"Hey, Uncle Yao, tell me Master Gu's phone number."

After Lu Feng put the mysterious little black card into the storage space, he immediately called Huang Yao.

"Didn't I tell you that Master Gu is busy with work, and it will take at least fifteen days before he can see you.

As for the phone call, he told me a few days ago that I don't need to tell you, he will take the initiative to call you in fifteen days. "

Since Master Gu had spoken first, Huang Yao did not intend to tell Lu Feng the contact information of Master Gu.

"Well, since Master Gu doesn't want to tell me, then forget it."

Since it was Master Gu who spoke first, Lu Feng naturally would not force Huang Yao.

However, Huang Yao felt ashamed, he explained: "Okay, Ah Feng, let's do this first, don't blame Uncle Yao, it's mainly the elders' orders."

"Uncle Yao, don't think too much, it's because Master Gu said it first, I won't blame you."

Lu Feng interrupted Huang Yao with a smile, he understood Huang Yao very well.

"It's fine if you don't blame it, then let's do it first."

Seeing that Lu Feng didn't blame himself, Huang Yao on the other side of the phone showed a gratified smile, and finally he didn't help a white-eyed wolf.

"Okay, that's it for now. Goodbye, Uncle Yao."

After finishing speaking, Lu Feng and Huang Yao hung up the phones one after another.

Fifteen days?

What is this ancient master doing?

Why did he actively induce himself to find this black card?

for my good?

Or want to hurt me?

If he wanted to harm me, he shouldn't have done it. If so, he didn't have to help me a few days ago!

Lu Feng was full of questions, but no one answered him!

"Hey! Forget it! Let's practice hard first, as long as you can make yourself stronger, everything will be solved!"

Faced with this unknown situation, Lu Feng's desire to become stronger became even stronger!

Lu Feng did what he said, and immediately put on a double-legged posture on the bed, and practiced according to the content in the first picture of Taoist Entraining Qi Technique.

Although it is almost evening now, it is not the best time to practice when the sun is rising and the sky is full of morning glow.

But it's always good to be diligent!

"The tip of the tongue touches the roof of the palate, and the thoughts rush to the top of the head"

The first picture of entraining qi is practiced in a double-disc posture, and it is accompanied by corresponding formulas.

With Lu Feng's current memory, he has already memorized the contents by heart.

He practiced according to the posture and content of the first picture, and soon entered the state of meditation.

At this moment, he has nothing outside of his mind, nothing outside of his mind.

One heart is only in cultivation.

"This is?"

Lu Feng, who had entered into a state of sedation, was extremely clear.

He felt his own blood flow.

He also felt that the Nine-Aperture Golden Pill was rapidly circulating in his heart, emitting a strange energy into his body.

It is difficult for ordinary people to practice Qi-Entraining Technique without practicing it for a year or two to reach this state.

Even for a person with super talent in cultivation, it will take half a year to enter this state.

But Lu Feng was different, he had the help of the Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir, far surpassing those so-called geniuses in cultivation.

As the Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir circulated and spread, Lu Feng felt a hot breath emanating from his body.

Soon, white smoke rose above his head.

The pores all over his body also began to emit a lot of sweat.

Not long after, Lu Feng's whole body felt as if he had been splashed with a basin of water. Even his hair started to get wet.

His face was red, his palms were red, and he looked like a prawn fished out of boiling water!

And around his body, there was also a scorching hot breath at this moment, covering his whole body in it.


Feeling this state, Lu Feng couldn't help but be overjoyed.

According to the description in the first picture of Entraining Qi Technique, it is obvious that this is the prelude to entering the realm of refining and transforming Qi.

All he had to do was to contain the scorching hot energy, bring them back into the body, and refine them into inner energy.

He can reach this state so quickly, it is inseparable from the Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir, and it is also inseparable from his previous accumulation!

After Lu Feng finished reciting a word silently, the scorching energy lingering around him was as swiftly flowing backwards, and he easily took it back into his body.

At the same time, there was no sweat coming out of his body, his face was no longer flushed, and the top of his head was no longer steaming.

"Is this internal gas?"

After that energy flowed back into Lu Feng's body, Lu Feng immediately felt strong breaths moving wildly in his body.

Holding his breath, Lu Feng carefully and slowly introduced them into his dantian according to the description in the air entrainment technique.

This process is very fast, and it only takes about 3 minutes to complete.


After the steps were completed, Lu Feng opened his eyes, and there was uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

He has finally reached the stage of refining gas!

The current him, whether it is speed or strength, is far superior to him by several times.

If he meets someone like Fujita Go, even without a gun, he can kill him within five moves.

For Lu Feng, that Ajie under Wang Bao was even more insignificant, he could kill him on the spot with just one move!

"It's a pity, there is no way to condense the yin and evil qi and the auspicious qi!"

After the ecstasy, Lu Feng felt a little pity again.

According to the description in the technique of entraining qi, if one reaches the level of refining and transforming qi, one can gather yin and evil qi and auspicious qi to deal with ghosts!

It's a pity that he doesn't have that method!

"jingle bell jingle bell"

Just when Lu Feng felt sorry, his big brother's bell rang.

After hearing the phone ringing, Lu Feng's first reaction was not to answer the phone, but to be afraid!

Just now when he was practicing, he forgot a big thing, that is, he forgot his big brother on the table.

If, when he was just practicing, his phone rang suddenly, it would most likely interrupt his cultivation process!

In that case, he might not be able to enter the realm of refining Qi today!

Lu Feng secretly felt lucky, and at the same time patted his forehead with his hand, reminding himself that he must not be so careless next time!

"Hello, who is it?" Lu Feng answered the phone.

"Hi, I'm Wang Bao. Are you Mr. Lu Feng?"

A thick and steady voice came from the opposite side, and it sounded very polite.

"Wang Bao?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly, and said, "I'm Lu Feng, what's your business?"

"Hi Mr. Lu, nice to meet you."

Wang Bao's voice was still very polite: "My subordinates are blind and offended you a few days ago, please don't blame them.

Tomorrow night, I plan to set up a few tables at Yunhe Restaurant in Shitangzui, and personally apologize to you. I hope you can come. "

"Hehe, is there only an apology?"

Lu Feng chuckled, he didn't believe that a hero like Wang Bao would apologize to himself so easily.

"Of course, I only have to make amends, and I dare not offend Mr. Lu again." Wang Bao was still very polite.

"Okay, I'll be there tomorrow night, hang up."

Lu Feng agreed to Wang Bao's invitation, and then hung up the phone.

With his current fighting strength, he naturally wouldn't be afraid of Wang Bao any more.

However, Lu Feng was afraid that Wang Bao would do some dirty tricks, so he attacked Chen Xiaodao, A Zhen, and Wu Ya!

It's better to take this opportunity to solve this matter completely.

Although Wang Bao might be planning to throw a grand banquet, why is Lu Feng afraid?

After hanging up the phone, Lu Feng rang Chen Xiaodao's landline again.

As he had expected, it was Crow who answered the phone.

Lu Feng knew that this guy was well-informed, so he told him about his desire to buy a house.

Crow repeatedly assured that within three days, he would help Lu Feng find a suitable house.

After calling Wu Ya, Lu Feng started his own practice again.

After getting that mysterious little black card, Lu Feng's desire to become stronger became stronger and stronger. He didn't want to let go of any time to become stronger!

Ps: Happy New Year, readers, I wish you good health and good luck in the new year.

Chapter 50 Settling Accounts

Day two.

Around 20pm.

Lu Feng was invited to the Yunhe Restaurant in Shitangzui.

Yunhe Restaurant is a restaurant that has not been opened for a long time, and it should look ordinary from the outside decoration.

And there is no underground parking lot, the entrance of the restaurant is full of cars.

But this Yunhe restaurant is better than spacious, more suitable for gang members to gather.

"Hello, may I ask that you are Lu Feng, Mr. Lu?"

When Lu Feng stepped out of his Beetle car, a boy with hair dyed yellow greeted him.

It seems that he has been waiting here for a long time.

"Okay, take me in."

Lu Feng was not polite to the young man, after finishing speaking, he walked towards Yunhe Restaurant with his head held high.

Because his pace was very fast, the boy could only trot to catch up with him, and it seemed that he led the boy in.

"Mr. Lu, please."

However, that young man was full of energy after all. After trotting all the way, he finally opened the glass door for Lu Feng before Lu Feng opened the door.

"it is good!"

Lu Feng didn't go in first, but took a look at the young man and said, "You are quite winky, what's your name?"

"Me, my name is Zhao Shanhe, they all call me Pheasant."

The young man shook his head and said in a thief-like manner, but in his eyes, there was respect for Lu Feng.


The corner of Lu Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he said, "Aren't you from Hong Xing? How did you come here? Where is Wang Bao's?"

Lu Feng asked three questions in a row.

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