He finally found a way to deal with Li Yunlong.


Wang Ye's current schedule is completely reversed.

I fell asleep until after six o'clock in the afternoon, and was awakened by the hunger in my stomach.

When he came to the kitchen, the others had already finished eating as usual, so Lao Wang cooked a small stove for him alone.

Today's meal was changed again. Lao Wang steamed a steamer of vegetable buns for Wang Ye, that is, crushed horse meat and cabbage and wrapped them in white flour buns, each weighing a catty.

Wang Ye was full after eating three vegetable buns.

Lao Wang wrapped three steamed buns for Wang Ye with a towel.

Wang Ye didn't refuse, it was just right to save this stuff until midnight.

Recalling that last night it was because of the gunshots and the muzzle flash that exposed the position, Wang Ye wanted to make a simple silencer, which could be used to silence the sound and eliminate the muzzle flash.

In this way, it is not easy for the devil to determine his position.

Wang Ye said: "Old Wang, do you have any empty cans?"

"Yes, what do you want the empty cans for?"

As Lao Wang said, he dug out a dozen cans from the corner of the kitchen.

There are flat and round cans. There are two types of round cans, one is tall and the other is short. The short one has a slightly larger caliber, which can be used as a simple muffler.

Wang Ye first used a bayonet to draw out a circle from the bottom of the two short round cans. The diameter of the circle was slightly larger than the outer diameter of the tall round cans.

Then nest two short round cans on a tall round can. The interlayer in the middle of the round can is filled with cotton batting to act as sound insulation cotton. Then a small hole about two centimeters in diameter is drilled on the lid of the tall round can.

The bullet can pass through, and the sound wave and muzzle flash are locked.

Then place a thick plank on the bottom of the "muffler".

The planks and mufflers are nailed and must not come loose.

Then drill a small hole in the bottom of the thick wood and the silencer, the diameter of the small hole is slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the barrel of the [-]-cap, and then the silencer can be nested on the barrel through this small hole.

The muffler can also be removed when not needed.

Seeing Wang Ye busy there, Old Wang was stunned.

"Xiao Wang, what are you doing, you round-faced bastard?"

"A small gift, for a devil." Wang Ye was very satisfied with this thing.

This thing is a bit crude and bulky, but it will definitely work.

Compared with a professional muffler, it is definitely not good, but the effect is not bad.

With this thing installed, the sound can still be heard within 30 meters, and only dogs may be able to detect it 30 meters away. As for the muzzle flash, it is basically eliminated.

With this freshly baked silencer, Wang Ye went straight to the station of the cavalry company.

Sun Desheng changed another horse for Wang Ye. With Wang Ye's high attendance rate, it would be impossible not to change horses. War horses are much more delicate than mules and horses.


Another day passed.

Most of the fortifications in Huting stronghold have been repaired.

The devils have even begun to secretly massacre the laborers who participated in the restoration of the Huting stronghold.

Many of these workers were so-called good citizens, but the devils did not hesitate to kill people, because at this time the North China Front Army's guideline was to eliminate the population as much as possible.

The old devil Hayao Tada has implemented a three-light policy.

The purpose is to remove all the population of China and make room for the human race to multiply and thrive. Therefore, from the day the little devils entered China, various massacres have not stopped.

Closer to home, Wang Ye rode the night alone to the outskirts of the Huting stronghold.

First hide the war horse, and then go straight to the Huting stronghold with the [-] cover with the "silencer" installed, but when you get near the stronghold, you are a little dumbfounded.

The soil ditches and soil holes around the stronghold have been filled up!

Wang Ye walked a full circle around the Huting stronghold, and found that within 1000 meters, he couldn't find a ditch, a pit, a depression, or even a cluster of vegetation.

The old devil Kuroshima Morita can do it, he reacts very quickly.

I just suffered a small loss last night, and I responded immediately today.

It's just that he wanted to stop him based on this, but he underestimated him as a special soldier.

At that moment, Wang Ye turned back to the hiding place of the war horse, and took out a blanket from his backpack.

This is a blanket captured by the Japanese army. The color is greenish, which is not suitable for this season, and it is even more incompatible with the exposed mud outside the Huting stronghold.

But this little thing can't bother Wang Ye.

Wrapped in a blanket, rolled a few times on the dry soil, and crawled for a certain distance. When I got up again, the blanket had lost its original color, and turned into a mud color.

At this time, Wang Ye only needs to cover his body with a blanket and lie down on it, and it will be perfectly integrated with the exposed mud outside the Huting stronghold, which is difficult to find unless he walks very close.

After finishing all this, Wang Ye quietly returned to the Huting stronghold wrapped in a blanket.

Chapter 72 Reverse Thinking

Wearing an "earth-colored" military blanket, Wang Ye quietly approached the Huting stronghold.

At this time, the bright moon hanging alone in the sky had fallen behind the mountain ridge in the west, and only a faint starlight fell down, and the entire Huting stronghold was pitch black.

Several bonfires were lit in the stronghold.

There are more than a dozen devil sentries divided into several groups to warm up around the fire, and there are sentries standing guard.

However, Wang Ye also knew very well that there must be ghosts and secret whistles in the darkness where the firelight cannot reach. After all, trenches and barbed wire cannot guarantee that they will not be infiltrated.

Wang Ye quietly approached the stronghold, and subconsciously stopped when he was 200 meters away from the trench of the stronghold.

This distance is just right, which can not only guarantee the hit rate, but also move in advance before the devil cavalry break out of the stronghold.

After all, the black lights were blind, and the searchlights at Huting stronghold were also knocked out, so as long as he escaped 100 meters away, even if the devils dispatched the entire cavalry regiment, they could only catch the blind.

He just dropped to the ground and it was over.

He also wants to replicate last night's success.

However, when Wang Ye was about to lie down, he suddenly stopped and began to hesitate.

If there is no accident, the dirt ditch he used to hide last night must have been discovered by the devils. The distance from that dirt ditch to the trench of the Huting stronghold is about 200 meters.

So tonight, the focus of the devil's defense must be 200 meters.

If he hides at a distance of 200 meters, it is very likely that he will be exposed.

After all, camouflage is just camouflage, and there is still a risk of exposure if you search carefully.

After weighing for a while, Wang Ye decided to continue walking, approaching within 50 meters from the stronghold.

This is what makes Wang Ye different. For others, in this case, he must stay as far away as possible to ensure safety, but Wang Ye does the opposite and gets closer.

This is called reverse thinking, and it is a very valuable quality.

Many people have seen the successful cases of reverse thinking and feel that it is nothing more than that.

But once it is practiced, at least 99 out of [-] people do not have reverse thinking, but only think conventionally based on their common sense and experience.

Taking advantage of the cover of night, Wang Ye continued to sneak forward.

It was not until less than 50 meters away from the outer ditch of the Huting stronghold that it finally stopped.

After searching for another half an hour in a small area, I found a depression that could barely fit in.

This depression is very shallow, about a foot deep. If this is a foxhole dug by recruits, it will definitely be beaten by veterans, because this foxhole can barely accommodate the body, not to mention avoiding bullets.

But now Wang Ye can only find such a hiding place.

Because the ditches and pits outside the stronghold were filled by the devils, and the vegetation was also cleared.

Wang Ye took a bayonet and widened and deepened the depression a little to ensure that he could lie down.

Because it was not possible to make too much noise, the whole widening process was very slow and took two hours.

Then the whole person lay on his stomach in the hollow, and then covered his body with a blanket, covering his head, leaving only the front end of the gun barrel and the silencer covered by the [-] cover outside the blanket.

After making sure the camouflage was done, Wang Ye began to adjust his breathing.

After more than ten seconds, his breathing calmed down completely, and Wang Ye put the butt of his rifle against his right shoulder again, then turned his head slightly to lock on the first target by feeling.

It's a devil sentinel.

Standing targets are easy to hit.


It happened to be the turn of the guard squad to be on duty tonight.

Kuroshima Jiro sat around the campfire with several of his sergeants and complained.

"The captain is too cautious." Kuroshima Jiro raised his neck and took a sip of sake, and said depressedly, "Isn't it just a bunch of idiots? What are you afraid of?"

Several military commanders dare not answer.

Kuroshima Jiro dared to say such words, but they did not dare.

If it gets into the ears of the captain, it will be in big trouble.

Jiro Kuroshima went on to say: "If you listened to me, and sent out scouts immediately last night, that Tubalu would definitely not be able to run away, and he would definitely be caught!"

Several military commanders still dare not answer.

Jiro Kuroshima wanted to keep talking, when he suddenly heard a shushing sound in his ear.

It sounded like the screeching sound of a bullet breaking through the air.

Jiro Kuroshima suddenly got up, and several sergeant commanders also jumped up.

The next moment, the devil sentinel, who was less than three meters away from the bonfire, fell to the ground.

"Baga, there is Tubalu!" Hei Dao Morita and several senior sergeants were taken aback, and immediately fell down. One of the senior sergeants quickly took out the hand-cranked siren and shook it vigorously.

Immediately afterwards, piercing sirens rang out.

The Huting stronghold, which was immersed in silence, was suddenly awakened.

Hundreds of devils swarmed out of the dormitory and quickly entered the position.

And then, with two toms, two flares flew into the sky with a squeaking and screaming sound, and the dazzling glare instantly illuminated the area within a few kilometers as bright as day.


Outside the base.

See the flares take off and cast a blinding glare,

Wang Yexin couldn't help scolding, what the hell, this wave was really unexpected.

The old devil Kuroshima Morita actually dispatched flares?If he hadn't been careful enough to put on a camouflage blanket, he would have been exposed immediately.

Being exposed to the devil's gun at a distance of 50 meters is no joke.

After all, all the ditches and pits around the stronghold had been filled by the devils, and the area with a radius of more than 1000 meters was an open area with no shelter, so it was too difficult to save one's life.

Wang Ye didn't dare to move while lying on his stomach.


At this time, the devils in the Huting stronghold were all in a daze.

The two flares descended slowly under the traction of the parachute and cast strong light. The visibility conditions were very good, and the area within a radius of two kilometers outside the stronghold could be seen at a glance.

But not a single ghost was seen.

Could it be that Tuba Road has fled to an area two kilometers away?

But Jiro Kuroshima quickly dismissed this possibility.

It took less than a minute from the time the sentinel was killed, to when they sounded the siren to warn, and then to the launch of the flare. How could Tubalu run two kilometers away in such a short time?

Even if Tubalu is flying, it is not so fast!

However, the cruel fact is that no Tuba Road was found.

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