Cai Bo smiled and admitted frankly: "Of course not, my Xie family can only be punished by my Xie family. This is our family business."

Housework, housework for outsiders to see, Chu Zhao said with a half-smile, "Aren't you afraid that the people will see it?"

She told people from Xie's family on the street that she wanted to escort him to the government office, and she wanted to sit and watch, and naturally many people would walk and watch.

She looked at the closed door of the house. At this time, there must be many people around the door of Xie's house.

Cai Bo looked gentle: "Third Young Master said, in fact, the people will not care if they are sent to the official or not."

Chu Zhao raised his eyebrows: "The third son is not afraid of ruining his reputation?"

Cai Bodao: "Young Master, don't be afraid, just make it up if it's broken." Looking at Chu Zhao, he smiled, "Besides, Miss Chu doesn't care too much."

She really didn't care, Chu Zhao looked at Uncle Cai, or the person behind Uncle Cai, Third Young Master Xie.

It's really great.

Faced with her sudden provocation on the street before, he immediately refuted it back, and now he directly stated that he didn't care about it, and also pointed out that he knew she didn't care.

Chu Zhao didn't answer this question, but said, "It turns out that Mr. Xie is such a person."

Xie Yanlai said in a cold voice, "If you know what kind of person the third son is, get out of here."

Chu Zhao glanced at him, and said coldly, "It's not your turn to talk in this family, right?"

Ah!Xie Yanlai's expression was gloomy, and he was about to step forward.

Another servant came quickly from behind and whispered a few words to Uncle Cai. After whispering, Uncle Cai looked surprised, looked at Xie Yanlai, then at Chu Zhao, suddenly, and then smiled.

"Mr. Yanlai, calm down." He smiled and said, looking at Chu Zhao again, "Since you two know each other, Miss Chu is a guest of my Xie family."

Xie Yanlai paused.

Chu Zhao didn't look at Cai Bo, but looked at Xie Yanlai, his eyes couldn't hide his surprise.

From this sentence, it can be known that Ah Jiu has never mentioned himself to the family, and no one in the Xie family knows that he and Ah Jiu met on the road.

He actually didn't mention a word.



"I was negligent earlier." Xie Yanfang sat by the stream holding a fishing rod, "Although I heard that Miss Chu beat someone and then fled the capital, I also knew that Miss Chu came back again, but I didn't care how Miss Chu came back. One more question—”

He would ask if he was captured by Deng Yi and assisted by King Zhongshan.

They will ask more details about the process, such as how Chu Ling's daughter traveled with the help of post soldiers.

Xie Yan was working as a post soldier when he came.

"No wonder Ms. Chu is so angry on the street." Xie Yanfang turned her head and looked at the girl standing aside, "Seeing my sweetheart being beaten like this makes me feel distressed and angry."

Chu Zhao blinked, a little confused, sweetheart?

Xie Yanfang looked at Xie Yanlai who was beside the girl again.

"You refuse to be married to Ms. Liang's family. You really have an appointment with someone else. I heard that you and Ms. Chu made an appointment to live and die together in front of Zhongshan Wang's son."

He said with a smile, looking at Xie Yanlai, the smile on his face disappeared.

"Yan Lai, you can express your heart in front of outsiders. I am your brother, but you keep it from me. It's really sad to do so."

Chu Zhao understood, and his expression was a little strange.

Xie Yanlai chuckled, gloating.

"It's not my fault." He leaned over and whispered to Chu Zhao, "I told you to get out, if you don't get out, you asked for it."

Chapter 73 Honesty

This girl is a troublesome person.

Xie Yanlai didn't forget what she did, and she talked all kinds of nonsense in order to achieve her goal.

But Xie Yanlai is also a troublesome person.

"It's fine for you to pester anyone, but you shouldn't pester me." He smiled gloatingly, "You're dumbfounded."

He avoided it repeatedly, but the girl insisted on entanglement.

Now she is misunderstood, let's see what she does.

Chu Zhao glanced at him, ignored him, and turned to look at Xie Yanfang.

Earlier, after Cai Bo had spoken to the guest, he invited her to the backyard, and Xie Yanlai also followed.

Compared with the ordinary front yard, when stepping into the backyard door, Chu Zhao saw that it was as exquisite as Chu Garden. After walking around a flower path and green vines, the young master sitting by the stream appeared in sight.

Compared with what he saw in the restaurant before, the third young master Xie at home today is much more casual. His jet-black hair is tied with a wooden hairpin, or a crooked branch. Chu Zhao couldn't help but look at it more. With two eyes, I suspect that it was randomly broken off from a flower tree beside it, because it can't be scattered when meeting guests.

He was wearing a half-worn white robe and a black gold silk belt, and he was sitting loosely on the ground. He was holding a fishing rod with his sleeves rolled up, exposing his forearms.

"I didn't expect Miss Chu to have such a friendship with my brother." He continued, watching the boy and the girl whispering in each other's ears, "The last time we met in Yaqu Pavilion, I didn't say hello. I was rude."

And, it wasn't just no hello either.

"Also, about Chu Yuan—"

Before he finished speaking, the girl took a step forward.

"Third Young Master Xie, you have misunderstood." She said, "I met Xie Yanlai because of you."

These words startled the two sons surnamed Xie.

The next moment Xie Yan came and laughed, and came again and again, this scene is no stranger, at this moment, he is Xiao Xun who rescued people by the river, and Third Young Master Xie was him at that time!

tsk tsk tsk.

Xie Yanfang was not angry or uncomfortable, she was startled and then smiled.

Xie Yanlai raised his eyebrows at the side with a half-smile, the third son Xie has been surrounded by women since he was born, and he has seen the countless tricks women have used for him, the third son Xie does not touch himself, he does not believe and is not afraid of your nonsense !

Xie Yanfang said: "Miss Chu, I have admired your father for a long time, so I asked Yan to greet me for me. I didn't mean anything else."

Is this talking about asking Xie Yan to send a private message to his father?Do you think you came here for your father?He also misunderstood, but it doesn't matter.

"Third Young Master, I didn't do these things on the street just now to tarnish your reputation." Chu Zhao continued, "I came to see you."

Heh - Xie Yanlai clicked his tongue twice, looking at the girl's sincere eyes, except that she was less pitiful, she was exactly the same as that Ah Fu at the inn.

This kind of trick is too ridiculous for a person like Xie Yanfang, so he won't pay attention to it.

Xie Yanfang was a little surprised: "Miss Chu has something to do with me?"

Chu Zhao nodded: "Yes." Wanting to say something, he looked around again——

What to look around, just look at him directly?Xie Yanlai sneered.

"Yan Lai." Xie Yanfang said, "Go down."

Xie Yanlai sneered, turned around and left, walked to the gate of the courtyard one step at a time, then looked back, and saw that Xie Yanfang had put away her fishing rod.

"Du Qi." He called, "Show Miss Chu a seat."

Du Qi, who was standing aside, fetched a futon.

Chu Zhao was not polite either, and sat down opposite Xie Yanfang.

The girl went straight to the point: "Thank you third son, what do you think of the third prince?"

Heh—— Xie Yanlai paused, stepped on the threshold, and the maidservants waiting at the gate of the courtyard thought he was about to fall, and rushed over to help him.

Seeing Xie Yanlai's messy back wound, the maidservants shed tears, but they didn't dare to cry loudly.

"Why don't you dare to cry? Are you still afraid of being heard?" Xie Yan said, "Cry loudly so that others can hear, otherwise, the beating will be for nothing."

The maidservants burst into tears immediately, causing the ears of the surrounding people to buzz.

"Okay." Said Cai Bo who was standing next to him, "Hurry up and help Young Master Yanlai back, lest the Third Young Master change his mind and send him to the prison cell."

The children of the Xie family who were sent to prison were not worthy to be the children of the Xie family anymore, and they could only die.

The maidservants didn't dare to cry any more, and they didn't allow Xie Yanlai to say anything, they dragged and dragged him away together.

The servants in front of the door also retreated, only Cai Bo was left behind, the middle-aged man who had whipped Xie Yanlai earlier also came, Cai Bo saluted him and called Qi Ye, which shows that this is a Xie family member.

"You really came here for Yanfang?" Xie Qiye asked, frowning and looking inside, he could see the young master and the young girl sitting opposite each other, but he couldn't hear what they said, "Is this what Chu Ling meant?"

Cai Bo shook his head: "I don't know for now, the third son said to find out after looking."

"Xie Yanlai has been hooking up with Chu Ling's daughter for a long time." Xie Qiye said coldly, "He actually kept it from his family. I have already said that this is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. I really should have beaten him to death just now. .”

Then he grinned and shook hands.

"Although I'm not as good as Du Qi, the last two whips can still make this kid lie down for two months."

Uncle Cai smiled: "Master Qi, don't be angry, he is from our family whether he is acquainted or not, Master Qi is also tired, go and have a rest."

Xie Qiye looked at the two people sitting opposite each other again, the girl sat down and was thin and small, she was still a child, she was not worth mentioning in front of Third Young Master Xie, so she walked away with a disdainful smile.



What a brazen kid.

Hearing Chu Zhao's question, Third Young Master Xie smiled without the slightest hesitation: "My identity and that of the Third Prince are predestined, so we don't need to talk about our views on each other."

The answer was honest, it was destined, and it was destined that he and the third prince could not be reconciled. Chu Zhao said: "The third prince is a very dangerous person. Don't think that the third son Xie will be safe if you avoid him."

Is this reminding him that the third prince is not kind?

Or can it be said to be a statement of position?

She thinks that the third prince is not kind and cannot be approached——

Xie Yanfang looked at the girl, thought for a while, and asked, "Miss Chu, can I ask, did you say this, or did your father mean it?"

If it was what she meant, someone like Mr. Xie would not believe it. Chu Zhao said, "It's my father."

Xie Yanfang sat up straight and bowed to the girl: "Yanfang, thank you General Chu for your advice."

Chu Zhao accepted the gift calmly, and made his words clearer: "Third Young Master, don't think that no matter how bad the Third Prince is, he is just a scholar and will only do what a scholar would do."

She looked at Xie Yanfang and lowered her voice.

"Third prince, he knows how to kill, dares to kill, and wants to kill."

Killing people, the third prince actually killed a lot of people, Xie Yanfang looked at the girl, but he understood that the person the girl was talking about now meant the prince.

Will, dare, want.

Xie Yanfang pondered for a moment, then said solemnly: "I've made a note."

Chu Zhao breathed a sigh of relief: "Third Young Master, you will never understand how terrifying people's hearts are, and you can't imagine how terrible things can be done by seemingly harmless people."

Xie Yanfang nodded: "I never dared to claim to be able to read people's hearts, nor did I dare to say that I could grasp anything. The world is impermanent, and people's hearts are unpredictable. No one can definitely guess what will happen in the next moment."

Chu Zhao smiled: "Third Young Master can think so, I can rest assured."

Xie Yanfang smiled slightly: "Miss Chu, there is something I don't want to hide from you, I was going to tell you just now."

What's up?Chu Zhao hurriedly asked, "Third Young Master, please tell me."

"The matter of the Chuyuan Literary Society is actually caused by me." Xie Yanfang said, looking at the girl, "I made the third prince angry at you."

Chu Zhao was stunned, it turned out to be him!

Seeing the girl's eyes widening for a moment, and her porcelain-white face no longer as old-fashioned as before, Xie Yanfang lowered her eyes and smiled, so this is the unpredictability of people's hearts and the impermanence of the world.

You are still kindly reminding the other party to be careful and guard against someone.

And the other party has actually used you to irritate someone, sitting on the wall and watching the tiger fight.

Chapter 74 Drinking

At that time, the door was suddenly blocked by someone, and Chu Zhao guessed who told the third prince.

After all, she and Chu Ke are like dust in the capital, how could the third prince notice them.

Must have been framed.

However, she guessed that the framed person might be Xiao Xun, and she never thought about Mr. Xie at all.

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