Li Shimin smiled lightly, and said: "It's not enough just to accuse, it has to make them furious, it has to make them feel humiliated, otherwise, it's not enough to accomplish anything."

Yuchi Jingde said no more, bowed his hands and turned around to leave.

However, Li Shimin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at the people present and said: "Here comes the order, Tiance Mansion sends [-] troops to approach the northwest, directly cross the territory of Hedong Road, and start provocations at the border of Liang State and Dai Prefecture."

Everyone was shocked, someone stood up to persuade them to come in, and said worriedly: "Hedong Dao is in the hands of the family, how can our [-] army easily borrow the way?"

Li Shimin looked leisurely, and suddenly turned to look in the direction of Chang'an, saying: "In three days, there must be an imperial decree, so this dispatch of troops is a legitimate transfer..."


... two-in-one super large chapter.

Chapter 15 [The Meeting of Wind and Cloud]

All conspiracies and tricks are never without reason.

In ancient times, there were some important news, which actually spread quite quickly. The reason is very simple. Attention makes people happy.


In Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty, the morning meeting of the court.

This morning is a bit weird, and many people have worries on their faces.

But seeing a minister suddenly walk out of the court, he raised his voice and said: "I heard that since ancient times, the king should not exercise too much power. If there are soldiers and horses in his hands, it will be the source of turmoil. The king of Qin holds a large army in his hands and supports himself with dignity. At the beginning of the founding of the country, this was a good thing, but today, it has become a problem."

Another minister came out and said loudly: "Soldiers, the important affairs of the country should be in the hands of the emperor. The Ministry of War plans military affairs, but the King of Qin privately mobilized the army to leave the territory without the approval of the Ministry of War. This is a crime of exceeding power, Sima Zhao Zhixin is known to everyone..."

In the past year or so, it was normal for family officials to criticize Li Shimin. Normally, the emperor Li Yuan would listen attentively, but today was different. Li Yuan was clearly furious.


But seeing the founding emperor slap the dragon chair heavily, he asked in a serious tone: "I have something that I don't understand, and I want all my lovers to clarify. I ask, if your daughter is bullied, what should I do?"

The faces of the two ministers who reported it froze immediately.

Li Yuan didn't wait for the two to speak, and said in a cold voice: "My daughter, Xiuning, is stationed on the frontier. Although she doesn't talk about her meritorious service, she is actually a guardian. The reason why the entire Central Plains is stable is because she is a woman who sticks to the north. I said To put it mildly, you are able to stay in Guanzhong because of her merits, but when my girl was framed, did any of you ever think about giving her a sigh of relief..."

The two ministers sighed in their hearts, and were about to explain this matter.

Unexpectedly, Li Yuan is different from the past today, he no longer maintains the calmness of the emperor, and suddenly shouted: "Liang Shidu, the enemy of the Tang Dynasty. Since he dared to frame my daughter, Li Yuan is not the same as him. This time, the only thing that can be done is to destroy it." battle of nations."

He suddenly looked towards the middle of the court, and said in a deep voice: "Decree, General Tiance's Mansion will send out a large army to cross the river east and send troops to Daizhou."

With this will alone, Li Shimin's private mobilization of the army is no longer a violation.

The officials of the aristocratic family of the Manchu Dynasty felt anxious, what they were most worried about was that the Tiance Mansion's army would enter the Hedong Road.

Today, the Tiance Mansion and the Crown Prince's Mansion are in conflict. The two sides are fighting for the imperial power. There are ten regions in the world, each of which has to fight for it. If the Tiance Mansion enters the Hedong Road, the aristocratic family will lose this area in a short time. .

However, Li Yuan had already issued his order.

Obviously blocking is not an option.

Wang Si, the patriarch of the Wang Clan, pondered for a moment, and suddenly said to Li Jiancheng: "His Royal Highness always loves my sister, so why don't you show something in this matter?"

This is an act of advancing with retreat. If the family wants to stop Tiance Mansion, they can only use soldiers against soldiers.

Li Jiancheng was well aware of this, but he was really angry this time. His anger was not because of the Tiance Mansion's dispatch of troops, but because his sister was almost killed.

Those who are elder brothers are most likely to feel revenge for such things.

He stood up abruptly, cupped his hands towards Li Yuan, and only said one sentence, but one sentence was enough, and said: "Father, this minister wants to vent his anger on my sister. Erlang has already dispatched an army, and this minister will also send out an army." ..."

Li Yuan seemed to have made up his mind a long time ago, and asked directly: "What do you want?"

Li Jiancheng said without hesitation, "Liang Guo, fight."

"it is good!"

Li Yuan slapped the dragon chair heavily, and suddenly issued another decree, saying in a deep voice: "I am ordering Duan Decao, the general manager of Yanzhou, to take charge of this battle against the Liang Kingdom, and no matter if the army of Tiance's government or the commander of the crown prince's guard, they must be assigned by him." , jointly expropriate Liang Guo."

As soon as this decree came out, the Manchu family was startled, Wang Si almost blurted out, and subconsciously said: "Your Majesty, this is an act of taking advantage of the opportunity."

Unexpectedly, Li Yuan looked at him coldly, and asked with deep meaning: "I am the lord of the Tang Dynasty, and I don't need to seize anyone's military power, but I don't know Wang Zhongyun's Aiqing, whose military power you are talking about?"

Wang Si sighed in his heart, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty's right."


The body of Yun Wei, the general of the three states, was hung up. The news was like a hurricane sweeping across the earth. In just ten days, it spread throughout the Central Plains.

Even the grasslands and the Western Regions are also concerned.

Everyone knows this is no small matter...

There were 20 armored women in the Detachment of Women, and Liang Shidu dared to plot against the commander of the Detachment of Women. Such a shameful humiliation, hanging the corpse is considered light.

It is likely to set off a swordsmanship.

The frontier army has always been the most capable army.

Once the 20 Women's Army takes action, it is likely to be an endless battle, which will change the power structure of the world, and maybe Liang Guo will become history from now on...

In this era, no one dared to underestimate Li Xiuning's fury.


Hebei Road, Youzhou.

There is a big city here, named Fanyang City, and there is a big family in the city, which is the Lu family of Fanyang, who is ranked among the five surnames and seven Wang.

At this time, in the Lu family's mansion, a study room was slowly pushed away, someone looked west with his hands behind his back, and suddenly let out a soft sigh.

The man murmured: "The wind is going to blow up soon, and the wind will be very strong. It's a pity that I, Fan Yang Lu, think that I am as stable as a mountain, but I don't know if I can hold on in this strong wind." To be swept away..."

A scribe stood by the door with his hands hanging down. He couldn't help shaking his body when he heard the words, and said in a low voice: "Why did you say that, sir? Could it be that you have a bad premonition?"

Young Master Lu glanced at him, and answered the wrong question: "When do you think women are most dangerous?"

The scribe was puzzled at first, then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he blurted out: "You mean Princess Pingyang?"

"Not bad!"

Mr. Lu stood with his hands behind his back, sighed softly, and said: "Women are weak by nature, but mothers are strong. As long as any woman has a child, she will become dangerous because of protecting her calf, just like the little beast in the mountain. You are weak and deceitful, but when the little beast's child falls into the tiger's mouth, the little beast dares to stretch out its claws to catch the tiger's eyes. The great love when motherhood protects the calf is the most powerful bravery at this time."

As he spoke, he glanced at the scribe, and said with a wry smile: "Ordinary women are like small beasts in the mountains. They even dare to bark their teeth with a tiger for the sake of their children, but Li Xiuning is not an ordinary woman. She is a strange woman who will not give up to her beard!"

The scribe nodded subconsciously, and said emotionally: "It may not be possible to produce one person in 500 years."

Young Master Lu looked up at the sky, and murmured: "Throughout the ages, which woman can hold the power of soldiers and horses? The 20 women's army is all armored. It's ridiculous that our Fanyang Lu family went to provoke..."

The scribe nodded again, and said with a slightly pale face: "It's fine if it's an ordinary provocation, but he designed to frame her and the child. Once this matter is leaked, it will be a disaster for the Lu family."

Mr. Lu's complexion also turned pale, and he said bitterly: "It's ridiculous that uncle and the others thought they were doing it a secret, but in fact there is no impenetrable wall in the world? They secretly colluded with Liang Shidu and encouraged others to seize the Hebei Road. Leaving aside the fact that he has failed, so what if he succeeds? Liang Shidu is a hero of the generation, how can he really fulfill his promise, even if this person wins the whole of Hebei, he will not give Lu Shi a sip of soup."

The scribe suddenly lowered his voice, and said: "The plan has failed, Li Xiuning is already furious, and it is heard that Li Shimin from the Tiance Mansion has also stated that he killed the general of the Daizhou of Liang State and hung it on the border. Maybe it won't be long before the Tang Dynasty will send troops to Liang Shidu , once this person can't bear the pressure, he will definitely tell about Lu's collusion with him. At that time, no family in the world will dare to help Lu..."

He paused while talking, looked carefully at Mr. Lu, and tentatively said: "The five surnames in the Central Plains are Qiwang, and there are already six families. As the heir of the Lu family, my son, why don't you follow the example of those six young masters? Let's also split the family and keep one line for the Lu family."


Young Master Lu shook his head slowly, and said with a bitter face: "Zheng Guanyu and the others were able to separate the family because they held more than half of the power in the family, and my son is a false name. Few people in the entire Lu family listen to me."

The scribe looked resolute, and suddenly cupped his hands in salute and said: "Then we have to separate the family, and we can count as many people as we can take away."

Mr. Lu's face was hesitant, and it took a long time before he made up his mind, and said solemnly: "Zheng Guanyu and the others will separate their families and return to their ancestral land with their clansmen. If we separate, we can only leave the ancestral land and go to other places. From then on From now on, wandering without a place to live.”

Seeing that he had made up his mind, the scribes quickly gave him a way out after the separation, and suggested, "You can go to Jiangnan."

Mr. Lu was startled for a moment, and then murmured to himself: "My wife is from the daughter of the Xie family in the south of the Yangtze River. It is indeed feasible to join the Xie family, but it is difficult to live under the fence."

"Jiangdu is short of Captain Jiangdu. If you can get this position, my son, our branch will be able to settle down in Jiangdu."

"Lieutenant Jiang? That's a member of the fifth rank. Although I am the son of the Lu family, I am not qualified for the time being."

"So I ask people to give up their capital to find this shortage..."

"Ask who?"

"Gu Tianya!"


Mr. Lu was stunned immediately, his eyes showed an expression of disbelief, and subconsciously said: "You let me beg Gu Tianya? How could you let me beg Gu Tianya?"

The scribe looked serious, and said in a deep voice, "No one can help us except him."

Mr. Lu didn't wrinkle, he said very puzzled: "But why did he help us? His wife was almost killed by our Lu."

The scribe slowly shook his head, and said: "It is your uncle who colluded with Liang Shidu, not you, Mr. Lu. I have carefully considered Gu Tianya's character and found that he is not a person who likes to get involved. As long as we put this matter to rest Make it clear, Gu Tianya will not treat us as enemies..."

Mr. Lu's complexion turned pale, and he blurted out: "Are you asking me to inform you? Selling out my own family?"

The scribe let out a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice: "This matter cannot be hidden for too long, Master Liang will definitely tell everything, so we only have one chance!"

He stopped here for a while, looked around carefully, and said in a low voice: "Those in power in the family have already engraved arrogance and arrogance in their bones. In recent decades, Fan Yang and the Lu family have made enemies everywhere. A big tree with deep roots actually attracts the we are not betraying, but to preserve the Lu family."

Mr. Lu's face was at war with heaven and man, obviously it was difficult to make up his mind for a while.

The scribe sighed, reached out to hold his palm suddenly, and said earnestly: "When a big ship is doomed to sink, anyone jumping off the ship and fleeing is just a way of survival. will support our ideas."

"it is good!"

Young Master Lu finally made up his mind, suddenly raised his head to look in a certain direction, and said in a deep voice: "I am determined to separate the family and lead a Lu family to survive, but I will not beg Gu Tianya, because there is no friendship between us. "

"My son's words are wrong. There is no permanent enemy in the world. As long as you are ahead of Liang Shidu and tell Gu Tianya the secret first, as a way to get closer, you will definitely win Gu Tianya's approval..."

"Can whistleblowing be recognized by others? Telling a whistleblower will only make people laugh."

"Young master, you have to understand that we are not informers. Since ancient times when the army was fighting, any piece of news could change the outcome of the game. Let's tell Gu Tianya the secret of Fan Yang Lu's collusion with Liang Shidu, and he will make various arrangements in advance. Ready and alert."

"So what? It's not a great achievement."

"How could it not be a great achievement? This is to relieve the hidden danger of Hebei Dao being attacked by enemies. Fan Yang Lu has operated Hebei Dao for hundreds of years. Once he cooperates with Master Liang in the chaotic situation, it will be a big problem. But we told the secret in advance and let the Detachment of Women win first." It's half over...Young master, those who achieve great things should be cruel. Don't you see, Li Shimin even wants to fight for the crown prince of his own brother in order to fight for the imperial power. Don't estimate family affection, those who are in power in the Lu family are not our fellow travelers."


The scribes persuaded each other hard, and put forward various reasons. Finally, Mr. Lu's expression turned serious, he suddenly looked up to the sky and sighed, and said bitterly: "I hope future generations can understand my painstaking efforts."

Hearing that his tone softened, the scribe immediately knew that the matter had come to fruition, and said with great joy: "My son's move is equivalent to preserving Lu's blood. If future generations learn about this, they will only praise the strong man and cut off his wrist."

"A strong man breaks his wrist, alas..." Young Master Lu said with a sad face, "This word really makes people feel sad."

Although he said so, he is a son of a generation after all, with a decisive heart. Once he made up his mind, he would not look back. He suddenly clenched his fists and exhaled, and said in a solemn voice: "Today, I, Fan Yang Luren, are sentenced to leave the family to survive, right and wrong Merits and demerits, posterity will judge."

The scribe reached out to meet his palms, and said in a low voice: "The matter is urgent, let's go to Miyun County tonight, but you must remember, this time I am going only to ask Gu Tianya, do not visit Princess Pingyang, That princess is now in a rage."

Lu Renxu nodded slowly, and said solemnly: "Looking at the world today, only Gu Tianya can persuade Princess Pingyang."

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the other's desperate heart.


... old rules, two chapters in one.

Chapter 151 [Lord of the Gu Family, Minister of the Gu Family]

I have a backstage in the Tang Dynasty Chapter 151 of the main text volume [Master of the Gu Family, Minister of the Gu Family] People from aristocratic families may be useless, but they are definitely not incompetent.

Once you make up your mind, most of them go forward.

Lu Rensun decided to go to Miyun County overnight, and he wanted to see Gu Tianya as soon as possible.

Regardless of whether it is successful or not, there is no way out if you take this step.


The so-called desperate move is to gamble everything, either achieve the goal or lose everything.

It takes a lot of courage!

From Fanyang City to Miyun County, it only takes two hours to ride a fast horse, but Lu Rensun didn't rush to Miyun alone because he broke the boat.

This young master of the Lu family, who was having trouble holding power in the family, directly brought everyone in his branch, including his wife, concubines, and toddler children, and more than [-] people took advantage of the darkness to leave quietly. Leaving Lu's house.

When they arrived outside Fanyang City, the scribe had already been waiting. Ten carts and more than 200 domestic servants gathered in a convoy and headed towards Miyun County overnight.

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