Open a casino?

That is the territory of the Little Tiger Gang, they dare not touch it.

Some brothers have no livelihood, and the women at home have become prostitutes, and they have been harassed by other gangs for protection money.

So they banded together and made their fortunes from this business.

Even now, they only work as a platform, and the women in the casino can leave if they want, and stay if they want.

Otherwise, Sister Hong wouldn't be the county magistrate's concubine.

Seeing that they were suffering so much, Lu Bai decided to help the master.

He suggested, "It's not necessary to kill people, the master just returns the demon pill to you."

The cat demon blinked, "Alright."

The master hesitated.

Lu Bai persuaded him, "Master, you violated the precept of greed by snatching the Toad Jingdong Yaodan, and returning it is your chance to mend the Buddha's heart."

"But what I robbed was a monster."

"Hey, you're all monsters."

Lu Bai found out that the master had been brainwashed too severely, and he didn't have the consciousness to be a monster.

Lu Bai pulled Yuchun up and asked him to persuade the master.

Yuchun stood up, glanced at the cat demon, and knew that if the demon pill was not returned, this matter would not be resolved.

He whispered to the leader for a while.

The leader nodded, "That's right, if you don't accumulate small goodness, you can't become a saint. Yuchun, it's because you are enlightened, and I am possessed."

He let Yuchun leave.


He vomited.

A bleak demon pill spit out in his palm.

The light flashed.

The master gang leader became a huge mouse.

The cat demon was quick and grabbed the demon pill.

"Got it."

She put it away satisfied.


Yuchun looks at her.

"Oh, after losing the demon pill, there will be a period of weakness, and it will be almost at noon tomorrow."

The cat demon told him not to worry.

She is leaving.

Lu Bai's affairs are over, and he was about to leave, "Hey, my talisman..."

He picked it up, and the master only had time to draw five or six.

Forget it.

Use it barely.

Lu Bai and the cat demon went out, "You said just now that cats kill and kidnap, but murderers also accept?"

The cat demon nodded.

"Then help me arrest someone and kill him again." Lu Bai said.


Li Zhishi's nephew.

The son of Hangzhou Juren was killed by Lu Bai.

The Li Mansion is heavily guarded, and he wants the cat demon to help.

Chapter 73 The Murderer

"Li Zhishi is a warrior, can you do it?" Lu Bai was worried.

The cat demon asked: "Same as you?"

"Not far."

"That's fine!"

The cat demon immediately patted his chest and promised, "It's agreed, it will be counted as two pieces of silver."

Kidnapped once.

Kill once.

Lu Bai agreed.

"I will leave Luyuanfang the day after tomorrow, so you will do it then." Lu Bai said.

As for the deposit.

Lu Bai will send a cart of dried fish there tomorrow.

"Ha, you're still on the road."

The cat demon wanted to pat Lu Bai on the shoulder, but because she was short, Lu Bai patted her head instead.


The cat demon continued to be vigilant.

Cunning humans.

She turned around and jumped towards the wall next to her. She transformed into a cat in the air.



Clothes blocked sight and movement, causing her to hit the wall.


Lu Bai was so happy that he couldn't walk over, so he helped her out and took his clothes.


The cat demon waved his paw and disappeared.


Lu Bai went home overnight without finding anything.

The next day.

Lu Bai went to the Yamen early.

"Capture the head!"

Ruan Xiong and the others surrounded him.

"No, it should be called the leader now." Ruan Xiong smiled wryly.

"Why, you guys also store salt?" Lu Bai was surprised.

Ruan Xiong nodded.

He asked Lu Bai at that time, but he was so soft-spoken among his insiders, and the leader of the gang didn't listen to him.


Lu Bai patted them on the shoulder and asked them to continue undercover, "It's a fine tradition of our gang to go undercover."

He appointed Ruan Xiong as the captain of the undercover team.

Ruan Xiong was surprised, "Boss, are you quitting?"

Then he nodded.


Now that the leader is entangled in mundane affairs, it is not appropriate to be a head arrester.

If you are not happy, cut off the head of the county magistrate.

"The head catcher is going to be a Jin Yiwei."

Lu Bai lit up his sign.

Everyone was stunned, and they all gave a thumbs up, "Master, bull!"

Lu Bai asked them to talk about the female corpse case.

Ruan Xiong and the others actually have nothing to say.

The murderer was brutal, and he broke into the room regardless of whether there was a man in the woman's house.

If there are men, kill them together, and then violate

When the family found out, one family killed and then violated.

If not, kill the woman and violate it.

The time is variable, there are day and night.

The only certainty is that the murderer is a master, he comes and goes without a trace, there is not much movement, and the neighbors did not hear him.

Skilled in killing.

The flesh was cut in the chest, without the slightest tremor.

"Let me see the corpse." Lu Bai frowned.

Ruan Xiong led him there.

Several skeletons are on display.

As Da Hei Niu said, their deaths were extremely tragic, and it could be seen that the murderer was very cruel.

Lu Bai found no useful clues on his injuries or knife marks.

"Where is their home?" Lu Bai asked

The entire Deer Park Square.

Ruan Xiong shook his head, "There is no pattern."

"No, that's the rule."

A murderer who came and went without a trace, who dared to kill in the daytime without fear of being discovered.

He will not kill people around the workshop in order not to expose his position.

The murderer is killing people everywhere in the workshop, it must be that these women have some kind of characteristics, which attracted his attention and caused the disaster of killing him.

"Chest..." Ruan Xiong guessed.


Lu Bai shook his head, his eyes were very vicious, he had seen them earlier, and they were of different sizes.

Different height and hair.

But the five senses...

At the beginning, he didn't realize it, but after taking a closer look, Lu Bai was a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"Old Ruan, hurry up, another woman died, Grandma's, this case is evil..." A policeman led a group of people and walked in carrying the corpse. Seeing Lu Bai, he hurriedly said respectfully: "Mr. came back."

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