were blown, and the drums were beating, the soldiers who supervised the battle held the order and the ghost-headed knives that cut people around. Wandering around, the Green Battalion soldiers, Min Zhuang and Tuan Ding who had been in a mess also settled down.

At this time, the guerrilla finally gathered two hundred archers and one hundred spearmen, let them line up, and started to march towards the pontoon bridge on the Beixi River.

The pontoon bridge on the Nanbei River in Jieyang is not just for traffic, but also has the defensive function of cutting off the Nanbei River waterway. Cut off, Qiu Hui's pirates can easily go all the way to Mianhu Village, a city located in the hinterland of Chaozhou Prefecture.

In order to ensure that the pontoon bridge would not be easily damaged by Qiu Hui's warships and pirates, both the Nanxi Bridge and the Beixi Bridge were built very strong, and the bridge deck was wide enough for two carriages to run side by side.

Three hundred Qing soldiers lined up in two columns, spears in front, bows and arrows behind, and they went up the pontoon bridge in a mighty way!

The north and north streams of Rongjiang River near Jieyang County are very wide, even in relatively narrow places, there are more than a hundred steps.

The grenade hammer can't be thrown that far, the bow and arrow can barely reach it, but it can't be accurate or powerful, and the shotgun is even less accurate.

So these Qing soldiers had to walk about fifty steps forward along the pontoon bridge before they could open their bows and shoot arrows!

Fifty steps is about 75 meters, and it is not easy to throw a grenade hammer that far.

But Zhu Hesheng had thought of this problem a long time ago... so he "helped Zhuge Liang" design the "Zhuge Machine Cannon" early in the morning, which is a small, simple counterweight trebuchet.

Now two of them have been assembled, and they are placed outside the entrance of the north end of the pontoon bridge.

Zhu Hesheng was still riding his long-legged horse, which was not very obedient, and stood between the two "machine guns", watching the Qing soldiers marching in front of them.

I have to say that the Qing soldiers are still a bit powerful these days!Even the green battalion soldiers in Chaozhou, Guangdong, look pretty good.

If it weren't for the "Zhuge God Thunder" and "Zhuge Machine Cannon", they might not be able to beat them!

Thinking of this, Zhu Hesheng said to Su Zhanshan who was commanding the two "machine guns" beside him: "Zhanshan, throw mines!"

"Decree! Vote..."

With an order, the live hooks on the two "Zhuge Machine Cannons" were pulled away, and the raised end of the throwing rod was immediately pressed down by the heavy object hanging on it.The other end of the throwing rod, which was hooked by the live hook before, was immediately lifted up high under the action of the "seesaw", until it hit the horizontal shaft on the top of the wooden frame with a "snap" before it stopped abruptly.

Although the throwing rod was blocked by the horizontal axis and couldn't move, a large "fried ball" placed in the throwing pocket on the top of the throwing rod was thrown out suddenly!

The two "machine guns" threw out two "bomb balls" weighing seven or eight catties in total, drawing an arc-shaped parabola in the air, flying a hundred and eighty steps in the air in the blink of an eye, and then landed on the ground at the same time. In the column of two hundred archers who just stepped onto the floating bridge!

The shells of the two "fried balls" are all made of bronze, and they are not light in weight. They are also falling objects from high altitudes, and no one can bear to hit them!It knocked over the two of them on the spot, and caused a moderate chaos. A few people who missed the hit even exclaimed.

"Shao Pao! Oboi has a Shao Pao!"

"Be careful on the top of your head..."

Liu Jinzhong, who was standing on the south side of the Beixi Bridge and supervised the battle, saw this scene, but his face changed drastically - he had already remembered that during the battle in the capital of Guiyu, the third prince Zhu and that Zhuge army division had already used cannons to drop large "" Zhuge Shenlei".

It's going to explode, so what's the matter?

Liu Jinzhong quickly shouted: "Ming Jin! Ming Jin!"

But it's too late!

Before he finished his words, he saw a huge fireball suddenly rising from the south end of the pontoon bridge—this was a bomb that exploded...the other was a "dumb ball" that didn't explode.

But this "fried ball" is also very powerful!

The charge in this "fried ball" exceeded a catty, and it was also filled with hundreds of pieces of copper coins!

Entrained by the gas and energy produced by the deflagration of the sweet gunpowder, these hundreds of pieces of copper coins and the fragments of the shell of the bombed ball immediately turned into deadly sharp knives, flying around, and those unlucky people on the pontoon bridge The Qing soldiers swept past them!

No armor, no shield, nothing can resist it!In a blink of an eye, a large area was swept away. The area at the south entrance of the pontoon bridge was full of lying corpses and dying and howling wounded. At least 50 people fell down, even the thick and strong pontoon deck. A big hole was blown out of the planks!

And the rest of the Qing soldiers who were not blown up were also frightened and could they not collapse?This power is too great!

Don't say that the green battalion soldiers can't handle it, even if you let Dorgon's Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers cross over, they can't handle such a "bomb ball"!

Neither the one carrying the spear nor the one holding the bow and arrow had the courage to move on, but they didn't run away immediately, they just stood there in a daze, not sure if they were scared to death.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Hesheng on the other side of the pontoon bridge became excited for some reason. He drew out his big knife and pointed forward. Then he roared and spoke Manchurian: "Batulu, attack your mother...kill me!"

After yelling, he took the lead, holding a big knife and screaming, rushing forward to the startled Qing soldiers...

Chapter 054 Obai is going to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty!

"Run! Oboi is coming! I saw Oboi..."

I don't know which blind green battalion soldier suddenly opened his throat and yelled, causing the two or three hundred green battalion soldiers who were just stupefied to collapse immediately. The two or three hundred people turned around together and ran wildly together. While running, he yelled loudly: "Oboi is coming! Oboi is coming! Oboi is coming with the third prince Zhu! Oboi is going to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty..."

Alas, this Oboi is dead anyway, so let's frame him anyway.Emperor Kangxi charged him with [-] major crimes, and now there is one more "crime against the Qing Dynasty and restoration of the Ming Dynasty", he certainly doesn't care.

And although Liu Jinzhong didn't believe that Oboi was resurrected at this time, he did find the feeling he had when he faced the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers... so familiar!

This is what it feels like to lose a battle!

Liu Jinzhong was still young back then, and he was still a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty. When he met the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers, he felt the same as now!

Unexpectedly, the army of the third prince Zhu also had the supernatural power of "invincible soldiers from heaven".

It's a pity...the number of soldiers and horses of the Third Prince Zhu is too small. If he can reach [-], he may really be able to overthrow the Qing Dynasty!

But where is the third prince Zhu going to engage 1 people?

When Liu Jinzhong had this rebellious idea in his mind, the unlucky Green Battalion soldiers on the pontoon bridge had already been staggered by the "Oboi's Eight Banners soldiers", most of them were gone, only a hundred or so left A, ran back while crying.

But Zhu Hesheng's wave of shock is over!

Because Liu Jinzhong had been prepared for a long time, before he sent 300 people to launch the first wave of attack, he had already rectified the green battalion soldiers, minzhuang, and regiments who had been in a mess outside Jieyang City.

Moreover, the green battalion soldiers stationed in the city also obeyed his order, and sent 800 people to reinforce them. With this level of prohibition, it can be seen that the green battalion soldiers under Liu Jinzhong are still very effective.

After receiving the support of [-] green battalion soldiers from the city, Liu Jinzhong's green battalion soldiers, Minzhuang, and Tuan Ding Ke reached a small two thousand, and set up three infantry phalanxes and one cavalry formation to block the south entrance of Beixi Bridge. Strictly speaking.

When the Green Battalion soldiers on the pontoon bridge were being beaten and bombed, Liu Jinzhong dispatched [-] Green Battalion soldiers with bows and arrows to spread out in front of the formation, and when the chasing "Eight Banners soldiers" came into range, they threw a wave of arrows on the pontoon bridge.

Most of Zhu Hesheng's "Eight Banners Soldiers" are lightly armed—yellow mandarin jackets and blue and black mandarin jackets are easy to get, but cloth or cotton armor with yellow flags is not easy to get.

So Zhu Hesheng could only get dozens of chain mails for one of the "Eight Banners Soldiers".However, the defensive ability of the chain mail is not as good as that of the cloth-faced iron armor, and it cannot hold the arrows of the Qing soldiers.

Therefore, Zhu Hesheng had no choice but to give up the pursuit, and led the dozens of riders below to turn around and retreat. They retreated beyond the effective range of the Qing army's bows and arrows and stopped retreating-on the pontoon bridge, about There are sixty or seventy steps.

At the same time, Zhu Hesheng gave an order to Su Zhanshan, who was in charge of commanding the "automatic guns", to lead people to carry two "machine guns" forward for twenty or thirty steps, so that Liu Jinzhong could be placed in Beixi. The Green Battalion on the South Bank - Although the range of these light guns is not far, it is not comparable to bows and arrows!

Moreover, they are very light in weight, and they are very convenient to move. A dozen or so people carried them around.The difficulty and cost of manufacturing are not high, even if it is thrown on the battlefield, it will not feel bad, and it can even be temporarily built on the battlefield.

This portable "Zhuge Machine Cannon" plus "Zhuge God Thunder" can trigger a military revolution!

Liu Jinzhong is not blind either, of course he could see someone moving forward with the "Zhuge Machine Cannon"!

However, this Chaozhen commander-in-chief really had a few tricks. Seeing the "Zhuge Machine Cannon" approaching his side, he immediately led the three infantry phalanxes and cavalry groups back twenty or thirty steps, and at the same time strictly ordered the three hundred soldiers to move forward. The scattered archers stayed put.

In this way, the three hundred scattered archers can block the bridge deck with arrowheads, preventing "Oboi"'s "Zhuge Machine Cannon" from continuing to move forward... Because the archers are relatively scattered, they are not very afraid of being attacked. Thunder bombing.Oh, Liu Jinzhong is not afraid of them being bombed, these archers themselves are still a little afraid!

They may not only be killed by the sky thunder, but also may be trampled to death by the "Eight Banners Cavalry"... But if they dare to escape, they will definitely be hacked to death by the supervisory team sent by Liu Jinzhong!

Seeing Liu Jinzhong's arrangement, Zhu Hesheng did not dare to attack rashly.After all, he only has 2000 "Eight Banners Soldiers" under his command, while Liu Jinzhong has more than [-] men under him, almost one of them fights seven or eight!

However, Zhu Hesheng, who was in high spirits and found a sense of being a famous general, was unwilling to stop at this point—although this surprise attack was already a big victory at this level.

Now even if Zhu Hesheng set fire to the pontoon bridge and waited for the boss Huibing to arrive, he would have completed the task extremely satisfactorily.

However, Zhu Hesheng still wanted to try a new method of warfare that he had just thought of, so he turned his head and said to Lin Ahu who was about to float up in the same excitement: "Tiger Lin, I just saw a few shields in that demon clearing camp. Car, hurry up and bring a few people to pull the shield car, let's use the shield car to cover and drop bombs!"

Zhu Hesheng felt that he was too capable to think of such a powerful tactic.

In the future, shield chariots, pikemen, and musketeers will be used to cover the attack of hammer throwers and "machine artillery", followed by a team of pony cavalry.

As long as the shield chariots, pikemen, and musketeers can escort the hammer-throwing soldiers and "machine guns" into place, they will not be afraid of blowing up the demon's infantry, and once the demon's infantry is dispersed... the pony cavalry can launch Short burst.

With such a style of play, it is difficult to lose!


When Zhu Hesheng was happily fantasizing about the invincibility of the heavenly soldiers in the future, Liu Jinzhong also waited for the trump card specially designed to break the "Zhuge Machine Cannon" - the red cannon!

Didn't Mi Sihan send four red cannons to Liu Jinzhong?

One of the gates was seized by Zhu Hesheng, and now they are hammering the Beiguan Tower in Jieyang County!Although all the cannons were fired, there was only one cannon after all, and it would take a long time to smash the Jieyang Beiguan tower!

The remaining three red cannons are now in the hands of Qing soldiers.One of them was set up on the artillery fortress on the south bank of the Beixi River to bombard the artillery fortress occupied by the "Eight Banners Rebels" on the opposite bank, but it failed to hit it after fighting for a long time-the artillery fortress was short and small, and it was impossible to hit it by direct aiming. .

And it's useless if you hit it, because the artillery fortress is not made of rammed earth and bricks, but built with mud.This thing cannot be smashed at all, and the soil is so thick that it cannot be pierced.Only when the artillery shell directly hits the opponent's artillery can it be effectively destroyed... How can this red cannon be so accurate?

The other two cannons in red were originally placed on the forts at both ends of the Nanxi Bridge in the south of Jieyang County.

However, Liu Jinzhong had already issued an order to transfer the two cannons to the north of the city to assist in the battle.Just when Lin Ahu led a group of people to pull three shield carts to Beixi Bridge, two red-clothed cannons transferred from Nanxi Bridge were also put on two carts and dragged out of Jieyang Beiguan. The city gate was pulled to Liu Jinzhong.



When Liu Jinzhong saw the cannons arriving, he immediately called one of his own soldiers to Liu Erhu, the son of the general manager and godfather, and ordered: "Take my command flag and take these two cannons to the fortress together...Three cannons It's all up to you!"

"Hey!" Liu Erhu was of course happy to be trusted by his godfather, he quickly answered "Hey", and then asked, "Godfather, where do you want the child to shoot those three cannons?"

Liu Jinzhong pointed at the pontoon, "Fire the cannon on the pontoon... Give me a hard hit!"


Chapter 055: Loyalty is nothing but two masters!

The two cannons were soon escorted by Liu Jinzhong's godson Liu Erhu to the fortress on the south bank of Beixi Bridge. Together with the red cannon that had been fighting there for a long time without hitting a single shot, they all turned their muzzles and aimed at Beixi The pontoon, and then started firing together!

Following the three sounds of "Boom, Boom, Boom", three iron bullets weighing about ten kilograms roared and flew towards the pontoon bridge, and then landed together in the water of the Rongjiang Beixi River, stirring up Three tall and big water jets were thrown, which startled the "Eight Banners Soldiers" on the Beixi Bridge.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the area where the shells fell into the water... It's only thirty or forty steps away from the pontoon bridge, which doesn't seem too outrageous!

"Don't panic!"

Zhu Hesheng was not afraid at all, and he said convincingly: "The cannons used by the Qing Yao were made by my Ming Dynasty in the year of Chongzhen... These cannons are my ministers of the Ming Dynasty, and they cannot hurt me, the third grandson of the Ming Dynasty, so gentlemen Don't panic."

This is a bit mysterious!

Co-authoring Cannon has a spirit, and still remembers Emperor Chongzhen of Ming Dynasty?How many civil servants and military generals of the Ming Dynasty have turned to the Qing Dynasty and become second ministers, and some of them have become third ministers on the side of Dashun!Is this cold and hard cannon more reasonable than those dignified ministers?

But Zhu Hesheng believed it all, riding on that long-legged horse without even frowning—he didn’t really believe that cannons had spirits, but he believed that cannons had a reason, the truth!

The cannon must follow the truth, for the truth is within range of the cannon!

According to the truth about cannons, those Hongyi cannons placed in the artillery barracks on the south bank of the Beixi River had only a small chance of hitting the pontoon bridge.Zhu Hesheng had observed the artillery barracks of the Qing army a long time ago. The artillery barracks were a little far from the pontoon bridge, and the location was too high relative to the pontoon bridge. There was no way to aim directly, so they could only shoot from top to bottom.

And it is impossible for a shell to bounce up if it falls into the water, and it will definitely go straight through the water if it hits the deck of the pontoon bridge, and it will not bounce up either.So there is no need to worry about the damage of the ricochet. The only possible casualty is that it is hit by the shell falling from the top.

The probability of this is probably only a little higher than that of Zhu and Sheng Hunchuan, so it should not happen...

Of course Zhu Hesheng doesn't give math lessons to his subordinates now, so they come up with some deceptive fantasies.

After explaining to everyone the principle of "loyalty to the cannon is the same as the master", Zhu Hesheng began to order Lin Ahu and Su Zhanshan: "Ahu, the shield convoy moves forward twenty steps! Zhanshan, carry the cannon forward two Ten steps!

Other brothers, dismount with me and raise your shields... We lead the horse forward twenty steps!

All hammer throwers, get your hammers and torches ready! "

Dismounting is of course to avoid guns and arrows.

Although according to the truth of the cannon, the probability of being hit while riding on horseback is exactly the same as that of being hit while dismounting and walking, but dismounting and walking can still give him a little more sense of security.

In addition, after dismounting, it is not easy to be hit by the bows and arrows of the Qing army.

After dismounting, Zhu Hesheng first took out Zhang Xiaohao's round rattan shield and put it on the forearm of his left arm (there is a rope loop inside the rattan shield).Then he took out the fire folder, took it with his left hand, pulled out the cover on it, and blew a few breaths to invigorate the fire of the fire folder.Then he raised the shield with his left arm, held the rein with his right hand, and started to push forward following the shield car in front.

And still marching forward against the shells fired by the three red cannons!

This shocked Liu Jinzhong and the Qing soldiers under him!

They are not afraid of cannons!

This is advancing against the shells of the Qing artillery team!

Such bravery... Even if Batu Lu Aobai, the number one of the Qing Dynasty, is not here, he should be a similarly fierce man, right?

"Boom boom boom..."

Three more cannon shots interrupted Liu Jinzhong's thoughts. He hurriedly cast his eyes on the pontoon bridge, only to see three water columns rising suddenly twenty or thirty steps away from the pontoon bridge.Obviously, those three blind cannons missed again!

I couldn't get the support of the three red cannons on my side, and the opponent used three shield vehicles to cover the cannons and advanced.Seeing that his own infantry is about to be forced back again... this is really a bit urgent!

Moreover, the enemy obviously only has 300 people, but they overwhelmed more than 2000 people on their side and retreated steadily. If the little emperor in Beijing knew about this, wouldn't Long Yan be furious?Even if he doesn't behead his head to show the public, he still has to kill Liu Jinzhong's chief soldier.

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