
bang bang-

In Longyun Town, there was a burst of gongs, and several watchmen holding gongs ran excitedly on the street, beating the gongs.

"Song Sanjiang has been arrested!"

"The red-crowned fairy leopard, Song Sanjiang, is under the spell!"

The watchman announced excitedly, and soon more and more people heard the news and walked out of the street excitedly.

"What! Liu Er Er, you are not talking nonsense!"

"How dare I talk nonsense, it's the news from the police station that Song Sanjiang has been arrested!"

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred!Soon the whole Longyun Town spread.

Song Sanjiang was arrested, and the serial killing case was solved!

More and more people gathered towards the patrol room, wanting to know if this was true.

In front of the bulletin board in the town, two patrolmen posted a notice, and then excitedly announced to the townspeople.

Song Sanjiang, the red-crowned immortal leopard, was arrested last night.

For a while, the crowd was furious and excited.

Damn Song Sanjiang was finally caught, and they didn't have to worry about it anymore.

In the patrol room, some reporters came over. The director of the patrol room was in uniform, standing in front of the reporters, speaking official words with a smile on his face.

"Everyone! The reason why we were able to catch Song Sanjiang this time is because of the mayor's strong command and the concerted efforts of all the people in my patrol room."

"I know that everyone has a lot to ask. The news of Song Sanjiang's arrest has been informed to the superiors, and the verdict will be issued soon."


Lin Yi slowly walked out of Tianbao Yinzhuang, carrying a bag of money.

The 2000 yuan ocean was all exchanged by Lin Yi into cash.

When exchanging money, the guy looked at Ji Dong with envy.

However, Lin Yi didn't care about the money. After buying some things in Longyun Town and expanding the food in the storage bracelet, Lin Yi took Qin Wanru to buy some daily necessities and cinnabar talisman paper, which cost 100 yuan. There are so many oceans, the storage bracelet is almost out of place.

The purchasing power at this time, I have to say, is really delicious!

In the inn, Ji Dong placed the statue of Laojun on the table and put incense in the incense burner.

Today is different. There is a plate of peaches, plums and ginkgo in front of the statue.

"My Lord, my disciple Lin Yi sincerely worships you. I specially bought some fruits to honor you. I also hope that Laojun can bless my disciple and exchange for a good thing."

After some worship, Ji Dong took out a leg bone from the storage bracelet.

It was the wolf demon's leg bone left over from eating meat last night.

Not to mention, the leg bones of this wolf demon are quite hard, and it's not unreasonable to smash walnuts.

And because the wolf demon is not small, this leg bone is really not short, it is like a short stick in the hand, which is quite convenient.

"System, do you see it? This is the leg bone of the wolf demon. It's a good thing. I'll exchange him."

Ji Dong pretended to be distressed.

In fact, if this thing is sold, the system will not give a dime.


In a flash of inspiration, the leg bones disappeared.

At the same time, a new audio image appeared in Ji Dong's mind.


In the silent forest, the cold wind howled.

Su Ping sat leaning against the shelter, warming himself by the fire, and his injuries looked a little scary.

"I think it's the first time I've been beaten so badly since Su Ping crossed. Sister Bao'er's Awei Eighteen Styles really deserves its reputation!"

Su Ping muttered, with endless fighting spirit shining in his eyes.

No matter what, Sister Baoer, I will definitely chase you down!

"Ahem, the barbecue is done."

Su Ping tore off a piece of rabbit leg and gnawed on it.

After wolfing down a few mouthfuls, Su Ping glanced at his watch. It was past twelve o'clock, and the daily check-in was fine again.

"System, I want to sign in."


A bone hit Su Ping's forehead, which stunned Su Ping, who was defenseless.

"What the hell is this?"

Su Ping picked up the bone and was immediately startled by the size of the bone.

What a big leg bone!What kind of animal is this?

No, where is my sign-in information?


[The host uses the leg bones of the wolf demon in exchange for Su Ping's Golden Light Curse! 】


Ji Dong's eyes straightened immediately.

Golden Light Curse!

The golden light curse of the alien world!

Ji Dong suddenly thought of the old heavenly master, wipe, others can't even break through the old heavenly master's golden light curse defense, and the old heavenly master's random A level is a critical blow to others!

"It's all said to be top notch!"

The image of the old heavenly master appeared in Ji Dong's mind.

very handsome!

For a moment, everything about the Golden Light Curse appeared in Ji Dong's mind.

Golden Light Seal, Golden Light Mantra and the application method of Golden Light Mantra.

Su Ping, good brother, there will be a way to exchange across borders in the future, and my buddy will definitely send you some good things!

Lin Yi has already plucked Su Ping's wool three times, and Ji Dong is a little embarrassed.


ps: Ask for flowers, please comment, please subscribe! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of Wan Qi.

Cultivating hundreds of millions of kalpas to prove my supernatural powers.

Inside and outside the Three Realms, the Tao is the only one.

The body has golden light, reflecting my body.

As Ji Dong activated the Golden Light Curse, his body was immediately enveloped in golden light, and the faint golden light reflected Ji Dong into a little golden man.

"This is the Golden Light Curse! The golden light protects the body, protects the body!"

The Golden Light Mantra is similar to the protective shield of Taoism. It is not only powerful, it can gather Qi to form, defend against attacks, and also increase the power of attacks.

There is a higher blessing to deal with evil spirits.

After all, the Golden Light Curse is known as a tribute to all gods, which enslaves thunder, scares ghosts and monsters, and kills ghosts.

Against ordinary evil spirits, the Golden Light Curse has a very powerful effect.

Find out whether active skills, spells and golden light spells are fixed skills.

"Fix it!"

Although it is an active skill, but with the blessing of time, it will be at the level of the old heavenly master after it is completed. Tsk tsk, it is said to be top-notch. Thinking about it, I think it is handsome!


The verdicts of Song Sanjiang and Zhuge Xiong came down soon.

It is also thanks to the current communication capabilities that are more developed than before, so there is no need for a special person to go there.

After receiving the approval from the superior, Song Sanjiang and Zhuge Xiong will make a decisive decision!

Immediately, Longyun Town became lively.

Caishikou was crowded with people, all of them came to see the execution.

Song Sanjiang and Zhuge Xiong were tied up and knelt on the execution platform.

With an order, two big knives fell, and two big heads rolled down with a gurgle.

The chief of the patrol room was waiting. The moment the head fell to the ground, he threw the two straw figures into the brazier.

With a puff, a faint black light appeared from the little straw man's body, wrapped in flames, and quickly burned to ashes.


"Guest, your dishes are ready!"

The waiter at the restaurant delivered the food Ji Dong ordered to the table, and then left the room.

Today I ate hot pot, a table of meat and vegetables, while eating, while listening to the interesting new things around me with my Xinwang skills.

I just listened to it and found that several books were about Song Sanjiang.

In Longyun Town now, Song Sanjiang is the headline, but Lin Yi has no interest in Song Sanjiang at all.

It would be great if I could hear something haunted somewhere, or something like evil spirits, and I would stop by to have a look when I go back.

Maybe I can make a lot of money again.

"Have you heard that Tao Taoju is haunted by ghosts?"

"Really, Tao Taoju, isn't that Tao Wanwan's house in Taojia Town? Why is it haunted?"

"I heard that it's a female ghost. Every night, I can hear a woman laughing. It's so scary."

This sudden conversation revived Lin Yi immediately.

Look, it's coming to life!

Taojia Town, Tao Taoju is haunted!

Among other things, this ghost can sell a lot of exchange points.

The last time I was in Tanjia Town, the ghosts of that family were really too honest, they kept themselves safe and never harmed others, otherwise I really wanted to sell them.

"Sir, drink!"

Qin Wanru poured wine for Lin Yi, seeing Lin Yi suddenly smile so brightly, her pretty face flushed slightly.

The way Xianggong smiled was really nice.

"Sir, what's so happy about it?"

Ji Dong took a sip of the wine, added wolf meat with chopsticks, and dipped it in the sesame sauce.

I heard that Tao Taoju is haunted by ghosts. After dinner, let's go and have a look.


There was a knock on the door.

Lin Yi, who was feasting, frowned, and glanced outside the box door.

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