"Good lord, what did you use to make this kind of gunpowder? Come and tell me..."

When Chen Yonghua was bursting into tears with excitement, Qiu Hui was impatient to ask Zhu Hesheng for the formula of strong gunpowder, and he even called Zhu Hesheng a good uncle!

It has to be said that Qiu Hui still has a few brushes for being able to occupy a place for the Ming Dynasty in the Chaozhou Mansion in the tenth year of Kangxi.

At least people know when to bet decisively!

Seeing the effect of the "fierce gunpowder" explosion, Qiu Hui already knew that the rumor that the Xushun government's flag soldiers lost a small two hundred was true.

And he also knows that if Zhu Qipao is willing to come up with the formula of strong gunpowder, then he can join forces with Tianwang Zhu and Huopao Zhu to take down the entire Chaozhou Prefecture!

The Yanping Palace may also take over the Quanzhang Second Mansion!

With such great interests in front of him, Huanpao Zhu's temper is certainly not a shortcoming... So Huopao Zhu is now his good uncle.

And this sound of good uncle stunned Zhu Hesheng!

Why does this big guy Hui call me my good uncle?Zhu Hesheng said heartily: "Is he going to recruit me as his son-in-law? Looking at him, his daughter must be a vicious tigress, right? No, his daughter seems to be pretty, what is her name Qiu Shuzhen..."

Ah, I finally remembered!

Thinking of the name Qiu Shuzhen, Zhu Hesheng remembered everything.He himself, no, it should be the original version of Zhu Qipao who "chased" Qiu Shuzhen for a while, but Qiu Hui always looked down on Zhu Qipao.

A few months ago, Zhu Qipao begged his old bean Zhu Jushan to ask eunuch Pang to protect the big media.But the matchmaker insisted that "the whereabouts are unknown". Although the big brother Hui didn't refuse directly, he didn't nod in agreement either.Just like that, there is no more text...

But why is he a "good uncle" now?Zhu Hesheng thought: "It must be that he saw the power of sweet powder and wanted to get the formula of sweet powder, so he wanted to marry his daughter to me, right? But what about aunt Da Boling? After marrying Qiu Shuzhen, how did aunt arrange it? Let her be a concubine or a concubine? Will this make her feel sorry for her god-aunt Daboling?

However, Da Laohui's support is also very important to the anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty cause. Only with his support can I, the third grandson of Zhu, come true!

I became the third grandson of Zhu, so this anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty movement can have a leader who is far-sighted and determined..."

Just when Zhu Hesheng was deep in thought, Qiu Hui's daughter, Qiu Shuzhen, Miss Qiu Si, appeared out of nowhere (she had been mixed with Qiu Hui's personal army just now), and rushed over like a gust of wind. Pulling his father's arm, he asked, "Abba, Aba, what did you call Brother Pao just now?"

"Hi, uncle!" Qiu Hui said with a smile: "Zouzi (daughter), your father has already agreed to your marriage with Huanpao Zhu... Huanpao Zhu, you must treat Shuzhen well in the future, and you must never hit her! No matter how bad you are, you are not allowed to fight, do you understand?"

As soon as Qiu Shuzhen heard this, she pursed her lips and started to laugh, her eyebrows curled up.At this time, Zhu Hesheng also recognized Qiu Shuzhen who was disguised as a man in front of him, and smelled a faint fragrance from her body, and his heart moved slightly.Although Shuzhen was still dressed as a servant, she didn't put any makeup on her face.But Zhu Hesheng still saw a beautiful face with fair skin and exquisite features.

Zhu Hesheng thought to himself: "This Qiu Shuzhen is really good-looking, at least her face is not inferior to that of a dry aunt..."

"My uncle, my uncle...why are you so happy and stupid?" How did Qiu Hui know that Zhu Hesheng was in trouble?I thought that Zhu Qipao, who had been "chasing" Shuzhen for a long time, was stunned happily, so he stepped forward with a smile, and took Zhu Hesheng's hand, "Don't be stupid, I have something good to tell you... Shuzhen The jewel in my palm, of course, the dowry cannot be given less, silk and satin, jewels and goldware, how about giving eighteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight silver first?"

Big brother Hui is really rich!

However, Zhu Hesheng has great ambitions and will not covet the 800 taels.

So he remained calm.

Qiu Hui was also surprised by Zhu Hesheng's silence.

Is this too little?How did the cannon Zhu become so greedy after being tortured by three corrupt officials Deng Guangming, Xue Zhang, and Fengmingshan?

Thinking of this, he glanced at his precious daughter Qiu Shuzhen again, Xiao Ziniang was looking at him, her own father, pouted!

The boss Hui gritted his teeth, and said again: "In addition to the three capitals of Longjing, Longtian, and Narita, I will give it to you together. Is this the head office?"

Hearing that the big brother Hui had come up with three townships next to Dananshan, Zhu Hesheng knew that he was going to let his aunt down.

He may not care about money, but he cannot ignore the population of these three townships, as well as the nitrate gathering place in Gucheng Village.

Zhu Hesheng has already noticed the sparse population of Chaozhou in this era (in fact, it is already densely populated compared with other places in the country), and the population of his family's base in Dananshan is even smaller, probably less than [-].

However, the three townships proposed by Da Laohui are rare "densely populated" places, with at least six or seven hundred farmers and fishermen.One soldier per household, that's six or seven hundred troops!

In addition, Longjing among these three townships is located on a long and narrow peninsula in Lianjiangkou. Not only is it easy to defend and difficult to attack, but it also has a humid and cool climate (cool by Guangdong standards), and it is very easy to obtain rotten fish and rotten shrimp. It is definitely a treasure land where a large number of salt ponds can be built!

And now Zhu Hesheng realizes that he is not very familiar with his dry aunt, and he is not the original Zhu Qipao, and he is not a "childhood sweetheart" with Da Boling, but a greedy body... Although Da Boling's body is really greedy, But this is not noble and pure love, this is vulgar pornography!This is the human desire in the legend, which must be hidden first, and then slowly wiped out!

Zhu Hesheng thought to himself: "In order to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, I must preserve the principles of heaven and hide people's desires! Well, that's it for now... As for my aunt Daboling, I will figure out a way later!"

Thinking of this, Zhu Hesheng immediately put on a standard face of being filial to his son-in-law, bowed to the big brother Hui, and said: "Lao Taishan is here, and I will be worshiped by my son-in-law Zhu Qipao! My son-in-law must treat Shu well." Really, never let her be wronged!"

"Okay, okay," Qiu Hui laughed, and took Zhu Hesheng's hand, "Let's go back to the general's office... I am happy today, and I want to have a good time with you, uncle!"


When Zhu Hesheng "changed his mind", his god-aunt Da Boling, factory boss Pang Yongzhong, master Guo Youde, and the others had already arrived in the Yu family enclosure outside Haimen Port.

Yujiaweilou is much smaller than Pangjiaweilou, it is a circular one-story building.When Da Boling, Pang Yongzhong, and Guo Youde arrived, the 50-[-]-year-old tall and thin Yu Erye, who looked like a bamboo stick, had already finished Ding Wangxiang—Guangdong was being attacked by Li Chengdong It used to be the last refuge of a large number of Ming Dynasty officials and clan princes.At that time, there were a total of more than [-] palaces in the city of Guangzhou!

After the fall of Guangzhou, these twenty or so palaces were all destroyed, and a large number of phoenix sons and grandsons were exiled among the people, which naturally caused a large number of royal artifacts to be lost, and ivory waist cards are the worst things on the street, real or fake , I do not know how much outflow?

Second Master Yu liked this, so naturally he collected a lot, took out a piece of paper to smooth out the handwriting on it, and re-engraved the word "Ding Wang".

But the imperial edicts of King Ding Jinyin and Emperor Chongzhen are a bit difficult to get.

Among them, the silk script used to write the imperial decree has already been made, and the green and yellow silk script is old and looks like it, but Yu Erye can't imitate Chongzhen's handwriting.And he has never seen what kind of seal the emperor of the Ming Dynasty used when promulgating the internal decree?

As for the Prince's Gold Seal...Yu Erye has never seen that thing (gold, it can be turned into cash when melted), and he is not a goldsmith, so he can't cast that thing.

"This badge is not bad," Eunuch Pang inspected the badge in a study in the building around Yu's house, and then said to the second master, "Let me write the imperial decree... ...Anyway, Master Weimiao seldom writes edicts, and most of his edicts are written by the ceremonial supervisor."

While talking, he took a piece of letter paper and a brush, and started to draft.But before he finished writing the draft, he heard a rush of footsteps outside the study, and then there was a "bang", and the door of the study was pushed open.

Eunuch Pang looked back and saw his adopted son, young father-in-law Pang Siming and Mr. Yu's son-in-law Si Wenbai standing outside the door with astonishment on their faces.

"What happened?" Eunuch Pang asked in surprise.

Second Master Yu also felt a little strange, "Grandpa, did you hear any news when you were buying fish and shrimp in Haimen Port?"

It turns out that today Svenbai and his little father-in-law Pang Siming went to Haimen Port to find a few big fish bosses to negotiate a long order for buying rotten fish and rotten shrimps—the nitrate pool has a huge demand for human and animal excrement or fish and shrimp. If you buy good fish and shrimp, you will lose money, so you have to use the method of buying leftovers to reduce costs.

But these two people heard a shocking rumor in the commercial port of Haimen Port!

Wen Bai said: "Second Uncle, something serious has happened! King Pingnan Shang Kexi sent troops to Dananshan, broke the Tianwang stronghold, and searched it from the Tianwang stronghold. He found the jade certificate, gold seal, waist plate and... ...and a seal handed down by Master Weimiao!"

"What?" Da Boling jumped up suddenly, "What did you say? Where did the news come from?"

Pang Siming took the question and replied loudly: "Mrs. Su, this news was brought by a private salt dealer from Puning County! Several waves of people have said so... It is said that it has spread all over Puning County!"

Chapter 035 Am I the third grandson of Zhu?

What?Shang Kexi dispatched troops?

Zhu Hesheng, who was discussing with Qiu Hui and Chen Yonghua in the lobby of Qiu Hui's other courtyard, how to attack Jieyang County, encircle Wei to save Zhao, and relieve the siege of Guiyu Capital, heard the news that his old nest was raided, and immediately couldn't sit still, and quickly stood up and stretched his legs Just go to the yard.

Chen Yonghua and Qiu Hui also got a little nervous, they glanced at each other, they also got up and followed out of the yard.

When they got outside the courtyard, the three of them realized that Da Bo Ling was not the only one outside, Scar Rong Qiu Rong, Factory Lord Pang Eunuch, Yu Erye Yu Zhongyi, Brave Su Suyong, Gentle Bai Bai Xiaowen, Master Guo Guo Youde, and the one who had been married to him. Zhu and Sheng's married Qiu Shuzhen are here!

And all of them have complicated expressions, and you can tell that something big has happened at a glance!

"What's going on?" Seeing so many people coming together, Zhu Hesheng knew that the accident was a bit serious!

"Cannon Zhu!" This time it was Qiu Rong who spoke, "Something has happened! The salt merchants and private merchants who came from Puning County and Jieyang County have brought news that it is good to see that old thief sent his son Shang Zhixin to oversee five thousand troops Dananshan...has broken your Tianwangzhai!"

How can this be?

Zhu Hesheng couldn't believe it, Shang Kexi lost his mind?Sending [-] troops into Danan Mountain to fight Tianwangzhai... What is there in Tianwangzhai that deserves his mobilization of troops to fight?This Tianwangzhai is located in the south of Danan Mountain, close to Qiu Hui's territory, far away from the Qing Dynasty's control area.

Moreover, the terrain around Tianwangzhai is very complicated, and there are many mountain trails. Tianwang Zhu has already built several small villages around Tianwangzhai to take refuge.As long as those who stayed behind in Tianwangzhai don't sleep to death and let others sneak attack, they can slip away before the Shang family's army launches an attack.

Besides, the money that Tianwang Zhu and Huo Pao Zhu had made over the years was stored in Eunuch Pang's "money factory", and there were only some rations in Tianwang Village, which were not worth much.Shang Kexi can't afford to mobilize the crowd to grab it!

Send five thousand troops!How much does it cost?

When Zhu and Sheng were at a loss, Guo Youde, the master of Tianjin, had already spoken: "The news from Puning and Jieyang said that it is still gratifying that although the old thief did not capture a few good men from Dananshan, he took the jade documents from his family. , the golden seal, the boa robe, and the imperial decree handed down by Master Wei Temple have all been copied... Heavenly King Zhu, the fact that Ni is the third grandson of Zhu is a vent!"


Zhu Hesheng was completely dumbfounded, how did this happen?Why is it different from what was written in Zhuge Junshi's tricks?

What's going on?Zhu Hesheng quickly looked at Eunuch Pang and Da Boling, as if asking, "What's the matter with you? Have you changed the script?"

Eunuch Pang and Da Boling also looked confused... They just got the waist card, and the imperial decree of Emperor Chongzhen just made a draft, and the gold seal still doesn't know how to get it?The boa robe didn't even think about it.

As a result, I got news that Shang Zhixin's soldiers had already obtained the waist badge, imperial decree, gold seal, boa robe and jade certificate!

Obviously, the waist badge, imperial decree, gold seal, boa robe and jade certificate that Shang Zhixin got were not fakes prepared by them...

Eunuch Pang thought about it carefully, and said, "Ah Paozhu, Shang Zhixin's waist plate, imperial decree, gold seal, boa robe and jade seal that the thief snatched are not fake..."

What?Not fake?

Is that true?

Qiu Hui and Chen Jinnan were all shocked when they heard what Eunuch Pang said!

Eunuch Pang is the true governor of the East Factory!

And when he was in Beijing back then, his status was not low. His godfather was Pang Tianshou, so where could he be?

If the third prince Zhu had really slipped out of Beijing back then, it was very likely that he was secretly taken out of Beijing by Pang Tianshou.Because Pang Tianshou went south on a business trip shortly before the fall of Beijing... The business trip was probably a cover, and his real mission was to cover the escape of the third prince Zhu.

Could it be that Zhu Jushan's true identity is Zhu Cijiong, the third prince of Zhu?

Although both Qiu Hui and Chen Jinnan knew that Zhu Jushan was the eldest son of the Tang king, it seems that apart from the official positions conferred by Emperor Longwu and Emperor Shaowu, there is no evidence to prove Zhu Jushan's identity... Maybe Emperor Longwu and Tang Wang Zhu Yu'e deliberately wanted to Conceal the true identity of the third prince Zhu.

In addition, why did Zhu Jushan sneak out with a group of people before the fall of Wencun?Why didn't Tang Wang Zhu Yue and his heirs run away?What qualifications does this Zhu Jushan have to take the first step?Is he particularly important?

Both Qiu Hui and Chen Jinnan looked at Zhu Hesheng, as if they wanted to get a definite answer from him.

But Zhu Hesheng was lost in thought... He had to think about whether he was the third grandson of Zhu or not!

The memory left to him by the original Zhu Qipao was shattered into a pile, and many things had to be thought about before he could remember... He didn't even remember the "semi-fiancee" Qiu Shuzhen's elegant lady, so he forgot his real grandfather It is not surprising that it is Emperor Chongzhen!

After thinking carefully for a while, Zhu Hesheng finally remembered who his real grandfather was in this life?

"No, it's not..." Zhu Hesheng slowly shook his head and said, "My grandfather is not Emperor Chongzhen, my grandfather is the eldest son of Tang Wang, a person of Lin's generation, taboo Lin... Lin Yu, Fengguo Lieutenant. "

In fact, his "truth" was not a slip of the tongue, but it was confessed by Zhuge Junshi's tricks.You can't just say that you are the third grandson of Zhu... You have to let eunuch Pang say it, and let Qiu Hui and Qiu Rong discover the "truth" by themselves!

And Chen Yonghua, Qiu Hui, Qiu Rong, and the others all looked skeptical after hearing Zhu Hesheng hesitantly say who their grandfather was——I don't believe you!

You have to think for a long time about who your grandfather is, you are lying!

The big brother Hui Qiu Hui was not happy at that time, and his face sank, "Master, we are all our own people, why don't you tell me the truth? You are the third grandson of Zhu, my big brother Hui I won't sell you either!"

Qiu Rong also nodded again and again: "That's right...my Dahao Qiu family is loyal to Daming!"

Who are these people?Zhu Hesheng said heartily: "No one will believe the truth... It's not that I deliberately deceive you, it's because you don't believe the truth and believe lies!"

Zhu Hesheng glanced at Chen Yonghua again, as if he wanted to hear the words of Grand Military Adviser Chen——Chen Yonghua was the prototype of Chen Jinnan, the military adviser of the Yanping Palace, and he should have a huge intelligence network in his hands. He must know a lot of truth. If he stays with him, then his third grandson Zhu will be in the mix.

But Zhu Hesheng saw Chen Yonghua frowning, and seemed to be in deep thought!

It turned out that Chen Yonghua had thought of the fact that Zhu Yihai, the governor of Lu, wanted to adopt Zhu Qipao as his heir...Zhu Yihai's sons were all lost in the troubled times, so he wanted to adopt a son from the Zhu family's clan.

For some reason, he fell in love with Zhu Qipao, Zhu Jushan’s son, and wanted Zhu Qipao to inherit the title of King Lu and the status of supervisor of the country, and also wanted Zhu Qipao to inherit the town of King Lu—this town of King Lu is an army designation. One of the 13 towns brought to the platform by Guo Xing Ye was formed by the old ministry of Lu Wang Zhu Yihai.

Zheng Jing also approved more than half of this matter... Zhu Qipao was not approved to be the supervisor of the state, but he agreed to Zhu Qipao to be the son of Lu, and also agreed to let Zhu Qipao inherit Lu Wangzhen when he became an adult.

But I didn't expect that Zhu Yihai, the supervisor of Lu, died of illness in Jinmen before he had time to adopt Zhu Qipao, and after his death, his youngest wife gave birth to a posthumous child, so this matter naturally became unresolved.

Chen Yonghua and Zheng Jing didn't think about it at the time, why did Zhu Yihai choose Zhu Qipao as his successor when there were so many Ming dynasty clans in Taiwan?And he also wanted Zhu Qipao to be the country supervisor!

There must be something inside here!

Now Chen Yonghua finally understands that Zhu Jushan is the third prince of Zhu, and Zhu Qipao is the grandson of the third Zhu. This is the orthodoxy of Ming Dynasty!

Chen Yonghua, who had been brainstorming for a long time, also noticed Zhu Hesheng's gaze, but he did not reveal the "truth".Because Yanping Wang Zhengjing doesn't necessarily want an orthodox Zhu Santai grandson...

Chen Yonghua said: "Qiu Zongbing, Qiu Taishou...don't press Lieutenant Fengguo. When you need to know something, you will naturally let you know!"


Qiu Hui and Qiu Rong suddenly realized that King Yanping and Junshi Chen knew that Zhu Jushan was the third prince Zhu!

It's just that this matter needs to be kept secret!This is a must, everyone can understand!

Zhu Hesheng was stunned, and said to himself: "What do you mean, Chen Jinnan? Can you speak? No! Do you know any secrets that the original version of Zhu Qipao doesn't know? No, I have to ask Lao Dou Heavenly King Zhu!"

Well!This imitation made Zhu and Sheng doubt themselves...

At this moment, Chen Yonghua spoke again, and the counselor of the Yanping Palace had a dignified look on his face: "Lieutenant Feng Guo, since the Pingnan Palace has sent [-] troops, we must mobilize more troops and prepare more mine bombers." That's all right, I'm afraid we can't send troops right away."

Qiu Hui also frowned and said: "My lord, to tell you the truth, although my Qiu family's army is known as more than ten thousand, there are only three thousand standing soldiers among them. If we want to send more soldiers and horses, we have to send orders to the subordinates. The order to count the troops...after all the troops are assembled, you need to practice a lot before you can send troops."

"When will it be delayed?" Zhu Hesheng seemed a little anxious - he hasn't asked whether his grandfather is the Chongzhen Emperor!

Qiu Hui thought for a while, and said, "At least 5000 troops will be dispatched this time! In other words, [-] people must be recruited from all townships... After some practice, I'm afraid the troops will not be dispatched until mid-October."

"It will take that long?"

"My lord, don't worry." Seeing Zhu Hesheng's worried expression, Qiu Hui added, "I can send [-] troops to surround Chaoyang County, and then ask Ah Rong to send [-] troops to go to Lianjiang and enter Xiashan. Deng Guangming will definitely divide his troops to support Chaoyang County and station troops to practice defense on the north bank of the river, so there will be no extra troops to attack Guiyu Capital."

"Then there will be a father-in-law." Zhu Hesheng was still not at ease, "father-in-law, why don't you ask my son-in-law to make a few more Tianlei chamber pots for you, and then build a few more hair-stone machines... so that Dao Scarrong's army can Frighten the Qing army outside the capital of Guiyu, so that they don't dare to act rashly. The 1000 people led by you, father-in-law, can also rely on the power of the thunder to destroy the Qing army stronghold outside Chaoyang City and surround the Qing army regiments in the city. !"

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