After roughly weighing the pros and cons, he took out his mobile phone with a bitter face, dialed Yang Xiaohui's number, and called.



The voice on the other side was a bit cold, and Ning Wei said bravely: "Well, my dad mentioned you again just now, can you do me a favor again, and have a video with him tomorrow, he may invite you to my house during the winter vacation After playing for two days, you can just refuse and say you want to go home, your parents miss you too."

"Oh! I saved a few math problems that I don't understand, and I will send them to you later."

"This is no problem! Then see you at the Lizong Building at seven o'clock tomorrow night?"


"thank you so much!"

"It's okay, it's okay, let's explain the problem-solving process in detail."




After hanging up the phone, Ning Wei heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Yang is still very reasonable.

Soon, the WeChat notification sounded, and a document was sent directly from the other side.

Ning Wei couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

I originally planned to go back to the dormitory tonight, but after thinking about it, I decided to go back to the laboratory.

At the first time, I solved all the questions sent by Yang Xiaohui seriously and in detail, and carefully marked the key steps to solve the questions.

Even so, it took Ning Wei less than an hour to solve the ten questions, and then he began to think about which entry point he should choose if he really wanted to enter the field of artificial intelligence.

Soon, Ning Wei came to a conclusion, from the shallower to the deeper, starting from the familiar field first, algorithm and EDA are a good choice.


A lot of comments, unified reply two sentences

I have read everyone's comments. I am sorry that I really can't satisfy all book lovers. I thought about it carefully, and the main problem is the limitations of my life and limited writing skills.

In fact, the plots of Pudding's novels are mostly derived from his own observation of life, which often leads to the limitation of perspective.It's like none of us have ever been rich, so we can't imagine what the life of the rich is like.

And all kinds of information about the rich on the Internet are often too one-sided, mixed with true and false, so we all just believe what we want to believe.

Specific to the main line of the novel, I personally feel that it has not deviated too much.

Because the process of the protagonist's growth and mentality change cannot be ignored.

In the past, Pudding’s books actually went through the path where the protagonist took a cheat and then went on and on. At that time, he was still young, and his perspective was still very superficial.Looking back at those things now, it feels different again.

From a large perspective, the progress of the industrial base lags behind the theoretical breakthrough.

Why should we pay attention to basic subjects?Should more funding be allocated to basic disciplines?Because the progress of basic disciplines is often not immediately exchanged for economic benefits, and even long-term investment will not see benefits.

Therefore, Ningwei's theoretical progress is a process of slow precipitation and accumulation.

Take out something hundreds of years later, and also consider whether the current industrial foundation can bear it.

Just throw out a set of design drawings of a planetary-level engine, without new materials and new technology as the basis, isn't the so-called design drawing just a space castle?

For another example, in the extra episode, I mentioned the theoretical basis of Mars city construction, Ma Zhenhua's inequality and the relative Ma Zhenhua's space theory.

These theories will definitely be researched a little bit later, but this requires a gradual process.

World-class awards, stars shining at various conferences, and advanced theories that are not understood or even criticized when they are proposed, all have to be done slowly.

The description of life mainly tells about some changes in the protagonist's mentality. It also takes a process to find the real direction of life from being rich and peaceful. Few people are born great.

And Ning Wei's positioning is a more rational ordinary person, not a genius who is so smart that he was just born.For an ordinary person, suddenly gaining an ability that seems very extraordinary may inflate a little bit, but he should not think that he can directly challenge the world. I think that would be a fool.

Therefore, the general idea of ​​the creation of this book is from the small family, to everyone, and then to the country, a little bit slowly.

Another question about the heroine.

This is a very mysterious question. Everyone knows that pudding is often not very successful in portraying heroines.

However, this book still has a heroine. According to the plot in the outline, the heroine is a pianist who is proficient in art, especially with excellent piano skills and often performs all over the world.

So she can't come out at this stage.

As for the female characters that will appear now, it is mainly the excellent boys that Pudding knows. Before meeting his true love, it seems that there have been women around him.


If this book is really not to your liking, please be merciful and discuss it in a friendly manner. There is really no need to speak ill of each other, right?

It's hot, don't get angry because of this novel, it's not worth it.

Sincerely, Pudding!


081 The second-order goal of the undergraduate stage

Jiang University, School of Economics and Management, women's dormitory.

Several girls were surrounding Yang Xiaohui, looking at the steps to solve the problem sent by Ning Wei.

After a long while, Xu Mo sighed: "The god of learning is indeed a god of learning. He doesn't look like a showman, and he is really professional in doing math problems. Unlike Xu Ruixuan, that stupid winter melon, he is the most professional in bragging!"

"Sister Mo, you're wrong to say that. Boyfriends don't necessarily have to be good at math. Although Mr. Xuan is not very good at solving problems, he knows romance! The flowers I sent you are beautiful, and you can even bring some little surprises from time to time. It's different for Luo Xiang, not only can't study, but also has an elm brain!" Lu Jiajia curled her lips and said.

"Okay, don't say a few words, Luo Xiang treats you well. Isn't it good to make you happy every day?"

"He's just a chatterbox, okay!" Lu Jiajia argued.

But speaking of it, the two of them are indeed quite suitable, with both cheerful personalities. When the two of them are together, they can always have endless things to say, and they are never afraid of being cold.

"Hey, Xiaohui, what is the situation between you and Ning Wei? I think someone like Ning Wei must be focusing on academics. If he is not active enough, you can take the initiative!" Xu Mo jumped up suddenly. Make such a sentence.

In an instant, Yang Xiaohui blushed, and said angrily, "Xu Mo, what are you talking about?"

"Let me tell you, Ning Wei is such a high-quality boy, if he misses it, he may never meet again in his life." Xu Mo continued without paying any attention.

"That's right, sister Xiaohui, if I were you, I would take the initiative to pursue that Ningwei." Lu Jiajia also chimed in.

Yang Xiaohui thought for a while, and said seriously: "Ning Wei is very good, but I also thought that being good may not be suitable. It's not like you don't know that he stayed in the laboratory for half a month, and even a few people in the dormitory You can’t find anyone else. Do you think this state is really suitable for dating? And in front of him, being crushed by IQ, you will really feel inferior.”

"Hey, what's the matter! Give yourself a chance to try it out first, and if it's really not suitable, you can separate. If you know this kind of opportunity, it's fate after all!" Xu Mo said disapprovingly.

"Okay, Sister Mo, let's not get involved in emotional issues. Xiaohui can figure it out on her own. Besides, you have rounded up the dormitory. Is this really okay?" Yu Hanzhen, who was still alone in the dormitory, said faintly. Said.

"Haha, classmate Xiao Yu, don't say I didn't warn you, Liu Cong is still single! Could it be that he was really married?"

"Screw you!"

The dormitory turned on the slapstick mode, Yang Xiaohui looked at it with a smile, but her mind was a little dazed, or should she really try it?

That night, Yang Xiaohui suffered from insomnia.


Similarly, Ning Wei also stayed up almost all night.

Of course, he didn't have such a complicated mind, and he spent the whole night studying EDA software at home and abroad.

I chose EDA because this software eats algorithms the most, and algorithms happen to be Ningwei's current strength.

China also has its own EDA industry. Of course, compared with the three EDA giants Synopsys, Cadence, and Mentor Graphics, the market share of the domestic EDA industry is pitifully weak, and the gap is not generally large.

It also includes Huaxia Jiutian, a leading company in the Huaxia EDA industry.

According to the data, the three giants of EDA in the United States occupy 90.00% of the global EDA industry market.

If it is a high-end complex chip design, such as a CPU, it is almost zero percent.

In fact, it is not just design, an excellent EDA software will participate in it many times during the entire chip manufacturing process, so the functions of EDA can be roughly divided into four categories, the first category is design for manufacturability, and It is often referred to as DFM; the second is process simulation, the difficulty of which is the need for massive data support;

The third is to design the interface. The main difficulty lies in providing PDK and library.

Especially the PDKs.

In Ningwei's understanding, PDK is equivalent to a bridge that directly communicates with IC design companies, foundries and EDA software vendors.A complete and excellent PDK is a set of documents for the reaction process for the foundry, but IC design companies need to use it for physical verification, which is directly related to the success or failure of the tape-out.

Fourth, directly analyze the yield rate in the production process to solve the problem of improving the yield rate.

So a dedicated EDA tool began to take shape in Ningwei's mind.

The reason why it is called a dedicated EDA tool is because although this tool is almost omnipotent, it cannot be used to design general-purpose chips such as CPUs and GPUs with extremely high complexity.The main application areas are in the design of semi-custom, full-custom and brain-like chips and other specialized smart chips.

It's not that I don't want to do it in one step, but it's really too difficult.It's not just a design problem, the instruction set also needs to be authorized by Intel, and bypassing these can make the difficulty plummet.

However, if this EDA can really be designed, it can also be unique in the EDA industry.The key lies in the engineering library it provides.

According to the design concept that emerged in Ningwei's mind, he will fill many intelligent algorithms into the engineering library, so that in the future, when designing a special intelligent chip that implements a certain function, he can easily call it from the engineering library.

It’s worth noting that this EDA is really going to be made, and Ning Wei feels that he has half a foot in the field of artificial intelligence.

In this process, after developing some new algorithms, he felt that it would not be a problem to win another Science Progress Award after the whole project.

The most important thing is that as long as this EDA software is proved to be useful and promoted, he can breathe a sigh of relief.At that time, even if his brain returned to its previous appearance, he would still have enough foundation to stand on.

So this software is designed to be fool-like.As long as the operation is simple enough, it will be easier for people to get started and easier to promote.After all, the original intention of artificial intelligence development is to make lazy people lazier.

There is also a compatibility issue.

Ning Wei feels that it is necessary to design a unified standard. The chips designed through this EDA software will use a unified software and hardware interface and tool chain, so that applications based on their own chips can be freely transplanted.

This requires a strict definition of the functional boundaries of the chip.

In this way, one night, Ning Wei wrote down whatever came to his mind. After one night, a new opening research report took shape.This is a big project. If you want to finish it before graduation, you will be in a hurry.

But thinking of the researchers assigned to him by the laboratory, Ning Wei felt that it was not too difficult.

Of course, the premise is that the leaders pay attention to it, and it is really regarded as a key project, and senior researchers are sent instead of a few students.Ning Wei planned to find a time in these two days to submit a report to Professor Lu, and talk about the project by the way.

Ningwei's expectation is to complete the project before the postgraduate entrance examination next year, at least to be able to start limited promotion.In this way, after the postgraduate entrance examination is over, he can almost concentrate on continuing his studies and expanding the breadth and depth of knowledge.



082 Sudden

He was busy almost all night yesterday, so Ning Wei slept almost the whole day with peace of mind the next day, only to be woken up by the notification sound of WeChat messages in the afternoon.

Lying on the bed, I yawned and picked up my phone. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Clicking on WeChat, he found that Brother Wuming from Guiyuan Temple had sent him several messages in one go.

"Fuck! Junior brother, so you are so arrogant?"

"Both "Nature" and "Science" published papers? They even published a letter on "Science"? Did you know that apart from industry leaders, very few people from professional research institutions can publish letters on top journals? "

"Cow! It's a pity. My master came back and saw that my work was not finished. He took away my mobile phone and asked me to retreat for half a month to explain the scriptures. Otherwise, my brother will go and make a banner for you!"

"You don't know how miserable senior brother is these days! Forget it, don't talk about it, remember to come to Guiyuan Temple when you have time, senior brother treats you to a good tea!"

"Also, if you become awesome in the future, remember to help your senior brother to publicize it, so that your senior brother will also be honored, and I will ask the masters to help you pray for blessings later! Well, that's it."


Seeing these messages, Ning Wei almost laughed out loud.

After replying with an OK casually, and quickly sending a smiley emoji, he threw the phone aside.

After getting up and washing up, I began to check the experimental data uploaded yesterday and the software bug report submitted by the researcher.

At present, the system has been running very stable, and most of the submitted bug reports are related to interface format specification and text arrangement. Basically, the researchers have dealt with it by themselves, and then directly updated the environment to verify it.

The focus is still on the laboratory data.

After two version iterations and some fine-tuning of the database, the ability of the turbulence algorithm to capture illegal requests has been further improved, and the false flagging of illegal data flows has dropped to a level of about one in ten million.

This is already very strong data.

Supplement the data into the paper, and explain in detail, and today's work is almost done.Now it is mainly system stability testing, which requires real time to grind.

It is now one day away from the 168-hour stable operation of Ningwei's mission goal of the first stage. After this stage is completed, Ningwei plans to continue to submit papers to "Science" after sorting out the data.

Brushing up on SCI is a short-term plan. It is agreed that three more articles will be written before graduation, and one less article will not work.

As long as the face-to-face review is fast enough, he can fulfill his ambition of going home with a million bank cards during the winter vacation.

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