"Forget it, let's do a field visit. Reading the documents in the office will never solve the case." Thinking of this, Jiang Hao got up and greeted Officer Su, and was about to set off to have a look by himself.

"You want to go out? You won't wait for Captain Wang?" Su Li was a little surprised that Jiang Hao was going out for a visit. Just now, Team Wang told him to bring some. When people are gone, it's time to worry again.

"Don't wait, since I'm here to help, I'll go out and have a look."

"How can we do that? There must be more than two people in the interview and investigation, and there must be a certificate from the public security agency above the county level. Those who need to show their work permits are not just casually interviewed."

"I want to take a look at the place where the body was dumped, and then take a look around."

Just as he was talking, Wang Shaodong came back with the materials, saw Jiang Hao and asked, "I told you about Xiaosu's situation, what do you think?"

Jiang Hao smiled bitterly. How could Officer Su have an idea as soon as he introduced the case: "I basically understand the case and the current predicament. I want to take a look at the scene and the surrounding area."

"It's good to have a look, I have something to do right now, so how about this, I'll arrange for Xiao Su to drive you to the scene to have a look."

"Wang Dui, I still have things to do." Su Li immediately arranged for Wang Dui to take him there, but she still had a lot of things to deal with.

"Team Wang, I'm fine by myself." Jiang Hao quickly explained.

"How can I do that? You were invited by me. How can I let you go out by yourself. Besides, you don't know this place well. There is no host. If something happens, how can I bear the responsibility? Besides, your current organizational relationship is still there. Provincial school, I have to pay more attention."

Wang Shaodong continued to say to Police Officer Su: "You put the matter in hand first, and I will leave it to you. I just saw the 896 car and it is at home. You can drive that car."

"Okay then! I'll put things in order first!" Since Dui Wang opened his mouth, although Police Officer Su was displeased, he had no choice but to do so. He sorted out the materials and went to get the key.

"Wang Dui, I really don't need to trouble you. I was here to help. How can I be troublesome now?"

Jiang Hao saw that Police Officer Su was a little unhappy, and he also knew that Wang Dui asked her to put down her work, and she was a little unhappy, so it's better not to bother him.

Chapter 117 Psychoanalysis

"How can it be troublesome? She was going to go out, but she didn't have a partner, so let her be in charge of organizing and coordinating at home. Now that you are here, she has someone to partner with. Let's go out and visit too. Multiple lines , many hopes."

After Wang Shaodong said that, Jiang Hao didn't say anything else, he could only accept it. At this time, Police Officer Su also finished receiving the keys, and Jiang Hao followed him downstairs.

The police car was found in the garage of the police station. Officer Su unlocked it with the car key and got into the driver's seat.


Jiang Hao walked around the side of the car, got into the co-pilot, and put on his seat belt.

"Where to go first?"

Officer Su's mentality has also adjusted at this time. Since it is the captain's order, she will carry it out [-]%.

"Officer Su, I'm sorry to trouble you, I want to go to the corpse dumping place first."

After all, he was bothering others, so Jiang Hao should be more obedient and polite.

Originally, he wanted to take a taxi to see it by himself, but Wang Shaodong came back in time and took the initiative to arrange for Officer Su to drive for him.

"Okay, then let's go to Wujin Bridge first. That river is a tributary of Qianjin Port. The government has planned this area as a small park for leisure and relaxation. Usually, few people go there. Because the location is still a bit biased, occasionally Only some fishing enthusiasts are fishing there."

Officer Su in the car introduced some basic information about Wujin Bridge and its surroundings. Jiang Hao asked some questions from time to time in the car, and the car soon arrived at the corpse dumping place.

At this time, the case has not been solved yet, the scene of the crime is still under protection, with a cordon around it, and a notice for finding the corpse is posted, hoping that someone in the know can provide some clues.

Jiang Hao crossed the cordon and walked towards the river. Officer Su followed Jiang Hao and continued, "Look, that's where the body was found, and that's where the fishing crowd found something unusual."

Jiang Hao looked in the direction of Police Officer Su's finger. The location she pointed to was under the bridge. There were still traces of salvage on the river bank under the bridge, and a lot of aquatic plants and garbage were also salvaged to the bank.

"I think the corpse has been corroded quite seriously. Why hasn't anyone found it after so many days? Could it be that someone was fishing that day?"

This is also a point of Jiang Hao's doubts. Logically speaking, it should have been a few days since it rotted like this. If it was all floating on the water, it should have been discovered long ago, not now.

"But that's the truth. Maybe this place is really too remote, and the corpse is hidden under the bridge, so it's not easy to be found." Su Li didn't know the specific situation at the time, but what the police learned so far was indeed the case. .

Jiang Hao activated the survey technique and began to observe carefully at the scene.

In fact, so many days have passed, and a large number of staff such as the police and salvage team have entered the scene. Jiang Hao saw a lot of chaos, so complicated that he couldn't even handle it with his own survey skills, so he couldn't tell the difference. These details, such as footprints, tire marks, etc., are too many.

Jiang Hao, who had nothing to gain, said to Police Officer Su: "I'll walk around here, you can wait for me in the car."

"Let me accompany you, and I can introduce you if there is any situation."

"Alright then, let's go!"

The environment of Wujin Bridge is really good. Thanks to this tributary, a health park was built. Since the location is really too remote, it is estimated that the government didn’t know what to develop, so it simply made a small project with little investment. There is not much loss in redesigning the plan, it is better than being abandoned here.

The budget is limited, so naturally the monitoring facilities are not very complete. It can be said that there is no monitoring. I don't know if the monitoring will be installed quickly after this incident.

"Is this road the only entrance?" Jiang Hao asked, pointing to an entrance in front.

"No, there are three intersections here, and we checked out the surveillance cameras at all three intersections, but the cameras only focus on the vehicles on the road, and we can't see which vehicles come in."

Jiang Hao nodded without speaking. There are still a lot of vehicles on the main road. It is very difficult to investigate the vehicles at these intersections.

Is there really no other way?

A big living person died suddenly, no one called the police, and no one looked for it?This is really too strange!

"Where is that fruit shop? Let's go ask!"

Jiang Hao looked at it at the scene, but his skills didn't play a role, so he went to the fruit shop to find out the situation.

When I rushed to the nearest fruit shop, I found that there was already a police car at the door. It is estimated that the colleagues of Police Officer Su had already investigated the scene. Officer Su looked at Jiang Hao, meaning that we are still getting out of the car?

Now that someone was already inside, Jiang Hao didn't plan to go down, but opened the map that he had brought with him before, and looked at it. Jiang Hao, who had learned a little about criminal psychology, began to substitute himself into the The mind of a murderer.

The corpse was wearing pajamas and was obviously indoors. Except for the amputation scar and the strangle mark on the neck, there were no other signs of struggle. Strangling someone to death with a rope, maybe the victim should be in his sleep.

That may be a relationship between husband and wife, lovers or lovers. The first crime scene must be indoors, so by assuming:

The victim lives at point A, the fruit shop is point B, then the point where the body is dumped is point C, point A and point B should be the closest, girls like to eat fruit, so it is impossible to seek far from the nearest, then take the closest between AB.

Jiang Hao looked for residential areas and fruit shops that met this requirement on the map, and marked those places that met the requirements.

Secondly, the location of point C is very critical. Point C can’t be too close. If it’s too close, the suspect won’t feel safe, but it can’t be too far. If it’s too far away, the location is unfamiliar.The first time I thought of this place after murder and throwing away the body, then this place requires the suspect to come here occasionally for leisure, or for a walk between couples, the place is familiar, then...

Su Li saw Jiang Hao staring at the map without saying a word, neither getting off the car, nor going to other places, so she pulled the car aside and turned off the engine, without disturbing Jiang Hao's thinking, but got out of the car and went to the fruit shop I said hello to the colleagues inside and learned about the visit.

Jiang Hao looked for the largest possibility among dozens of possibilities, and re-filtered which possibility was the smallest in his mind, repeatedly typesetting and filtering.

If it weren't for Jiang Hao's brain with skills and ability to work overclocked, he might not be able to handle such a large flow of information.

And now there is no algorithm that can achieve real artificial intelligence and can help analyze criminal psychology.

After the statistics are completed, the three most likely positions are left for typesetting and arranged in order of height.

"I thought of it, let's go to the fruit shop on Yuhua Road first."

After Jiang Hao woke up, he found that Officer Su had already gone down, so he was going to go down to call her, and set off together, first to Yuhua Road.

Chapter 118 Selfie Beauty

Opening the car door, Jiang Hao was about to get out of the car, but found that Officer Su had already come out, so he didn't plan to go in, but sat back in the car and waited for her to get in.

"Have you decided where to go?"

"Let's go to the fruit shop on Yuhua Road first. You just asked, did they have any results?"

Police officer Su shook his head: "It's too difficult. There are too many people buying fruit. It's tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack by visiting each store. Besides, they just came from Yuhua Road. Are you still going?"

"Go and see!"

There are no other clues for the time being, so we can only go and see first. If there is enough time, Jiang Hao still wants to go to the nearby community to see, maybe there will be results.

Isn't that what mopai is all about?Step by step rule out all possibilities until you get closer and closer to the truth.

When Jiang Hao came to this store, the store manager was weighing fruit for a customer. After seeing two more policemen coming, he immediately said enthusiastically to Jiang Hao and the others: "Comrade police, wait a moment! My customer is busy. Come when it's over."

Jiang Hao nodded, and took a casual look in the store. This store is not very big, but seeing that a lot of fruit peels have been disposed of in the trash can of their store, it is obvious that the customer flow is relatively objective.

After a while, the store manager came over.

"Comrade policeman, I've been waiting for a long time. Is it because of the female corpse case? Your colleagues just left, and I basically told them about everything I know. Look, there are so many people here every day, basically all the guests We need to use a bag, how can we remember that!"

It may be that the last batch of policemen had just left, and before Jiang Hao asked, the store manager babbled and said everything, no matter what they said, a lot, Jiang Hao didn't stop him, but listened to her quietly. over.

"Oh, I have some questions to check with you again. Have you seen that pajamas?"

Jiang Hao didn’t take a picture of the pajamas the deceased was wearing, and he couldn’t take them. Instead, he found a similar style on the Internet and showed the pictures to the store manager. Maybe the victim wore this pajamas to buy fruit and said indefinite.

"The police officer showed me this photo just now. To be honest, there are quite a lot of customers who come to buy fruit in pajamas. How can I remember them all?"

"Is there anything unusual this week or recently?" Jiang Hao continued to chat casually with the shopkeeper, wanting to ask if there was anything unusual around him or around.

Often some clues are learned through some conversations.

"Probably not. I haven't heard of anyone dying. It's quite normal. I haven't heard anything about missing. It's quite normal!" The shopkeeper thought about it, and there was indeed no problem with anyone around him.

"Shouldn't it?" This is not an affirmative sentence, Jiang Hao asked back.

"I don't know if this is considered abnormal."

The store manager looked at Jiang Hao, he seemed to have something to say, but he was not sure, which made Jiang Hao feel that it might really be a clue, and police officer Su also hurriedly took the visit record book to prepare for registration.

"That's right, I have a customer who was also my regular customer before. Sometimes she is lazy and places orders directly on her mobile phone, and I deliver them to her. We have also added friends, and she usually buys them in a week. Once, and when I sent a group message when I came to a new product, she would also buy some, but recently asked her if she wanted fruit, and she said she didn't need it."

"What kind of abnormal situation is this?" Officer Su didn't expect the so-called abnormal situation to be that the customer didn't come to buy fruit.

"That's right. Maybe I've been wondering about it recently. I usually come here to ask about the price of fruit. If the price is right, I'll send a red envelope to her. Isn't this the police officer saying that there is something unusual? I just said a few more words."

"Oh, it's okay, do you have her friend? Can you show me her photo?"

Holding the principle of Ning Missing and Never Letting Go, Jiang Hao still asked the store owner to take a photo of the other party to see if he was all right.

"Yes, she likes to take selfies. I'll look for it... Well, I found it, officer. Look, she posted it on Moments yesterday."

Jiang Hao checked his cell phone and found that she was a pretty girl, and she was indeed not the same person as the deceased.

"Let me take a look." Officer Su also took the photo curiously, saw a very cute girl on it, and said, "This girl is so beautiful."

The owner of the store heard Officer Su's words, and said with some disapproval: "Now this mobile phone, once the beauty is turned on, as long as the foundation is not too bad, it is all beautiful."

Officer Su smiled and returned the phone to her. The owner of the shop was indeed talking about the situation. Which girl who loves to take selfies doesn't turn on her beauty face when taking selfies?She always puts on a beautiful face when she takes a selfie.

"Is there anything else special?"

The shopkeeper thought for a while, then shook his head: "No, I'm pretty normal."

"Okay, if..."

Just when Police Officer Su was about to say his concluding remarks, Jiang Hao stopped and said, "Do you have any photos of her without makeup?"

"Let me take a look at this, I don't know if she has taken pictures before." The shop owner said while flipping through the other party's circle of friends.

"No, I guess she won't post photos without makeup either."

Officer Su was puzzled when he saw Jiang Hao staring at this question all the time: "Why do you want people to see photos without makeup? You don't suspect that she is the deceased, do you?"

"Until it's confirmed, it's doubtful. Do you have her phone number?" After getting the affirmative answer from the store manager, Jiang Hao was about to leave when he got the phone number, so he said, "Thank you, if you still call me later If you think of any clues, please contact us in time."

"Okay, comrade policeman, go slowly!"

After getting into the car, Officer Su said curiously, "You suspect her?"

"It's a little bit, it's a suspicious point, and it's not a waste to check it out, it's not the best, isn't it?"

"Okay then, where do we go next?"

Jiang Hao looked at the map, and there were two other places, so he went for a run to understand the situation and see if there were any unexpected discoveries.

"Next stop, Jiefang Road."

Through interviews and investigations, the store managers at the next two stations basically failed to provide anything of value, and some minor anomalies were basically irrelevant.

Officer Su asked Xiang Jiang Hao. He just followed him to a few places. In fact, these places have been visited repeatedly by the police. When the store manager was asked, he replied very skillfully. He knows what you want to ask, so you don’t need Jiang Hao. Ask anything, just say it all in one brain.

"What should I do now? Go back or..."

Jiang Hao rubbed the bridge of his nose. He used his skills a little too much today, including when he was talking, his brain was running at high speed, and the received information was processed quickly, which was a bit nerve-wracking.

Chapter 119 Confirming the source of the corpse

"Let's go back to the game first, I always feel that there is something wrong with that woman just now."

Jiang Hao's brows were tightly frowned. Although looking at the photos, he really didn't look like the deceased, or the difference was very big, but the clerk's words woke him up.

With the development of science and technology, the speed of upgrading of electronic products is also very fast. The beauty effect of the camera that comes with the mobile phone can be called a face-changing effect, but this advantage is also its disadvantage. The photos taken may be far from the person.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. I have been buying here before, and I have added friends. It shows that she still approves of this store. If it is normal, there are indeed many possibilities. Maybe it is really unnecessary, maybe it is a fruit shop. , but now is the critical time, let's follow this clue to investigate."

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