Rex looked at the display on the tactical panel and said harshly.

However, before Rex was happy, when the fleet passed through a group of asteroids, something happened.


1 minute ago, inside the flagship of Task Force 101.

"Report, the other party will arrive at the burial site of the nuclear bomb in 1 minute."

"Very well, set the detonation time of the nuclear bomb to 1 minute, and start drilling into the asteroid."


The earth-penetrating nuclear bomb is a very strange thing. It is said that this thing can even be used to destroy the planet.

The nuclear bomb has its own energy and a super drill, and it can even drill all the way to the core of the planet for detonation.

However, humans haven't actually used this thing so far. The entire Task Force 101 has dozens of them, and this time Lin Fan used them all at once.

After receiving the instructions, these earth-penetrating nuclear bombs that had been erected by the mechs began to drill into the interior of each asteroid.

One minute later, the fleet of the Oaks Empire arrived between these dozens of asteroids.

The pre-set time of the earth-penetrating nuclear bombs also detonated inside the asteroid one after another at this time.

Dozens of dazzling lights flashed, and dozens of asteroids were blown into countless pieces, large and small.

All of a sudden, the Oakes fleet suffered disaster. The channel was covered with fragments of asteroids, making it impossible to sail normally.

Seeing this, Rex had to order the fleet to slow down and stop quickly, but even so, dozens of spaceships were still damaged when they hit the asteroid fragments during the deceleration process.

At this moment, something happened that caused Rex to completely collapse.

"Let all the mecha troops attack and completely destroy the opponent's fleet."


The order was immediately transmitted to the mecha troops in ambush, and 9000 of them rushed out from the dense asteroid group and killed the battleship group of the Oakes fleet.

In the chaotic environment full of debris, the fleet could not move, but that did not mean that the mechs could not move. With their small size and high maneuverability, the mechas quickly entered the battleship group.

After that, it was a round of massacre that greeted Rex.

Seeing the battleships being destroyed by mechs around him, Rex closed his eyes, he already understood that he had no chance!

With such an ingenious tactic and a series of killer moves step by step, the opponent couldn't be Liang Xingchen, right?

Rex couldn't help thinking so.

"Send Ninth Prince to the escape cabin, immediately!"

Rex looked at Duo Lun, who was already frightened, waved his hand, and asked the guards in the bridge to take Duo Lun to the escape cabin.

I can die here, but as for His Highness the Ninth Prince, although he is an incompetent person talking on paper, he is the royal family after all, so he absolutely cannot die here.

After the two guards saluted Rex, they walked out immediately carrying Duo Lun.

Ten minutes later, when the last fleet of the Ochs Empire was destroyed, the entire battle came to an end.

"Adjutant, report the results of our army's battle!"

"Yes, a total of 208 battleships of the Oaks Empire were destroyed in this battle. Our warships suffered no losses. The mecha troops lost 528 battleships, of which 218 were successfully ejected, and the others..."

Others, of course Lin Fan understood what was going on.

It has to be said that in this era, mechas are the natural enemy of warships when they get close, but that is also piled up with numbers.

Generally speaking, 20 mechas can be exchanged for one battleship after getting close, which is very good.

But in terms of value, the cost of a battleship is equivalent to hundreds of mechs, and there are at least several hundred people on the battleship.

Therefore, exchanging 20 mechas for one battleship is definitely a mess. This is why so many people say that once the mechas rush into the battleship group, it will be the end of the battleship.

"Clean up the battlefield immediately, search and rescue all surviving pilots, search for the mechas that have not been successfully ejected, according to their last location, try to find their bodies, and take them back!"

"Yes, I will arrange it immediately."

"After the arrangements are made, send the battle report to the Mars base!"


An hour later, Liang Xue reported to Lin Fan that the battlefield had been cleaned up. Among the 218 pilots who successfully ejected, 185 people were successfully rescued, and 148 people were able to recover their remains.

In other words, the final battle loss statistics show that 528 mechs and 343 pilots were lost.

"Commander, when we were cleaning the battlefield, we also found a rescue capsule of the Oaks Empire, which had been captured by the mecha troops. There was only one person inside. The other party claimed that he was the Ninth Prince of the Oaks Empire, and asked us to give him courtesy."

"Courtesy fart, lock it up as a prisoner of war, and hand it over to the commander when you go back!"


"If there is nothing else, let the fleet set off and return to Mars!"


After the final results were counted, Liang Xue compiled a detailed battle report on the way back and sent it to the Mars base.

At this moment, Liang Xingchen was a little worried in the office.

Calculating the time, the fight should have been almost done, and I don't know what's going on. Whether it's a war on paper or a natural talent depends on this battle.


"Come in!"

"Commander, Task Force 101 has sent back the battle report!"

"Huh? Come and show me."

The adjutant immediately handed over a document, Liang Xingchen took it and read it seriously.

"Haha, this kid Lin Fan really did not disappoint you and me. He didn't lose a single warship of his own. At the cost of more than 500 mechas, he wiped out 208 warships of the opponent and captured the Ninth Prince of the Oaks Empire!"

"Yes, Commander, when I first saw this battle report, I couldn't believe it."

"Did you forget that he made me turn around in the Interstellar Military Academy? This kid is not simple!"

The adjutant remembered the time when he accompanied Liang Xingchen to the Interstellar Military Academy, and it dawned on him that he had never seen anyone in the federal army who could make the commander suffer such a big loss in a battle.

If you say it, this victory seems to be reasonable again.

"But, Commander, what should we do with the Ninth Prince?"

"We don't need to worry about this, the president will make the best use of His Royal Highness, ha ha!"

Chapter 014 The Other Side of Liang Xue

Federal President Lin Zhen is in a daze in the office at the moment.

His own son went out to fight the Oaks Empire as soon as he arrived on Mars?

Even achieved a record of 0:200?

The most important thing is to capture the Ninth Prince of the Oaks Empire?

Even Liang Xingchen's first actual battle back then wasn't so fierce, right?

In recent years, I have been hearing reports from my subordinates that my son is called a monster in the Interstellar Military Academy.

Originally, Lin Zhen thought that was the case, no matter how evil he was, he would not be stronger than Liang Xingchen.

As a result, news came from time to time about what new technology his son had come up with.

It was okay at the beginning, only some civilian technologies, and then this kid gradually extended his hand to the military field.

Until more than a year ago, one day, someone suddenly ran up to me and told me that your son had designed an artificial gravity generating device, which shocked Lin Zhen that day.

Since then, Lin Zhen has wondered if his son chose the wrong profession?Should you be doing research?

The following year was quite quiet. Lin Zhen thought that this kid had calmed down and hadn't done anything serious for more than a year.

As a result, this guy directly made Liang Xingchen suffer a big loss in the graduation assessment, and after he went to the Mars base, he immediately became restless again.

The curvature engine was directly assembled, as well as the industrial robot technology that was 30 years ahead of the Federation.

Now he ran out and made such a big vote?

Lin Zhen felt that there was an evil son, and his heart couldn't bear it.

Well, I don't want to worry about this brat anymore, the key now is how to deal with the Ninth Prince of the Oaks Empire?

Lin Zhen finally calmed down, started to deal with business, and immediately asked his assistant to notify the officials of various departments to come to the office for a meeting.


At the Mars base, at the port of the No. 27 medium-sized star port, all the warships of Task Force 101 have just docked.

All the crew did not leave after disembarking, but lined up in the port, and no one spoke.

And Liang Xingchen, who had come here a long time ago to wait for Lin Fan's return, was standing at the flagship's hanging ladder with Lin Fan and Liang Xue, with a solemn expression.

Not long after, a large number of people came out of the flagship stepping forward one after another. They were in groups of two, and each group carried a coffin. Each coffin was covered with the flag of the Federation Fleet. There were 343 groups in total.

There was no sound in the entire port until Lin Fan yelled.


With a bang, more than 3 people saluted solemnly in the direction of the flagship hanging ladder, watching one coffin after another being carried down and covered with military flags.

Of these coffins, only 148 contained remains; the others were empty.

The cosmic war of this era is like this. The weapons are too powerful. Most of the time, you can't even find a hair. Those who can find the remains are very lucky.

As the farewell process proceeded, everyone's eyes were a little red. These 343 people were their former partners, and then a few hours later, they left forever.

In the end, all the coffins were shot out from the star port and flew into the depths of the universe. This is a unique tradition of the Federation Fleet.

After seeing off the 343 fallen soldiers, Lin Fan announced the order to disband.

"Lin Fan, great job! You didn't disappoint me!"

Liang Xingchen came to Lin Fan and praised Lin Fan without hesitation.

"I haven't done well enough, still 343 people died!"

"Lin Fan, you have to understand that there is no war of undead, you have done well enough!"

To be honest, Liang Xingchen was a little worried. He had seen many commanders who couldn't accept the death of his subordinates and finally broke down. He didn't want Lin Fan to do the same.

Being talented is one thing, being able to withstand the pressure of the battlefield is another.

However, Liang Xingchen is doomed to worry for nothing. Who is Lin Fan? He has a system and has been a human being in two lifetimes. Is this an ordinary person?

In terms of spirit, Lin Fan, who has been a human being for two lifetimes, is definitely stronger than any human being.

"Commander, I understand, I just want to do better next time!"

"It's good that you understand, I have come here this time because I have a new task for you."

"Yes, Commander, please order!"

"Well, it's about the Ninth Prince of the Oaks Empire that you captured this time. The President held a special meeting for this, and finally decided to use the Ninth Prince as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the Oaks Empire. The negotiating team will arrive in a few days Mars base, then you will be responsible for the escort."


"Okay, after a big battle, you must be a little tired mentally, go and have a rest!"

Liang Xingchen patted Lin Fan on the shoulder and left.

But does Lin Fan need to rest?His physical fitness exceeds the limit of normal human beings by 3.5 times. To be honest, he is not tired at all.

But sleep is still necessary. After Lin Fan arrived at the Mars base, he never had a chance to sleep.

Now that I have the chance, of course I should go to sleep well.

Not long after, Lin Fan returned to his office and lay down on the bed in the bedroom beside him.

"System, give me a simulated escort mission in the asteroid belt. The opponent chooses level 5. In addition, our warship simulates the 101 task force, and the enemy's warship simulates the Oaks Empire."

"Ding, the battlefield has been set, and the fleets of the enemy and us have been fully simulated according to the requirements of the host."

"Ding, the main body of the battlefield is the escort mission, which will start in three seconds."

"It's a thoughtful system."

After Lin Fan sighed, he entered the virtual battlefield and started a new round of training.

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