Whenever they encounter survivors, they will be mobbed and attacked, as if they have become street rats that everyone yells for beating and killing.

For this kind of person.

Jiang Mingyuan could not feel any compassion.

What did you think when you killed people, but now you want to repent, bow your head and admit your mistakes, and those dead just died in vain?In the past, I didn't know how many times I was shot.

If he sees it, he must be subjected to the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty. First, he will be maimed and his spirit will be destroyed, and then this shameless bastard will die.

For these reasons, Jiang Mingyuan would definitely not do such a thing as murder and extortion, unless he met someone with a famous name.

Therefore, currently there are only two ways to earn points, enchanting and exploring secret realms.

In my opinion.

If you don't want to waste a lot of time.

Secret Realm is the most suitable.

Moreover, with his current equipment strength, there should be no fatal threat in these secret realms, as long as it is done, be cautious and prudent, prepare in advance and prepare for the worst, presumably there will be no major problems.

"I've been to the Wailing Sand Dunes, I've been to the Dry Blood Mountain Range, and now I still have the Ancient City of Storms, the recently obtained Hallownest Relics card, and the fixed point secret place Gendaya."

Jiang Mingyuan counted these three in detail.

His face was a little troubled.

Although he has never been to the Ancient Storm Capital, he still knows a little bit about it through the live broadcast and the world channel and forums.

Some survivors left their bones and remains there, some got treasure chests there, passed a certain event... various situations are common.


It's Hallownest.

Jiang Mingyuan was a little curious about the ruins. He really wanted to see what would be inside.

As for the fixed-point secret realm Gendaya.

I have been there once, and to be honest, the environment there is much more complicated and weird than the Weeping Sand Dunes and Dry Blood Mountains that I have been to before, and the possible dangers are also more terrifying.

Speaking of this.

Jiang Mingyuan thought of the eyeball monster he had encountered before, as well as the disgusting and poisonous braised pork, and his body shivered involuntarily.

Gendaya Secret Realm.

I don't want to go for the time being, so now, only the ancient capital of storm and the ruins of Hallownest are left. Driven by curiosity, Jiang Mingyuan prefers the ruins of Hallownest.

I have cultivated for so many days.

My idle heart also began to agitate.

adjust your mindset.

Checking the equipment on his body, thinking that this teleportation might be different, Jiang Mingyuan pondered for a moment, and put Dabai, Sanbai, Sibai, Wubai, and Xiaobai into the system backpack.

The remaining two white housekeepers.

Then take out the Hallownest Ruins post and click to use it.

A system prompt box appears in front of you:

[Friends from afar, I am very glad that you have used this invitation and pay tribute to your bravery!Please close your eyes and start your new journey! 】

"Can you just close your eyes?"

Jiang Mingyuan's expression was confused.

This method is a bit strange, but he has already prepared in advance, so he didn't have too many worries. When he opened and closed his eyes, his vision fell into the darkness.

I do not know how long it has been.

A chilly feeling made Jiang Mingyuan open his eyes, but he still couldn't see anything.

"Here, where is it?"

It was dark and silent all around.

He only heard his own breathing.

Instinctively, Jiang Mingyuan planned to take out the skull crystal lantern to illuminate the pitch-black darkness around him, but nothing appeared in his hand.

Jiang Mingyuan: "???"

what's the situation? !

Still don't understand what happened.


Jiang Mingyuan suddenly screamed out.

"Fuck, where are my clothes?!"

In the quiet darkness, there was a lingering echo. Jiang Mingyuan anxiously stroked his body with both hands. Now he has nothing on his body and is naked.

What is this situation? !

Heart a little flustered.

He wanted to open the backpack and summon Dabai Sanbai and other "people", but there was no response.

Just when I gradually became overwhelmed.

A cold voice without any emotion sounded in my mind:

【Friends from afar, welcome to Hallownest. In order to welcome you, we have baptized you and discarded all filthy things except you. Please don't worry! 】

The voice echoed in his head.

What he told made Jiang Mingyuan silent.

"Baptize me and get rid of the filth... Does this voice mean that none of my equipment, items, skeleton followers, clothes, etc. came here with me?"

if so.

So now he.

Isn't it a small ordinary person.

"Can I go back?"

[Yes/No return to the wasteland world? 】

A voice came from his mind again, and the inner question was answered. Hearing these words, Jiang Mingyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good to be able to go back.

Now it's not as panicky as before.


Looking at the pitch-black surroundings, the corners of Jiang Mingyuan's mouth twitched a little. Excuse me, what should he do now?

Chapter 141 The Dream Nail

This feeling.

As if returning to the time when I came to the wasteland world at the beginning, I couldn't help but ask again:

who am I?

where am I?

What am I going to do?

Without lighting equipment, even with eyes, it is impossible to walk on the ground in such a dark environment, in case there is an unknown danger...

The feeling of being overwhelmed filled the atrium again.


The body trembled.

The environment here is not only dark, but the temperature is also extremely low. After staying in place for a while, Jiang Mingyuan felt the cold air eroding his body, and he shivered from the cold.


Not far in front of you.

A faint light suddenly appeared.

It was a spot of light floating in midair, like a bright light, dispelling part of the surrounding darkness, and shortly thereafter, as if a chain reaction had occurred, more spots of light appeared in the air and floated in the air.

And with the appearance of these light spots, the originally pitch-black environment was gradually shrouded in light, and everything around became clear.

in the retina.

Reflect the scene of this space.

The ground is composed of some kind of gray-black giant cobblestones, paved into a wide road. In the gaps between these giant cobblestones, there are some strangely shaped yellow weeds, which are two meters high, and the leaves are like umbrella handles. Slightly curved, swaying in the breeze.

When the line of sight is focused.

There is no system prompt in front of me.It seems that the creatures here cannot be identified by the Illustrated Book of Everything.

"Let's call you Tall Grass with Umbrella Handle for now!"

Since he couldn't identify it, Jiang Mingyuan chose a random name based on the shape of the plant.

Except for this plant.

There are also some semi-curved sharp corners standing on the road, about three meters high, each section is like a bamboo shoot, but the whole is stone, the same color as the stone on the ground, showing gray black.

Turn your head.

on both sides of this road.

There are countless huge stones piled up, the color is also gray-black, some are like silkworm chrysalis, fat in the middle, sharp on both sides, with some curved nicks on them, some are round, like pumpkins, but also very huge.

"Like a fossil..." Jiang Mingyuan couldn't help expressing his feelings when he saw these stones.

These strangely shaped stones are piled up.


Lift your head and look up.

The height of the piles is so high that you can't see the top. This scene falls into your eyes, and you can only be shocked!

Look back and look behind you.

It is an irregular wall piled up with huge silkworm chrysalis stones. The height is unknown, because the top cannot be seen, and the area behind has been completely blocked by this irregular wall.

Stand up from the ground.

Jiang Mingyuan walked up to the irregular wall.

Putting one hand on the silkworm chrysalis pressed at the bottom, I can feel the cold and hard touch. The surface of the silkworm chrysalis is smooth. If I want to climb up from here, I'm afraid it's impossible.


Can only move forward.

Turn around.

Looking ahead, Jiang Mingyuan's throat rolled.

Without weapons and skeleton followers, he is really panicking now. If a more powerful monster appears randomly, he will send it directly.

This Hallownest relic is too cheating.

Anyway, it's better to leave him a weapon for self-defense.

This is the case now.

Not going in, not going back.

Tangled in his heart, Jiang Mingyuan heaved a long sigh, no matter what, the first step must be taken after all.

"Can't be cowardly!"

Grit your teeth.

Jiang Mingyuan raised his foot and walked forward.

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