After a while, a small bowl of gunpowder burned out, leaving only a small amount of residue in the iron bowl that was burned a little red.

"Okay, good stuff!" Lin Huo is an expert, of course he has seen the way, he looked at Zhu Hesheng, "Cannon Zhu, is this gunpowder from the Red Hair Country?"

Zhu Hesheng laughed: "Ah Hu, I made this myself!"

"You made it?" Lin Ahu's eyeballs were almost protruding, "Really?"

"Of course it's true," Zhu Hesheng said with a smile, "Ah Hu, don't you know that I'm good at refining gunpowder and using artillery? Isn't that how I got my name as Artillery Zhu?"

Just bullshit!Lin Ahu said inwardly: "Who doesn't know that your Cannon Zhu Huaming got it because you have a particularly bad temper?"

Zhu Hesheng had already stood up, and waved at Lin Ahu, Ma Xiucai, and Old Man Li, "Come, come with me, I have something better for you to see!"

Chapter 045 Boys, come and work!


A grenade hammer exploded in an open space outside the Zhujiawei building!

This grenade hammer is much more "advanced" than the "jug-shaped" grenade hammer that Chen Jinnan and Qiu Hui saw last time.The main reason is that the hammer head is more like a hammer—it is no longer made with a jug, but by the master coin maker of Dahao's Dongyin Money Factory, who opened the mold and cast it according to the wooden model Zhu Hesheng gave them. A hollow copper hammer that can be loaded with up to four liang of powder (you can add less sweet gunpowder and add some copper pieces at the same time).

Therefore, this type of grenade hammer can not only explode and hurt people, but also can be used to smash people's heads. One hammer can be used for two purposes. It is definitely the best tool for killing demons, punishing traitors, and fighting the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty!

Moreover, once this type of grenade hammer reaches the mass production scale, it will change the mode of future warfare.

Perhaps the scene of queuing up to be shot will never appear on the battlefields of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Maybe launching a grenade hammer with a large Y-shaped slingshot is the most common scene in future wars!In the future, the French emperor's army may go to the battlefield with slingshots and copper hammers.

Of course, the Y-shaped slingshot has not yet been developed - this thing needs to be opened with a golden finger of vulcanized rubber.Vulcanized rubber is not difficult to make, but Zhu Hesheng can't buy natural rubber now, so Zhu Hesheng can only make do with a counterweight trebuchet.

At the same time, he also selected [-] or [-] "rebel" soldiers with strong arms to practice bombing outside Gucheng Village every day with a training hammer filled with sand.

Zhu Hesheng himself is also training and throwing bombs these days, and he spends an hour practicing every day...the rest of the time he has to focus on production, promote learning, and have to deal with small powerhouses like Ma Chenglong, Li Youcai, and Lin Ahu. He is really busy. .

To be honest, it's really hard to be a great warlord in this entrepreneurial stage!

"Three, how are you doing?" Zhu Hesheng was standing behind a parapet built with sandbags at this time, pointing at the dozens of scarecrows in front of him that had been blown up by a grenade hammer, and looked at Lin Ahu and Ma Xiucai quite proudly. The three of them, Old Man Li, said, "This one, which blows up a large area, is better than the turtledove's foot musket, right? Lin Ahu, can your cannon open flower bombs? Can the flower bombs fired have such power?"

"Cannon Zhu...Young master, isn't this grenade hammer filled with ordinary gunpowder? Looking at the power, it is several times stronger than ordinary gunpowder!" Lin Ahu's name for Zhu Hesheng has changed, and he dare not call Changed his nickname, but called him "Young Master" respectfully.

Zhu Hesheng saw that the "tiger" was convinced, and quickly shook his body, looking at Li Youcai and Ma Chenglong with burning eyes.

The two hurriedly bowed and saluted, calling them "young master".

Zhu Hesheng immediately showed a smiling face, his "fierce" has been sublimated now, there is no need to yell, fight, swear, or put on a straight face, others will know his "fierce".Because he mastered the most powerful weapon in the seventeenth century-sweet gunpowder!

"Ahu," Zhu Hesheng said to Lin Ahu with a smile, "You guessed it right, a new type of gunpowder with a particularly powerful power is added to this grenade hammer... This gunpowder was invented by me, and now it is the only gunpowder in the world. I will do it! The Tartars don’t have any, so they can only be bombed!”

Are there any tartars?

So, is there really something to be said about anti-Qing and Fuming?

"Young master," Li Youcai, a big salt lord, was careful in his work, so he asked again, "Is this new type of gunpowder difficult to make? What raw materials are used?"

This is a military secret!

However, Zhu Hesheng is still willing to disclose the patents to the three small tyrants in front of him.

He laughed and said, "The main raw materials of the new gunpowder are fire nitrate and white sugar!"

"White sugar?" Ma Xiucai and Ma Chenglong's eyes lit up, "It's easy to handle! Our Longjing is rich in white sugar!"

In addition to a Gucheng fishing village in Longjingdu, there is also a large area of ​​sugarcane land, which produces a large amount of white sugar for export every year - white sugar is much more expensive than beef these days (the price in Dahao can reach five or six Ten cents a catty, in Beijing and Nanjing it costs hundreds of cents), so it is still very profitable to grow sugar cane to produce white sugar... If white sugar can further become an "arms", the price will be even more expensive!

Zhu Hesheng nodded and said with a smile: "Although the materials of this new type of gunpowder are not complicated, it is quite troublesome to prepare... and this new type of gunpowder is too powerful to be used to fire bullets and shells, so black powder is still needed. of."

He glanced at Lin Ahu, Li Youcai, and Ma Chenglong, and said: "Since you call me young master, then I can't just make a fortune by myself, and I do big things, but Isn’t he a businessman who only knows about money?”

What does it mean?

Do you have money to make together?

This young master can do it, he is more interesting than the boss!

All three looked at Zhu Hesheng eagerly.

Zhu Hesheng snapped his fingers and said, "Heaping nitrate, making nitrate, making black powder, and making sweet powder are all handicrafts... I can pass it on, but you all know the rules, right? You have to learn from a teacher!"

All three nodded, but no one knelt down and called Master.

Zhu Hesheng laughed and said: "Of course, the three of you are old, I can't take you as disciples, and I can also teach the Fa!

There are quite a few bright boys among your three clans, right?Pick 100 people and send them here, and the age should not be too young. I will be their master personally if they are above 12 years old or below. "

Zhu Hesheng said that the rules of apprenticeship are the "feudal bad habits", that is, "three-year apprenticeship, two-year service", "teacher's order and family law are the most important", "if you betray the teacher, you must clean up the door", etc. of.

So he can't teach Lin Ahu, Li Youcai, and Ma Chenglong...these three are powerful and powerful, and it is impossible to really abide by the rules of master and apprentice.At most, the three of them would give Zhu Hesheng a student post, and form a teacher-student in name, it is impossible to really teach skills.

But if you really want to learn art, you can only choose young people from the three tribes to worship Zhu Hesheng as teachers.

In other words, the three hundred young men will work for Zhu and Sheng Bai for five years!

Not only for nothing, but also to learn the skills and knowledge that Zhu Hesheng wants them to learn-if you have to teach them slowly for five years, you will have to teach hundreds of "secondary two youths", right?

In addition to these 30 young men, Zhu Hesheng also had [-] young soldiers from Tianwangzhai, Da Boling also recruited [-] to [-] young men from Jinghai Fort, and Qiu Hui also sent [-] to [-] young soldiers.

In addition, Zhu Hesheng also plans to recruit some businessmen's children from Haimen Port and Dahao Island to learn art, and try to get him [-] young people in the second grade of middle school.

In this way, there will be no shortage of labor in Zhu Hesheng's nitrate collection field and gunpowder factory!

Moreover, Zhu Hesheng could also arm them and turn them into "workers' armed forces"... Workers' armed forces fought against the feudal army, wouldn't that be devastating?

As soon as Zhu Hesheng finished speaking, Lin Ahu, Li Youcai, and Ma Chenglong felt ecstasy in their hearts, and thanked Zhu Hesheng one after another.

"This is great, the young master is willing to teach them, it is their blessing!"

"Thank you, young master, for preaching. I will go back and recruit people for you. I will keep recruiting 100 people!"

"Young Master's kindness, Narita will definitely remember it!"

Because Guangdong has not been stable and peaceful for many years, and after the troubled times of the late Ming Dynasty, the contradiction between man and land disappeared, and the food supply was relatively sufficient, so the birth rate was relatively high, and there were more half-children of each clan.

These half-sized children can't do the heavy work of adults, but they eat more than adults. It would be great if they could send some out to learn crafts.

Seeing that the three were already convinced, Zhu Hesheng couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.After these three families handed over a hundred teenagers, Zhu Hesheng could completely control the capitals of Narita, Longtian, and Longjing.

He, the great warlord of the five villages, has finally come to fruition.

Thinking of this, Zhu Hesheng put away his smiling face: "You three, I really regard you as my own... But do you really regard me as the young master?"

This is a condition!

Where can I teach others the real skills for nothing?

Lin Ahu, Ma Chenglong, and Li Youcai hurriedly patted their chests to promise.

"You are our young master!"

"The young master has orders, Ah Hu is omnipotent!"

"Young master, just give the order!"

Zhu Hesheng nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Okay! Since you all recognize me as the young master, then you also recognize my father, the heavenly king Zhu, as the master...then let's work together to unite my father-in-law and the big brother Hui to get my father out of the house." Fish it out from the besieged city of Guiyu!"

Chapter 046 Everything is under control!

Send troops!

When Lin Ahu, Ma Chenglong, and Li Youcai heard that they were going to send troops, they were all a little embarrassed.

Qing soldiers are still very fierce!

Sending troops to fight will kill people... and there are not many strong men in these three families, so they can't afford to die!

The three of them were silent, Zhu and Sheng thought they had already agreed, and instead of talking nonsense with them, they asked Da Boling beside him, "Auntie, how many strong men and muskets are there in Longjingdu, Longtiandu, and Narita? requisition?"

This matter cannot be hidden from Da Boling, because the Su family of Jinghai Fort, the Ma family of Longjing, the Li family of Longtian, and the Lin family of Narita intermarried. How many strong men are there in these three families?

"Young master," Daboling said with a smile, "Longjing has 330 strong men, with 220 to 160 firearms; Longtian has 22 people, with more than [-] firearms; Narita has [-] people, with [-] firearms , and two cannons."

Zhu Hesheng said: "Erding draws one, and half of the musket is drawn, and the cannon is not drawn. In addition, you must prepare your own knives, guns, bows and arrows, and you don't need to prepare rations and gunpowder... Auntie!"

"Here!" Da Boling knew that Zhu Hesheng was going to give her an order, so she clasped her fists and obeyed.

"How many men and muskets are there in Jinghai Fort?"

"Jinghai Fort has 74 strong men and 12 muskets." Da Boling replied truthfully, "Twelve of them are in the Guiyu Capital Army."

"I want the rest!" Zhu Hesheng was not polite at all, and ordered in an unquestionable tone, "Auntie, you also have to follow the army!"

Listen to it?What are you going to do with me?Da Boling glanced at Zhu Hesheng with a serious face, and replied respectfully: "Design!"

How she respectfully obeys is of course to set an example for others to see. In fact, the Su family in Jinghai Fort has always been a part of the Tianwangzhai forces.Half of the strong men and musketeers of the Su family have already followed Zhu Jushan, Zhu Hesheng, and the remaining half are also ready to obey.

Zhu Hesheng looked at Lin Ahu, Ma Chenglong, and Li Youcai again, his eyes had become very sharp.

Lin Ahu, Ma Chenglong, and Li Youcai didn't dare to stand up anymore, so they had to agree loudly.



"Young master, Ah Hu will personally lead the strong men of the clan to serve in front of your army!"

Zhu Hesheng nodded: "Okay! Three days later, the young men of Longjing, Longtian, Narita and Jinghaibao will all gather in Gucheng Village!"

Longjingdu, Longtiandu, and Narita all need to send 360 troops this time, Jinghaibao will send 63 troops (including Daboling), and Zhu Hesheng's own Tianwangzhai will dispatch [-] soldiers (including Zhu Hesheng) this time. )... In addition, there are sixty young soldiers (from Tianwangzhai and Jinghai Fort) who can be dispatched together.

Therefore, Zhu Hesheng, the warlord of the five villages, will lead an "army" of 590 four people to Jieyang County this time!

And the reason why he dispatched "so many people" was not to gain more confidence on the battlefield, but to divide up the territory after winning.This is all written in the tricks of the military master Zhuge who was trapped in the capital of Guiyu... Sending more troops seems to be a great contribution, and the contribution can naturally be divided into a little more territory.

And which one to eat after winning the battle, military division Zhuge also planned it out.

Jieyang County, which is located in the heart of Chaozhou, can’t be taken, but Huilai County, which is located at the western foot of Danan Mountain, can be taken. Then, relying on Danan Mountain, it can take the route of "building a city high, accumulating grain widely, and becoming king slowly". developed...

It's just that the "iron evidence" that Zhu Jushan is the third prince of Zhu is almost delivered to Emperor Kangxi's South Study Room. Is this still keeping a low profile?


Zhu Hesheng was right. It is impossible for him and his cheap father to keep a low profile now... How could it be possible to keep a low profile when the third prince and grandson of Zhu in the Qing Dynasty?

Moreover, the identities of the third prince Zhu and the third grandson of the two of them have already been firmly established. Emperor Kangxi almost wrote them on the pillar of the South Study Room. Why are you keeping a low profile?

In addition, Da Laohui's actions these days also made Mi Sihan, the imperial envoy of the Qing Dynasty who supervised the military affairs ministers of Guangdong and Fujian, very nervous.

The big brother Hui was not idle when Zhu Hesheng was busy "starting a business". While they were assembling a large army, they were preparing to fight a big battle to seize Jieyang, Puning, Chaoyang, Huilai and other places; at the same time, they sent troops to surround Chaoyang County. And with a thousand elite soldiers, they advanced to the outskirts of the capital of Guiyu by water.

Don't look at the big brother Hui who only dispatched a mere 2000 people, but he put great pressure on the Qing army in Chaozhou Prefecture.

Because the two groups of Qiu Jiajun used Tianlei fried pots when they fought against the Qing army for the first time!

Although the number was not large, a total of more than a dozen were thrown away, but it also scared Deng Guangming who was besieging the capital of Guiyu... If it wasn't for the imperial envoy who was about to arrive in Guangdong, Deng Guangming might have retreated back.

As for the Qing army in Chaoyang City, it was even worse. Chaoyang City was already under the control of the big brother Hui, and the Qing army only had a county seat and three fortresses very close to the county seat.Because Qiu Hui's offensive ability is very weak, he has been unable to do anything to these four strongholds.

But this time, the Qiu family army used the clever trick of throwing cannons and throwing thunder from the sky. Within a day, they captured or forced to land three forts outside Chaoyang County, killing or capturing two to three hundred green battalion soldiers and civilians, and turning Chaoyang County into a city. It has become a real lonely city, and it is really in danger!

And the thing that made Mi Sihan feel more serious when he took office was "Qiu Hui ordered more troops. Like Zhu Hesheng, Qiu Hui also issued some military orders to the townships below, but the townships under Qiu Hui's jurisdiction are all a bit Too many, a hundred or so! But he can't recruit as many apprentices as Zhu Hesheng, his craft is raising ducks... this craft is not very valuable.

So he asked each township below to send fifty troops, and the order to send out ten guns was a bit slow to execute, and there was a lot of movement, and the news would inevitably leak out—the situation in these townships is the same as the three guns Zhu Hesheng got. The townships are almost the same, and they are all controlled by a group of powerful clans.Many of these clans are on two boats, and there are also semicolons and even general names in the Qing Dynasty!

That's why Mi Sihan, who took office as a new official, moved his imperial envoy to supervise the Guangdong and Fujian military affairs yamen to Mianhuzhai, and he learned the news of "Qiu Hui's large order of troops". Of course, he also learned that Chaoyang County was in danger and Guiyu was in danger. The news that the encirclement of the capital is difficult to maintain.

More than a hundred townships all sent fifty troops, that's 5000 people!In addition, ten muskets are produced every day, that is, a thousand muskets.Including Qiu Hui's headquarters, wouldn't there be [-] troops and [-] muskets?

Mi Sihan, who is familiar with military affairs, of course knows that this battle is not easy to fight.

And he also figured out that Shang Zhixin, the prince of Pingnan, had already made up his mind to support the bandits!

Because just the day before Mi Sihan arrived at Mianhu Village, Shang Zhixin sent all the flag soldiers and green battalion soldiers under the jurisdiction of the Pingnan Prince's Mansion stationed in Mianhu Village to the west of Mianhu Village under the pretext of encircling and suppressing the Danan Mountain bandit nest. Both Lin Tian and Mei Lin were gone.

Fortunately, Jin Guangzu, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and Liu Bingquan, the governor of Guangdong, knew how to be loyal to the emperor and patriotism. They sent their own supervisors and patrols, a total of [-] green battalion soldiers, to Mi Sihan's tent.

Otherwise, Mi Sihan, the imperial envoy and warlord, would almost have no army to supervise.

The governors of Guangdong and Guangxi and the governors of Guangdong took the lead, and the people below naturally knew how to stand in line.

A few days later, Yan Ziming, the admiral of Guangdong, recognized the situation, and personally brought 2000 people who raised his bid from Huizhou Mansion (the admiral of Guangdong was stationed in Huizhou) to Mianhuzhai to listen.

Later, Liu Jinzhong, the general soldier of Chaozhen, who had been supporting his own self-respect, also drove to Mianhu Village with his Chinese army camp—it seemed that he also recognized the situation!

After all, the Qing Dynasty will rule the world!

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