After disembarking, they joined up with Da Boling who had arrived earlier—Da Boling had already prepared seven carts with mules and horses, and was waiting for Zhu Hesheng and the others in an abandoned temple in Fuyangdu.

After the two sides met smoothly, Zhu Hesheng put on a yellow jacket, changed his name to Niu Hulu Heshen, the third-class bodyguard in front of the imperial court, and rode a long-legged foreign horse borrowed from Qiu Hui.It really looks like a Manchurian soldier!

And the three hundred elite soldiers who followed him also put on the cottage's straw hats and mandarin jackets, rode on short-footed Yunnan horses, brought high imitation Manchurian bows, Kanto knives, and hung two grenade hammers on their belts. thing.

Then the group of people took the pass token of the Pingnan Palace that Yang Qilong gave him, and went straight to Beixi Bridge in Jieyang County without hindrance.

As for the Beixi Bridge...of course it is heavily guarded, no less than a tiger's den and a dragon's pool!

The person who was ordered to be stationed here was Li Chenggong, a general of the Chinese army under the command of Liu Jinzhong, the general of Chaozhen.

This Li Chenggong is no ordinary Qing Yao, he is from Tieling!


That was Li Chengliang's hometown, and Li Chenggong and Li Chengliang belonged to the same clan.Li Chengliang is from the Chengzi generation, and this Li Chenggong is also from the Chengzi generation. The two of them are brothers of the same clan—although Li Chenggong is the youngest of the generation, and Li Chengliang's age difference is almost a hundred years, but the generational Still a lifetime.

And who is Li Chengliang?That is the Gan Ama of Nurhachi, the great ancestor of the Qing Dynasty!

So this Li Chenggong should be Nurhachi's god-uncle in terms of seniority... If you want to count according to this seniority, Emperor Kangxi didn't know whether to kowtow and call him "grandfather" when he saw him?

However, after Nurhachi developed, he turned his face and refused to recognize his father, so Li Chenggong didn't get any glory.

When the Houjin soldiers took down Tieling, his father also asked Nurhachi, an unfilial nephew, to be arrested and become a coated slave of Zhengbai Banner.

Moreover, Li's father's slave has been a slave all his life, and it was not until Li Chenggong's life that he turned around and was admitted as a Wu Jinshi.

Because Li Chenggong is an old Baoyi who was born in Tieling, and he is also a "noble relative" of Aixinjueluo's family.Therefore, after becoming a Wu Jinshi, his official career went relatively smoothly. He first served as a bodyguard, and later was transferred to Chaozhou Liu Jinzhong's army as a general in the Chinese army... In name, he was Liu Jinzhong's subordinate, but in fact he was sent to watch over Liu Jinzhong of.

And Liu Jinzhong also knew that Li Chenggong was Emperor Kangxi's "noble relative", so he had been coaxing him all the time. He didn't know how many opportunities to make meritorious deeds he had been given in the past few years, so he hoped that he could make meritorious deeds and leave early.

But this guy's luck is not very good, and he can't seize the opportunity, and he is honest, and he doesn't know how to falsely report the record and kill the good ones, so there is no end to being a general!

But this time Liu Jinzhong is quite confident... He led eight battalions with a total of [-] elite soldiers to lay an ambush here in Jieyang County.

The dog official Fengmingshan who knew Chaozhou Prefecture turned Zhu Qipao into Zhu Heqi, the third grandson of Zhu, and led as many as [-] people from the strong regiment to help in the battle.

The imperial envoy Mi Sihan also dispatched four red cannons for him—they were all old cannons made by craftsmen in Foshan when Xiong Wencan was prime minister of Guangdong, Guangxi, military affairs and governor of Guangdong. They are called durable!

In addition, the imperial envoy Mi Sihan also mobilized [-] bannermen from Duke Xushun's mansion and placed them in Puning County, not far from Jieyang County, with horses... As long as there is a fight in Jieyang County, Deng Guangming and Zhang Mengji will immediately He will lead the Eight Hundred Banners to kill him!

Yan Ziming and Zhang Haiyang also led [-] governors and pacesetters to guard near the capital of Guiyu, and they will come to help as soon as possible.

So this battle is impossible to lose!

Since he couldn't lose, Liu Jinzhong entrusted Li Chenggong with the heavy responsibility of guarding Beixi Bridge.Li Chenggong was also allocated one thousand green battalion soldiers and five hundred regiment men, and two red cannons.

500 people plus two cannons, how can they be defended?

As long as you hold on to it, you can blow it away, and you can blow him away no matter what.

And Li Chenggong also paid attention this time, and worked out a defensive strategy with all his thoughts.The 500 people in his hands were divided into three parts, and [-] green battalion soldiers went to the north of Beixi Bridge to guard the bridgehead.

Five hundred green battalion soldiers set off to the south of Beixi Bridge, and also guarded the bridgehead.

There are five hundred minzhuang and the team are deployed on the bridge deck, and they are also in charge of dozens of fireboats.

The two cannons are placed one in the South Village and one in the North Village, both facing the water surface of the North Stream of the Rongjiang River.

As for Li Chenggong himself, he was sitting in the Beizhai camp, waiting energetically for Qiu Hui's navy to come to his death, and at the same time asked his nephew and personal soldier to send the general Li Rucai to the official road north of Beixi Bridge to set up a Cards to collect money - greedy or greedy!

Although Li Chenggong is an honest man, he will not falsely report military exploits, let alone kill good men and pretend to be meritorious, but corruption and bribery are still possible.Even if he doesn't know how to be greedy, his nephew who is 20 years older than him, Li Rucai, who has been working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for many years, will teach him how to be greedy!

But this afternoon, Li Chenggong, who was waiting for Li Rucai to repay him in his big tent of the Chinese army, never thought that his nephew, who had been a slave for most of his life and could not climb up, would meet him now. The fellow from Beijing, He Shen and the big guard...

Chapter 050 He Shen, Why Are You Rebelling?

"Solwei...Solwei, Abby...Gihengge?"

At the checkpoint in the north of Beixi Bridge, when the general manager Li Rucai yelled this very blunt Manchurian, his voice was hoarse and his voice trembled.

Not because of anything else, but because of the very suspicious team that appeared in front of him, everyone was dressed as Eight Banners soldiers!

Eight Banners Soldiers!

For Li Rucai and Li Nucai who have been a banner slave for most of his life, and his slave luck is not good, he is not very capable, and he can't even speak Manchurian, so he has been unable to climb up. ah!

Don't look at how fierce he was when he met those vendors who brought illegal salt and sugar to Jieyang County to sell, but now he saw three hundred guys dressed as Eight Banners soldiers, but he was so nervous that he couldn't even speak.

As soon as Li Rucai finished speaking, he saw a man with a big beard and a yellow mandarin jacket riding a tall horse approaching him. He opened his mouth and cursed at him!

"What are you doing? Where did you come from, you bastard? What are you bluffing about?"

Li Rucai's calf became weak when he heard the curse words!

I won’t talk about Beijing movies, and Manchurian and Chinese are mixed together... The "ganha", "corner", "momojiji" and "zhehu" are all Manchurian!And mixing Manchurian with Beijing movies is the most popular way of speaking among the Eight Banners in Beijing.

How can the rebels in Guangdong come up with such a mixture of Manchu and Han in Beijing?This kind of colloquial language is spoken by people inside and outside Sijiu City, but no one speaks it in the northeast.

This... can't be wrong!

He took a closer look and found that the bearded man looked familiar—couldn't he be familiar, he caught his picture and posted it everywhere!

But Li Rucai didn't think about that, but took it for granted that he must have seen this big guard in Beijing.

Thinking of this, Li Rucai hurriedly put on a smile, and stopped speaking the blunt Manchurian dialect, but changed into Beijing Chinese: "Little Li Rucai is also a slave under the banner, and now he is the general manager of the Zhongjun Camp in Chaozhen...Look at this The master looks familiar, I wonder which flag it is from?"

Zhu Hesheng almost didn't laugh when he heard Li Rucai's self-introduction and questions.He even tricked an old Beijinger. It seems that he still learned something real during his years of studying in Beijing.

"You dog slave asked me which flag is it? Don't you know how to look for yourself?" He raised his whip and pointed at the yellow dragon flag.

"Ah, I'm so dazed, I didn't see it..." Although Li Rucai didn't dare to doubt the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners, almost a high official with a yellow banner appeared in Chaozhou Prefecture, Guangdong Province with a number of Eight Banners soldiers... It's a little bit Suspicious!

"I don't know this master's name?" Li Chenggong asked again.

"Miangui," Zhu Hesheng said, "The surname is Niu Hulu! Niu Hulu Heshen, the third-class guard in front of the imperial court!"

When Zhu Hesheng said this, he deliberately raised his chin and looked at people with his nostrils, looking like an annoying uncle.

Niu Hulu Heshen, the third-class bodyguard in front of the imperial court?Li Rucai said inwardly: "This imperial guard came out of Beijing... and brought so many people with him, he must be sent by the emperor's envoy, right?"

Thinking of this, Li Rucai carefully inquired again: "I don't know why you came to Guangdong with the guards all the way?"

Zhu Hesheng snorted: "Is that something you can ask?"

Li Rucai looked embarrassed, "And the guards, the younger one is also guarding here under the order of Li Canrong from the Chaozhen Central Army..."

"Li Shenrong?" Zhu Hesheng smiled, and his tone eased, as if he knew Li Chenggong, "Ah, you are Li Chenggong's person? Who are you?"

"The younger one is Li Canrong's nephew, a slave under Zhengbaiqi's banner."

Zhu Hesheng's tone slowed down a bit, and he asked with a smile, "That's the coat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! Where did you work as an errand? Why did you go to Guangdong to become a boss?"

Li Rucai replied with a smile: "The young one is indeed the coat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Before that, he had been working as an errand in Huangzhuang next to Zizhuyuan...he couldn't make it, so he followed Li Canrong to Guangdong to try his luck."

"Oh... Purple Bamboo Courtyard?" The expressions on Zhu Hesheng's face suddenly brightened, "I know the place well, I can walk around a few times with my eyes closed!"

This is the truth, he stayed in that area for four years, except for studying and wandering around.

Zhu Hesheng asked again: "Which side of the Purple Bamboo Courtyard is your Huangzhuang? Is it near the Wanshou Temple or the Yuyuan Lake?"

"Neither, it's on the east side of the Purple Bamboo Courtyard!"

"Oh!" Zhu and Sheng nodded repeatedly, "I know, I know, there are quite a lot of animals, birds and beasts there!"

Isn't that right, to the east of Zizhuyuan is the Beijing Zoo!

"Yes, yes, there are many birds and beasts over there, and the disciples of the Eight Banners often go hunting there." Li Rucai asked with a smile, "You and the guards must have hunted there too, right?"

"No! I haven't been hunting there before." Zhu Hesheng immediately shook his head, joking, and went hunting at the Beijing Zoo...

"That's right, that's right, the Eight Banners don't like hunting very much these years." Li Rucai nodded again and again, and there was no doubt in his heart.The one in front of me and the guard must be real. Not only do they have the same accent, but they are also quite familiar with the area in the west of Beijing, so they must have lived in Beijing often.

At this time, Zhu Hesheng waved at Mr. Guo Youde, who was beside him again, "Youde, quickly bring King Pingnan's token!"

"Hey!" Guo Youde already had an envelope in his hand, and immediately handed it over, "You take it."

He is from Tianjin, and he doesn't know how to speak Beijing movies of the Qing Dynasty, but Zhu Hesheng still taught him a few words, so it's not a big problem to be a little confused.

Zhu Hesheng took the envelope and took out the token inside - the so-called "token" is not a card, but a piece of paper, on which a military order is written, and then the corresponding seal is used, it is called "token" .

Li Rucai took the token with both hands and glanced at it, and saw the big seal of Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi, it looked very real!

Then he looked at the words on the token, and it turned out to be a pass token—with this token, there is no hindrance in the territory of Guangdong!Oh, of course it is unimpeded in the territory controlled by the Qing Dynasty!

Although Zhu Hesheng didn't say much, Li Rucai had already figured it out.

It is true that He Shen and the bodyguards came to Guangdong for the emperor's mission... and the mission they did was also related to Pingnan Wangfu and Xushungongfu.This matter is probably to bring the Mrs. Tai and the young Duke Xushun back to Beijing together, right?Now the imperial envoy Mi Sihan has arrived in Chaozhou, so Shang Shuying and Shen Rui are a little in the way.

"Okay..." Zhu Hesheng waved to Li Rucai, took back the token, handed it to Mr. Guo for safekeeping, and then said with a smile, "Mr. Li, lead the way and take me to meet Li Canrong."

"Alright, little one will lead the way."

Li Rucai has already made up the reason why "Heshen" came to Guangdong in his own brain, and also firmly believes that "Heshen" is the real Eight Banners, so of course he has to be obedient.Immediately, he called his green camp soldiers to move away the refusal horses blocking the way, and sent someone to report to Li Chenggong, while he graciously led the way in front of Zhu Hesheng's horses.

However, Li Chenggong was smarter than his old nephew Li Rucai, and he knew something was wrong as soon as he heard the report from the subordinates.

How could there be [-] Eight Banners soldiers strolling to Guangdong at this moment to do some imperial business?Even if soldiers of the Eight Banners come to Guangdong, they will be under the command of the imperial envoy Mi Sihan!

If there is such a thing, how could he, Li Chenggong, not know?

This must be a fraud!

Li Chenggong, who realized the fraud, immediately greeted dozens of green battalion soldiers, copied the guy and went to the camp gate.

But he was still one step too late!When he arrived at the gate of the camp, he found that his old nephew Li Rucai had already led a group of guys who looked like soldiers of the Eight Banners outside, and was calling to open the gate!

And the Green Battalion soldiers guarding the gate knew that it was the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers who came to Guangdong on business, so how could they dare to neglect?It's already opening!

In addition, Li Chenggong saw from a distance that some other "Eight Banners soldiers" had formed a team at the entrance of Beixi Bridge, and they looked like they were about to charge!

Min Zhuang and Tuan Ding who guarded the bridge crowded on the bridge deck to watch the fun, many of them didn't even have weapons!

"Prepare for war! Prepare for war... Those Eight Banners soldiers are rebels!" Li Chenggong knew that the disaster was coming, and hurriedly shouted.

But I don't know what he was thinking, and he actually shouted the stupid words "The Eight Banners soldiers are rebels" in a panic.As a result, the green camp soldiers in the camp and the Tuan Ding and Min Zhuang on the bridge were all stunned.

The Eight Banners soldiers also rebelled?Could it be...they are Oboi's people?

And Li Rucai's stupid reaction was quite interesting, he turned around and looked at Zhu Hesheng in horror, and asked loudly, "He guard, why did you rebel?"

At this time, he thought that Zhu Hesheng was the real Eight Banners!

Zhu Hesheng was very clever. Hearing this, he immediately opened his voice and shouted: "I am waiting for Taifu Ao's kindness, and today is the time to repay... Kill me and avenge Taifu Ao!"

What?To avenge Taifu Ao?These people are really Oboi's henchmen!

The Green Battalion soldiers under Li Chenggong, as well as Min Zhuang and Tuan Ding on the Beixi Bridge were even more confused now.

However, several "hammer throwers" under Zhu Hesheng had quietly prepared the grenade hammer. Before the Qing soldiers could react, they lit the "fire talisman", and then threw the hammer into Li Chenggong's camp and the north. Throw it on the creek bridge...

Chapter 051 Obai is reversed!


After two loud noises, Li Chenggong was overturned to the ground by a rushing air wave, and a big head rushed down, slamming on the muddy ground, making him dizzy.

Before he could react, the sound of horseshoes was already ringing in his ears!

This is the iron cavalry of the "Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers" going to charge!

Li Chenggong was really dizzy from the fall, and such absurd thoughts came to his mind.Although this idea is extremely absurd, Li Chenggong is still shrouded in suffocating fear at the moment.

As a second-generation banner slave, his fear of the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners can be said to be inherent in him, and this fear has been carved into his soul.

As long as he thought of the cavalry of the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers coming to kill him, he would be so frightened that he could not think or move, let alone resist.

But he still plucked up the courage to look at the gate of his big camp, only to see a group of Eight Banners cavalry rushing towards the half-open camp gate.The Green Battalion soldiers who were supposed to close the door were staggered by the explosion just now, and some of the rest also ran away.

Of course, the half-open camp gate could not stop the slow-charging "Eight Banners Soldiers", and soon the gate was rushed by horses trotting all the way.At this time, Li Chenggong could see that something was wrong. Most of the horses under the crotch of those "Eight Banners Soldiers" were pony horses... At first glance, they looked like Dian horses and Sichuan horses. Eight Banners soldiers would not ride such horses!

Moreover, Li Chenggong also found that the equestrian skills of the "Eight Banners soldiers" were terrible. When the pony horses under their crotches started to trot, many people leaned on the horses' backs to avoid falling... How could the equestrian skills of the Eight Banners soldiers be so bad?

In the end, Li Chenggong also discovered that this group of Eight Banners soldiers seemed to be unable to ride and shoot. Although they all carried bows and arrows, none of them used them. Only a few of them looked better at equestrian skills. Hammer that explodes!

There was a fireball after a while, and there was a rumbling sound. Within the range of the fireball, many green battalion soldiers were directly knocked down, and some people let out waves of screams and exclamations.

The screams are of course miserable!

And the exclamation... is enough to startle people's jaws.

"It's not good, Oboi's henchmen rebelled!"

"It's not good, Oboi's Eight Banners rebelled!"

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