Jiang Fan urged: "Hurry up and wash your face, it's been ten hours from nine o'clock to seven o'clock, how can you be so sleepy."

Pei Wenwen hurriedly differentiated: "How can there be ten hours, we went to bed sooner than later."

Jiang Fan asked, "Why don't you go to bed earlier?"

Pei Wenwen said as a matter of course: "Playing with your phone!"

Jiang Fan asked, "Did I let you guys play with your phone?"


The sisters were powerless to complain, and yawned to wash their faces.

Chapter 33

Forming a company is not that easy, and there is a lot of hassle.

The quickest and easiest way to do this is to acquire a small startup.

At the moment when the Internet is hot, all kinds of start-up companies are really numerous.

Not to mention the ultimate success of entrepreneurship, it is only a minority of the minority who can successfully raise funds from the capital market. Almost every day, startups that cannot survive close down, and people with dreams join the entrepreneurial army every day.

Jiang Fan led the sisters Pei Shishi to visit several entrepreneurial incubation bases in two days.

The scale of start-up companies is relatively good, some only have three or five people, and some larger ones have more than a dozen people.

If there are [-] or [-] people, it is considered a relatively large scale.

I chatted with a few entrepreneurial teams, and these people are all hard-core.

Anyone who dares to start a business has no ambition, and is unwilling to sell his body and work until the end of the mountain and water. Perhaps if he persists, there will be boundless light ahead, unless it has reached the point where there is absolutely no way forward.

"Brother Jiang, do you want to invest in a startup company?"

On the way back to Mingya Garden, Pei Wenwen asked curiously.

Both sisters sat in the back, no one was in the co-pilot.

Jiang Fan rested his right elbow on the middle armrest box and held the steering wheel with his left hand, without turning his head: "Acquisition."

Pei Wenwen paused: "Acquisition?"

Pei Shishi also opened her eyes slightly and listened with her ears sideways.


Jiang Fan said calmly, "Is there a problem?"

Pei Wenwen said, "What do those startups have, why are you buying them?"

Jiang Fan asked, "Do you think it is easier to recruit troops to form a team, or is it easier to buy a team directly?"

Pei Wenwen suddenly said: "It must be easy to buy a team."

"That's not right."

Jiang Fan lacked interest, and felt that starting a business with two inexperienced rookies was playing the piano to a cow.

Pei Wenwen asked excitedly, "What are you going to do?"

Jiang Fan asked, "Have you brushed it with your hands?"

Pei Wenwen said, "I haven't done it before, I'm playing Meipai, do you want to make short videos too?"

Jiang Fan snorted: "Go back and write me a user experience, just for the short video software you've played. If you think it's not good enough, write it down to me, and you can also write it if you have good suggestions. ."

Pei Wenwen immediately grimaced: "I have to think about it."

Jiang Fan was in no hurry: "Think slowly, go to work on Monday and register a company for me first."

Pei Shishi was surprised: "Aren't you going to acquire a startup company, why are you still registering a company?"

Jiang Fan responded casually: "Baidu yourself."

Pei Shishi snorted, and really took out her mobile phone Baidu.

on Monday.

Jiang Fan and Pei Shishi got up early and returned to the factory, while Pei Wenwen continued to sleep in.

At the gate of the factory, I asked Pei Shishi to buy breakfast.

Pei Shishi seemed to accept her fate, and running errands became a habit.

After having breakfast in the office, Jiang Fan continued to check the information.

Pei Shishi started cleaning, and everything was done step by step.

At eight o'clock, the heat in the corridor was high, and it was obvious that the meeting was over.

I was thinking about a few startups to watch over the weekend when the phone on my desk rang.

He picked it up and listened, and asked Pei Shishi to take the notebook and pen to the third floor.

Pei Shishi followed behind and asked, "Brother Jiang, what's the meeting?"

"do not know."

Jiang Fan became less and less concerned. He was going to resign at the end of the month, and he could spend one day at a time.

On the third floor, Lao Li was not there, only Liu Da Mi.

Jiang Fan asked casually, "Brother Liu, where's the director?"

"asked for leave."

Mr. Liu didn't explain much, and asked Pei Shishi to close his hands and sit down before saying: "The director has asked for leave for something, and it will take some time to come back. You two will have snacks, so don't ask for leave together. There are a few things that need to be implemented this week... …”

Jiang Fan didn't listen to what he was talking about, but he thought about it in his heart.

How could Lao Li suddenly ask for leave? This is a strange thing.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't get it to the point, so I had to throw it aside.

The small meeting was very short, and ended after 10 minutes of arrangement.

Back on the first floor, it was already nine fifteen.

Jiang Fan quickly opened the market software, and at the same time logged into the securities account on his mobile phone, ready to run away.

On Friday, I entered Shenzhen Expressway with a full warehouse and ate a floor. The current profit is more than 320 million. The food is relatively delicious, and I have earned nearly two daily limit boards. However, this stock will fall today, and it must run away. It is close to 2000 million The capital is really a bit big.

Running away is not so easy, so Jiang Fan did not dare to be careless.

At 9:25, after the call auction ended, the opening price of the day came out.

Jiang Fan's eyelids jumped a few times after seeing the opening price.

The stock's highest price today was 10.84, and the quotation after the call auction ended was 10.84.

The market is very obvious. In the words of the leeks, it is the main shipment of high-open diving.

Depends on who runs fast.

Nothing to say, Jiang Fan filled out the list, waited until the market opened at 9:30, and immediately cleared the position with one click. A super large sell order of [-] lots was placed, and the stock price that had fallen rapidly at the opening immediately smashed all the way to vent, fly away. The stream went down three thousand feet.

A city, in an office building.

"I'm stupid, where did the stupid pen hit the plate?"

The flat-headed man looked at the huge selling order that fell on the selling plate, his face instantly turned green, and he uttered foul language.

The assistant hurriedly said: "We have to stabilize the stock price first and then sell it slowly, otherwise it will collapse."

The flat-headed man nodded, his face was gloomy, and his balls were a little sore.

Soon, a super big buy order came up, swept away the sell order, and quickly stabilized the stock price.

The flat-headed man was not happy at all, and he was still wondering who Fang Shen could not get along with him. A big sale order of 2000 hands is not a small number, and the funds have exceeded [-] million. This is already a considerable amount of idle money, but how can this method It feels like a rookie who is just out of the rivers and lakes, which is really puzzling.

Jiang Fan didn't know that someone was scolding him.

The hanging limit-down price will be traded first with the lowest quotation in accordance with the principle of priority.

No matter how low, can it be lower than the limit price?

Although after his [-]-hand sell order was smashed down, a lot of sell-orders poured out on the sell-side, but the [-]-hand super buy order that just popped up directly ate up his [-]-hand sell order. The sell-off was mostly emptied.

Looking at the positions, all [-] lots were successfully traded.

The final transaction price was 10.63, which failed to reach the ceiling of 10.84.

Profit and loss +29.3%, with a net profit of just over 480 million.

The total book assets directly exceeded 2000 million.

This fat meat is so delicious.

Jiang Fan was inexplicably excited. The capital market really has infinite charm, and the money came too fast.

Nearly 500 million was earned in one transaction.

It's just snowballing, getting bigger and bigger.

Now the principal is only 2000 million, and earning a daily limit is 200 million.

When the principal reaches 1000 million, wouldn't it be possible to earn [-] million in a day?

Jiang Fan thought for a while and began to arrange today's positions.

Last week, the stock market collapsed and fell into a dog. On Friday, there were only 37 stocks with the daily limit. Today is a little bit better. There are 55 stocks that will have the daily limit. For the five stocks of Hi-Tech, Huatie Emergency, and Fuda, only three cheques were originally selected, but the opening of the positions was not completed, and two had to be added.

After suffering several losses, Jiang Fan also learned to be smart.

The stocks you choose will be profitable tomorrow.

Buy today's big drop tomorrow, even if you can make a complete daily limit today, you won't touch it.

What's more, if you make a daily limit today, it will fall sharply at the opening tomorrow, and you have to spit it out.

When it was almost eleven o'clock, all the stocks that had opened a position were traded.

Jiang Fan let out a sigh of relief, feeling that it was not easy. Although meat is delicious, it still has to work hard. When it is 20, it doesn't think about anything, just go in and out of the warehouse and work hard. 2000 million is not so easy.

Not to mention that it is not easy to get all three stocks in and out of one stock.

Unless you don't care about profits, you can only diversify your funds if you want to maximize profits.

The more stocks you operate, the more time and effort you will spend.

Jiang Fan pondered for a while, and then studied the margin financing and securities lending business.

He still doesn't know what securities lending is, but he barely understands financing.

You can apply for capital allocation, which is to borrow money to invest in stocks.

This thing has risks, but Jiang Fanjue's risk is not a big problem.

If you can still lose money if you leave it open, then I'm so sorry for those eyes.

The bigger the stake, the faster the snowball rolls.

Jiang Fanjue can try it, but he can’t open a financing account on his mobile phone. He has to go to the business counter of a securities company, which is a hassle, and the Growth Enterprise Market has to be opened. Before, I couldn’t buy stocks starting with 3, and I just realized it recently. what happened.

Damn GEM.

Chapter 34

In the afternoon, Jiang Fan was pondering how to ask for leave, and the finances came up again.

It was just right now that someone came to deliver the pillow as soon as I fell asleep.

Jiang Fan took the official seal, followed the finance to the bank first, then threw the official seal to the accountant, and took a taxi to the securities company. They were all old acquaintances.

When I went to a securities company, I asked around to find an account manager.

After negotiating, I opened the GEM authority and opened a financing account.

2000 million funds can be regarded as a large investor, and securities companies are actually very flexible.

The authority to open a GEM is nothing, and two years of securities trading experience is not a problem.

That is, the financing ratio is a bit low, and only a 1:1 quota is given.

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