Well now.

There are also two purple chests and a golden chest to open.

same as usual.

Open the purple treasure chest first.

The purple treasure chest can contain rare items at the lowest level, and precious items at the highest level. Under Jiang Mingyuan's expectant gaze, the two treasure boxes were opened one by one.

A system prompt appears in front of your eyes:

【Obtain "Seraphim Holy Shield (Precious)"*1】

【Acquire "Song of the Holy Maiden (Precious)"*1】


Jiang Mingyuan's mouth was O-shaped.

Two treasure chests, two precious items!

This time the luck was so good that it exploded!

Calm down the excitement.

Click to see the first item.

【Seraphim Holy Shield】

【Grade】: Precious

[Sturdy]: 300/600 (can be enchanted)

[Durability]: 300/600 (can be enchanted)

[Special ability]: Holy Shield (Consume 5 points of durability, activate Holy Shield, can resist attacks from the enemy not exceeding twice the firmness value for 10 seconds)

[Special ability]: Fiery Explosive Flame (consumes 5 points of durability, and the Fiery Holy Shield bursts out with fiery high-temperature flames, blocking and knocking back enemies, and causing a certain amount of burning damage)

[Special ability]: Embrace of Seraphim (consume 10 points of durability, manipulate flames, form an impenetrable protective shield, block all attacks from the outside world, last for 10 seconds)

[Introduction]: It is rumored that it is a relic of the high-ranking creature Seraphim. Due to unknown reasons, it has disappeared. Now, you have found it!

184章 圣女的源ュ发-自║9?8:0!2:0ヘ[email protected]>5ュ6发吟唱

It is a defensive shield.

Jiang Mingyuan carefully looked at the equipment in front of him.

It is shining golden, with four corners in total. These corners are made up of a pair of crossed angel wings, and in the middle is a huge green emerald gemstone.

Gems, gold, angel wings...

These give the equipment a noble and elegant air.

As if, this is not like a defensive equipment that can be used to fight against attacks, perhaps, it should be called a beautiful and priceless work of art.

Not just looking pretty.

About the three abilities of this blazing angel holy shield.

It made Jiang Mingyuan breathe heavily.

"Holy Shield" can last ten seconds to resist the attack from the enemy, as long as it does not exceed 2 times the firmness value. "Blazing and Explosive Flame" can burst out scorching heat, force the enemy back, and cause a certain amount of damage. It can be said that this ability allows the Seraph Shield to have a certain ability to integrate offense and defense.

The last "Seraphim's Embrace".

It can be called absolute defense.

However, the flame shield formed should not be so exaggerated that it can resist any form of attack, and there should also be a threshold.

This defensive shield.

It is somewhat similar to the scarlet sword and shield that was released earlier.In terms of appearance alone, this Seraph's holy shield is bigger and heavier. Basically, it can block two-thirds of the body area when it is placed horizontally in front of the body.

"Now with this shield, then..."

Jiang Mingyuan took out the two shields he had obtained before from his backpack, namely the big turtle shield and the scarlet sword shield, and his face was tangled.

"It's annoying, there are too many shields."

I thought about it.

Only the big tortoise shield was left.

The other two were put into the backpack.

"Leave this to Dabai!"

So far, Dabai has not had a shield with special properties, but this big tortoise shield fits it well.

Summons Dabai.

Directly to this guy.

Then schedule it to go out and do other things.


Jiang Mingyuan set his sights on another piece of equipment.

【Song of the Holy Maiden】

【Grade】: Precious

[Sturdy]: 120/240 (can be enchanted)

[Durability]: 120/240 (can be enchanted)

[Special ability]: Changing voice (consumes 2 points of durability, through the loudspeaker device, the emitted sound can be modified and changed, optional options: majestic, obscene, clip, royal sister, loli...)

[Special ability]: Variations (Consume 5 points of durability, through the loudspeaker device, emit sound waves of different bands, the smallest band has no real damage, the largest band can make people's ears ring.)

[Special ability]: Requiem (consumes 10 points of durability, through the loudspeaker device, it can cause substantial sonic damage, making the soul and body tremble)

[Introduction]: The producer is a great singer and inventor. No one knows her lyrics and singing voice. Her invention has epoch-making significance!


to be frank.

When looking at it for the first time.

Jiang Mingyuan had already guessed that this was a sound equipment. From the appearance, the equipment looked a bit like a staff, about half a meter long.

But at the very top of the staff.

But a device similar to a speaker is installed.

There is a small horn, a big horn, and a honeycomb-shaped ball in between.The two speakers are generally golden, and there are circles of loudspeaker lines inside.

Below that loudspeaker.

A female statue with green angel wings spread out on her back and her mouth open to show her singing voice is holding a golden square object in her arms, with incomprehensible words written on it.

The female statues are beautiful.

Pointy ears, long fluttering hair, although the eyes are closed, but the slightly opened mouth and the expression of intoxicated singing give people a feeling of being alive.

Coupled with the green angel wings on the back, it looks like an elf in the forest.

Ethereal, beautiful, not profane!

And it is precisely because of this stone beauty.

It directly raised the overall appearance of the equipment, making it no longer so monotonous and boring, and even made Jiang Mingyuan feel a little intoxicated by it.

See the stone beauty.

Jiang Mingyuan suddenly realized at this moment, like waking up from a dream.

Now he knows why this equipment is called——

The chant of the saint.

Because it fits so well!

This equipment.

In Jiang Mingyuan's heart.

It has been included in the ranks of art.

Although it is a work of art, the equipment is not inferior in terms of practicality.

Three special abilities:

Variations, Variations, Requiem.

It can be said that the charm and power of sound have been brought to the extreme. If it is classified into different categories, this equipment should belong to the category of sonic weapons.

Fair use of words.

The effect is outstanding.

to be frank.

The first two special abilities of this piece of equipment are equivalent to the voice changer and microphone in the previous world. If the two are used at the same time, unexpected chemical changes may occur.

Carefully put it into the backpack.

His eyes fell on the last golden treasure chest.

"I don't know what can be opened this time?"

with anticipation.

Jiang Mingyuan opened the treasure chest.

【Acquire "Jet Flying Fish Wings (Precious)"*1】


Jiang Mingyuan blinked hard.

This time.

Unexpectedly, the precious grade was issued.

"It's broken, luck has run out."

Only one precious level was opened for the golden treasure chest. Compared with the previous few times, this luck is really a bit of a stretch.

hold your breath.

Jiang Mingyuan's eyes fell on the items that were offered.

It's not the best, but it's worth a look.

"This thing looks like a flying device..."

【Jet Flying Fish Wings】

【Grade】: Precious

[Sturdy]: 120/240 (can be enchanted)

[Durability]: 120/240 (can be enchanted)

[Special Ability]: Soaring (Wear this equipment and jump vertically at a high place, may you soar above the nine heavens!)

[Special Ability]: Nitrogen Acceleration (When soaring in the sky, you can consume 5 points of durability, enable Nitrogen Acceleration, and increase the flight speed by 4 times, duration: 40 seconds.)

[Introduction]: Inventor: Dilmaqi Xiaozhongni, who has devoted his life to researching various flying devices. He likes the feeling of flying in the sky freely. This device is one of his representative masterpieces.


It was the invention of Dilmaqi Xiaozhongni, but Jiang Mingyuan didn't know this person at all.

From the looks of it.

This thing is indeed a flying device.

There is a pair of wings, the shape of half a leaf, the color is a gradual and transparent color, from light blue to dark blue to purple, and the length is about four meters or more.

Touch it with your hands.

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