"Liao affairs have their own civil and military ministers, and they send and employ internal ministers. What kind of political system is there? I implore your majesty to take back the order."

Zhu Youxiao rested his cheek with one hand, looked at him coldly, and smiled lightly after a long time: "I already know about the ignorance of Mr. Taizu, how can I not know about the teachings of the great ancestor?"

"It's just that since the founding of the ancestors, it's not a special case that the inner minister supervises the army. It's for a temporary benefit, and it's just for the time being."

"When it's time to withdraw in the future, you don't need to mention it again, I will cancel it myself."

Faced with Zhu Youxiao's tolerant words, Gao Panlong did not buy it. He kowtowed again and said loudly: "The civil and military are all working together for the country, what rights do they have?"

"I've made up my mind, so there's no need to mention it!" Zhu Youxiao's face gradually sank.

"Since that's the case, I still have this performance!" Gao Panlong said:

"Recently, there are often reports saying that Mao Wenlong is supporting himself overseas and wants to stand on his own, or that he is colluding with Hou Jin and intends to rebel."

"How much of this good news is due to his killing goodness?"

Zhu Youxiao frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "This is just what your family said, Shuai Mao was wandering alone in the wind and waves, and went deep into the den of wolves and tigers."

"I just got the good news yesterday that the Dongjiang Army captured the slave chief's daughter and is taking her to the capital. Besides..."

"Your Majesty, before this woman arrives at the capital, it is still impossible to determine the authenticity of this victory!" Gao Panlong interrupted what Zhu Youjiao was about to say, and then said:

"What's more, I have the same mind as my martial arts, so I don't need a minister?"

Zhu Youxiao was silent for a long while, and then said sarcastically, "Whether civil and military are in harmony, don't you know, sir? Do you have to tell me clearly?"

Gao Panlong said angrily: "Even so, Your Majesty should not abandon the state system and ancestral laws, trust eunuchs and stay away from sages."

"In recent years, Your Majesty has used officials to participate in the internal affairs and avoided the officials. He has widely spread internal exercises, compiled and trained brave guards, made the humble body of the ax and ax to surpass the sages of the foreign ministers, insulted the court and blasphemed the national rites, and really hurt the world. The heart of a literati!"

Zhu Youxiao closed his eyes and breathed deeply, as if suppressing his anger, his voice became colder:

"Sir, are you saying that the integrity of the country is more important than the innocence of frontier soldiers and the lives of Liao people?"

Gao Panlong seemed to come prepared, his eyes were burning like fire: "Your Majesty says you are innocent, but I have another plan!"

Hearing this, Zhu Youxiao said in his heart, there is no end to this stuff, it must make me feel comfortable.

I saw Gao Panlong take a step closer, raised his robe and knelt down, and said with emotion:

"I heard that the nurse in the palace, Hakka, killed the emperor's mother arbitrarily and killed the palace people without authorization before leaving the palace. If your majesty just repatriates her, won't you intend to avenge such grievances?"

"Gao Panlong!" Zhu Youxiao couldn't bear it any longer, he jumped up against the table, and said angrily, "The palace pot is tight, how did you know it!"

"You live in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, just do your duty well, who gave you the courage to take care of my family affairs!"

"In your eyes, there is still a difference between a monarch and a minister! I see, you have read all the books of sages and sages in your dog's stomach, right?"

"Your Majesty's family affairs are state affairs!" Gao Panlong looked like a strong man, not afraid of Long Xing at all, and met Zhu Youxiao's eyes.

"Your Majesty humiliated the minister with dirty words, but the minister still insisted on admonishing him!"

Chapter 53 I'm Here

You scolded me viciously, but I still want to be that "Wei Zheng", but I don't know that loyal words are hard to hear!

Look, this guy is loyal and unparalleled, and the world can learn from him.

Getting angry with himself is exactly what Gao Panlong wants to see.

Court staff?

As long as he can't be beaten to death, Gao Panlong is a minister who dares to offend Longyan.

Then Gao Panlong turned his head and left the Nuan Pavilion, and tomorrow it will be reported that Emperor Tianqi was furious at the outspoken and admonishing officials.

Controlling public opinion and inducing ignorant people has always been one of the usual tricks of the Donglin Party.

This group of Donglin Party has long regarded Daming's state affairs, as well as my own family affairs, as their affairs.

Zhu Youxiao recalled the ancient rules of Tang Taizong when he faced Wei Zheng in the book "Zhenguan Zhengyao" just now, took a deep breath, and said:

"The teacher's teaching is right, and the teacher will forgive it and do it well."

Seeing that the emperor was angry just now, and soon sat on the court, continuing to uphold the majesty and calmness of being a king and a father, Gao Panlong's heart sank, and the emperor didn't go on the road.

He thought for a while, and then said: "Your Majesty, please do it yourself."

Zhu Youxiao opened the book and said lightly: "Sir, if there is anything else you want to play, let's finish it together."

Gao Panlong was taken aback for a moment, and then presented a memorial.

Zhu Youxiao knew without looking at it that the content of the memorial was the impeachment of Wei Zhongxian.

In the past few days, since the fall of Shenyang in Liaodong, there have been constant memorials to impeach Wei Zhongxian, Gu Bingqian and others.

This memorial was written by Liu Zongzhou, the head of the Ministry of Punishment.

He not only impeached Wei Zhongxian in the memorial, but also at the end of the memorial, he said that there is no excuse for the crime, and proposed to rehabilitate Feng Sanyuan who was still in Dongchang.

Zhu Youxiao sneered a few times and put down the memorial.

If my predictions are correct, the rest of the Donglin Qunxians are now waiting for death, waiting for Gao Panlong to return to give a message.

Zhu Youxiao didn't speak, while Gao Panlong waited for an answer.

The monarchs and ministers were silent for a long time. At this moment, a cloud in the sky covered the sunlight, making the entire Xinuang Pavilion suddenly dark.

After a while, the western bell rang three times, the sandalwood in the pavilion rose into the air, and a few bouquets of incense suddenly fell to the ground.

Zhu Youxiao flipped through the memorials silently, finally raised his head, and asked lightly: "Gao Aiqing, is there anything else?"

"Go back to the emperor, no more."

The excitement just now dissipated, and at this moment Gao Panlong was extremely nervous because the emperor was not happy or angry.

The emperor's address to himself changed from "Sir" to "Gao Aiqing", which was a good sign.

But Gao Panlong couldn't be happy, these three words, no matter how they sounded, seemed to be said by Zhu Youxiao through gritted teeth.

"You can go, I still want to read." After speaking, Zhu Youxiao shot his eyes like sharp swords.

If eyes could kill, Gao Panlong would have died in Xinuang Pavilion long ago.

"My minister retire."

When Gao Panlong retreated, Zhu Youxiao sighed heavily, picked up Mao Wenlong's memorabilia again, and said to himself.

"I know it's difficult for you, but it's also difficult for me..."

Wei Zhongxian, who was on duty as the supervisor of ceremonies, had already guessed that the Donglin Party was about to attack when he heard that Gao Panlong had entered the palace to face the saint.

Knowing that Gao Panlong had left, Wei Zhongxian rushed to Xinuang Pavilion in a hurry.

Before he could speak, Zhu Youxiao, who was turning the pages and reading a book, spoke first: "Here you come? Sit down."

In recent days, news of the war in Liaodong has spread, and everyone says that Xiong Tingbi, who Wei Zhongxian "took" Zhu Youxiao to protect, suffered a defeat.

Puhe and Shenyang fell one after another, and You Shigong and He Shixian were killed in battle. Xiong Tingbi alone cannot bear this crime.

Wei Zhongxian didn't know the details of the battle, and he didn't want to know.

All he knew was that he and Xiong Tingbi were now grasshoppers on the same rope.

The Donglin Party wants to take advantage of Xiong Tingbi's sin of falling into Shenyang to drag himself into the water. As long as one of them dies, the other will never survive.

Of course, whether he will die or not depends entirely on the emperor's will.

Those in the capital all rely on the so-called pond newspapers and memorials to understand the situation of the Liaodong War. No one knows what it really is like.

As soon as the news of the war in Liaodong arrived, the turmoil of impeaching Wei Zhongxian inside and outside the court never stopped. Zhu Youxiao's attitude was very confused, and he has not expressed his opinion so far.

It was only when Gao Panlong kept pressing just now that he showed his anger once, and immediately took it back.

Wei Zhongxian didn't really go to sit down, he walked over to Zhu Youxiao's side obediently, and filled a cup of Longjing tea in person.

In fact, he wanted to test the emperor's attitude towards him.

Wei Zhongxian also knew that an eunuch like him was still working for the emperor after all, because no one expected such a big incident in Liaodong beforehand.

Under such circumstances, no one can tell whether the emperor will continue to protect Xiong Tingbi despite the turmoil of condemnation, or whether he will take Wei Zhongxian first to quell the boiling of the government and the public.

Fortunately, Zhu Youxiao quickly put down his book and took a sip of tea under Wei Zhongxian's pleasing gaze.

Although Zhu Youxiao just took a sip and put it back, it still made Wei Zhongxian realize that the emperor was on his side.

As a result, he was relieved a lot.

Zhu Youxiao walked out of the Nuan Pavilion with a blank expression on his face. Wei Zhongxian didn't know the reason, so he could only follow behind him step by step, feeling overwhelmed.

Zhu Youxiao walked under an old tree outside the Nuan Pavilion, took out a slingshot from the large sleeve of his toga, and released it suddenly with his right hand full of strings and sharp eyebrows.

There was only a whine from Ye Jian, and the bird fell to the ground in response to the sound, and thrashed a few times in dying struggle, but there was no more sound.

With a twist of his wrist, Zhu Youxiao put the slingshot into Wei Zhongxian's hand, as if provoking, probing, and entrusting him, and asked:

"do you dare?"

Wei Zhongxian naturally understood what the emperor was alluding to by shooting birds with a slingshot.

His hands were trembling, he was both happy and worried, he looked left and right, he hesitated for a while before saying: "My lord, this old slave... this old slave is afraid."

Zhu Youxiao turned his head when he heard the words, and looked at the empty garden for a long time.

Wei Zhongxian raised his head quietly and looked over, only to see that the morning light through the leaves sprinkled gold on Zhu Youxiao's face.

The figure of the emperor swayed with the wind, looking lonely and repelling others thousands of miles away.

"From now on, you will also be in charge of the Department of Cherishing Salaries, the Supply and Utilization Library of the Neifu, and the Supervisory Seal of Shangshan." After a long silence, Zhu Youxiao said with his hands behind his back:

"It's okay if I'm here."

Xixin Division, also known as Construction Division in the Qing Dynasty, has six warehouses of wood, iron, housing, utensils, salary, and charcoal, as well as three productions of iron, lacquer, and guns.

The supply warehouse of the inner government was built in the 28th year of Hongwu, and it is one of the warehouses of the inner government.

In charge of official food rice in palaces and hills, as well as imperial yellow wax, white wax, agarwood, etc., and storehouses for storing oil wax belong to it.

As for Shangshan Prison, one of the twelve prisons, many people confuse it with Guanglu Temple due to its functions.

Shangshan Supervisor is in charge of court meals and banquets, etc., while Guanglu Temple is in charge of national sacrifices, court meetings, emperor banquets, wine, food and shame.

To put it bluntly, Shangshan is in charge of the harem, and Guanglu Temple is in charge of the emperor. As for the imperial dining room?That's from the Qing Dynasty.

Feeling the emperor's true intentions, Wei Zhongxian hurriedly knelt on the ground, expressing his feelings.

Zhu Youxiao also grinned when he saw his true feelings revealed. Compared with the Donglin Party, this Wei Zhongxian is also very cunning and cunning.

This time hinting at him like this, he was short of directly saying "you do it, I will protect you", and he was the one who threw out such a killer move.

I hope Wei Zhongxian won't let me down.

Thinking of this, Zhu Youxiao walked back to Xinuang Pavilion slowly, Wei Zhongxian watched from behind, but did not follow.

I don't even know what to think.

Chapter 54 Metropolitan Government

A few days later, Wei Zhongxian stood outside the Nuan Pavilion with the documents in his hands, listening to the emperor's groans and sighs in his heart.

He was calculating rapidly in his mind, and a bit of gloom gradually appeared on his expressionless face.

Under such a general trend of public opinion, the emperor still trusted himself and improved his rights, but put himself at the center of the whirlpool of public opinion.

Wei Zhongxian could also understand what the emperor meant.

"do you dare?"

"It's okay if I'm here."

What Zhu Youxiao said to him flashed into his mind again at this moment.

In addition to the overwhelming emotion in his heart, Zhu Youxiao's situation against the general trend of public opinion also made him ring the alarm bells.

Emperor Apocalypse has been on the throne for less than a year, let alone heirs, the harem is empty. If something really happens one day, who will inherit the rule of society.

He would rather the future prince of the Ming Dynasty be a baby who was still in his infancy than accept the fifth younger brother who behaved like a gentleman in Donglin.

Thinking of this, he looked down at the stacks of documents wrapped in yellow silk on the tray, but smiled suddenly.

The content covered by these papers, from the northern border of the empire to the South China Sea, the whole world is so comfortably held in the hands of Emperor Tianqi, how could he be willing to let it go.


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