"Fart, you can't even tell a lie." Wang Ye cursed, and then said, "Everyone follow me."

"Hey." More than a dozen war wolves agreed, and got on their horses one after another, but no one asked Wang Ye where he was going?

At this time, even if Wang Ye took them to fight Taiyuan, they would dare to go, and there was nothing they would not dare to do.

Wang Ye didn't say much, and returned to the narrow valley with more than a dozen war wolves, and followed the traces left by the ghost cavalry to find the place where the horse's corpse was buried.

"Dig it for me!" Wang Ye ordered.

More than a dozen war wolves waved their bayonets one after another.

But after a while, the horse corpses were dug up one by one.

Devil cavalry don't eat their own war horses, but the Eighth Route Army can eat them.

These six horses, at least two thousand catties of meat, and the horse's offal, are enough for their wolf team to eat for several months, how can they let it rot for nothing?

Chapter 36

Yang Village, the resident of the Independence Group.

The cavalry company has begun training.

However, marshalling is not done yet,

The structure of platoons and squads has not yet been established.

Because the squad platoon leader of the cavalry company is not easy to choose.

Although the 128 veterans of the cavalry company are all experienced veterans,

But to Sun Desheng, these veterans are basically no different from recruits, because none of them have ever been cavalry, and they all have to train from scratch.

The requirements of the cavalry are extremely strict.

The first important thing is the equestrian chop.

The most important method for cavalry to kill the enemy is to stab. If you can't practice horsemanship, you are not a real cavalry, at most you can only be regarded as an infantryman on horseback.

But equestrian chopping is not so easy to practice.

At the beginning, you can neither use a real knife nor practice directly on horseback.

Sun Desheng borrowed more than a dozen logs from a fellow villager and fixed them with bricks. He asked the veterans of the cavalry company to ride on the logs to practice equestrian chopping and thrusting.

This time the veteran quit.

Who are you bullying?Not without horses.

A few thorns immediately took the lead in shouting.

Sun Desheng also had a bad temper, and he didn't say much when he saw this. When he walked up to the thorn who screamed the most, the one who covered his head and face was whipped.

When Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang walked over, they happened to see this scene.

The thorns were dealt with submissively by Sun Desheng, but Zhao Gang refused.

"Company Commander Sun." Zhao Gang said with a dark face, "Come here! I have something to tell you."

Although Zhao Gang was very angry, he still saved face for Sun Desheng and did not criticize him in public.

Sun Desheng didn't know what he did wrong, so he trotted over and stood at attention with his knife straight: "The political commissar of the regiment commander, the cavalry company is conducting equestrian chopping and stabbing training, please instruct, Sun Desheng, the commander of the cavalry company."

"Equestrian chopping and stabbing training?" Li Yunlong smiled, "Is this a wooden horse chopping and stabbing training?"

Sun Desheng said: "Commander, you don't know, these guys have never been cavalrymen before, let them mount the horses directly, it is easy to hurt the horses during training, and it may damage the quality of the horses."

Li Yunlong asked curiously: "I can understand the damage to the horse, but what if the quality of the horse is damaged?"

Sun Desheng said: "Regimental Commander, the horses of our cavalry company are well-trained military horses, especially those Oriental horses, which are first-class military horses, stronger than the horses of the 69th Army."

"Of course." Li Yunlong said proudly, "This is a serious military horse. Our independent regiment took all the trouble to capture it from the devils and puppet soldiers."

After a pause, he said, "But how did you find out?"

"Head and political commissar, look." Sun Desheng pointed to the stables, and said: "The heads of military horses are held up at all times, even when they sleep, they only lower their heads when they are eating. And they absolutely do not eat horse feed outside the trough, this is the biggest difference between military horses and livestock."

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang turned their heads to look, and it was true that all the army horses had their heads held high.

Sun Desheng said again: "I have passed the horses of our cavalry company one by one, and they are all well-trained, so I will never let these guys get on the horses easily. , I don't put them on horses until they're ready to be a real cavalryman."

Li Yunlong smiled and said: "Old Zhao, this is an expert, you and I don't understand these things."

Zhao Gang's face also looked better, but he still said seriously: "You have to master the training standard, Company Commander Sun. Beating, scolding and corporal punishment of soldiers are absolutely not allowed."

Sun Desheng frowned and said, "But the political commissar, some soldiers just don't deserve to be drawn."

"That can't be fought." Zhao Gang said, "You can do ideological work."

"Ideological work?" Sun Desheng looked confused, "We don't know this?"

"You don't know how to do ideological work, do you? I'll teach you how to do it." Li Yunlong said unhappily, "When you meet someone who is disobedient or lazy, just tell him, brother, I beg you, brother, I will kneel down for you ,Ok?"

"Ah?" Sun Desheng was completely messed up, and Zhao Gang also looked embarrassed.

At that moment, Zhao Gang no longer insisted on his own opinion, and said in a low voice: "You can control the scale yourself."

"Yes." Sun Desheng replied, but he was still dazed, and went back to training in despair.

Li Yunlong waited for Zhao Gang to catch up before saying: "Old Zhao, orders are dead, but people are alive. For a cavalry company, the formation of combat effectiveness within three months is the most important thing, and nothing else is important, right?" ?”

Zhao Gang nodded silently, and said, "Head, can you stop calling me Lao Zhao? I'm only 26 years old, and I still can't afford to be called Lao Zhao."

"If I don't call you Lao Zhao, what do you call you?"

Li Yunlong smiled and said, "How about calling you Xiao Zhao?"

Zhao Gang thought to himself, Xiao Zhao is even worse, making me seem like your subordinate.

At that moment, Zhao Gang said angrily: "Forget it, then you should call me Lao Zhao, and I will also call you Lao Li."

"No problem, I'm older than you, so you can call me Lao Li." Li Yunlong laughed and said, "Old Zhao, you're right if you think so. This is the age of war, and the little devil won't Give us the opportunity to train our soldiers slowly, so we must do everything possible to train our soldiers well in the shortest possible time.”

"To achieve this goal, break a little scale,"

"If you make a small mistake, there is nothing to say."

"Even if the brigade commander and division commander know about it, it doesn't matter."

"I, Li Yunlong, are not bragging, and the brigade commander doesn't dare to punish me for this..."

Just as he was talking happily, a rough voice sounded: "Li Yunlong, I dare not punish you for something?"

Li Yunlong was startled when he heard the words. When he looked up quickly, he saw two riders parked under a tree not far in front. The rider in the lead was wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. Who else could it be if it wasn't the brigade commander?

"Hey, brigade commander." Li Yunlong put on a smile on his face immediately, and said again, "Where are you going?"

"Don't worry about where I'm going." The brigade commander waved his hand and said with a dark face, "Please explain to me what you just said, I dare not punish you for what? Ang?"

Li Yunlong smiled apologetically, "Brigade Commander, I'm just joking with the political commissar."

Zhao Gang paid the military salute, but said: "Brigade Commander, Lao Li is discussing the issue of troop training with me. Although there are some differences in methods and methods, the general purpose is still the same. We both believe that principles should be followed in times of war, but You can't just stick to the rules and don't know how to adapt, that would become dogmatism."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes." Li Yunlong said repeatedly, "Doctrinaire."

The brigade commander's face softened, and he said: "I'm going to the third division to inspect the work this time, and I happened to pass by Yangcun, so I stopped by to see your independent group, Li Yunlong, you won't be welcome, right?"

"How can it be?" Li Yunlong hurriedly said, "Brigade Commander, of course we welcome you to come."

"Really?" The brigade commander laughed loudly, "Aren't you afraid of being robbed by me?"

Li Yunlong's face shuddered twice, and he smiled reluctantly: "Our independent regiment is already jingling poor, and we don't have anything we want. If you think it's good, brigade commander, just take it."

"Li Yunlong, you said that." The brigade commander laughed, "Then I want someone from you, Wang Ye."

Li Yunlong immediately slapped himself in the face and said: "Brigade Commander, what I'm talking about is supplies. Whatever supplies you like, just take them, but equipment and people are not included."

"You boy, I knew you were reluctant."

The brigade commander said with a smile: "Okay, I won't rob you, but it's not too much to treat me to lunch, right? I heard that your independent regiment just killed a horse, and there is horse meat to eat."

"Ham, Brigadier, if you want to fight the autumn wind, just say it, I was shocked just now."

Li Yunlong breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said: "But there is really no horse meat, only cabbage and potatoes."

"Isn't that right?" The brigade commander said angrily, "I just heard from the soldiers that they just killed a horse yesterday, and it took only one day to finish it?"

"Brigade Commander, those are all rumors."

Li Yunlong said: "Horses are so precious, how could we kill them for meat."

While talking, Li Yunlong winked at Xiao Zhang, the guard, and told him to go back to the regiment headquarters to inform Lao Wang, and quickly hide the horse meat and intestines hanging in the yard.

Xiao Zhang understood and left quietly.

When Li Yunlong was proud of himself, there were a few hisses of horses in the distance.

When I looked back, I saw the Wolf Warriors team walking in from the entrance of the village beaming with a dozen horses.

Li Yunlong made a rough count, and there were as many as seventeen horses in total. Li Yunlong immediately smiled, and the wolf team made a fortune again?

But soon, Li Yunlong's expression fell down again.

Because Li Yunlong discovered that there was actually meat on the horse's back.

A blind man can see the horse meat one by one.

The brigade commander was immediately happy, and asked with a smile: "Li Yunlong, didn't you say there is no meat?"

Li Yunlong had no way to deny it now, so he could only say helplessly: "Brigade Commander, this is a coincidence, I didn't even know that Xiao Wang could get back the horse meat today."

Chapter 37

While speaking, the Wolf Warriors team had come up close.

Wang Ye stood at attention and saluted, "Leader, political commissar."

When he turned around and saw the Brigadier, he quickly saluted again: "Brigade Commander."

"Xiao Wang, do you know me?" The brigade commander was strict with Li Yunlong, but very easy-going with Wang Ye.

"I know." Wang Yexin said, can I still not know you?Your old man is the founding general of the country, but he said, "The head of the regiment often said in front of us that the brigade commander is the person he admires the most. There is no one."

In a word, the brigade commander and Li Yunlong were very comfortable, and they thought that Xiao Wang could talk.

The smile on the Brigadier's face became more and more amiable, and he asked again: "Are you...going out to do a side job again?"

"No, we are busy with training." Seeing Li Yunlong hiding on the brigade commander's back and winking at him, Wang Ye knew that Li Yunlong didn't want the brigade commander to know about the Huting stronghold, so he immediately said nonsense, "Just come back On the way, I encountered a cavalry squad of devils, and they were cleaned up without any hassle."

The brigade commander said: "You killed a cavalry squad?"

"I couldn't wipe them all out, so I ran a few." Wang Ye shook his head, and said, "Also, six army horses were injured in the firefight. Even if they were cured, they would not be able to become army horses, so they could only be killed."

Li Yunlong's face showed pain, what a good army horse.

Sun Desheng sneaked over at some point, and couldn't help complaining when he heard Wang Ye's words: "Can't you be more careful? Don't hit horses and only hit devils during firefights. ?”

"What the hell are you talking about? It's already a fight, who can care so much?"

Wang Ye didn't want to talk nonsense with Sun Desheng, but Wei Dayong couldn't help it. Last time he caused Lao Wang to lose his account of the deputy battalion level and he still hasn't settled with you, and he's still going up with his face?Is this another desire to embezzle the Dongyang horse captured by our Wolf Warriors team or something?This time, I will say that Po Datian will not give you the cavalry company.

"Who are you scolding? Try scolding again?"

Sun Desheng immediately became unhappy. Who in the whole regiment would dare to scold him except the head and political commissar?

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Li Yunlong became impatient, and said angrily, "Shut up the fuck!"

Li Yunlong roared, Wei Dayong immediately fell silent, and Sun Desheng returned to the training ground in despair.

Li Yunlong smiled again and said to the brigade commander: "Brigade commander, I made you laugh, let's go, let's go to the regiment headquarters to talk."

At the same time, Wei Dayong was asked to send the horse meat back quickly, and handed it over to Mr. Wang of the cooking class to prepare a sumptuous lunch.

The brigade commander followed Li Yunlong to the regiment headquarters, but he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He still remembered that when he came to the independent regiment last time, all the commanders and fighters of the regiment were listless, let alone quarreling, and they didn't even speak loudly.

In less than two months, the independent regiment has become a howling army, a bundle of dry firewood, and if one is not paying attention, it may ignite into a skyrocketing fire.

This kid Li Yunlong really knows how to lead troops.

The only downside is that it is too troublesome!

Thinking of this, the brigade commander said again: "Li Yunlong, do you know why I made a detour to Yangcun?"

Li Yunlong thought to himself, Brigadier, don't you just want to eat meat?But he said: "Brigade Commander, Chinese New Year is coming soon, you must be thinking about the soldiers of our independent regiment, so come and have a look."

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