"The fortifications of the Huting stronghold are solid. There are more than 700 devils and puppet troops. They are well-equipped. How can they be easily provoked?"

"I've only won a few small victories and seized some weapons and equipment, so I don't know how much I weigh? How dare you go to the Huting stronghold?"

"Why doesn't he go to heaven?"

"The chief of staff told me the other day,"

"Li Yunlong is a brat who does not boast,"

"I didn't believe it when I boasted that something would happen."

"Today I believe it, I can't fucking boast!"

The brigade commander in the microphone continued to roar: "Zhao Gang, you have only been working in the independent regiment for a few days? Why are you messing around with Li Yunlong? The independent regiment is now responsible for the security tasks of the headquarters. Go attack the Huting stronghold! It's simply unreasonable!"

Zhao Gang also panicked, and asked, "Brigade Commander, is it serious?"

"The fortifications of the Huting stronghold are extremely strong. Even if a brigade of Lao Tzu goes up there, it may not be able to take it down in a short time. However, the main force of the Japanese 4th Brigade in Yangquan can arrive within half a day. Do you think it is serious?" Brigade He said with a long breath, "The most important thing is the safety of the headquarters."

"If something happens to the headquarters,"

"Even if he shoots Li Yunlong a hundred times, he won't be able to make up for it!"

Speaking of this, the brigade commander snapped the phone, but the phone was not hung up, so the conversation between the brigade commander and the chief of staff could still be heard.

"Are you back, Chief of Staff? Just in time."

"Let me ask you, which unit is closest to the Huting stronghold?"

"Xinyi Regiment! The Xinyi Regiment is only 30 kilometers away from Huting stronghold."

"Immediately order the new regiment to rush to the Huting stronghold, hurry up, it's urgent!"

"Huting stronghold? Brigadier, what troops are we attacking Huting stronghold?"

"Who else is there? Isn't it Li Yunlong's idiot? This idiot took one of his regiments to attack the devil's heavily guarded Huting stronghold!"

"My God, how dare this kid really dare?"

"I'll just say that this kid doesn't need to boast, and something will happen if he praises."

"This time he caused a serious problem. I will shoot him later."

"However, it is still necessary to notify the new regiment immediately and rush to help the Huting stronghold."

During the speech, the microphone was picked up again, and then the signal was completely hung up.

Zhao Gang's mood began to become uneasy, what will happen to the independent group?


Huting stronghold.

Li Yun Chinchilla stooped into the attacking position.

I saw Kong Jie staring at him with bull eyes, staring at the 1st Battalion Commander Guan Dashan.

The 1st Battalion's attack on the Huting stronghold was unsuccessful. The outer trench defense line and the nine bunkers guarded by the puppet troops have been successfully captured, but the core position consisting of three gun towers is guarded by more than 9 little devils. The 50st Battalion rushed several times but failed to take it down. Instead, more than a dozen commanders and fighters were sacrificed.

These are veterans who have experienced many battles, Guan Dashan trembled with distress.

Li Yunlong didn't care about the embarrassment on Kong Jie's face, but he didn't show any affection: "Kong Er, what are you doing? There are only a few dozen devils in the Huting stronghold, why haven't they been beaten for a long time? Lao Tzu Over 200 devils and 300 puppet troops have been killed in Tiger Bay."

Kong Jie was full of anger at this meeting, but he couldn't express it in the face of Li Yunlong.

Those who are inferior in skills deserve to be beaten, and those who are not effective in combat deserve to be ridiculed. There is nothing to say about this.

Guan Dashan said with a bitter face: "Commander, the devil's three gun towers are distributed in a zigzag shape, which can form flank protection for each other. No matter which gun tower we approach, we will be shot from the side by the other two gun towers. We rushed six times before. Seven times, all of which were brought back by the little devil's machine gun fire."

Li Yunlong got angry, and cursed: "You kid is really a brain, can't you dig tunnels?"

"It doesn't work to dig a tunnel." Guan Dashan pointed to the top of the gun tower and said, "The devil has set up two mortars on the roof of the gun tower. As long as our soldiers dig a tunnel, the devil's artillery will immediately fire the shells. Damn it!" The Devil Artillery can shoot accurately, they just hit wherever they want, and we have no chance to dig tunnels at all."

Kong Jie also said, "Besides, the soil here is too hard to dig."

"Your dog days will grow others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige."

Li Yunlong scolded: "The devil's cannon is accurate, so we won't fight?"

Speaking of this meal, Li Yunlong turned back and shouted: "Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang?!"

Wang Ye quickly brought Wang Gensheng to Li Yunlong, and asked with a smile, "Head, do you want Gensheng to smash the little devil's gun tower with a grenade?"

"Only you are smart."

Li Yunlong chuckled, then asked Wang Gensheng, "Gensheng, are you sure?"

Wang Gensheng checked the distance with his eyes, shook his head and said, "The distance has exceeded 100 meters, and I can't reach it. I can only throw it more than 90 meters at most, and I can only throw it accurately within 50 meters."

Li Yunlong immediately called Guan Dashan, the commander of the 1st Battalion, and Wang Huaibao, the commander of the 3rd Battalion, to his front, and said in a deep voice, "You two should organize an attack immediately to attract the attention of the devils to the two wings."

"Yes!" Guan Dashan and Wang Huaibao promised to leave.

"Wait a minute." Wang Ye quickly stopped the two battalion commanders.

Li Yunlong said: "Xiao Wang, do you have any good ideas?"

"I don't have a good solution." Wang Ye chuckled and said, "But I happen to know the weak point of the Huting stronghold, and I can send Gensheng safely within 50 meters!"

"Weak point?" Li Yunlong asked, "Where is it?"

Wang Ye then took out the deployment map drawn by Liu Dongtang from his arms: "Look, Commander, and Deputy Commander Kong, this is the deployment map of the Huting stronghold."

"The fortifications at the Huting stronghold were actually repaired in two phases."

"The original fortifications were only the three gun towers in the middle."

"These three turrets have been carefully repaired, and they can just form flank protection for each other, and the outer shooting range is also very wide, so it is basically impossible to reach close blasting."

"But then the Huting stronghold underwent an expansion."

"Nine blockhouses were built on the periphery, which seemed to be more tightly defended, but actually blocked the firing range of the three central gun towers."

"There just happened to be a dead spot for shooting."

"Not only the machine guns on the turret can't hit it,"

"Even the mortar on the top of the gun tower can't hit it."

Li Yunlong laughed and said: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!"

"Yes." Wang Ye agreed, and immediately led Wang Gensheng into a corner.

It was a blind spot, and it was a dead spot. Wang Ye and Wang Gensheng approached within 50 meters, and the devils and puppet troops in the three blockhouses did not respond. They neither fired nor fired.

Next is Wang Gensheng's personal show.

In order to increase the lethality, Wang Gensheng did not use the wooden-handled grenade made in the border area, but the [-]-type grenade captured by the devils. Five [-]-type grenades were thrown, four of which were thrown into the gun tower along the machine gun hole, and only one There was a slight deviation in the pellet, and it hit the wall and failed to be thrown into the gun tower.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After four consecutive explosions,

The devils and puppet troops hiding in the No. 1 gun tower immediately suffered heavy casualties.

Those who survived by luck were also stunned by the bombing, unable to react immediately.

The machine gun fire in No. 1 blockhouse was destroyed, and the remaining No. 2 and No. 3 blockhouses could no longer form all-round flank protection. Guan Dashan and Wang Huaibao took the opportunity to lead their respective commandos to launch a general attack.

This time the attack went very smoothly. After paying the price of several soldiers casualties, they successfully arrived at the gun tower, and then directly threw grenades and explosives into the machine gun holes.

The independent regiment used five catties of explosives made in the border area.

After two huge explosions, No. 2 and No. 3 gun towers were directly blown down.

With the destruction of the three gun towers, it also means that the Huting stronghold has been completely taken down.

There may still be a small number of devils and puppet troops hiding in the rows of bungalows in the middle of the stronghold, but they are no longer invincible.

Li Yunlong jumped up directly from the bunker where he was hiding, raised his pistol and shouted: "Keep your eyes open for me, search every corner carefully, don't let a devil or puppet army go."

"Yes!" Hundreds of soldiers from the two battalions responded loudly.

Chapter 46

Four p.m.

Yangquan County, the headquarters of the 4th Brigade of the Japanese Army.

Hideo Maeda asked Chief of Staff Isamu Kimura: "Mr. Kimura, the phone number at the Huting stronghold is still not working?"

"Yes, I still can't get through. It is estimated that Tuba Road is doing sabotage again." Kimura Yong nodded and said, "However, I have ordered the Niuzhuang stronghold closest to the Huting stronghold to send telephone soldiers to repair the telephone lines. , if there are no accidents, the phone line should be restored soon."

"These dirt roads are really lingering."

Maeda Hideo frowned and said, "However, hasn't the Black Island United Squadron sent a cavalry squadron to the Huting stronghold? Why haven't they wiped out this group of Tubalu?"

"Yes, the Black Island United has sent a squadron to the Huting stronghold."

Kimura Yong said helplessly: "I don't know what this cavalry squadron is doing?"

"It's not an option to go on like this." Maeda Hide said, "The phone at Huting's stronghold breaks down every three days, and nothing happens. If something happens, we won't be able to rescue it in time."

Yuki Kimura took it seriously and said: "It is really necessary to think of a perfect plan."

While the two were talking, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

Maeda Hideo grabbed the phone and said, "Maxi Maxi, this is the 4th Brigade."

"Brigade Commander!" A slightly flustered voice came from the other end of the phone, "I'm Nakamura Shou."

"Nakamura-kun?" Maeda Hideo's expression turned serious, and he said in a deep voice, "The Niuzhuang stronghold has been attacked?"

Nakamura Shou was the garrison captain of the Niuzhuang stronghold, and he only had an infantry squad and a puppet company under his command.

"No, the Niuzhuang stronghold has not been attacked." Nakamura Shou replied, "But the Huting stronghold is in danger!"

"Nani?" Maeda Xiu's face became more and more embarrassing, and he said with a dark face, "How could the Huting stronghold be in danger?"

Nakamura Shou said: "Brigade Commander, the communications troops sent by Maeda-kun just arrived at our Niuzhuang stronghold, and he reported a shocking situation to me."

Maeda Hide said: "What's the situation?"

Nakamura Shou said: "The main force of the garrison team at the Huting stronghold has been surrounded by the main force of the Eighth Route Army at Tiger Bay, five kilometers away from the stronghold. The situation is urgent, and we request urgent reinforcements from the brigade and regiment department!"

"Baga!" Maeda Xiu said angrily, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Speaking of this, Maeda Hideo hung up the phone without a word of unnecessary nonsense.

Kimura Yong said: "Brigade Commander, what happened? Was the Huting stronghold attacked?"

Hideo Maeda didn't say much, but waved his hand and said, "Kimura-kun, call the Kuroshima unit immediately, and ask Kuroshima-kun to immediately gather the main force of the cavalry unit and rush to the Huting stronghold."

"Hai!" Kimura paused bravely and grabbed the phone again.

"Maxi Maxi, this is the Brigade Headquarters, please pick up the Black Island Regiment."

Maeda Hideo put on his military cap and walked straight out of his office.

"Sakurata-kun? Sakurada-kun!" Maeda Hideo called his adjutant Yuta Sakurada to the front and shouted, "Order, the 22nd Infantry Regiment must gather urgently!"

Isamu Sakurada nodded fiercely:



386 Brigade Department.

The Brigadier was pacing up and down.

"No, I'm still worried, this time there might be a big trouble!"

The brigade commander said with a worried face: "Although the Huting stronghold hangs alone on the outskirts of the fortifications along Zhengtai Road and belongs to the salient, it occupies a pivotal position in the entire defense system of the Japanese 4th Brigade. The old devil will definitely not tolerate the independent regiment taking down the Huting stronghold."

The Chief of Staff asked: "Brigade Commander, what do you mean?"

The brigade commander said in a deep voice: "I'm worried that the 4th Brigade will send out all its strength to reinforce the Huting stronghold."

"In this case, the new regiment alone may not be able to stop it." The chief of staff said in a deep voice, "otherwise, should the 772 regiment also be transferred?"

"Tune it all over, all over it!"

The brigade commander went all out and said loudly: "Not only the 772 regiment, but also the local troops in the third and fifth divisions must also be mobilized to launch sabotage operations along the road."

"Tell all the participating troops that I have only one request from them."

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