He dodged the knife, but the clothes he was wearing were slightly bloated and could not avoid the knife point.

There was a crisp sound.

The bandit laughed and said, "Hey, let's see where you hide now..."

He looked at a row of poison cones exposed from under his clothes, and a handful of lavender handlebars that seemed to be poisoned.

What is this hunter bringing these things here for?

The smile on the bandit's face gradually disappeared.

He looked up at Wei He.

Wei He also looked at him.

Chapter 44


The bandit opened his mouth to speak.


Suddenly a handful of white ash shot up into the sky.

Several people were startled suddenly, and at the same time when their sight was blocked, a figure suddenly rushed out from the white ash, and punched one of them.


A bandit flew upside down, his chest collapsed.Seeing is not alive.

"Back to the Eight Shadows!"

Wei He's arms are like apes, and he hits the white ash like lightning.

The four bandits around only had time to yell before they were hit in the chest by his fist and fell down one after another.

Two of them vomited blood, and two of them managed to hold on, but their forearms and sternum were all cracked.

In just a few seconds, all the bandits fell to the ground, leaving only one bald man.

The bald head was terrified, knowing something was wrong, without saying a word, he grabbed a bag from his waist and was about to scatter it forward.

That is his special secret weapon, a special poison powder that has been prepared for a long time.

Once sprinkled and inhaled through the nose, it will definitely make people cough and suffer severe pain, and lose their combat effectiveness in a short time.

The last time he plotted against that expert, he used this trick successfully.

just now……

He grabbed the bag with his hand and was about to shake it forward.

Suddenly, a large group of black shadows hit him head-on.


That was obviously one of his bandit subordinates just now.

The bandit was kicked into the air and hit the bald head hard.The two fell to the ground on the spot.

The bald head pushed the bandit away fiercely and was about to get up.

Suddenly his eyes went dark, and a big fist had already reached in front of him.

what! !

With a roar, he knew that he had reached the critical point of life and death.

The bag in his hand was about to be lifted up and let go.


Unexpectedly, what was held in that fist was also a handful of white ash.

Whitelime hit him right in the face on the spot.

what! ! !

He screamed.

I didn't expect the other party to be so fast.Combined with the strength of the previous opponent's attack, four people were sent flying in an instant.

This kind of strength and explosive power, even he can't do it, he must be a master of the second blood!

Such a master, even if he confronts him head-on, he is far from being an opponent.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party chose to play dirty tricks even though he could beat him.

You are so powerful and you still make dirty tricks, shameless! ! ?

The bald head wants to cry but has no tears, and the heart is ashamed.

Masters are not scary, what is terrible is that masters still use dirty tricks.This is simply no way out for people!

His face was covered with lime, his eyes were burning and painful, thoughts flashed through his bald head's mind, but unfortunately he didn't have much time to think about regrets.


A fist hit his forehead, and he flew backwards, bleeding from seven holes, hit a big tree trunk, fell down, and was completely motionless.

The surroundings regained silence.

"I really wanted to leave... Sigh..." Now that I made a move, I can only kill this group of people.

No way, this world is like this.

Wei He withdrew his fist, picked up a few stones from the ground, and threw them at the surrounding corpses one by one.

Make sure everyone hits the forehead hard.

After confirming that they were all dead, he began to search.

These ordinary bandits found a lot of good things.

Three bags of suspected Mongolian sweat medicine and four bags of poisonous powder.Five dry food bags and water bags.A few golden beans, a unit of currency smaller than a gold leaf.

There is also a special pouch and a dry yellow booklet.

"What is this?" Wei He first carefully held the small bag, opened it and looked at it from a distance. It contained a kind of light gray medicinal powder. He didn't know what it was, so he had to go back and identify it.

He carefully fastened the bag again, and fastened it to the position of the poison powder bag.

Then he threw a pile of food and drink into the water-resistant backpack, separated from the python meat, and finally picked up the booklet that was found from the bald bandit.

The paper of the brochure was dry yellow, and the corners had already been worn badly. On the cover, there were a few large characters written crookedly: Account Book of Li Family Medicine Store.

"Ledger?" Wei He quickly opened it with the tip of a knife.

It is not a ledger at all, but some well-formed practice graphs.

The handwriting is on the left, the graphics are on the right, and the description is quite precise word by word.

As for why it is a cover book, it is probably a bald and crude means of camouflage.

Wei He didn't have time to turn it over, quickly put it away, and then began to dispose of the corpse.

The corpses were all piled up together, and all his fist wounds were chopped off with a knife.Avoid being judged as Huishanquan from the number of martial arts.

At the same time, the blood energy brought by the cut wound can easily attract wild beasts to eat the corpse, making it more difficult to identify the cause of death from the injury.

After doing this, Wei He quickly left the place, sweeping away his footprints with big branches along the way.

After walking for a while, he was about to drop the branch.

Suddenly, a big fat man in white clothes came towards him.

This is the way down the mountain.

This is Shaoyang Mountain.

White clothes, big fat man.

Wei He was shocked in his heart, and then looked at the other party carefully.

This fat man is about 1.8 meters tall and more than one meter wide, almost like a ball.

But the strange thing is that his face and hands, where the skin is exposed, are not fat like ordinary fat people, but are full of firm flesh-colored muscles.

It gives the impression that this is a fat man with very little fat and all muscle.

It's just that his body is spindle-shaped, and he looks like a fat man from a distance.

"On such a hot day, you still wear a mask? It's interesting to wrap yourself up so tightly. This is the first time I've seen a weirdo like you on Shaoyang Mountain."

There was a trace of curiosity on the fat man's face.

"I'm sick." Wei He said in a muffled voice, "I'm afraid to scare others, so I wrap it tightly."

"Look at the direction you came down just now, which is exactly the direction where Kong Yan and the others went. You didn't get your package taken away by them?"

The fat man in white narrowed his eyes.

"You are careful when you walk, and you still smell a little bit of human blood... There is also the smell of lime powder... My friend, okay, dare to hurt my Shaoyangmen's subordinates in my Shaoyang Mountain?"

This fat man is not easy to fool!

Wei He's heart shuddered, knowing that he was seen through.You can't even pretend to be a fake.

At the moment, he also narrowed his eyes and arched his back slightly.

"My lord, I'm just joking. I'm just a little hunter. Why can't I understand what you said?"

"Don't understand? It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you will..."

puff puff! !

The two raised their hands almost at the same time, and threw two handfuls of lime powder towards each other at the same time.

The two pairs of squinting eyes are closed at the same time, and the purpose of squinting is to close them as quickly as possible to guard against sneak attacks.

The fat man knew he had met his opponent after throwing the lime, so he took out a cylinder from his back with his backhand, and quickly aimed it at the front to press the switch.


A stream of black water sprayed out from the end of the cylinder and flew out.

Unexpectedly, at the same time, a bag was thrown from the top of the black water on the other side, and the bag scattered in mid-air, and a large amount of choking powder flew out.

This time, the two moved at a similar speed, almost at the same time, and they were hit at the same time.

Wei He's chest and abdomen were hit by the black water. He took a few steps back and looked up to the opposite side.

The fat man in white was also slapped on his face, but he was holding his breath, his eyes were closed, and he was quickly wiping his face with his sleeve.

Without even thinking about it, Wei He pulled out an awl from his body and threw it viciously at the opponent.

This time he used Qi and blood to explode, and his speed and strength were extremely fast.

Fatty was caught off guard, sensed the sound of the wind, took a few steps back, raised his hand, and a little black dart was thrown out.

The dart hit Wei He's chest, and the huge force broke through the leather armor, but it hit the iron plate inside.

The dart bounced off and fell to the ground.

But the fat man in white had no time to dodge, he was stabbed in the side of the waist by the awl, and he also swelled up his blood immediately, and the powerful secondary qi and blood quickly agitated and exploded with strength.

But because of his slow effort, he was in a lot of haste, and before he reached the peak, he punched Wei He head-on.

when! !

The two fists were facing each other, but what they didn't want to make was not the sound of physical collision, but the sound of metal and iron clashing.

The hearts of the two trembled at the same time.

The fat man retracted his hand and saw that one of the spikes was missing from the metal glove on his fist.There was a blood hole between the fingers when he made a fist.

Wei He on the opposite side also stopped his hand and looked, his fist was fine, but there was a smear of blood on the prick hidden between his fingers.

Just this time, the sharp point of the prick was broken and bent.I'm afraid it won't work next time.

"Okay, okay!" Fatty thought he was already shady enough, but he didn't expect to be pecked in the eyes by geese today.

At the moment, he no longer hesitated, feeling that the wound on his hand was itchy and unbearable, it must have been poisoned.

With a low drink, he pumped all the energy and blood in his body, threw an antidote into his mouth, and rushed forward.

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