Eyes converge.

The item information appears in front of you.

【Hallownest Ruins Sticker】

[category]: invitation letter

[Number of Uses]: Unlimited

[Introduction: Those Forsaken, you have been invited by them, use this post, you can arrive at the ruins of Hallownest, there will be a refreshing world! 】

[Yes/No to use this sticker? 】


Read the information.

Jiang Mingyuan seemed to understand something.

But I didn't fully understand it.

According to the information and introduction, this thing is an invitation letter, through which he can enter the place called "Hallownest Remains".


Kind of like "The Secret".

But it is different from the secret realm.

"It shouldn't be bad if it comes from the golden treasure chest." The grade of this thing is not specified, but according to common sense, the golden treasure chest must not be a bad product, and it should be a precious grade at the very least.

Now it seems.

This invitation is required.

In order to see the real value of this thing.

"The ruins and the secret realm should be about the same."

Jiang Mingyuan fell into deep thought.

If this is the case, then when entering the ruins, one must be fully prepared and at the same time plan for the worst.

I just experienced the secret realm of Dry Blood Mountain.

I don't want to take any more adventures for the time being. Let's talk about this in a few days.

Put it into the system backpack.

Jiang Mingyuan turned his neck, and all the treasure chests have been opened. Next, put the food and daily necessities opened from the white treasure chests where they should be.

Food is kept in the refrigerator.

Daily necessities are put into scale boxes.

After these are done.

Turning around and going to the first floor, he found Xiaobai and asked the little guy to get more than a dozen units of soil from the outside. After giving the order, Jiang Mingyuan came to the kiln.

The 100 yuan ceramic brick was taken away.

on the east side.

Find a sunny spot.

Commanded two skeleton followers to build a square-shaped low-walled space with an area of ​​20 square meters, almost half a meter high.

split in the middle.

10 square meters on each side.

After building.

Xiaobai also collected the soil.

Jiang Mingyuan directly asked him to put the soil into the low wall that had just been made. After a while, the originally empty interior was filled with fluffy soil.

Take out the "Treant Seed" from your backpack.

Bury it on both sides in turn. After this step is done, pour some water on it.


Open the shelter door.

Come outside.

There were four more seeds in Jiang Mingyuan's palm.

The piranha seeds must be planted outside. Not long ago, Jiang Mingyuan had already thought about where these four seeds should be planted.

The walls on both sides of the gate.

Extending two or three meters further is the soil structure land.

Four seeds, two of each kind on either side.

when not buried.Put a few pieces of wild animal meat in each.In order to prevent forgetting where to plant them, Jiang Mingyuan specially arranged a circle of clay bricks around each seed.

After doing this step.

Go back to the shelter.

Find Dabai and let him take care of the six plants.

Treant seeds only need water, soil and sunlight. Jiang Mingyuan specifically mentioned the four piranha seeds. This plant needs a lot of meat to grow and develop. When Dabai has nothing to do, he can go hunting and take the prey Feed the four piranhas.

Finish these orders.

It's getting late.

After dinner.

Go back to the bedroom via the spiral staircase.

There are items to be enchanted on the table in front of them, namely: heaven and hell bow and arrow, blue arc cloak, Martin boots, electric energy stick.

There are four in total.

All enchanted to precious level words.

It takes about 12 hours or so.

For today, temporarily enchant the bow and arrow of heaven and hell and the blue arc cloak to the precious level, and continue to enchant the remaining Martin boots and electric sticks until tomorrow.


Eight o'clock at night.

Heaven and Hell Bow enchanted to precious.

The specific information value is:

【Heaven and Hell Bow and Arrow】

【Grade】: Precious

[Sturdy]: 160/320 (can be enchanted)

[Range]: 200 meters/400 meters (can be enchanted)

[Durability]: 160/320 (can be enchanted)

[Special ability]: Heaven (Consume 2 points of durability, when you shoot the bow and arrow, the damage of the bow and arrow will increase by 4 times, if you kill the opponent, the dead will ascend to heaven.)

[Special ability]: Hell (Consume 2 points of durability, when you shoot the bow and arrow, the damage of the bow and arrow will increase by 4 times, if you kill the opponent, the dead will fall into hell.)

[Introduction: From one of the masterpieces of Kraun Dilin Enjie's life! 】


Enchant to precious level.

The bow itself hasn't changed much.

The special ability was not born, it just increased the original double damage to quadruple damage. If you continue to enchant, the increase may only be these two points.


But this improvement is not bad.

After putting away the bow and arrow of heaven and hell.

Continue to enchant the blue arc cloak.

Eleven at night.

The enchantment is complete.

The specific information value is:

【Blue Arc Cloak】

【Grade】: Precious

[Sturdy]: 80/160 (can be enchanted)

[Durability]: 80/160 (can be enchanted)

[Special Ability]: Stealth (Consume 2 points of durability, after wearing this dress, you can gain the ability of "invisibility" for 5 seconds, so you cannot be detected by the eyes of the enemy.)

[Introduction: It is one of the masterpieces of master Claude Dilin Enjie's life, I believe you will like it! 】


Enchant to precious level.

The overall look has not changed much, but the color is darker, like the deep sea.

"Sure enough, no special ability was born."

Jiang Mingyuan murmured in a low voice after reading the message.


The hiding time has been directly increased to 5 seconds.

And it only costs 2 durability points.


Jiang Mingyuan did the math.

He can continue to consume 78 points of durability and gain 195 seconds of invisibility, which is almost a minute. This improvement can be said to be very good.

"Combined with the snake-tooth dagger, it is a perfect match for assassination!"

Jiang Mingyuan smiled.

These two together make a perfect match.

Chapter 137 Quick Step

It is late at night.

Putting the blue arc cloak into the system backpack, Jiang Mingyuan lay on the bed and fell asleep. In the early morning, the familiar weather forecast rang through the eardrums.

【Weather forecast! 】

[Yellow warning for strong winds! 】

[Ultraviolet rays - weak]

【Sensible temperature: 16℃】

[Suitable for home use, please wear a mask when going out! 】

Opening his sleepy eyes, Jiang Mingyuan slowly got up from the bed, sat on the head of the bed with his buttocks, and leaned his back on the head of the bed. According to the usual practice, he turned on the World Channel to browse the information.

"Hey, hey, brothers, get up and report that you are safe!"

"If you have something to play, you will retreat."

"Yesterday was really dangerous. I almost fell into the hands of the predator after killing the Red Mist corpse and the Red Mist hyena. Fortunately, I was superior."

"The people who formed the group have something to say, we have a total of about a hundred people, but yesterday directly came thousands of Red Mist corpses, hundreds of Red Mist hyenas, and a hundred or so Red Mist predators.

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