Zhu Youxiao put her on the couch.

"Tonight is a good morning, when it is an auspicious time."

Chapter 66 Chasing Gao Panlong

The next day, Luan Palace.

Zhu Youxiao strode into the Hall of Renshou, and when he saw Xi Li Xuan, who was waiting for him, he felt a chill in his heart.

"How do I treat you?"

Zhu Youxiao's words made Xili look confused. Until now, she still doesn't know what she did wrong.

"On that day, you colluded with the eunuch Cui Wensheng. After I came to the throne, I let you go because of the late emperor. If you can stop troubles, that's all."

Speaking of this, Zhu Youxiao's voice became colder.

"But you should never, never should have thought of the queen."

"She is my person, if she wants to move, I should do it too!"

"Decree, abolish Li's title of servant selection, and expel him from the palace without giving any money! In the future, all expenses in the palace will be under the control of Concubine Liu."

Hearing this, Si Lixuan felt dizzy for a while, and saw that he was about to fall to the ground.

The servant at the side was about to help him habitually, but was slapped and fell to the ground by the eunuch who had quick eyesight and quick hands.

"Dog, don't even look at who's here!"

The servant felt guilty, so frightened that his face collapsed, he slumped on the ground and begged for forgiveness, only begging the emperor to spare him the death penalty.

Zhu Youxiao glanced contemptuously, turned around and said with his hands behind his back:

"You people, foxes pretend to be tigers, dogs rely on people's power, you have done everything! You are all expelled from the palace, and you are left to fend for yourself!"

After saying that, Zhu Youxiao lowered his head, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Do you think that if Wei Zhongxian is attached, I will not touch you?"

After finishing speaking, Zhu Youxiao sneered a few times and walked away.

The emperor Longyan was furious and stood up for the empress, and the news that Xi Li was expelled from the imperial court did not take long to spread throughout the harem.

Concubine Zheng and others who are often close to Xili, after hearing the news, everyone is in danger and dare not cause trouble again.

In fact, Wei Zhongxian once served as the steward signboard in Xili Palace, so the two got very close.

Before Xili's accident, he had thought about having a backer in the harem. Concubine Zheng's backer was King Fu, so Zhu Youxiao couldn't just do it casually.

After much deliberation, Xi Li decided to cling to Wei's body.

Now that something happened to her, Wei Zhongxian didn't stand up and say a word.


In a blink of an eye, another half month passed, and the time came to May of the first year of Tianqi.

In the past half month, there is still not much cessation in the court, but this time it is not the Donglin Party who is looking for trouble, but the so-called "Eunuch Party".

A few days after Wei Zhongxian arrested the censor Jiang Bingqian, a prepared confession was sent to Zhu Youxiao's court.

In this confession, Jiang Bingqian confessed to the crimes of party formation and corruption, and admitted that he was a student of Gao Panlong.

The confession came out, but Jiang Bingqian was like a stone sinking into the sea. Since he entered the Dongchang prison, there has been no disturbance.

You can hide the news, but you can't hide some things.

Not long after, for some reason, there were many rumors about Jiang Bingqian among the ruling and opposition parties.

Some said that he was tortured to death by Wei Zhongxian in Dongchang Prison after he was tortured, and others said that he could not stand the punishment and died of serious injuries.

The death of a censor did not cause any disturbance in the court of Ming Dynasty, because the emperor at that time was obsessed with listening to operas again.

Not only did Zhu Youxiao enjoy watching the play about Yue Fei's fight against gold over and over again, but even Empress Zhang, Concubine Liu and other concubines were taken to watch it together.

Regardless of the emperor's intentions in making such arrangements, anyway, the emperor in the harem, as long as he didn't want to come out, the civil servants would never find him.

The emperor indulged in sensuality, but the news from the outer court came one after another.

When Jiang Bingqian's confession was presented before and after the imperial court, Zhu Youxiao himself did not cause much trouble, but Wei Zhongxian, on the contrary, began to stir up trouble in the court.

From the perspective of others, it was because of his agitation, swinging from side to side, that the emperor decreed to dismiss Gao Panlong from his position as the censor of Zuodu, and ordered him to stay at home until further investigation.

However, Wei Zhongxian obviously didn't intend to just let him stay at home.

A few days after Gao Panlong returned home, the snow flakes flew to the West Nuan Pavilion of Qianqing Palace.

This time, almost all of them agreed with Gu Bingqian, a cabinet scholar, and proposed to investigate Gao Panlong's clique and corruption.

Since the end of Wanli, Donglin was impeached by so many officials, which was the first time.

Many officials with active minds began to watch their words and wait for the opportunity, because they all knew that the court was about to change.

Sure enough, the impeachment of Gao Panlong was louder and louder.

What made this turmoil culminate was the book "High Party Notes" privately written by Cui Chengxiu, the minister of the Ministry of War.

Gu Bingqian and Cui Chengxiu were the first civil officials who noticed that the emperor relied heavily on the Wei family.

They were also the first foreign court servants who did not pay attention to the so-called "reputation" and were willing to be reviled as "eunuchs" just to become Wei's minions and flourish since then.

Wang Zaijin is also different from them. He belongs to the Donglin Party, but he is even more of the Imperial Party.

He was single-handedly promoted by Zhu Youxiao. He does not participate in party struggles, is not afraid of offending the powerful, and only wants to reform.

From April of the first year of Tianqi, Wei Zhongxian, who had been planning for a long time, began to purge the Donglin Party.

Officials of the "eunuch party" in the court scrambled to cling to each other, impeaching almost every Donglin party, but they did not touch Wang Zaijin, a Dongge University scholar who was born in Donglin.

Cui Chengxiu privately wrote the book "Gaodang Bianyan", not only to please Wei Zhongxian, but also because he knew in his heart that the emperor would not want to dominate the family.

He has big ambitions, one book, and he wants to flatter two people.

The eunuchs cleaned Donglin, and the emperor lived in seclusion in the harem, ignoring it, because Donglin was still in power.

Donglin can fall, but the eunuch party cannot become the next Donglin. Once any force has an absolute advantage, it will not be good news for those in power.

Cui Chengxiu compiled the book "Gao Dang Brief Introduction", which directly narrowed the Donglin Party into the "Gao Party" headed by Gao Panlong and Jiang Bingqian.

Wei Zhongxian was very happy to get this book.

In this book, there are seven court officials named and surnamed, including Gao Panlong, Jiang Bingqian, Zhou Shunchang, and Zhou Qiyuan, all of whom are suspected of corruption and clique formation.

On the second day after receiving the book, the Dongchang fans were dispatched.

Except for Jiang Bingqian, the other six people, including Gao Panlong, were all targeted by the fans.

The matter was very troublesome, and the scholars kept fanning the flames in the market, but this did not stop Dongchang from arresting people.

Soon, the Fanzi arrested Zhou Shunchang, Zhou Qiyuan and other five people in Beijing.

But when hundreds of fans came to Gao Panlong's mansion in full armor, they got an unexpected news.

Not long ago, Gao Panlong sank in the backyard pond.

Looking down at the "Jue Mingshu" sent by the Gaofu housekeeper, the leader of the Dongchang stall snorted coldly, turned around and left with hundreds of fans.

After Yang Lian retired, Gao Panlong finally died in his own hands, and the Manchu Dynasty was suffocated by Donglin, who dared not impeach the Wei family again.

Zhu Youxiao also heard a piece of news that Wei Zhongxian could not tell himself from Liu Qiao, the commander of Jinyiwei.

It is said that the Wei Dynasty arrived in Fengyang less than a month ago, and was found starved to death beside the stinking ditch with tattered clothes, presumably he was tortured a lot during his lifetime.

No need to ask, it must be Wei Zhongxian's revenge.

Surprisingly, Wei Zhongxian didn't bother Wang An after returning home for so long. I don't know if he was worried about his old relationship with him, or simply couldn't do it.


"Although the minister has lost his nationality, he used to belong to the minister, and the minister should not be humiliated. To humiliate the minister is to humiliate the country. I would like to emulate Qu Ping's legacy. The king's favor has not been repaid, and I wish to have a future life. The minister Gao Panlong hangs down the letter. I hope the envoy hereby expresses his gratitude. Restoration of the emperor."

On this day, Zhu Youxiao, who had finished dressing up, was sitting in the Xinuang Pavilion, looking down at the deadly book in his hand, with a nine-point sneer in his voice, half-pitiful.

"Gao Panlong, it's all done by yourself..."

Shaking his head, Zhu Youxiao put down his desperate book, and called a young eunuch, the imperial horse supervisor, and planned to go to Nanhaizi to ride a horse and gallop to relax his dull mood.

There are too many things going on in the court in April, which makes people breathless.

Chapter 67 Relying on Abilities

On this day, Wei Zhongxian tiptoed into the Maoqin Hall and found that the emperor was staring at the table full of notebooks in a daze.

He bowed and called softly, "Grandpa Emperor."

Hearing this, Zhu Youxiao looked up, frowned and said, "You're so disgusting, do you have something to ask me for?"

At this time, Wei Zhongxian was both grateful and excited.

When he took charge of Dongchang earlier, he was already collecting criminal evidence of the Donglin party members, but Wang An restricted him everywhere, which caused many plans to fail to proceed as scheduled.

After all, he read too many sage books, and the civil servants made a little noise, and then embarked on the road of Dumen begging for his life.

Now it's my turn to make this palm print, so I definitely won't be so weak.

Hearing the emperor's words, Wei Zhongxian stepped forward and said, "Mr. Sun and the others have already gone back. After the feast day, why doesn't the emperor go back to Xinuang Pavilion?"

"The servants found a few Cujus from the library, and found a few children, waiting to relieve your boredom."

Zhu Youxiao leaned over and asked: "Zhongxian, tell me, is it useful to talk about the feast?"

Wei Zhongxian thought for a while, and said: "It's useless, my lord, according to my slaves, you'd better issue an oracle, so you can get rid of it, so your slaves can reopen the inner city, there are many strange things in there." .”

"Neishi, what is that?"

Zhu Youxiao probed and asked, and accidentally brushed his sleeve on the notebook on the imperial case, and it covered the floor in an instant.

Hearing this voice, the interest on Zhu Youxiao's face dissipated, and he said in a muffled voice: "I haven't read a copy of the book, I'll talk about it later."

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly said: "My maidservant watched it for you? It's nothing serious at the moment..."

Zhu Youxiao looked up at him for a while, which made Wei Zhongxian a little nervous.

Suddenly, Zhu Youxiao sneered a few times to relieve his panic.

"You can write your own name now?"

Hearing this, Wei Zhongxian heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a sneer: "Your servant can't, I will find someone who can read it for the emperor."

As he spoke, he gestured backwards, and a eunuch who had been waiting outside the hall came in, knelt down and said:

"The steward of the maidservant's bureau, Chao Chaofu, sees the emperor."

Chaofu looked down at the ground, nervously waiting for the emperor's reaction.

Looking back, from entering the palace until now, I have encountered all kinds of despicable things, been bullied, and was forced to read and write.

Now that the Wei family is favored by the emperor, and he is attached to the Wei family, he can finally see the emperor and make a great success, just today.

However, Zhu Youxiao's next sentence plunged his excitement into the abyss in an instant.

"I don't like this old eunuch very much, he looks too ugly..."

Wei Zhongxian looked back, but was at a loss for words.

Wang Chaofu raised his head, looked at Wei Zhongxian, and pleaded with him.

Wei Zhongxian was a little embarrassed. After all, he was really ugly. The emperor said he was ugly, so he couldn't force it in.

He turned his head around, and said with a flattering smile: "My lord, it's okay to be ugly..."

"The servant chose this person to read the book for the emperor. Smartness is the most important thing."

Only then did Zhu Youxiao take a closer look at Wang Chaofu, and asked, "Why is he called that name? It sounds so nice."

Wei Zhongxian said: "This brand was originally called Wang Jinzhong. He wanted to do things for the emperor too much, so he decided to change it to Wang Chaofu on his own. It should be... to assist the emperor in handling the affairs of the court."

"Smart?" Zhu Youxiao asked again.

Wei Zhongxian noticed something was going on, and hurriedly said: "Smart, among the stewards of all palaces and courtyards, except for Li Chaoqing who is currently admiral of Nanhaizi and Wang Tigan who is going to Liaozuo, he is the smartest."

"I didn't ask you." Zhu Youxiao chuckled lightly, then possessed himself and said, "Are you clever?"

Wei Zhongxian was dumbfounded, and then frantically winked downwards.

Wang Chaofu was extremely nervous, and replied after a while: "The emperor can let me try."

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